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Messages - Azendac

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stop /pol/e smoking my thread

this is thread is a fine example of why nobody on 4chan likes /pol/
Because everyone overacts the second they realize /pol/ isn't some redneck caricature and can back up their claims when pressed unlike it's critics? yeah I'd be pissed if /pol/ kept proving me wrong too.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:26:48 PM »
Before you read any further, one of Obama's top donators has recently been arrested on charges of raping children and the media is largely silent on it. If this were someone this closely related to Trump we'd be hearing about it nonstop, so why is the media silent on this potential pedo?
What is pizzagate?

A conspiracy theory the alt right believes in that claims that the upper echelon of the DNC is engaged in human trafficking and having sex with children because one of them made a joke in an email about how there was hair on one of their pizzas from a place called comet pizza.
One of the main investigators is a former Huffington Post writter, David Seaman, and prior to this getting big, wikileaks strangely released some old FBI documents on "how to spot coded language amongst child trafickers" so dismissing this as just the alt-right being stupid is bullshit and you know it.

Now there is significantly more evidence than just that, and we already know that spirit cooking isn't a hoax, so don't try to take a single piece of evidence and act like it's all htw air, because there's a good chance your defending pedophilic child trafficking, real classy.

Now as for the OP, I never bothered to make a thread on this because all of the evidence is largely circumstantial, that's not good enough to condemn people, but there is enough to warrant further investigation. Evidence includes
-hundreds of similar emails involving high up government officials and clinton connections being ecstatic over pizza, hotdogs, walnuts, ice cream, sauce, and maps, while talking at end for hours about them and planning specific "meals" months in advance
Here's a quote from one of the emails
the realtor found a handkerchief (I think is has a map that is pizza related)
There's plenty of other bizzare sounding sentences involving what might be codewords, but we do know for a fact that handkerchiefs are code for homosexual fetish preferences.

Now the code words are actually the weakest piece of circumstantial evidence, their relevance was mainly to kick things off. A more interesting thing to note is, why is the owner of a small pizza shop  the 49th most powerful person in Washington. Why has he gotten to visit the whitehouse multiple times, and meet with the president at least once? Why did Obama pay him tens of thousands of dollars, when all white house food has to be made on site? he wasn't paid for his pizzas.

Now one of the bigger red flags is the pictures present in this pizza shop that is meant to be "family friendly", as well as the social media posts of the owners:

This one is taken from the bathroom of a "family friendly pizza place", and they're promoting it online, explain this.

Translator's note: The shirt says "I LOVE CHILDREN"

Finally we have one that's a bit more out there, but grows credible the more you hear. Despite comet ping pong being a "family friendly pizza place", they did some gigs for a band called "sex stains"

That's pretty weird on it's own that this posted would be in a family friendly place, but it gets wierder if we look at one of the band's music videos: (and they also make jokes about having sex with children, you can't make this up)
This part of the video is also the thumbnail for it, so they knew what they were showing. Now focus your attention on that spiral triangle, that's an FBI recognized symbol used by pedophiles:

The reason this becomes even more credible, is because the pizza place right next to comet ping pong had this symbol as part of their logo, until pizzagate happened and they promptly removed it, I wonder why.

Finally, we have the media's and podesta's response. Just like gamergate, we have all the big name media in the world trying to dismiss this as a hateful conspiracy theory, and If you all remember back towards the end of GG's relevancy, they gaters were vindicated since the Game Journo Pros list among numerous other pieces of hard evidence, proved that the media were all colluding with one another to push a narrative, and cover up the sexual relations with eachother. Now we have the exact same event just with pedophile replacing journalists.

Meanwhile, despite tens of thousands of people calling him a pedophile, and this scandal only getting bigger, Podesta has yet to to post anything since nov 7, So we can only assume he's taking some advice from lawyers not to incriminate himself in any statement.

So that's it, id you're not going to do your research then don't opine people. I didn't want to even mention this since it's still circumstantial evidence, but it's a hell of a lot more than we had for gamergate in the early days, and that turned out to be right about everything.

It's written in the first chapter of the new testament that Jesus was also a goy, who has I believe greek ancestry. He then goes around Israel telling jews that they're being money grubbing dicks and should lighten up and be less vain. The moral of Christianity is to think twice before fucking someone's mother.
Gentiles were arab too. Mary was not white. Jesus was a Jew though, biblical jew, and the biblical jews are far removed from the modern Ashkenazi image with descriptions more resembling a southern Iraqi than a real white man.
To be honest, I don't have problem with jesus being rabbinical as fuck, because it's a good reminder that you should always be careful with talking in absolutes. Even the yids have made amazing contribution to mathematics and science, I personally own a large book written by one Abraham Robinson, great jew he is. I wouldn't even care about jews if they just stuck to Israel.

god I hate my own race

especially cadenza
Love you 2 bae. This is 778 replies now, can we just switch to pms if you want to continue this? not that anybody wants to continue this, but it's seriously offtopic.

Some voted because they can't stand foreigners or because "british jobs for british workers", while others realized how important cheap migrant workers are for British businesses.
Trying to defend endless immigration with "it's good for the economy" is a moot point, you've got your priorities backwards. The economy exists to serve the people not the other way around. Brexit was fundamentally about whether or not Britain would remain a white country, or if it would become a paki/arab/polish mess, anyone saying they voted leave for any other reason is just being PC to avoid harassment and cries of racism.

Now I never expected Brexit to be allowed to happen by Brussels, or even the Tories. What I expected and continue to expect is it to give justification to a Frexit, Italexit, Grexit, etc. etc. When half the Union is voting to leave, and at the same time Russia ends the war in Syria but the "refugees" don't go back (why else is it called the migrant crisis? migrant implies they're going to stay in Europe, refugee implies they'll eventually go back), you'll have a situation that can only be solved with a dissolution of the EU.

Yes, the economy will tank, and we'll all feel it for a few years, that's a small price to pay when the alternative is Eurabia (especially considering the economy will bounce back anyway)
Couple of things
1. There is nothing wrong with the polish, they integrate well and work hard, what more can you want from immigrants?
2. The pakistani/indian population here far preceeds the EU and again, short of a few issues with some of the more recent ones (i.e Rotherham) they aren't really a problem for the UK. Sikhs and Hindus at least, Islam being Islam is where a lot of the integration issues come from in that region.
3. The EU has very little to do with the recent migrant hordes (in terms of the UK, what they are doing to their own countries is appalling) because britain doesn't have to take any of them in even if we were still in the EU.

Net migration is ridiculously high here regardless of where it comes from though, it would have been better to clamp down on it 10 years ago instead of flipflopping until it's reached this stage.
1. Consider the effect it has on Poland itself, this is one of my more reasonable gripes with "skilled immigration" you take the best people out of a country that needs them far more than you do, and then if they settle down and have kids, their children will regress to the mean and be like the normal people of the country they came from, not the "cream of the crop" like their parents. Siphoning polish talent to Britain and siphoning pound sterlings back to Poland, is only going to make them dependent on continued immigration to the UK. Similar to how Mexico earns more money from it's immigrants sending money back home, then they do from their entire oil industry. The poles have to go back, they're killing Poland if they stay.

2. I'm well aware that this goes back several decades, Camp of the Saints was written in 1973 after all. The point i'm making is that politics has a certain amount of momentum/inertia to it. Once one idea gets popular traction, related ideas become much more easily accepted, this is the basis of the overton window. You give people a taste of telling the government to fuck off, and you see everyone around you doing the same thing, and then all of a sudden you can succesfully campaign on changing things that have stayed the same for decades. And also, it really doesn't matter which country they're coming from, here in New Zealand the problem is Chinese (both immigrants, and speculators and foreign investors) and Indians. My opinion is still the same, they're killing us and they have to go back, even if they came here legally.

3. It should be clear by now that I want the EU gone, though I'm still quite partial to some kind of official co-operation between EU states. The whole world benefits when Europeans aren't killing eachother so anything that keeps it that way is a good thing, but that requires Europe to stay European.

I'll also say that I tend to think on a larger time scale than you might be assuming, do you all remember the reports a few years back of "all of europe, america, and oceania, will have white minorities by the 2040's" ? that's sort of the scale i'm thinking here. So even if you say "well there's actually not many immigrants now, and they don't commit that much crime anyway" it doesn't change the fact that assimilation means they'll be sticking around and having kids and grandkids, and nobody has yet made a compelling argument for ethnic cleansing to me.
It's a fair point and one I agree with, hence why I'd like to see limited immigration rather than unchecked or none.

If we're going to go a little tangential then the issues regarding white minority aren't really where I'd be looking. Quality and quantity basically. To put it simply, the smart in society aren't breeding half as much as the drones are. You are ending up with less children from bright parents and more from dolescum.

Until this balance is corrected, i.e we stop the peasantry from breeding like rabbits, and maybe use the 'E' word a little bit to promote some healthier genetic choices I don't see the decline reversing.

We almost have the tools to do it, so when we do we ought to be prepared to use them.

But god forbid anyone so much as suggest that intelligence has a genetic factor to it. Like, you know, almost every other characteristic about human life.
I mean I'm all for helping some poorer nations get on their feet so that they're not dependent on leeching off of richer ones. International politics doesn't need to be a zero sum game, it's just the people at the top want it to be since they still think they'll "win". Once they're out of the way, I'd really like to see nations develop a sort of "national mission" to accomplish every few years, like if all of a sudden countries decided to solve their problem of low sperm counts and the culture changed to revolve around mutual co-operation sharpened by some rivalries.

The point of eugenics isn't to exterminate undesirables, it's to prevent future generations from ever becoming "undesirable", it's about taking a few tough measures now fora few years, to ensure decades of better health. Same goes for immigration, I already posted that Mexico earns more from immigrants sending cheques home than they do from their oil industry, that's a very parasitic way to run a country. It's better to take a strong stance against them now so they can also rebuild themselves from the ground up.

So going back to England, the society is built on the assumption that your IQ is in line with the national average, if your below that through no choice of your own (by which I mean being a paki, pole, or arab), then you're only going to get hurt by trying to compete here, and you'll only get ahead through nepotism and affirmative action that builds resentment against your entire country. So it's better to just avoid the problem entirely and tell them "No, do that iin your own home".

Unfortunately, this kind of altruistic side effect doesn't get people tilled up in the way needed to achieve democratic results, so we have to go with option two, "FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL". Such is life in the world of realpolitik.

It's written in the first chapter of the new testament that Jesus was also a goy, who has I believe greek ancestry. He then goes around Israel telling jews that they're being money grubbing dicks and should lighten up and be less vain. The moral of Christianity is to think twice before fucking someone's mother.

I mean it has to be something affecting him personally to be so emotional and so fixated on race. That much is clear.
Do you not have anything that you're passionate about in your life? I remember when I met a group of Chinese Christians, I could not believe just how happy and satisfied they were with their lives, but they showed me enough hospitality to prove that they just legitimately believe in what they were doing and found peace with that.
literally what
I'm saying I once met people who were so sure of themselves that I hardly believed they were serious, because I myself had nothing I strongly believed in and couldn't believe somebody else could have such devotion to anything. That's where you are right now, you can't wrap your mind around somebody being able to put their passion into something as simple as shitposting, I do everything in my life with the utmost passion and ability because that's the habbit I've developed.

If you still think i'm mad, and not enjoying what really is the best year of my life, then you need to reflect on your values a bit more.
Happy people don't spend all day rambling about persecution on the Internet.

They just don't. If you honestly and unironically believe in the bullshit you say on these forums, then I'm sorry to tell you Trump will not be the next Hitler. He won't deport any more people than have been deported under Obama, the wall will likely not be built, or just barely partially with more fencing, and he's already getting in bed with these globalists you hate so much.
I'm not doing a jewish "ov vey remember the shoa", I'm just flat out telling the people here that this is the current political situation, and this is the trend things are headed towards, a reaction where views similar to mine predominate simply because nothing else has the same intellectual strength to it. When you get down to it, all I'm saying is this: Certain groups of people will never get along, so let's go our separate ways and enjoy living with the people we do get along with, and overtime we can tell stories about it with eachother. I put a heavy emphasis on race because that's the most fundamental part of being a human, your DNA. There are plenty of other things, but they come after race, and build upon the foundations of race, so you have to get that right first before anything else. If you can't believe that I can enjoy spending my time talking to people about things i'm interested in, then what do you think that says about you? I'm not trying to be patronizing here, do you honestly not understand why I do what I do?

Reactionary politics is retarded. And please don't respond with a wall of text, I'm not interested and I'm not going to "debate" you about anything because you're a frustrated person and you don't want to listen to anything anybody has to say, you just want to vent and try to feel better than people by trying to convince yourself you've proven them wrong. That isn't how discussions work.
Why do you even make posts that require a thorough repsonse, if you don't want one? here's the simplist I can put it. "I am enjoying my life and talking about things that interest me", that's it. You can keep up this passive aggressive shtick against me, but I've already moved on. I legitimately don't care that your Iranian and that you disagree with me, because I've said everything I wanted to say to you on that topic already, and I don't hold grudges especially over petty things.

stop /pol/e smoking my thread
I saw this thread and thought there was a serious discussion about GotG going on in it.
I'd prefer that too, If I wanted a big talk I'd be posting in serious.

You know, I'm one of the dudes who thinks that the ZOG is slowly trying to exterminate the white race because we're the only beings historically that have proved to be a major threat to their existence, but Cadenza takes the persecution thing to American Christian levels of ridiculousness.  (inb4 Door, the stupid cuck for a middle eastern sand god that almost destroyed Europe thrice) He's also too racially focused and blind to the separation of culture and skin, like my brother. I could raise a Swahili child to be practically Mennonite, 'cause I'm that fucking awesome, and they wouldn't believe me.
Nah, I just start from an out there position to get attention and walk it down over the course of the discussion to an agreeable point. You don't get anywhere by being milquetoast. Really you should have learned from the election that you start with your biggest most unlikely proposal, then compromise down to what you actually wanted. Or if you get lucky, convince them to go along with your most extreme position and buy yourself breathing room.

Really, I can go a lot further to the right, but that's overkill and also no fun, because nobody listens. Right now I'm striking a nice zone between serious and LARPy. And also, I can weaken my propositions considerably and still get what I want. Believe me when I can say that I can be extremely diplomatic when I need to, because I don't even hate non-whites, or even bring up race IRL.

Simply put, my views a re a lot more flexible and nuanced than they might seem at first, but most people get too triggered to hear me out, which is fine since It's still fun either way.
I dunno bro, you kinda strike me as a daily stormer type of white supremacist, while I'm more of a "every culture should have a home for itself, but we still kinda need to keep telling the Arab nations to stop trampling the human rights of women and minorities and children because cultural relativism to that point is absolute bunk" white nationalist.
The only time I will ever care about what goes on in arab/asian/african states, is when they're interacting in some way with the anglosphere. That, or they make some technological advancement like China's genetic tech and moon rover. An aggressive approach is only needed until people have gotten out of my country and the others, after that I have no problem with "nationalism for everyone", because conflict is always horrible for everyone involved and I have plenty of non-political projects and hobbies that I'd rather spend my time on.

Obviously, trash talking on an obscure internet forum isn't the best way to convey a life philosophy, But I really don't care for some kind of international hierachy in which everyone bows down to the master race, that's a watse of everyone's time and more or less what I'm arguing against.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:54:26 PM »
Legalize pot and let natural selection take place and weed out the druggies. Plus doing so will tank the libertarian vote.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
Why do you have such a fixture on race?
Black guy fucking his mom probably
"muh dick ooga ooga bix nood mufucka"
I mean it has to be something affecting him personally to be so emotional and so fixated on race. That much is clear.
Do you not have anything that you're passionate about in your life? I remember when I met a group of Chinese Christians, I could not believe just how happy and satisfied they were with their lives, but they showed me enough hospitality to prove that they just legitimately believe in what they were doing and found peace with that.

If you still think i'm mad, and not enjoying what really is the best year of my life, then you need to reflect on your values a bit more.

You know, I'm one of the dudes who thinks that the ZOG is slowly trying to exterminate the white race because we're the only beings historically that have proved to be a major threat to their existence, but Cadenza takes the persecution thing to American Christian levels of ridiculousness.  (inb4 Door, the stupid cuck for a middle eastern sand god that almost destroyed Europe thrice) He's also too racially focused and blind to the separation of culture and skin, like my brother. I could raise a Swahili child to be practically Mennonite, 'cause I'm that fucking awesome, and they wouldn't believe me.
Nah, I just start from an out there position to get attention and walk it down over the course of the discussion to an agreeable point. You don't get anywhere by being milquetoast. Really you should have learned from the election that you start with your biggest most unlikely proposal, then compromise down to what you actually wanted. Or if you get lucky, convince them to go along with your most extreme position and buy yourself breathing room.

Really, I can go a lot further to the right, but that's overkill and also no fun, because nobody listens. Right now I'm striking a nice zone between serious and LARPy. And also, I can weaken my propositions considerably and still get what I want. Believe me when I can say that I can be extremely diplomatic when I need to, because I don't even hate non-whites, or even bring up race IRL.

Simply put, my views a re a lot more flexible and nuanced than they might seem at first, but most people get too triggered to hear me out, which is fine since It's still fun either way.

You've got Hollywood
One historical movie about interracial marriage is undeniable proof of Hollywood trying to destroy the white race? Let alone the fact that it's an indie film that didn't even come from Hollywood.
I like how you ignored Star wars and Guardians of the galaxy, though I'd be here all day if I were to write a list of hollywood movies that promote. This has been going on for some time, I even watched pulp fiction with friends a while back this year and it's full of this shit. Really, think about star wars, they kick off a new entry in the world's biggest franchise with...interracial romance. You're smarter than this, so don't act coy.

The evidence is overwhelmingly in my favor you know:

Google has a long history of pushing interracial and pro black messages, they sort of hate white people.

The Canadian government
TIL one Candian actor nobody's ever heard of = the Canadian government
Actually I was referring to the fact that this video which literally calls for everyone to be mixed into a beige society, and that whites should be forcibly mixed, is funded by the Canadian government. And don't even get me started on their immigration program

the German government
TIL a member of a minor party in Germany = the German government
[/quote]Imagine if he was talking about ANY non-white ethnic group, he would be eviscerated by the entire world for saying that, yet talking about exterminating white people is something YOU DEFEND.

And this isn't a one off thing, simply wanting to be allowed to exist is condemned by the German government as being "evil nazism"


Ask yourself this, why do you defend ethnic cleansing? I don't think you gain anything from it, and you wouldn't defend the extermination of any other group, so why do you hate white people so much?

The Flood / Re: Oh, so you like Vaporwave huh?
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:40:27 PM »
No, I like Fashwave

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:34:46 PM »
old memes brah. next you'll be talking about thermonuclear pies, and it'll be 2011 2009 all over again. Nek minute, that's the 2011 one.
So how many sheep have you shagged today mate
’'bout 5, last one almost got away.

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:29:41 PM »
old memes brah. next you'll be talking about thermonuclear pies, and it'll be 2011 2009 all over again. Nek minute, that's the 2011 one.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
really dude
Is it because they wanted to be like the new star wars, Black male white female couple? You tell me.

Blanda it up brah.
gamora and quill's actors were both cast in early 2013. casting for the force awakens didn't start until august 2013

and don't start with this race-mixing "white genocide" shit
why? It's not even a secret at this point, they openly call for the extermination of white people.

And did you forget that all white majority countries are projected to become white minority countries by 2040? that's ethnic cleansing.

They even make movies explicitly about miscegenation, with no other substance to it:

who's "they"? one weird guy part of a fringe group?

i highly doubt that's expected for every white majority country, i've only hard that talk in regards to the US

and ok? it's a movie about two people who love each other in what seems to be a time when their love was considered illegal or taboo. i don't think the creators have some hidden agenda against white people
I just gave you several big names you should be smart enough to connect the dots. You've got Hollywood, Google, The Canadian government, the German government. The list is a lot longer but if you're still in denial after hearing these people outright say they're happy about ethnic cleansing, I'm not really sure what to say to you.

Well actually I know exactly what to say, why are you trying so hard to deny what i've said? why are you afraid of saying aloud what everyone knows is happening?
because it's just not gonna happen, man. there might be a definite increase of mixed people in the coming decades but as long as we're still only on earth there will always be people of pure or at least mostly pure heritage
You sound like a Roman citizens before the Rhine froze over. Pax Romania doesn't last forever, and your assumption that we'll always be around sort of depends on us, you know, not being wiped out.
the trend will always be that people marry within their own racial group. there's over 89 million non-whites in america and only 9 million of them are mixed

ok, so white people may very well become outnumbered in some places. but to say that we're gonna be bred out is when people stop taking you seriously
Except that whites reproduce far below the replacement rate of 2.1 kids per women, which is the bare minimum needed to prevent actual panda bear style extinction.

Minority births already surpass white births and the aging population in western countries is almost exclusively white people. We're getting old and not reproducing, while being flooded with replacements, there's only one logical conclusion to that if nothing changes.

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:19:47 PM »
What happened to Fruit I don't get it

bunglers went on a sperg out, drama happened, and fruit decided to take a break from all internet stuff forever
Invite Fruit to the discord there's no drama there

i can try, but i can't guarantee she'll join
Yeah tell her I love traps
whoa guy, that's my shtick
Look at me

I'm the pervert now
No! No! That's impossible!
Clearly he's bored of goats.

Hey look, I can also burst into threads and start up old shit for no reason at all, wow it's such a good use of my time!
Dude the national pastime in your country is having sex with sheep
You do realize you've got your geography wrong, you're thinking of wales:

You may as well have told me that my babies are being eaten by dingos, since NZ is close to Aussie.
sheep shagger in denial lmao
Think about it, If I started saying you like to suck baby cock, it wouldn't make sense, even though israel and iran are much closer to eachother than they are to the west. likewise, if I started calling you a currynigger because iran is right next to pakistan it still wouldn't make sense.

So your attempt at forcing a welsh meme at me, when i'm literally on the other side of the world from wales, just shows that you don't understand humor. You'd have a better shot at making a connection between maoris and cuckoldry, but that would require critical thinking on your part.

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:14:03 PM »
What happened to Fruit I don't get it

bunglers went on a sperg out, drama happened, and fruit decided to take a break from all internet stuff forever
Invite Fruit to the discord there's no drama there

i can try, but i can't guarantee she'll join
Yeah tell her I love traps
whoa guy, that's my shtick
Look at me

I'm the pervert now
No! No! That's impossible!
Clearly he's bored of goats.

Hey look, I can also burst into threads and start up old shit for no reason at all, wow it's such a good use of my time!
Dude the national pastime in your country is having sex with sheep
You do realize you've got your geography wrong, you're thinking of wales:

You may as well have told me that my babies are being eaten by dingos, since NZ is close to Aussie.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
Why do you have such a fixture on race?
Because he's a very, very good troll.
I have transcended irony, pic related, it's me and my gf.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
really dude
Is it because they wanted to be like the new star wars, Black male white female couple? You tell me.

Blanda it up brah.
gamora and quill's actors were both cast in early 2013. casting for the force awakens didn't start until august 2013

and don't start with this race-mixing "white genocide" shit
why? It's not even a secret at this point, they openly call for the extermination of white people.

And did you forget that all white majority countries are projected to become white minority countries by 2040? that's ethnic cleansing.

They even make movies explicitly about miscegenation, with no other substance to it:

who's "they"? one weird guy part of a fringe group?

i highly doubt that's expected for every white majority country, i've only hard that talk in regards to the US

and ok? it's a movie about two people who love each other in what seems to be a time when their love was considered illegal or taboo. i don't think the creators have some hidden agenda against white people
I just gave you several big names you should be smart enough to connect the dots. You've got Hollywood, Google, The Canadian government, the German government. The list is a lot longer but if you're still in denial after hearing these people outright say they're happy about ethnic cleansing, I'm not really sure what to say to you.

Well actually I know exactly what to say, why are you trying so hard to deny what i've said? why are you afraid of saying aloud what everyone knows is happening?
because it's just not gonna happen, man. there might be a definite increase of mixed people in the coming decades but as long as we're still only on earth there will always be people of pure or at least mostly pure heritage
You sound like a Roman citizens before the Rhine froze over. Pax Romania doesn't last forever, and your assumption that we'll always be around sort of depends on us, you know, not being wiped out.

The Flood / Re: fruit
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:06:19 PM »
What happened to Fruit I don't get it

bunglers went on a sperg out, drama happened, and fruit decided to take a break from all internet stuff forever
Invite Fruit to the discord there's no drama there

i can try, but i can't guarantee she'll join
Yeah tell her I love traps
whoa guy, that's my shtick
Look at me

I'm the pervert now
No! No! That's impossible!
Clearly he's bored of goats.

Hey look, I can also burst into threads and start up old shit for no reason at all, wow it's such a good use of my time!

Okay but tell me how you feel about deadpool, brah
Funny, self aware capeshit that had the balls to go R rated.

The decision not to follow the sterile MCU formula also helped.

Overall 7/10.
My son, you might be autistic.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
really dude
Is it because they wanted to be like the new star wars, Black male white female couple? You tell me.

Blanda it up brah.
gamora and quill's actors were both cast in early 2013. casting for the force awakens didn't start until august 2013

and don't start with this race-mixing "white genocide" shit
why? It's not even a secret at this point, they openly call for the extermination of white people.

And did you forget that all white majority countries are projected to become white minority countries by 2040? that's ethnic cleansing.

They even make movies explicitly about miscegenation, with no other substance to it:

who's "they"? one weird guy part of a fringe group?

i highly doubt that's expected for every white majority country, i've only hard that talk in regards to the US

and ok? it's a movie about two people who love each other in what seems to be a time when their love was considered illegal or taboo. i don't think the creators have some hidden agenda against white people
I just gave you several big names you should be smart enough to connect the dots. You've got Hollywood, Google, The Canadian government, the German government. The list is a lot longer but if you're still in denial after hearing these people outright say they're happy about ethnic cleansing, I'm not really sure what to say to you.

Well actually I know exactly what to say, why are you trying so hard to deny what i've said? why are you afraid of saying aloud what everyone knows is happening?

And here you go, white minorities everywhere

Really, when you can't even say "I'm proud that I'm white" without being called hitler, this is exactly what you should expect, cultural cleansing always precedes ethnic cleansing.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
really dude
Is it because they wanted to be like the new star wars, Black male white female couple? You tell me.

Blanda it up brah.
gamora and quill's actors were both cast in early 2013. casting for the force awakens didn't start until august 2013

and don't start with this race-mixing "white genocide" shit
why? It's not even a secret at this point, they openly call for the extermination of white people.

And did you forget that all white majority countries are projected to become white minority countries by 2040? that's ethnic cleansing.

They even make movies explicitly about miscegenation, with no other substance to it:

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 05, 2016, 05:20:45 PM »
I get where you're coming from, bro, but this is way too collectivist and top-down oversight for my libertarian blood.
Society should chastise sluts with five kids from four daddies, but the government should have no hand in this.
Don't make me fucking tread on you.


Big government also has a big pen0r.

I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
Why do you have such a fixture on race?
I'm just detecting some coincidences. Why don't we ask google what they think about race:

And if you actually do the search yourself for the last one, all the top hits are about having mixed race children. funny that.

The Flood / Stop masturbating, then continue masturbating
« on: December 05, 2016, 05:12:27 PM »
stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start stop start


I like the concept, not so much the execution. The green chick is black irl, so the main couple is white male black female, I wonder why (((they))) did that?
really dude
Is it because they wanted to be like the new star wars, Black male white female couple? You tell me.

Blanda it up brah.

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