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Messages - Azendac

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Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 11:55:08 AM »
"Not available in your country"

Damn, and I really wanted to see a fellow limey reiterate the current year on a computer screen over and over.
I've literally never heard him say anything like "come on guys it's 2016."
shh, they don't like it when you criticize their forced memes
what the fuck was this meme even meant to imply

like yeah, news flash fucker: some ideas have no place in mainstream 21st century society

and if it's just a simple mockery of its apparent overuse: does the guy really even say it that much?
The meme was that people would use the highlighted bit as the entire argument, "You're wrong because your ideas are outdated". Newtonian physics are also outdated, what's your point?
But they're not. Newtonian physics are very much relevant in today's world.
Yes and no, they are still universally used for modelling/simulations, education, conceptual understanding, and the limiting case for newer theories. But it is both outdated in that it is centuries old, and that Maxwell's electromagnetism proved it to be woefully incapable of explaining a lot of physically important concepts (electromagnetism itself, quantum effects, everything about general relativity, quantum fields, probably lots of other specialist topics). In fact, special relativity was discovered by trying to reconcile Newtonian forces with Maxwell's constant speed of light. The point being that something can be outdated AND revered by everyone/good for it's purpose, so simply being outdated isn't the problem here.
Damaging social constructs like homophobia and sexism, not so much.
And if that's the discussion people want to have, then the arguments need to be more convincing than "you're wrong because your time is up".

Maybe you didn't see Cindy's posts from a few months back, but I'll reiterate what I've said before twice in another thread on Septagon a few months back. This place is not a SJW-haven or /pol/ lite. If this was /pol/ lite we wouldn't have people like Turkey, Icy, Flee, or Verbatim posting opinions that are objectively not /pol/. Cindy is just butt hurt that we're not the former either, and therefore this place has to be "/pol/ lite".

It sure as fuck wasn't when I ragequit a few months back. This place has gone through a lot of changes and if you didn't like them, you should've adapted your tactics to fighting it. Being unpersuasive is your problem and nobody else's.
Sure, even when we ignore sep7's lack of religious cult worship, it's still miles off of /pol/. But I don't remember so many people being favorable to Trump back then, or at the least taking him seriously as a candidate.

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 11:45:35 AM »
"Not available in your country"

Damn, and I really wanted to see a fellow limey reiterate the current year on a computer screen over and over.
I've literally never heard him say anything like "come on guys it's 2016."
shh, they don't like it when you criticize their forced memes
what the fuck was this meme even meant to imply

like yeah, news flash fucker: some ideas have no place in mainstream 21st century society

and if it's just a simple mockery of its apparent overuse: does the guy really even say it that much?
The meme was that people would use the highlighted bit as the entire argument, "You're wrong because your ideas are outdated". Newtonian physics are also outdated, what's your point?

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 11:43:30 AM »
Ah, I forgot this other tab I had open. It's a moot point bringing up the khan family to attack Trump, when their son was killed in the war that Hillary Clinton voted for.
I'm no fan of Hillary, but people should be allowed to be wrong about an issue and change their stance. Her vote for Iraq does little to validate Trump's despicable attacks on the Khan family.
Except it was a remark about Islam's poor treatment of women under sharia law, "I wonder why miss khan didn't say anything, maybe she wasn't allowed", which is a fair question to ask.
There was yet another tab, when Trump talked about "opening up the libel laws" I'm pretty sure he was referring to New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Which effectively allowed the media to attack him the entire campaign without facing repercussions.
Great job putting words in his mouth. He never said anything of the sort.

Furthermore, considering that Trump won the election after all, he'd have an incredibly difficult time arguing in court that the media's campaign against him damaged him.
Given that he already made reference to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 with the intention of changing it, I don't think it's a stretch that he would also know about the ruling passed in 1964 that has allowed for an overwhelmingly negative coverage of his campaign

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:16:23 AM »
There was yet another tab, when Trump talked about "opening up the libel laws" I'm pretty sure he was referring to New York Times Co. v. Sullivan Which effectively allowed the media to attack him the entire campaign without facing repercussions.

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:13:51 AM »
Ah, I forgot this other tab I had open. It's a moot point bringing up the khan family to attack Trump, when their son was killed in the war that Hillary Clinton voted for.

The Flood / Re: Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:11:18 AM »
Hating big business just for existing isn't smart, just in case you thought it was.
It's actually the default position an intelligent person could have. The more you hate big business, the smarter you are. If you don't want big corporations permanently dismantled in favor of small businesses (while burning people like Donald Trump on an inverted cross to set an example), you should consider suicide.
Could you elaborate on this stance?
Corporations should not be able to get "big" in the first place. The only reason they do is because our capitalist system allows for, enables, and encourages it. In America, you're considered a successful person if you have a job that makes you a lot of money. Likewise, a successful business in one that derives and maximizes profits for all its shareholders. But in a better world, the most successful businesses should be the ones that don't just benefit humanity--but the ones that seek to benefit humanity as a primary and solitary goal. They absolutely must not seek to gain wealth, power, or influence.

But profits are all they care about--an ethos bred and enabled by capitalism, a cancer that belongs to no rationally constructed civilization.

The function of businesses should only be to provide for the public valuable, useful, and long-lasting products--nothing more. Fuck competition--if you need any further incentive to benefit humanity than the simple virtue that you are benefiting humanity, then you are the worst kind of person, and you belong at the bottom of the fucking ocean. You work to help make our lives easier, happier, comfier, or more convenient. That's all the incentive you should ever need. If your company exists for any other reason, it should be burned down. Your business doesn't need to be "big" to be successful or valuable.
I actually fully agree that businesses/organizations of any kind should exist for the betterment of the people above all else, I had assumed you were objecting simply to the size and not the underlying implication that only the greediest get that big. Money and power should be used only as a means to the end of improving people's lives, anything else is pointless and not worth our time.

What I will disagree with, is that I don't see incentivizing bad people to do good deeds as being any different from incentivizing good people to do the same deeds, provided you can keep the people in check. Meaning that I accept taking advantage of businessmen's desires to make improvements that wouldn't be done otherwise (not saying good people can't run business, just that they're not as attracted to the field) on the proviso that the government destroys them when they step out of line, since big business can ruin lives without even trying.

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:00:35 AM »
That was fun, I was impressed by his complete lack of understanding of the winning side and why he lost, as well as his ability to take anything out of context.

For starters, I like how he portrayed Obama as being dejected about the result, facebook being to blame, and "giving trump a chance" to be retarded. Despite Obama being the one to ask for a chance on behalf of Trump, and Facebook actively censoring conservative news outlets.

I enjoyed the bit where he acted like Trump was backpedaling on Obama care by saying he'd keep the two agreeable parts that everyone liked and asked him to keep, while abandoning the 900 other pages of obamacare, and up to 20,000 related legal documents

I thoroughly applauded the part where he claimed there was a consensus on the issue of man made global warming, when there isn't one yet, and I was in tears when he tried to defend the legitimacy of fact checkers this cycle:

I'm thinking of writing up an autopsy report on this election cycle, I'll meticulously source it too, and one of the key pieces of data I have for understanding it is this demographic history of immigrants by pew research center, notice the exponential growth in mexicans, it doubles every decade for the past 40 years.

If you want to understand what happened in America, read this from pewresearch.

tl;dr I want the meta audience

The Flood / Re: Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:11:12 AM »
Hating big business just for existing isn't smart, just in case you thought it was.
It's actually the default position an intelligent person could have. The more you hate big business, the smarter you are. If you don't want big corporations permanently dismantled in favor of small businesses (while burning people like Donald Trump on an inverted cross to set an example), you should consider suicide.
Could you elaborate on this stance?

Septagon / Re: Glitch when loading a new page
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:02:27 AM »
Ask Isara. Or get better internet.
I've got fiber optics, but I don't know jack about webdev so i'm not really sure what's causing it.

I think we can all agree that the establishment of both major parties should be purged, they've proven themselves beyond all doubt that they put their interests above their electorates'. The point of contention is in who should replace them.

The Flood / Re: Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 14, 2016, 02:57:05 AM »
He said because Hillary was in the pockets if the corporations. I told him tgat Trump was the corporation itself. He just stared at me like that had never occurred to him.
Just in case you thought this was smart, the problem isn't connections to big business, but them having leverage over the candidate.
The problem is both.

Just in case you thought this was smart.
Government has to work with big business (and every other type of business) regardless of who's in charge and how you feel about them, so it's good for them to understand the people involved and the way they operate. Hating big business just for existing isn't smart, just in case you thought it was.

Serious / Re: What do you consider racist?
« on: November 14, 2016, 02:54:09 AM »
Demonizing a certain ethnic group for owning slaves in the past, despite them being the first ones to outlaw it, and despite the fact that slavery still exists today almost everywhere else.

The Flood / Re: Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 14, 2016, 02:49:40 AM »
He said because Hillary was in the pockets if the corporations. I told him tgat Trump was the corporation itself. He just stared at me like that had never occurred to him.
Just in case you thought this was smart, the problem isn't connections to big business, but them having leverage over the candidate. You could say Trump has complete leverage over himself, but duh, of course he does.

The Flood / Re: Political megathread
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:20:36 PM »
We should make a megathread of megathreads to silence the noise of people duiscussing inconsequential things over the 3 important things.
Are your proposing a metamegathread? would we then have a metametamegathread to discuss how to implement it? and a megametametamegathread to bitch about the metametamegathread?

The Flood / Re: Starting the atkins diet tomorrow
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:17:52 PM »
more like you're tricking your body into aggressively attacking fat cells, which is not a bad thing

even if atkins is unhealthy, who cares? I'd rather look cute than be healthy
Mind and body are interconnected, when you feel like shit physically you will mentally as well. Vanity can't overcome that.

Do as you wish. You'll have to face the reality of your choices regardless.
untrue, all that matters is reality

if I feel tired/lethargic (like I do already), but I'm thin then I'll be content
Chemicals/hormones are reality, you can get the good feelings from exercise without becoming muscly. Even female gymnasts can reach a high level of strength while looking feminine and not ripped.
I don't care about endorphins, I care about how I look

no one wants a fat tall femboy
Sure, tht's a good atitude to take, I should have pointed out that there's more important side effects to working out. You'll want to get your body to chemically rebuild itself for you, stick to higher reps and lower weights and you should be able to cut fat without growing too much muscle.

Serious / Re: Juncker won't shut up about this European Army he wants
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:08:23 PM »
They're not wrong. US can't play caretaker forever.

Why not? We're the best suited for it.
Because Trump wants to be paid for America's protection, and if Europeans start doing that then people will start asking why they don't just spend it on their own military. And at that stage, you start having to question whether you can afford that kind of policy of if it's even worth being antagonistic to Russia (it's not).

Serious / Re: Reince Priebus Picked as Trump's Chief of Staff
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:05:47 PM »
Priebus was pretty lukewarm on supporting Trump throughout the campaign, being passive aggressive like Paul Ryan IIRC. Although I suspect that he knows that he's better off acting as a liason between Trump's team and the GOPe, and so he'll be supportive from here on.

The Flood / Re: Starting the atkins diet tomorrow
« on: November 13, 2016, 08:03:00 PM »
more like you're tricking your body into aggressively attacking fat cells, which is not a bad thing

even if atkins is unhealthy, who cares? I'd rather look cute than be healthy
Mind and body are interconnected, when you feel like shit physically you will mentally as well. Vanity can't overcome that.

Do as you wish. You'll have to face the reality of your choices regardless.
untrue, all that matters is reality

if I feel tired/lethargic (like I do already), but I'm thin then I'll be content
Chemicals/hormones are reality, you can get the good feelings from exercise without becoming muscly. Even female gymnasts can reach a high level of strength while looking feminine and not ripped.

Septagon / Re: Megathreads are complete fucking cancer
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:06:05 PM »
Megathreads killed Fruit
For those who don't know this is actually exactly what happened.

Bungle is megathread: The site
Wait what? what happened to fruit?

Septagon / Glitch when loading a new page
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:04:54 PM »
For a second when a new page is loading, the notification symbol pops up and gives me joy that somebody's acknowledged my existence, but then it goes away once the page had fully loaded. Why does this site toy with my emotions and is there anyway to fix this?

The Flood / Re: Starting the atkins diet tomorrow
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:01:26 PM »
I've personally found this site to be incredibly helpful, loads of good workouts without any need for equipment. It's better if you can find a pullup bar but you'll still make a lot of progress if you stick to a schedule with this. The site does all the thinking for you, and even gives you mealplans if you want to go that far.

the only exercises I do are cardio/sit ups

why the fuck would I want a pullup bar? I'm trying to minimize my musculature
You can do leg raises and knee raises instead of situps to target your core, as well as just hold yourself up when you need a lazy day. Plus situps give you spinal injuries, replace them with planks.

The Flood / Re: Starting the atkins diet tomorrow
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:54:30 PM »
I've personally found this site to be incredibly helpful, loads of good workouts without any need for equipment. It's better if you can find a pullup bar but you'll still make a lot of progress if you stick to a schedule with this. The site does all the thinking for you, and even gives you mealplans if you want to go that far.


The Flood / Re: Anyone else notice how they've made Rohan
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:52:11 PM »
this is such retarded shit
spotted the part 3 fanboy.

The Flood / Re: Political megathread
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:50:55 PM »
coolmegathreadbrahitdoesntevenhavedoubledigitrepl iesohwaitshitfuck

Parabolic arches give me parabolic erection.

« on: November 13, 2016, 06:45:05 PM »
He wants us to think he has friends.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else notice how they've made Rohan
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:43:09 PM »
>rohan will never open up your insides with his stand and learn all your secrets
why even live?

Oh wow your memes really have compelled me.
I've been trying to have a serious conversation with verb but this is the level of dialectic he operates on, get him to change and i'll adapt.
You support Trump. There is no serious conversation to be had.
I also supported Obama both times, for much the same reasons, and seeing the president stick to his word and work peacefully with the man he has more reason than anyone else on earth to hate, has restored my opinion of him. There is a discussion if you give it a chance, i'm surrounded by people who disagree with me on just about everything but i've learned to not sperg over it.

PSU aside, do Trump supporters do anything besides posts memes?
I also post my sources and and accept criticism from both sides. The most powerful man in the world wants to give Trump a chance, we can talk over the details if you'd like.

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