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Messages - Azendac

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i can't stand this "batman with prep time" shit

anyone could beat anyone if they were prepared
Your mother doesn't need prep time to beat me.


The Flood / Re: Squats4Lyfe
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:01:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: NEW PIC of Jive Turkey at the gym flexing. Huge!!
« on: November 15, 2016, 04:00:21 PM »
the resolution is only 465x456, I was expecting something HUGE like 4k. what the fuck man?

The Flood / Re: *******ANIME MEGATHREAD********
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:58:52 PM »
ふぃるち あめりかん どぐす、えあつ しつ あんど ぢえ

The Flood / Re: *******ANIME MEGATHREAD********
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:55:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:54:04 PM »
We can send you over the wall with your beloved tacos, don't you know that mehico has a thriving drug and prostitution industry? You'll be living it up like pablo escobar!

Hell no. The point is to have my cake and eat her pussy too.
And you'll get your goddamned cake too, it'll just be burrito flavored like her meat sandwich.

Yes, this illegal immigrant raped a girl. Yeah, some illegal immigrants do shitty things. So do some white citizens, and black citizens, and hell, legal Hispanic immigrants. All articles like this due is fuel anger and throw gas onto the fire without a care in the world for the damage it can cause to actual, ongoing issues.
It is statistically true that America's immigrants have not been that bad. However, if we look at Europe, it's not hard to imagine the situation in America going in that direction. Moreover there's the growing issue of the changing demographics that are leading to an ethnic plurality, which can only lead to more racial polarization. I don't enjoy being a sensationalist, but this is a major social change that is taking place and it is still taboo to bring it up.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else notice how they've made Rohan
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:09:02 AM »
wtf is this weeb shit
Jojo is the most non-weebish show ever.
Really? I'm pretty sure it's one of the most weebish things I've ever seen.
Most of its earlier plots take place in Western countries with mostly Western characters with lots and lots of Western references and influences. Heck, some of the characters are named after Western rock bands. The first three parts take place in Western/African nations. Part 1 takes place in Victorian England, Part 2 takes place here in the US (1930s) and in Mexico, and Part 3 starts in Japan (to introduce a character) but quickly changes to friggin Egypt. The author loves Western rock and Western stuff.
I know that part 5 takes place in Italy, and part 7 takes place in America again. Araki is a westaboo.

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:04:10 AM »
The WSJ has always been behind a paywall, and there are several ways around it if you really wish to read the article. Its not like it's hidden from you - do a simple google search.
Color me surprised, I didn't think they'd be that careless.

Anonymous sources are incredibly iffy in journalism, and they do have shitty results in a lot of cases. But some of the biggest cases, including the Washington Post coverage of Watergate, has come from anonymous tips and sources.

It's a very risky and dangerous bridge.
I do agree with that sentiment, but my first thought reading the headline was "of course a man who's never held elected office isn't fully informed on it's inner workings", and also that he asked Obama for counsel anyway, so this came across as an attack piece more than anything.

Anyway, the quote in question appears to be this:
During their private White House meeting on Thursday, Mr. Obama walked his successor through the duties of running the country, and Mr. Trump seemed surprised by the scope, said people familiar with the meeting. Trump aides were described by those people as unaware that the entire presidential staff working in the West Wing had to be replaced at the end of Mr. Obama’s term.
Which paints a different picture, particularly that it's his aides that were uninformed, not so much Trump himself.

I also quite like this paragraph:
“Bannon is going to be keeper of the image of Trump as a fighter against the status quo, and Reince is going to utilize his personal connections with the speaker and others, to make the trains run on time,” said Ken Blackwell, a former Ohio state official and a member of the transition team.
As it confirms directly what I had speculated in another thread, that Trump would keep enough insiders around to act as liaisons between him and the establishment.

The Flood / Re: The future Donald Trump destroyed (why I am mad)
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:44:50 AM »
We can send you over the wall with your beloved tacos, don't you know that mehico has a thriving drug and prostitution industry? You'll be living it up like pablo escobar!

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:41:25 AM »

Again, untrue
Both these quotes:
President Obama was so shocked at how little Donald Trump and his advisers appeared to understand about the myriad duties and responsibilities the President-elect would be taking on at the White House that he will "spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do" to provide him with additional guidance, a new report claims.
According to a report Monday in The Wall Street Journal, Trump "seemed surprised by the scope" of responsibilities he would be taking on as President and his aides were not even aware that the President-elect would have to hire a full White House staff.
List WSJ as their source, yet they hide the actual information behind a paywall, they may as well not exist.


MRCTV is an online media platform designed to broadcast conservative values, culture, politics, liberal media bias, and entertainment to a new and diverse audience on a social media optimized site.

The Facebook news websites are about as good as this one.
Is dailymail more to your tastes? I can redo the OP if you'd like.

Serious / Illegal alien crashes into woman's car, then rapes her in a ditch
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:29:59 AM »
In case you were wondering why people voted for Trump:

Authorities have arrested a man accused of dragging a woman out of her car after their vehicles crashed in northern Virginia and raping her during a two-hour attack.

Roberto Carlos Flores Sibrian, 26, was arrested last Thursday at a construction site in Sanford, North Carolina, the Stafford County Sherriff's Office said in a statement.

Sibrian, who is reportedly an illegal immigrant, is charged with rape and aggravated sexual battery in the October 31 attack in Fredericksburg, the statement said.

On October 31, a woman was driving down Kings Highway/Route 3 when the suspect struck her car, forcing her off the road between 2.45 and 3.15am, according to NBC News.

After the crash, Sibrian allegedly pulled the young woman out of the car, dragged her to a ditch and sexually assaulted her for two hours, police said.

Following the attack, the suspect fled the scene leaving behind his shirt and the victim called 911 for help.

Authorities received about 100 leads in connection to the crime, according to the sheriff's office.

Sibrian is being detained in North Carolina on a $100,000 bond and Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer.

A sheriff's office spokeswoman said she did not have any further details about his immigration status.

However, the suspect did not have a permanent address and was living in the Fredericksburg area before the crime, authorities said.

It was not clear if he had an attorney who could comment on his behalf.

The investigation is ongoing.
somebody's doing the raping

The Flood / Re: Im tired
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:42:35 PM »
Hi tired, I'm a shitposter.

The Flood / Re: $18 haircut
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:33:58 PM »
I can spread a good haircut out over 5 months before it becomes awful, so I can live with the bullshit prices.

Fair enough, do you have any books/articles I could look into?
Too many.

What area specifically are you interested in?
Banking and stock exchange right now I guess, also the effects of strong/weak dollars on international trading. I have some introductory pdfs so I really just need a pointer on where to go.

elements of the American Right have some pretty horrible ideas...auditing the Fed
I don't see how that's a bad thing, the people responsible for printing America's currency should be held to high level of scrutiny.
Monetary policy functions well when independent; the Fed already has a high level of Congressional oversight. Increased meddling runs the risk of interest rates being set politically, instead of empirically.

Almost invariably, conservatives pushing the audit the Fed line are just goldbugs who don't have a fucking clue.
Fair enough, do you have any books/articles I could look into? my library on economics/monetary policy is practically nonexistent.

The Flood / Re: This girl who bullies my girl is trying to fuck me
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:53:11 PM »
I fucking hate it when they learn to bully.

The Flood / Re: Cheat can you get rid of the fucking Halloween icon please
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:50:22 PM »
Cheat can you not do this please


#repealthe19th or something.

elements of the American Right have some pretty horrible ideas...auditing the Fed
I don't see how that's a bad thing, the people responsible for printing America's currency should be held to high level of scrutiny.

Trump uses the acronym lgbtQ. If you only use lgbt, then you are less tolerant than Trump.

No I did not type that with a straight face, but he did say the words.

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:36:20 PM »
Sure, better to attack the man himself than his wife, but he did build his campaign on being outrageous. And honest debate doesn't steal the headlines.

And it really is up to him and his team to prove themselves in court. I myself am not happy that he cheated on his first wife, but w/e.

Serious / Re: MSNBC takes the Red Pill
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:28:29 PM »
Because he would be on the defensive reacting to them, instead of taking the initiative and making everyone react to him.
I feel inclined to disagree. Playing defensive isn't necessarily weak; forcing a retraction or correction with facts on your side is some pretty strong pushback, and can make sure that the issue isn't settled to readers of that publication.

One thing hack reporters LOVE to do is run an article with a damaging headline and flawed premise, then quietly issue a correction at the bottom of the piece where no one will notice. Imagine the reckoning they'd have if the Trump campaign collected and published instances of this happening.
I'll be the first one to admit that factually defending himself is Trump's weakest skill by far. An argument could be made that he avoids details so that the media can't get a cycle out of saying "Trump's polciy on X is bad because...", take for example the time he claimed the Obama administration should have bombed mosul without telling anyone, instead of announcing it to the world weeks in advance. Everyone criticized him over it, but I don't think that's why he wat light on details. The fact that he only started talking policy points at the Arizona immigration speech, over a year and a half into the campaign, says to me that he put more value on his rhetorical abilities than anything else, and that he felt he could defer the facts to his team.

It's not that great to quote john oliver, but he did take a shot at Trump saying he got his facts "from the internet", which really sums up Trump's approach: Get the gist of what people are feeling, tell them you'll fix it, hire someone to make it work.

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:15:46 PM »
Except it was a remark about Islam's poor treatment of women under sharia law, "I wonder why miss khan didn't say anything, maybe she wasn't allowed", which is a fair question to ask.
To me, it sounded completely uncalled for, and didn't have any basis in reality pertaining to the Khans. It's not like Trump doesn't have a history of ad hominem whenever someone criticizes him.
Khan brought his wife onto the stage with him while she wore an Islamic outfit, yet she didn't say anything. And if you say "she was grieving over her dead son" then why is she supporting the women who played a role in his son's death? and why is she attacking the man who wants to stop fighting wars in the middle east?
Given that he already made reference to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 with the intention of changing it, I don't think it's a stretch that he would also know about the ruling passed in 1964 that has allowed for an overwhelmingly negative coverage of his campaign
What does Trump's statements on immigration have to do with libel laws? It doesn't change the fact that you're putting words in his mouth. That's a huge stretch and you know it.

And as I already said, he won, plus he did make a number of damaging statements on his own (here's one), so it'd be incredibly difficult for him to *demonstrate to a court* that the media's campaign damaged him.

But to be clear, I'm not denying that the media was clearly biased against the guy, and that they did push things that often weren't entirely accurate.
Because both rulings pertain to major campaign promises of his, and both were made in the mid 1960s, I am assuming that his team would do their own internal research into the legality of his proposals, which is probably why he singled out the year 1965 in particular in his immigration speech. Now If you think I'm reading to much into this then I'll drop the point, but his campaign slogan is Janus faced, "Make America Great Again" does imply overturning recent developments and a return to earlier historical norms.

As for the pussy tape, he had two years of nonstop media coverage before that, it's up to his lawyers to find something worthy of court among that.

Serious / Re: MSNBC takes the Red Pill
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:05:33 PM »
I'm digressing here, but I'd also say the Trump campaign didn't respond properly either, at the least--they seemed to prefer revoking press access to events, instead of releasing official statements asking for retractions or corrections. It's bizarre to me that the Trump campaign didn't issue their own fact-checking of sorts, because that would have brought attention to specific instances of bias (Steph Molyneux did a better job of this than the Trump campaign ever did.)
That would give credibility to the meida, and imply that Trump has to answer to them and their demands, which goes against his campaign of running against the system.
I don't to see how setting the record straight by *pointing out the media's bias* is somehow playing into their game.
Because he would be on the defensive reacting to them, instead of taking the initiative and making everyone react to him. He made the Mexican rapist comment at the very start precisely so that everyone in the world would be wondering what he'd do next.

Serious / Re: MSNBC takes the Red Pill
« on: November 14, 2016, 12:14:17 PM »
I'm digressing here, but I'd also say the Trump campaign didn't respond properly either, at the least--they seemed to prefer revoking press access to events, instead of releasing official statements asking for retractions or corrections. It's bizarre to me that the Trump campaign didn't issue their own fact-checking of sorts, because that would have brought attention to specific instances of bias (Steph Molyneux did a better job of this than the Trump campaign ever did.)
That would give credibility to the meida, and imply that Trump has to answer to them and their demands, which goes against his campaign of running against the system.

Serious / Re: Trump's conflicts of interest
« on: November 14, 2016, 12:10:18 PM »
Conflicts of interest were a major concern I had with clinton, and while I don't consider friendly relations with foreign governments to be a bad thing, buying into Bank of America is not something I support.

NASA hurry the fuck up with the James Webb Telescope already.

More importantly, bring back the Constellation Program and give me my moonbase dammit.

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