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Messages - Azendac

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Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:02:36 PM »
luci's basically a trump supporter at this point but all right

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People like Azendac who only learn when they're being coddled make me sick.
I don't think you understand how dealing with people works, if you want me to admit I'm a fuckup then make it worth my time to do so. Give me a pat on the back and say "nice try but you could be doing better", and I'll come back and say "wow thanks, I=you really had my back there".

As much as I enjoy antagonistically trolling people I don't know, if I'm going to be spending a lot of time with them I'm going to build bridges.

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:53:47 PM »
Now for the OP. If I was running a campaign against Trump I'd force him to be on the defensive, making him react to my proposals. The real reason why Bernie was so popular is because he gave voters some future plan to cling onto, just like Trump all of Bernie's supporters had the mindset of "well it's a good sounding vision, so we'll figure out the details when we need to, after we win". Compare this to Clinton's campaign of "first female president" and "literally not Trump", there really isn't much to latch onto there.

The other key point is that, we all saw in the debates just how shit Trump is at defending himself (especially if he needs to recall factoids on the spot). He's a glass cannon that can only win if he's always attacking , which is why he was pretty impotent in the first debate, but aggressive to the point of being criticized in the second debate.

Finally there just wasn't grass roots enthusiasm for Clinton in the same way there was for Trump, you could call this the meme game and at this point you really wouldn't be wrong, there's so much material to work with when talking about Trump and practically none when talking about Clinton. That's partially why most of the zingers from th Clinton campaign were digs at Trump, instead of building up Clinton. What is the response to "God Emperor", "MAGA", "the wall", and everything else mentioned in "Can't Stump the Trump"? There wasn't, at least not anything unique since cries of racism, sexism, hitlerism, have been done to death.

tl;dr the Trump train had fun on all levels, the Clinton campaign did not, and that's what decided the election. Because it was always the democrats election to lose, they had everything in the world going for them and they threw it away with overconfidence in old tactics.

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:40:54 PM »
Dog whistles are interesting, because If I didn't know how the alt-right operates I'd dismiss them as "wanting to accuse someone of a thought crime when they haven't said anything obviously wrong". But they openly admit that they take tactics out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" so my current opinion of dogwhistles is that the people calling them out are mistaking ordinary people for /pol/. Chances are, the person your accusing of using dogwhistles is either uninformed and just repeating something they heard in a meme/video, or they're a deep-cover troll. In either case, attacking them for what sounds to you like a coded message will just turn them and everyone watching against you, even if you're right.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:32:14 PM »
Charlie you do realize you've created a position that can't be argued with logically, right? "Even if you're right you still can't criticize Jewish neurosis because they are uniquely susceptible to mean sounding words" - That's what your saying, it's simply not something you can have discourse with because it's axiomatically against discussion.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 01:30:00 AM »
You still don't get it.

You aren't trying to prove me wrong. You're trying to prove them wrong. And you can't.

Trump scares them. Enough that they are partnering with Muslims. You keep trying to keep the focus on us. That isn't where this fight is.
My entire point is that is that anyone who says Trump is even vaguely like Hitler, be they Jewish or otherwise, is being delusional since all evidence points to him being a philosemite. Of course I'm going to be talking to you about this, you started the damn topic and keep replying to me. Now if the Jews are still scared after seeing this evidence then they are irrationally paranoid, I hate using the word to "irrational" to describe human behavior but in this case it fits; They may as well be saying that Benjamin Netanyahu himself is Hitler for supporting Trump, and that's completely retarded.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:50:31 AM »
And you still haven't addressed my argument directly.

Do the Jews have a very real, and justified, genocide trigger?


 Are they justifiably concerned, given President Elect Trump's campaign rhetoric?


Has my OP, and evey subsequent post, been from this point of view?


This isn't about me, or even you. It's about their reaction to him. They're scared of him. Scared enough that many are burying a hatchet that's existed for generations. Why? He tied populism to race. That never ends well.

Look, I'm enough of a American Exceptionalist that I still have hope we'll be the one and only country that proves the centuries old trend wrong. But I will not say the one group that's alive today that received the shit end of the stick is unjustified in their paranoia.

Good day sir
For fuck sakes charlie stop trying to weasel your way out of this, you quoted my post with evidence and you still ignored it. You're not even pretending to listen to what I'm saying, you almost certainly havn't even clicked on a single link I posted. Here's a video of him talking about how he loves jews:

And another:

And again:


And once more for good measure:

Charlie show me one single video of Hitler saying anything close to this, show me one single quote, one single moment when he came close to saying he likes jews. You wont fucking find it, because Trump isn't Hitler, and you're defending paranoia.

The Flood / Re: Some pictures I took when visiting JPL
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:42:07 AM »

i honestly couldve forgiven the entire game if only we had some more interaction with liquid and boss. make the reveal actually somewhat surprising, make liquid look up to boss while venom shits all over him (making his hatred for him in MGS1 more believable/justified). make boss always compare eli to david to explain his resentment for solid.

that was the biggest let down for me, considering liquid is my fav mg character.
Why is Liquid your fav? He's only around for one game and even then he's not even that amazing to me aside from a catchphrase or two.

Solidus was easily the better written of the two, and actually has motivations that don't exactly put him on the "bad guy" side in such an easy light. Kinda did what Big Boss did, only to be cut down by his "son".
If only such a wonderful man would be our president in real life:

But holy fucking shit you guys, how have you managed to make a thread this big?

Shitposting, mostly, and repeating how hyped we were for Phantom Pain and then how let down we were when it was released.
I bought that fucking game day one, I had nuclear and that other trailer song on loop for months, I re-watched the red band trailers every other day. I went back and forth over trailers and interviews and screenshots. I read more fan theories on what the plot would be than I have for any other game than reach. FUCK ME. WHY AM I STILL HERE, JUST TO SUFFER?

i honestly couldve forgiven the entire game if only we had some more interaction with liquid and boss. make the reveal actually somewhat surprising, make liquid look up to boss while venom shits all over him (making his hatred for him in MGS1 more believable/justified). make boss always compare eli to david to explain his resentment for solid.

that was the biggest let down for me, considering liquid is my fav mg character.
Why is Liquid your fav? He's only around for one game and even then he's not even that amazing to me aside from a catchphrase or two.

Solidus was easily the better written of the two, and actually has motivations that don't exactly put him on the "bad guy" side in such an easy light. Kinda did what Big Boss did, only to be cut down by his "son".
If only such a wonderful man would be our president in real life:

But holy fucking shit you guys, how have you managed to make a thread this big?

But there's a lot of EU material that doesn't conflict with any of the new stuff that Disney is adding. They could still have new Thrawn without the Thrawn trilogy and still have Outbound Flight be canon for example. Same with KOTOR and other material from Pre-Clone Wars era since Disney wants to move forward in the timeline, not backwards.

But they aren't saying "Okay, Thrawn's story is canon, but only the parts we want." None of what happened in the Thrawn trilogy is canon. They're re-introducing his character entirely to make it less of a jumbled mess to incorporate him into the story. Yes, he behaves like the Thrawn fans know and love, and he looks the same, but it would have been nonsensical to try to specify that random pieces of canon were true, while others weren't.

What happens if you want to keep Kyle Katarn canon? Then you'd have to make the Jedi Academy games canon, along with any other tangential references included in whatever media Kyle appeared in. Otherwise, you'd have a story filled with both canon and non-canon elements, and that obviously makes no sense. So, the reasonable thing to do is just wipe that character's slate clean, and start from the beginning.
Including KOTOR would make everything else look like shit in comparison

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:24:24 PM »
That's pretty awesome, do you get special access to observatories or talks with people in the field? I'm not actually sure what an astronomy degree entails right now.
My school has a campus observatory that's used for research purposes, but it's also open to the public most days of the week and ran by the astronomy club. Weirdly enough, I've never actually been up there (Mostly because it's like a half-hour walk away, and I'm a very, very busy student). I can certainly talk with people involved in the field, because my professors all do research at the school in some form.

Most astronomy majors are in it so that they can earn Ph.Ds and get into the research themselves, but I'm not really interested in that. I want to be a science teacher when I get older, so I'll graduate with a BA in Astronomy, as opposed to a BS, which is what people who want to go to graduate school generally pursue. Research is great, but it's not the life I want. Involves a lot of travel, and the level of rigor involved in the schooling would probably drive me mad.
I hear you, I gave up on mathematical research and being a research scientist when I realized how little tolerance I have for their line of work. But you gotta go to an observatory on your next day off, that sounds really nice.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:18:31 PM »
And what have you gone on about? Hmm?

Trump is ok because I was taught white guilt and my dad said Ireland was just as bad.

I have maintained throughout my posts why these Jewish groups have a right to be concerned. That's it.

Find a single instance that I say otherwise
Why are you deliberately ignoring the post I just mentioned:
Anyway, on the campaign, Trump delivered a major speech for AIPAC, meanwhile in alt-right circles this image circulated pretty much the entire campaign, and let's not forget that Bibi is good friends with Trump

The only way you could say Trump is against Jewish interests is if you interpret his Florida speech in a particular way.
It's pretty weaselly for you to act like you're just impartially reporting on what those groups are saying, and then turn around and use their exact rhetoric against me when I prove evidence that they're being paranoid for no good reson. And I brought up my experience with history because you mentioned it yourself.

Really, how is this:
Trump is ok because I was taught white guilt and my dad said Ireland was just as bad.
Any different from this:
Trump is bad because I was taught holocaust guilt and my Jews said Trump was just as bad as Hitler.
Because these are the arguments I'm critiquing.

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:56:43 PM »

Just because I love talking about stuff like this, I also want to mention Vega, which is part of the Summer Triangle, the same asterism that Deneb is a part of (I mention it because it's in the artist's rendition included in the article). In contrast to the star mentioned in the OP, Vega's rotation is extremely fast, causing it to have a significant bulge at the equator. In fact, it's rotational velocity has been measured to be roughly 88% of the speed required for the star to begin ripping itself apart because of centrifugal effects (About 236km/s). The rapid rotation causes the equator to extend 19% further than the poles of the star.

Just throwing out some cool information I thought people might be interested in if they like the article.
Space stuff gets my dick hard, I make sure to check and every other day for cool stuff.
I mean, I sort of have to keep up with it, it's my major.
That's pretty awesome, do you get special access to observatories or talks with people in the field? I'm not actually sure what an astronomy degree entails right now.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:52:27 PM »
Except I am not yelling holocaust, dummy.  Several Jewish and Muslim groups are. I am saying that I understand.


Anyway that's a small difference given that you said this:
I would think modern history is still being taught. But maybe I am incorrect in this assumption. You see, a man a fee decades ago blamed all his country's problems on the Jews. He said they were a drain on society, taking jobs and money from "honest" workers, and that they were a threat. Things didn't end well for them.
Which does amount to saying:
Trump is bad because he minds me of Hitler, and we all know who did the holocaust
Despite my first serious post in this thread being evidence that Trump is quite fond of Jews.

The Flood / Re: long or short?
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:46:33 PM »
Which one is which?
The one that makes your penor long is the 'long', the one that doesn't is the 'short'
>implying you can get it up in the first place
pls no ban

The Flood / Re: Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:43:32 PM »

Just because I love talking about stuff like this, I also want to mention Vega, which is part of the Summer Triangle, the same asterism that Deneb is a part of (I mention it because it's in the artist's rendition included in the article). In contrast to the star mentioned in the OP, Vega's rotation is extremely fast, causing it to have a significant bulge at the equator. In fact, it's rotational velocity has been measured to be roughly 88% of the speed required for the star to begin ripping itself apart because of centrifugal effects (About 236km/s). The rapid rotation causes the equator to extend 19% further than the poles of the star.

Just throwing out some cool information I thought people might be interested in if they like the article.
Space stuff gets my dick hard, I make sure to check and every other day for cool stuff.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:37:37 PM »
You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.
No, I'm comparing being told to feel guilty about something my family/ancestors never participated in, to being told to ignore all evidence, because a group of people are being paranoid about something my family never participated in. I come from a long line of bumfuck poor Irishmen (my grandfather actually compared living in poverty in Belfast to being like a Jew in Germany), and since we weren't involved in the IRA or either war, we've never done anything to feel guilty over.

So tell me, why should I ditch the facts I presented earlier?

I'm not telling you to feel guilty about anything. I am saying that Trump did use language that was similar to Hitler's. I am saying that when ANYONE uses racially incendiary language in a populist movement, everyone should take note and caution. History tends to repeat itself when people don't take note of the lessons.
I'll give you that anyone promising to solve your problems with a simple solution should be held to a high level of scrutiny, but Hitler comparisons are a dead horse. Nothing devalues an idea more than crying wolf about it, just look at how impotent Christianity has become in the modern world.


Trump ran his campaign based in populism. He demonized Muslims and Mexicans, while promising to re empower the working class in white areas.

His message was received this way by nearly every white supremacist group. That's why they all endorsed him. Am I saying he is Hitler?


Am I saying that his behavior thus far is reason for one of the few groups in human history to be on the receiving end of a genocide to be concerned? Absolutely
The funny thing is that if you want a historical analogue for Trump, you've got a much better comparison in the 11th President, James K Polk. A wealthy orator running as a dark horse candidate, campaigns on solving the border issue with Mexico (and ended up annexing their territory and beating them in a war) and renegotiating trade deals. He wins the electoral college by a landslide but the popular vote is much closer, and he doesn't even get to 50%.

See, when you resort to using the most overused analogy in modern political discussion, it doesn't come across as a deep argument against the person you're attacking, but as a sign of historical illiteracy and lack of creativity. As mordo pointed out you're not going to change anyone's mind by yelling "Holocaust", so try again.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:16:34 PM »
You guys still pulling the Hitler meme? You realise this Godwin's Law shit isn't sticking with Trump and his supporters, like at all.
can we stop pretending "godwin's law" is even a real thing

because it's not
Google seems to think it's relevant:

is that how you gauge the relevance of something

you google it
No that's me making a funny.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:15:16 PM »
You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.
No, I'm comparing being told to feel guilty about something my family/ancestors never participated in, to being told to ignore all evidence, because a group of people are being paranoid about something my family never participated in. I come from a long line of bumfuck poor Irishmen (my grandfather actually compared living in poverty in Belfast to being like a Jew in Germany), and since we weren't involved in the IRA or either war, we've never done anything to feel guilty over.

So tell me, why should I ditch the facts I presented earlier?

I'm not telling you to feel guilty about anything. I am saying that Trump did use language that was similar to Hitler's. I am saying that when ANYONE uses racially incendiary language in a populist movement, everyone should take note and caution. History tends to repeat itself when people don't take note of the lessons.
I'll give you that anyone promising to solve your problems with a simple solution should be held to a high level of scrutiny, but Hitler comparisons are a dead horse. Nothing devalues an idea more than crying wolf about it, just look at how impotent Christianity has become in the modern world.

The Flood / Re: Soulless chinks begin human genetic manipulation
« on: November 16, 2016, 09:07:28 PM »
We didn't bomb China.  We bombed Japan.
Are you doubting my geography?

The Flood / Scientists find star to be rounder than my balls
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:59:59 PM »
Years of fondling the family jewels have been for nothing.
Stars are not perfect spheres. While they rotate, they become flat due to the centrifugal force. A team of researchers around Laurent Gizon from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and the University of Göttingen has now succeeded in measuring the oblateness of a slowly rotating star with unprecedented precision. The researchers have determined stellar oblateness using asteroseismology - the study of the oscillations of stars. The technique is applied to a star 5000 light years away from Earth and revealed that the difference between the equatorial and polar radii of the star is only 3 kilometers - a number that is astonishing small compared to the star's mean radius of 1.5 million kilometers; which means that the gas sphere is astonishingly round.

All stars rotate and are therefore flattened by the centrifugal force. The faster the rotation, the more oblate the star becomes. Our Sun rotates with a period of 27 days and has a radius at the equator that is 10 km larger than at the poles; for the Earth this difference is 21 km. Gizon and his colleagues selected a slowly rotating star named Kepler 11145123. This hot and luminous star is more than twice the size of the Sun and rotates three times more slowly than the Sun.

Gizon and his colleagues selected this star to study because it supports purely sinusoidal oscillations. The periodic expansions and contractions of the star can be detected in the fluctuations in brightness of the star. NASA's Kepler mission observed the star's oscillations continuously for more than four years. Different modes of oscillation are sensitive to different stellar latitudes. For their study, the authors compare the frequencies of the modes of oscillation that are more sensitive to the low-latitude regions and the frequencies of the modes that are more sensitive to higher latitudes. This comparison shows that the difference in radius between the equator and the poles is only 3 km with a precision of 1 km. "This makes Kepler 11145123 the roundest natural object ever measured, even more round than the Sun," explains Gizon.

Surprisingly, the star is even less oblate than implied by its rotation rate. The authors propose that the presence of a magnetic field at low latitudes could make the star look more spherical to the stellar oscillations. Just like helioseismology can be used to study the Sun's magnetic field, asteroseismology can be used to study magnetism on distant stars. Stellar magnetic fields, especially weak magnetic fields, are notoriously difficult to directly observe on distant stars.

Kepler 11145123 is not the only star with suitable oscillations and precise brightness measurements. "We intend to apply this method to other stars observed by Kepler and the upcoming space missions TESS and PLATO. It will be particularly interesting to see how faster rotation and a stronger magnetic field can change a star's shape," Gizon adds, "An important theoretical field in astrophysics has now become observational."

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:54:36 PM »
You guys still pulling the Hitler meme? You realise this Godwin's Law shit isn't sticking with Trump and his supporters, like at all.
can we stop pretending "godwin's law" is even a real thing

because it's not
Google seems to think it's relevant:

The Flood / Re: Soulless chinks begin human genetic manipulation
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:49:14 PM »
Wait so what's wrong with this?
Nothing at all, I just wanted to bantz the dog eaters. Cripsr has been on my radar for a while now and it's great news to hear that we're shifting to human trials.

The Flood / Soulless chinks begin human genetic manipulation
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:36:02 PM »
Thereby prvoing that two nukes weren't enough.
(—A team of researchers working at West China Hospital in Chengdu has for the first time injected CRISPR–Cas9 edited cells into a human test subject. Nature reports that the procedure occurred on October 28, and that thus far, the patient is doing "fine."

Modified cells have been injected into human subjects before, of course, but using different techniques. CRISPR-Cas 9 is considered to be a more efficient approach. In this new effort, the researchers isolated immune cells retrieved from a blood sample, then used CRISPR-Cas9 to locate and disable the PD-1 protein in them, which prior research has shown slows an immune response by a cell. The idea is that disabling the protein will allow the immune system to put up more of a fight against tumor growth. The edited cells were placed in a container where they were fed and allowed to multiply—the entire collection was then gathered and injected into a patient suffering from a type of lung cancer that had not responded to any other treatment type.

The CRISPR technique involves using an RNA guide that binds to a particular DNA sequence and an enzyme (the Cas9 part) that can cut strands of DNA at preselected spots, allowing for removing strands or adding new ones.

The research effort is being led by Lu You, an oncologist with Chengdu's Sichuan University and involves a patient who had already been injected and nine other volunteers. Other groups around the world, including one in the U.S., are still in the planning stages for conducting similar trials. The trial in the U.S. (which is slated to start early next year) will be also investigate the possibility of using CRISPR edited genes to fight cancer. Some have suggested the new development by the Chinese team signals the start of a race between superpowers reminiscent of the space race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R back in the 1960s.

The first patient is scheduled to receive a second dose of modified cells, the team revealed, but did not give a timeline. That patient and all the others in the trial will be monitored closely for six months to determine if the edited cells cause any adverse effects—only then will the team be focused on whether the cells actually made any difference in slowing or reversing cancer growth.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:16:10 PM »
You realize that you are comparing being taught white guilt and an actual genocide. I just want to be clear about this. In your mind 6,000,000 deaths are exactly the same as you being told grandpa did some bad shit and you should feel guilty for it.
No, I'm comparing being told to feel guilty about something my family/ancestors never participated in, to being told to ignore all evidence, because a group of people are being paranoid about something my family never participated in. I come from a long line of bumfuck poor Irishmen (my grandfather actually compared living in poverty in Belfast to being like a Jew in Germany), and since we weren't involved in the IRA or either war, we've never done anything to feel guilty over.

So tell me, why should I ditch the facts I presented earlier?

Have you ever considered that lightsabers are just extremely cold and cause everything to shatter on contact?

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:57:41 PM »
You're missing the point. Having been on the receiving end of such rhetoric, more than once, Jews are kinda sensitive to the whole ethnic cleansing direction. It's kinda a trigger. There are still living people who know first hand what happens when this door is open. Just because they aren't on the receiving end this particular time means they're cool with it.
I'm not going to mollycoddle them just because they're paranoid, if they see hitler in a man who's in bed with them on several levels, then that's their neurosis.

If there's any group of people that earned the right to be paranoid, it's the Jews
The is bordering on Judeo-Christian wanking over "the apple of god's eye"

I would think modern history is still being taught. But maybe I am incorrect in this assumption. You see, a man a fee decades ago blamed all his country's problems on the Jews. He said they were a drain on society, taking jobs and money from "honest" workers, and that they were a threat. Things didn't end well for them.

Not everyone solely acts in their own personal best interests.
Funnily enough, the high school I went to only taught us about "the crusades were bad and you should feel bad, apartheid was bad and you should feel bad, slavery was bad and you should feel bad, colonialism was bad and you should feel bad". We got everything in the white guilt starter pack except for the shoa, but my younger brother who's attending the other high school right now just had an exam on ww2 and the current syrian conflict. So i've never felt compelled to cater to paranoia even if it's coming from one of god's chosen.

Perhaps you should be the one to explain to me why I should set aside all standards of discourse whenever something superficially reminds someone of something?

Serious / Re: Mike Pence facing his own emails scandal
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:50:51 PM »
I don't blame you tbh

Imagine being a Bernie supporter facing months and months of why Clinton was the stronger candidate who had infinitely better chances against Trump and was guaranteed to win, why Bernie's higher favorability ratings didn't matter, and how those damned emails weren't a liability whatsoever. ::) The past few months have seen me lose a lot of faith in the party. I wouldn't describe myself as a Democrat anymore.

I get that it looked like that, I'm just easily triggered.
>.> Don't worry about it.
I had to sit down with my dorm mates and watch john Oliver's "make donald drumpf again" skit, among others, without saying a word of criticism. Along with my dad yelling in my face "Trump is only in it for himself, he's a horrible man and I think less of you for supporting him, he will NEVER become president". But I don't hold grudges over stuff like that, I've got more important things to do (which does include making friend online ;~;).

Nowadays I just react in proportion to what other people say, if they want to talk shit I'll bantz them, and if they want to talk facts i'll crack open my sources. That's the most important thing I learned from Trump, it works damn well without requiring much effort.

The Flood / Re: long or short?
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:39:34 PM »
If you were going for the scene look, then short I guess. The problem with the 'long' you posted is it's dangerously close to the legnth where it's too short to be "really good looking long hair" and too long to be "longer than average short hair". Have you ever gone full "hair down to your butt" length? I know some guys that have done it quite well, but they're in an indie band so they've got a style going for them.

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