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Messages - Azendac

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Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:36:51 PM »

Lets not forget about this
Don't you just love institutional racism?

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:30:54 PM »
They deserve to have their face bashed in by mike tyson.
Tyson and Trump have been good friends for 30 years now, and Tyson endorsed Trump

Look how rayciss that trumpenfuhrer is.
$0.01 has been deposited in your account
That's not how the CTR meme works you dummy.
You're literally CTR for Trump
"I'm literally a paid Hillary shill that shills for Trump for free"

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:25:39 PM »
They deserve to have their face bashed in by mike tyson.
Tyson and Trump have been good friends for 30 years now, and Tyson endorsed Trump

Look how rayciss that trumpenfuhrer is.
$0.01 has been deposited in your account
That's not how the CTR meme works you dummy.

The Flood / Baron Trump now stars in his own manga (漫画)
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:23:25 PM »
This is kind of the opposite of making anime real, but I'm not complaining.
The Trump family has been making lots of Japanese news recently, for the rumor that Ivanka Trump may become the next ambassador to Japan, and for Donald Trump’s granddaughter performing her own rendition of Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.

But now we may have the strangest Trump-related Japanese news yet: Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump is becoming a bishonen (“beautiful boy”) idol on the Japanese internet.

Here is the cover for his as-to-yet-be-written manga designed by Japanese manga artist Yuusuke Hori titled: “My loud, annoying dad is president, so the quiet unassuming life I wanted is completely over.” Chapter one is: “Also, my mom and sister are too sexy.”

For those unaware, the image comes from Barron struggling to stay awake next to his father during his victory speech. To be fair, it was around 3:00 a.m.

Unfortunately the manga cover is only that at the moment – a cover. But given how popular just the cover has become, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a few fan pages get drawn up in the near future.

Here’s a sampling of a few other Barron-bishonen reactions from Japanese Twitter:

▼ “Barron is beautiful. Even when his dad was giving the victory speech that sounded like the end of the world, seeing him helped me get through it.”

▼ “I thought Trump’s son Barron looked cute so I looked up
some pictures and he definitely has that sexy Slytherin vibe.”
▼ “Trump’s son Barron is 10 years old and 170 centimeters (5 feet 7 inches) tall!
He so cute and handsome!”

▼ “Trump’s son is such a bishonen, and his name is even ‘Barron,’ so cool.”
And just in case you thought this was a few isolated Twitter users, they even compared the heights of the Trump family on Japanese TV, where everyone was very impressed with how tall Barron was for his age.

As if that weren’t enough, Barron Trump has his own Japanese fan account on Twitter too. Feel free to give it a follow if you like, whether you’re a fan of the boy yourself, or if you just want to see what kind of craziness his Japanese community will come up with next.

booty blasted chally edit:
let's make zeon great again.

The Flood / Re: verb im coming 4 you
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:59:47 PM »
Ishpeming sounds like some obscure deviant sexual act.
I ishpeming'd someone's mother one time, not the best idea or the best mother.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from a week in iceland ama me anything
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:55:58 PM »
Have you gotten sick of winning yet?

The Flood / Re: In the Grim Darkness of Minnesota...
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:50:22 PM »
Have you tried sucking your own cock?

Any advice? I'm guessing you have a lot of experience.
Your mother is GREAT at sucking cock, ask her.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 19, 2016, 02:49:07 PM »
They deserve to have their face bashed in by mike tyson.
Tyson and Trump have been good friends for 30 years now, and Tyson endorsed Trump

Look how rayciss that trumpenfuhrer is.

The Flood / Re: In the Grim Darkness of Minnesota...
« on: November 19, 2016, 01:46:48 AM »
Have you tried sucking your own cock?

Serious / Re: Donald Trump Megathread
« on: November 19, 2016, 01:45:01 AM »
tfw my president is undefeated at Wrestlemania

No single thread can contain the President-elect.

I hate trying to block quote dailymail since they append a referral to your clipboard.

Peter Thiel and others working on the Donald Trump transition have launched a secret database called the 'Plum List' to screen out disloyal Trump administration applicants and recruit prospective hires from outside the traditional Beltway channels, sources tell the

Insiders said the Plum List, which is being run outside of the official Trump transition, will serve as a central database to help wade through the thousands of incoming applications and identify key talent.

Sources said the list is being spearheaded by Thiel, who was appointed to a top spot on Trump's transition team last Friday.

'Peter and a number of people are running a secret "Plum List", which is a way of screening out bad people,' said one source involved with the project. 'It's basically a way to do all the background checks.'

Another Thiel ally billed it as an 'official, unofficial way to fast-track' qualified applicants, particularly those who come from outside the typical Washington, DC, think tank-consultant nexus.

The list will primarily focus on recruiting staffers for science and technology, the areas Thiel has been tasked with in the transition process.

However, sources close to Thiel said he has taken a broad view of his directive, and will be looking at candidates for the FDA, the FCC, and federal trust issues as well.

The database will also include generalist candidates who could be placed in a range of administration roles, and ambassadorial candidates.

'Everybody with any involvement with the campaign is getting bombarded with resumes so this is a place where we're forwarding them all and just organizing our efforts into a formal process around it,' said the source. 'We have people inside the transition who we're preparing this for and who've asked us to do this.'

Applicants will be screened and color-coded in the database – with an emphasis on whether they have shown loyalty to Donald Trump through the election.

'We're vetting people and making sure they've been committed Trump supporters throughout the election,' said the source. 'Loyalty is very important to Trump, and there's been kind of a civil war within the party.

'So we want to make sure that the people who go into the administration are aligned with his vision and goals.'

The vetting process includes a heavy focus on social media. Insiders say they will be looking closely at prospective staffers' online postings – even ones they may have deleted.

'The jocks have won the election, and now the nerds need to make sure they do their homework for them,' said another source.

A master database like the Plum List could be a crucial tool for the transition team, which has been scrambling to organize since Trump's surprise victory last week.

Prior to the election, the transition team made very little progress with Chris Christie at the helm, according to insiders.

Last Friday, the campaign announced that vice president-elect Mike Pence would replace Christie as the leader of the transition. Christie was bumped down to a vice-chairman role

The New Jersey governor had been a contentious choice to lead the transition team, according to insiders.

Christie had filled leadership positions with members of his inner circle, including Bill Palatucci and former chief of staff Rich Bagger.

This irked some on the transition, who believe Christie's people were working to fill administration roles with their own allies rather than individuals who supported Trump's political agenda.

'It look[ed] like the "Christie for President" transition,' said one source with knowledge of the transition. 'There's nobody in the building [leadership] who's loyal to Donald Trump… It's infuriating because Christie's not the guy you want to trust with personnel.'

Christie's circle reportedly lobbied for several individual appointments, including Christie adviser Bob Grady, a former official in the George HW Bush administration, for Environmental Protection Agency secretary or head of Interior; James Connaughton, a former George W. Bush official; and environmental attorney Jeff Holmstead.

This push to appoint Christie insiders also grated on some of the transition staff, who applauded the news that Pence would take over last Friday.

Sources familiar with the transition team also said the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, DC, has taken a larger role in the transition. The think tank has also compiled a database of potential candidates for a Trump administration.

The Flood / Re: Did you know Nathan Fillan is in Saving Private Ryan?
« on: November 19, 2016, 12:58:27 AM »
Did you know that Nathan Fillion supported the million dollar scam SOLAR FREAKIN' ROADWAYS?

The Flood / Re: touched a girls thigh
« on: November 19, 2016, 12:55:17 AM »
I touched a girl's penis before.
Did it look like this?

so the crimes of one fucked up dude makes it okay to paint a brush over everyone else

More that there's legitimate reasons to support Trump's policies that aren't "lol ur just KKK in disguise racist". But I'm already getting sick of seeing this thread, I've had my discussions with people that can actually articulate their disagreement beyond being passive aggressive.

Does anyone have that video where they let the team members who worked on skyrim develop whatever they wanted to do for a week, and they massively improved EVERYTHING in the game? from algorithms to generate new dungeons to graphics to new gameplay features to better AI. It really shows that however they spent those years making the game, they must have spent most of it snorting cocaine out eachothers prolapsed assholes.

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 18, 2016, 05:02:58 PM »
LOL nice mental gymnastics

trump is satan, youre satan for supporting him, kill yourself so you dont fucking reproduce Id appreciate that dumbfuck
This is serious board.

which is why you need to leave
pls no bully

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 18, 2016, 04:58:04 PM »
LOL nice mental gymnastics

trump is satan, youre satan for supporting him, kill yourself so you dont fucking reproduce Id appreciate that dumbfuck
This is serious board.

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 18, 2016, 04:52:00 PM »
what about when he refused to let african americans into his apartment because of their race
Not really:
"As far as the lawsuit, yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company, had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens, and we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country -- it was a federal lawsuit -- were sued," Trump said. "We settled the suit with zero -- with no admission of guilt. It was very easy to do."

Indeed, both parties settled in 1975 after a protracted legal battle. Trump claimed victory, writing in his 1987 memoir, Art of the Deal: "In the end, the government couldn’t prove its case, and we ended up taking a minor settlement without admitting any guilt"
He got sued because the government thought they could take him for a ride, he fought back legally and they dropped it when the realized he wasn't a push over, he details this and others in the art of the deal.

what about when he said he wanted a jew accountant because they're naturally good with money
That's quite the compliment no? I don't see you attacking charlie over his love for big Mexican titties.

what about when he made an african american man leave his casino floor because he entered
Unproven "he said she said" allegations. And all of these are decades old regardless, why the fuck should I care what he was allegedly doing 20 years ago when he clearly isn't doing that now?

the only one performing mental gymnastics is you, fucking piece of shit. Delete your fucking account.

And yes, the "lol, its just LOCKER ROOM TALK HAHA" shit was incredibly misogynistic. Go fuck yourself.
That was literally banter, something you can expect from every man possessing a functioning libido, and especially one who surrounds himself with women that love rich men. How the fuck is talking about how much you love women misogynistic?

There really isn't enough political outsiders at his disposal for him to replace the government with right now. Nobody expected him to drain the swamp within ~a week~ of winning the election, let alone before he's inaugurated. I expect things to amp up come 2018 when he can presidential endorse his replacements, and also his second term where he has no fear of getting re-elected (assuming assumptions of course).

It seems to me like he's trying to surround himself with loyalists, wherever they came from.

The problem isn't that he's surrounding himself with loyalists - that's to be expected.

The problem is that he's appointing loyalists to positions that they are (arguably) unqualified to hold, whether it be lack of experience or prior issues related to similar positions.
I was tempted to say that Trump himself sets the precedent for "prior experience doesn't really matter", but actually it's a very good point that I expected Trump to surround himself with people more knowledgeable than him.

Serious / Re: Crying wolf about Trump, racism and dog whistle politics
« on: November 18, 2016, 04:35:48 PM »
Trump is a racist, and a misogynist. If you vote for him, it means you're willing to overlook racism and misogyny, which makes you a bigot.

This isn't hard.
If you pay attention you'd notice that when critiquing, Trump never mentions race, only countries and governments. He talks about Mexico the country being bad, but praises Hispanics; he talks about China the government being bad, but praises Chinese people; He talks about the American government being terribly managed, but has only praise for Americans. You're going to have to do some serious mental gymnastics to conclude that he's racist, consider that he's never once said the word white, as in white people, during the campaign.

As for mysogyny, all there is is bantz with Rosie O'donnell (who has consistently attacked Trump long before the election), and bantz with Megyn Kelly that was blown out of proportion, and the whole world memory holed them making up with each other.

You're living in a fantasy world where you think a man that never attacks races is somehow Hitler.

Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:20:48 PM »
When has a democrat protected Jews or Israel?

Please tell me this was just a brain fart.

Umm... WWII?
it wasn't until '44 that FDR stopped turning away Jewish refugees, previously stating that they were a danger to the state. I'm almost certain that I can say that stopping the Holocaust was at the very bottom of all US priorities during the second war.
of course they weren't interested in stopping something that never happened :DDDD

The Flood / Re: who's cuter
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:19:23 PM »
You know, I really need to wear a dress.
I stopped reading at that word the first time and was about to be snide.

The Flood / Re: Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:59:32 PM »
I like that apple separates idiots from their cash, buying their crap is punishment in and of itself.

Serious / Re: Jon Stewart is a smart man.
« on: November 17, 2016, 04:51:52 PM »
It's only optimal for him to do what Obama did and try to be magnanimous in defeat. Even if I know they're just in it for themselves, it feels fucking great to have the smug wiped off their face.

The Flood / Re: >when you accidently find Flee on a porn site
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:14:48 PM »
I'll be the fat weaboo version of Hicock45.
Why not be the redneck version of melonpan?

The Flood / Re: >when you accidently find Flee on a porn site
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:12:53 PM »
It's for when I win the lottery bro, and I can just spend the rest of my life in a one floor ranch home shooting guns out my back yard and snorting cocaine off of lolicon sex dolls.
Saying you like lolicon instead of loli is like saying you like child molestors instead of children. But I understand, because I too wish to own an authentic replica of a fat neckbearded wizard to do drugs on.

The Flood / Re: Gender equal snow ploughing
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:10:04 PM »
I'd let some cute sweedish girls clean my snow.

The Flood / Re: >when you accidently find Flee on a porn site
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:06:36 PM »

what is this bookmark, m8?
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