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Messages - Azendac

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The Flood / Re: No meme December.
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:10:19 PM »
It's cool, I'll meme twice as hard to make up for it.

Would anyone like to hear about how Mussolini did nothing wrong?

j/k he fucked up in Greece and lost the axis the war, good job duce.
So you want to sign up, or you will be memer in December?
The memes are in my soul, I'd die if I started being intelligible in my posts, my dude.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:09:16 PM »
Cadenza, that's who he is.
Whoa, It's almost like if you spell Azendac just wow.
You were a highly forgettable member, so I never made the connection until now.
Yeah, i've gotten waaaaaay more likeable since then.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:08:41 PM »
Can I get a tldr
Loaf makes a stupid claim about mike tyson, I link him to evidence that says otherwise. Then challenger makes a stupid self defeating meme and I call him out on it, then proceed to have a pointless back and forth for several pages, culminating in me giving a small lecture in evolutionary biology as applied to humans, and the history of the founding of the USA.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:06:25 PM »
Cadenza, that's who he is.
Whoa, It's almost like if you spell Azendac just wow.

Serious / Re: UK lawmakers approve 'most sweeping' surveillance powers
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:17:45 AM »
Ironic you say that considering it's the hard labor factory workers that allowed Trump to win Michigan.

the more we let them ruin the world the closer we'll get to the glorious workers' revolution
those idiots will be thrown in the gulag for supporting fascism
As will the people who supported grorious communist revolution. Commies tend to throw everyone in the gulags.

The Flood / Re: No meme December.
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:16:16 AM »
It's cool, I'll meme twice as hard to make up for it.

Would anyone like to hear about how Mussolini did nothing wrong?

j/k he fucked up in Greece and lost the axis the war, good job duce.

The Flood / Re: I'm at that stage in life
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:14:25 AM »
I was a giant dick to your mother. By that I mean I had sex with your mother. With my penis.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm going through a relapse in my depression
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:12:41 AM »
Exercise really helped me through some rough periods, to the point that everything starts to fall apart if I get lazy on it.

It's a mix of endorphins/other hormones, physically doing something, seeing progress everyday, and getting compliments from people you haven't seen in a while, that lets you crawl out of that hole. I'd highly recommend you start doing some pushups before you go to bed, something easy like that.

The Flood / Re: Why is there no gravity in space?
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:09:05 AM »
and Saturn being the least massive object in the solar system
*dense, Saturn is the least dense object, still stupidly massive though.
Dawg who tf are you and how do you know so much stuff
I am a self hating black man of science.

The Flood / Re: Why is there no gravity in space?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:13:06 AM »
and Saturn being the least massive object in the solar system
*dense, Saturn is the least dense object, still stupidly massive though.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:58:52 PM »
Specifically, races arose out of different selection pressures in different environments around the world, selecting for specific traits in the humans living there. Over time this evolutionary effect lead to the various races we have today. Creationists deny this by saying it isn't in the bible, and that god magically created all humans just like that. Whereas liberals deny this by saying it's just a social construct and trying to silence disanyone who agrees (kind of like how Winny automatically tries to ban me after realizing I can back my claims up, how pathetic).

The only difference between a race denier and a creationist, is that the creationist can admit they derive their beliefs from god, race deniers just yell "it's a social construct you shitlord, get over it". Well it's not and you can't change that fact.

tl;dr saying race is a social construct == saying race is not a genetic construct == evolution does not apply to race == humans are magically exempt from evolution == creationism

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:53:07 PM »
Based on the fact that he keeps accusing non-racists of being creationists, I'm going to safely assume that what's-his-face is just a troll and should probably be removed from the forum.

Because, you know, he's annoying.
Creationists say that humans are not effected by evoloution because god magic.
liberals say that race does not exist because social construct magic.

It's the exact same thing and you're being incredibly deceptive by ignoring that and trying to ban me.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:51:42 PM »
Are you actually denying the existence of race? do you think DNA is just a myth?
Neither of those things were insinuated just because I said your post was stupid, and both questions were ridiculous to ask because it's abundantly clear that both race and DNA clearly exist. Don't waste my time by asking questions you clearly know the answer to.
Except in this very thread i'm talking to someone who denies the very existence of race as a genetic construct, OF COURSE, I'm going to ask you that, because it's politically incorrect to even quote Watson and Crick. Don't ignore context to justify being smugly ignorant of the science.

Arguing that someone's race is the primary indicator of how much you can socialize, cooperate, and relate to other people is completely false, that's all that I was implying. The fact that two individuals have different skin color speaks nothing about their capacity to be friendly and have a good relationship, that comes down to individualized factors such as upbringing and influences. Your argument that being more genetically close to certain populations automatically makes them more predisposed to share your outlook and interests is fallacious and unsubstantiated.
The very existence of mean/median IQ differences between races disproves everything you said. Everything from levels of trust, sociability, criminality, job success, correlates highly with IQ, which is determined mostly by race, especially as you get older and are not living in an environment socially controlled by your parents. And everything i've claimed is backed up by the repository i linked, you're talking out of your ass when you say it's unsubstantiated, now here's a quote from THE MAN WHO DISCOVERED DNA:
"[watson is] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”
You might find that certain races are more likely to gravitate towards certain types of media such as music, art, or films, but that's entirely due to societal constraints that exist because of the history of those races in western nations (I have a hunch that for black people, it's because African-Americans were enslaved for two-hundred years in the US, and were basically seen as subhuman until about fifty years ago- Hence the racial division that still persists). It has nothing to do with the genetic makeup of a black person versus a white person.
Why are you trying so hard to deny the effects of race? why are you trying to avoid the actual science?

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:42:00 PM »
And my immediate family are members of my race, who are hierarchically closer to me than other races, what's your point?
That skin color has shit to do with it?

Can you read?
Except race is significantly more than just skin color, the only reason I'm referring to "whites" and "non-whites" is because quoting specific haplogroups is both tedious and besides the point. Claiming that race is just skin colour is both anti-science, and contradictory to the "it's just a social construct". How the fuck is electromagnetic waves reflected off of the lvel of melanin in your skin, a social construct? it isn't you creationist.

This is some creationist level of science denial. Race exists and is genetic, any other opinion is anti-science creationism.
"the alternative hypothesis"

"I can't handle dissenting opinions violating my safe space because I'm intellectually retarded"
Whoa, you sure showed me, very convincing creationist argument you got there, you may as well have said
"race is not mentioned in the bible, therefore it doesn't exist"
or more to the point
"race isn't mentioned in my gender studies textbook, so it doesn't exist"
Except it's a statistical fact that whites overwhelmingly vote republican, and non-whites vote democrat.
If anything, this should make you hate your race.
I like how you avoid admiting that you're factually wrong and that race determines political orintation to a large degree. Every single electoral college vote would have gone to Hillary if only non-whites voted, how the fuck do you explain that without race? you can't.
Of all the things that characterize people, race is the single most important by far. If you think race magically doesn't exist, that DNA is a social construct, then you are functionally a creationist.
Except I'm not a creationist. If you think race is anything more than a social construct, you're a functionally a retard. How about that?
Believing that evolution magically doesn't apply to humans (because race is caused by evolutionary selection pressures) IS CREATIONISM. I you say "race is a social construct" you are no different to a creationist, except for you somehow being even less self aware, which is quite impress i'll give you that.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:22:48 PM »
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else
False--that would be your immediate family,
And my immediate family are members of my race, who are hierarchically closer to me than other races, what's your point?

and beyond that, any measure of genetic "closeness" becomes too fastidious to even give a fuck.
This is some creationist level of science denial. Race exists and is genetic, any other opinion is anti-science creationism.

Genetically, you are as close to the random black person as you are to the average white person. Race is basically just a social construct that means fuck all.

and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.
No they don't. You choose who you associate with--white people aren't predisposed to any values just because they're white. That's plain retarded.
Except it's a statistical fact that whites overwhelmingly vote republican, and non-whites vote democrat.

Of all the things that characterize people, race is the single most important by far. If you think race magically doesn't exist, that DNA is a social construct, then you are functionally a creationist.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:11:07 PM »
why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else?
Because they're not "your people." At all. They just share your skin color--that's it.

The rest of your questions are either too loaded or malformed for me to answer.
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else, and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.

How are they not my people? How are they less of my people than other ethnic groups?
Are you actually as stupid as you're making out to be, or is this just a big joke?
Are you actually denying the existence of race? do you think DNA is just a myth?

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:49:10 PM »
No, what I showed by example is that when people use these progressive talking points against progressives, they tend to realize that it's infuriatingly annoying.
But it's not. If anything, it's facile and easy to manage, because liberals are the only ones who understand how those arguments actually work. ie. Not the way you think they do.

And just like others, you've failed to connect the dots that you're causing this yourself.

Trumpism is a religion of peace, anyone who disagrees is just Americaphobic, and should be given some sensitivity training.
The difference is that when liberals make these arguments, they're bolstering a sensible belief.

You're really quite horrible at this.
You're going to have to do a better job at articulating your point than "nuh uh, ur wrong". I just used those talking points exactly how liberals use them, but word swapped things important to liberals with things important to me.

Are you being intolerant? Diversity of ideas is our greatest strength. Stop liberalsplaining, I find that offensive.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:46:20 PM »
Only white girls can suck my dick, I have to help destroy your race. This is really important to the rest of us Americans. We just wake up and want to destroy white people.
Well actually, your fellow muslim explains it quite succinctly here.

"We will fuck your daughters and outbreed you in the name of allah(PBUH)"

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:44:36 PM »
why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else?
Because they're not "your people." At all. They just share your skin color--that's it.

The rest of your questions are either too loaded or malformed for me to answer.
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else, and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.

How are they not my people? How are they less of my people than other ethnic groups?

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:38:49 PM »

Defend this, Trump sycophants.
This is the new normal, anyone who disagrees is on the wrong side of history, we need to leave behind those archaic outdated notions of liberalism, I mean, it's 2016 after all, why are we still discussing this? I literally can't even comprehend why you'd disagree.

Wow, It's almost like thought terminating cliches are really fucking annoying to argue with.
I think you missed the point, rather adorably.

Cuntservatives are always ragging on liberals and SJWs for wanting to have "safe spaces," and here we have the current king of conservatives wanting to have safe spaces. A supposed champion for political incorrectness is crying like a little baby because he can't have his safe space to have his precious beliefs protected.

Fuck this guy.
No, what I showed by example is that when people use these progressive talking points against progressives, they tend to realize that it's infuriatingly annoying. And just like others, you've failed to connect the dots that you're causing this yourself.

Trumpism is a religion of peace, anyone who disagrees is just Americaphobic, and should be given some sensitivity training.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:34:19 PM »
If I say I want to live in a white country exclusively by and for white people, am I racist?
Of course that fucking makes you racist. Unbelievable that you need to ask this.
So naturally the next questions I'll ask are: why would I want to be anything else? why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else? why should I prostrate myself to people who don't care about me?

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:32:34 PM »

Defend this, Trump sycophants.
This is the new normal, anyone who disagrees is on the wrong side of history, we need to leave behind those archaic outdated notions of liberalism, I mean, it's 2016 after all, why are we still discussing this? I literally can't even comprehend why you'd disagree.

Wow, It's almost like thought terminating cliches are really fucking annoying to argue with.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:28:34 PM »
Before I say anything else, I'll let you know that my posts are done on a tit-for-tat style, you bantz me and i'll bantz back. You said you hated that I admit defeat when I'm coddled, well that's just me reciprocating kindness, which I'll do with this post since you dropped the "you're so fucking mad right now" shtick.
literally what
You keep bitching on that I'm mean about things, when I'm only responding to your being equally obnoxious and condescending. Talk shit, get hit.
It doesn't work when you're just linking random shit. You'll enter a light conversation and link fucking Wikipedia like... what the fuck.
Except that was when I linked two old laws/legal rulings that hadn't been in the news for a long time, and didn't have any relevant articles. This is the second time you've ignored that I've been linking news sites that are biased against me.
Or you could just not be racist.
kind of hard to do that when the definition changes every few months, and that it always boils down to "being a fucking white male and not prostrating yourselves to POC". If I say I want to live in a white country exclusively by and for white people, am I racist? because if that makes me racist then I will never choose anything else.
Hezbollah isn't a terrorist group, neither are Houthis, or Shia militias in general.
I was referencing ISIS and Al Qaeda, which we know the Saudis are funding (again, i'd love to link you some stuff here to prove that I'm not talking about my ass, but you still seem to think proper citations is something to condemn).
And here is where I'd tell you you're blowing everything way out of proportion and make fun of your shitty sources.

This culture of persecution is Jew tier.
Why am I not allowed to openly say "I prefer white people to everyone else, because I myself am white, and want my country to remain that way"? Everyone else on earth that isn't white can do that with no questions asked. Don't act like this isn't the way the world is.
America isn't a white country. Never has been never will be. It doesn't belong to any race or religion.
That's blatantly false, America as a union of states was created by white immigrant men from Europe, to secure the existence of their progeny (that's written in fucking constitution, but you don't want me to link that do you?). Sure, the natives where here first, they also had no conception of property rights and sold their land for beads. America the country has always been white, and after Trump's election, will always be white. And obviously christian too, since that's still the majority.
"Keep in line?" I wasn't aware "non white citizens" (fun fact: you're extremely racist and tribalistic for saying this) are animals. Please, enlighten us.
I'd give you the FBI's official crime statistics, where blacks, hispanics, and muslims are shown to commit vastly disproportionate amounts of crimes, when compared to the white majority of the country, but I guess the FBI's a shitty source, it's over 80% white after all.
Not really, no. Take a look at popular culture right now.
Pop culture created by jew owned hollywood and jew owned record labels? Sure, that's still proving my point that they have to go back to Israel.
I haven't.
you said "Why should I identify with "white people" when you're barely the majority", and the reason we're barely the majority is because of the 1965 immigration act that dramatically favored everyone except whites, along with the exponential growth in hispanics coming in from mexico. Just a few decades ago America was >95% white, and now you, an Iranian, are bragging that it's barely above 50%. There's no other way to interpret this.
America is a country that has been built by everybody for everybody. Pretty sad you don't recognize this. If you just want to jerk off about being white and living in a white country, go to Europe.
For fuck sakes, look at the original European settlers, look at the founding fathers, look at this pew research study on the history of immigration:

America was always intended for whites and whites only, to the point that Benjamin Franklin was worried that Germans weren't white enough and should be banned. it is a LIE to claim that America was ever intended to be anything other than a white ethnostate. The only reason it wasn't explicitly written down back then is because it was so goddamned obvious to all the white people that made up the country at the time. Fuck off with your "melting pot" style bullshit, that term was coined by a jew anyway.
If you just want to jerk off about being white and living in a white country, go to Europe.
I would if they didn't keep flooding it with africans and muslims. Cool context denial.
Why should I take you seriously when your only response to me is to call me a goat fucker? Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look?
You are being so disingenuous with this, the amount of times you have flat out ignored everything I've said, everything i've linked to, every idea I've presented, and responded with "lol u mad y so mad?", i've lost count of it. How the fuck can you lie with such ease? Is it taqiyya? that's your culture after all.
I haven't though, all I did was call you a Trump shill and that you're ignorant and uninformed. You chose to get butthurt.
You're the one that thinks backing up claims with sources is a bad thing, and you really still don't understand that I'm enjoying this and every other victory.
This is really important to the rest of us Americans.
This is the language that leads to deportations squads and pogroms, cool future you chose.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:59:51 PM »
Brah what have you done to the formatting? this'll be annoying to untangle.

The Flood / Re: Why is there no gravity in space?
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:07:02 PM »
Well, there used to be, but when Adolf Hitler activated die Glocke to travel to the dark side of the moon, it took all the extra gravity in the solar system away because that's what it uses for fuel.
That's fucking retarded, I cannot convey in English just how stupid that is (but I can in german, it's just illegal), OBVIOUSLY Der Fuhrer flew his superior Aryan UFO to Antarctica where to this day he lives on in mecha form, co-ordinating the next Reich under the guise of Russian espionage.

Bro, we've been to Antarctica. There's no Hitler there.
You know where we haven't been? The dark side of the moon.
>he think antarctica is on the earth and the moon isn't within the Earth's hollow core
Look at this fnord, I bet he believes in gravity.
die glocke was an anti-gravity device of extra-terrestrial origin. The fact that Hitler was able to use it proves that gravity exists.
You're mistaking Hitler's divine blessings (He is the earthly incarnation of shiva after all), for scientific happenings. All that is proven is that Savitri Devi was right on the mark.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:03:49 PM »
Before I say anything else, I'll let you know that my posts are done on a tit-for-tat style, you bantz me and i'll bantz back. You said you hated that I admit defeat when I'm coddled, well that's just me reciprocating kindness, which I'll do with this post since you dropped the "you're so fucking mad right now" shtick.

You're pretty garbage at reading people, this has been my themesong for the past two weeks:

"ur just homophobicracist meany poopy head"
Sure, I also Identify as islamophobic, misogynist, and national socialist. call the ADL, I don't give a fuck.
You obviously do give a fuck because you're trying to be taken seriously by using links etc in your posts and trying not to argue in Serious.

Unfortunately for you I saw right through that.
Listen, it's easier for everyone involved for me to directly quote where I'm pulling some information for, or what specific topic I'm referencing. I've already said I like the way meta made his posts, i'm openly imitating him because it works and enjoy it.

No, I am racist, say the word as much as you want, it isn't an insult anymore.
Yeaaaaaaah no

It still is a scummy thing to be.
I'll give you that if someone goes around singing moonman songs and yelling "pull the trigger on every nigger", then that would be in poor taste. But it really has gotten to the point where if I so much as say "I'm a white man and i'm not ashamed of myself", then I'll get called a racist. I'm not even exaggerating, that kind of thing cropped up a lot at university this year, and it's getting eerily common to hear something described as "toxic" and "problematic" and "bigoted" when it's really nothing abnormal. So if the "punishment" is the same, I'll do the more significant "crime", as I really have no other option left to me.

You know, I personally thought that Trumps comments on Iran were exaggerated and should instead be directed towards Saudi Arabia, but if it makes time bombs like you realize you're not really American, and that when Iran is attacked you identify more with them, than you do with white people, then I'm fine with Trump's comments. Because you have to go back, your goats and cousins are waiting.
What comments?
Trump routinely called Iran the "biggest supporter of terrorism in the world". At this point I would've linked some quotations to show that i'm not pulling this out of my ass, and then I would've quoted some links about how it's actually Saudi Arabia that funds terrorists.
When did I say I'm not American and how has Trump winning the election changed me being an American?
Here is where I'd link some demographic breakdowns on the election, statements from the DNC demonizing whites, and new sties claiming that this election was the result of a "whitelash". Trump is a referendum on whether the United States remains a majority white country, and whether or not the government should start working to reverse the demographic change, and the people voted to do exactly that. So at some point down the line this will make your claim to be an American tenuous. But really I was just pulling out the harder hitting insults since you left me with nothing else. Idgaf about non-white citizens that are already here as long as they keep in line, I care about the illegals and the future immigrants, since they're the ones that can change your minority status to plurality, and then majority. [/quote]
Why should I identify with "white people" when you're barely the majority
I could argue that "assimilating" is all about people identifying with the majority's norm, which is still white people with white culture. But since you've acknowledged the demographic shift, you've proven my point, that on some level you understand that there is a racial conflict going on and you're not siding with the people that you think are going to lose (whites), you're siding with the people that you either think will win, or your siding with the people you identify, or both. I'm not criticizing you since that's the only position that makes sense, and I do it myself, but I am criticizing you for not realzing just what Trump's win means.
and no race or religion has claim to America? That's why it's the best country in the whole world.
That's really a discussion for another thread, but you can already tell where I stand on that, just look at the founding fathers and tell me the common denominator.

Again, if you're going to flat out say "I'm racist" and have trouble with some controversial comments Trump has made, maybe you're not the crazy nigger killing racist you think you are. I mean you're contradicting yourself in just this post alone, how are any of us supposed to take you seriously?
Maybe we could talk things out, I hear that works occasionally.

And I don't identify with "them" or "us". I know you're a dumbass but we don't live in that type of world anymore. If you want to be a sheep that falls for the whole tribalistic nonsense then good for you, just know we're all laughing at you.
Yeah but your previous comment about demographic shift says otherwise, I'd also argue that your claim that "no race or religion has claim to America" is just a PC way of saying "white people have no claim to America". And really, laugh all you want, doesn't change the fact that my tribe won and I couldn't be happier. Really all I wanted out of Trump was him to end the TPP, which he did on his fourth day, so everything afterwards has been endless icing.

All you're doing is proving my points, all you're doing is justifying any stupid thing any crazy SJW says about anybody that's even slightly conservative. When it comes down to it, you're racist and you don't care about policies or the economy or really anything beyond muh skin color.
Going back to the start, if you're going to hit me with memes and rhetoric, i'll hit back in kind. If you instead want to talk about fiscal policy, foreign policy, or anything else, I'll do my best with the knowledge I have. I've already learned a bit from flee and icy who I admit know a lot more than I do on these topics.

So stop trying to get people to take you seriously when it'll never happen.
Suck my dick, I'm sure we can bond over it.

The Flood / Re: Why is there no gravity in space?
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:45:02 PM »
Well, there used to be, but when Adolf Hitler activated die Glocke to travel to the dark side of the moon, it took all the extra gravity in the solar system away because that's what it uses for fuel.
That's fucking retarded, I cannot convey in English just how stupid that is (but I can in german, it's just illegal), OBVIOUSLY Der Fuhrer flew his superior Aryan UFO to Antarctica where to this day he lives on in mecha form, co-ordinating the next Reich under the guise of Russian espionage.

Bro, we've been to Antarctica. There's no Hitler there.
You know where we haven't been? The dark side of the moon.
>he think antarctica is on the earth and the moon isn't within the Earth's hollow core
Look at this fnord, I bet he believes in gravity.

The Flood / Re: I don't care about GMOs
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:33:42 PM »
Hamilton is garbage.

lmao shut the fuck up dude legit no one here likes you
why you hatin

Do the pepe pose, you'd make a pretty good smuggie.

Serious / Re: EM Drive
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:31:53 PM »
Just like the recent hubbub about radio signals from aliens, I'll believe it when I see it. Because the entire world will not shutup about it for months if it turns out to be true.

The Flood / Re: Why is there no gravity in space?
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:29:02 PM »
Well, there used to be, but when Adolf Hitler activated die Glocke to travel to the dark side of the moon, it took all the extra gravity in the solar system away because that's what it uses for fuel.
That's fucking retarded, I cannot convey in English just how stupid that is (but I can in german, it's just illegal), OBVIOUSLY Der Fuhrer flew his superior Aryan UFO to Antarctica where to this day he lives on in mecha form, co-ordinating the next Reich under the guise of Russian espionage.

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