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Messages - Azendac

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The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 08:19:48 PM »
Say it with me one last time, before you go back to your goats.

President Donald J Trump.

I get that you don't want to admit that you are a monstrous liar, but at least admit that he #isyourpresident, and that you're not really an American. XOXO bebe.

The Flood / Re: So jojo is actually pretty spectacular
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:25:20 PM »
I read the phantom blood before it was cool. The artwork is fucking beautiful, I'm talking Shin Angyo Onshi levels of good.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:21:22 PM »
part 3/3

I mean, this is basic. If they wanted only whites in America they would've made sure it stayed that way to the best of their abilities.
They did, that's why it took over a century of concerted effort, and the bill had to be passed without the public knowing about it. Are you honestly trying to say that tricking the public is justified because whenever someone succeeded in doing so? White people never voted for infinte non-white immigration, and every time in Europe a similar sounding things crops up, they vote against it. Then the EU ignores them anyway.

You do know that over half of all donations to the democrat party comes from jews right? This isn't some secret hidden knowledge, they openly brag about this kind of thing.
Yeah Jews totally don't donate to republicans.
I like how you completely missed the point, jews donated to bush style republicans, but they all publicly rejected Trump, and that's what really matters.

It doesn't matter. The Jewish lobby isn't this comic book evil villain. Calm the fuck down.
Marvel creator Stan Lee changed his birth name from Stanley Lieberman, because he's Jewish and didn't want to be recognized so easily. Comic book villains are literally Jewish, thanks for bringing that up.

Calling something /pol/ doesn't make it wrong.
It does prove how dumb you are though.
It really doesn't.

You keep switching between saying they're barely white, almost loosing their majority, and saying they;re white countries.
No I haven't. I said America I losing its majority white population. Europe isn't. Not by a long shot. Maybe you should read my posts properly.
Two million african/semitic migrants went to germany alone over the past two years and the number is still rising. Many of them were pregnant on the way over, their average birthrate far outdoes the native european birthrates, which are below replacement rate across the board. That is ethnic cleansing and you're trying to justify it you sick fuck.

You sleazy lying fuck.
Are you coming onto me?
I already offered you my dick to suck, go ahead anytime.

You haven't done anything BUT yell at me and act condescending while dodging every question I ask and ignoring every fact I bring up, you are unbelieveable.
No, that'd be what you're doing. Everything I say that prices you wrong you resort to "LALALALALA TRUMP WON I HATE NIGGERS"
But you've never even managed to disprove me, you always avoid my factual statements and move goal posts. I even said early on that yelling "niggers" is poor taste and shouldn't be done, but here you are ignoring what I say so that you can keep lying.

Likewise you inbred.
I'm not a white southerner though?
Cousin marriage is incredibly common and promoted in Islamic countries, resulting in sevre neurological defects becoming common.
The fact that you ignore this shows that you defend your own people (Iranians) subconsciously. The fact that you slander white Americans shows that you don't belong in a white country. And that's fine, you just have to go back.

And here you fail to understand banter due to your crippling mental retardation, good job!
No I'm just calling you out in your lame bullshit.
All you've done is spew your own tripe.

Makes no difference really, you're still agitating exactly like one.
LOL What? What does this even mean?
Well since you can't understand basic implications, I'll spell it out for you. You talk and act like a pro-islamist muslim, so it makes no difference whether or not you mastrubate to allah, because you act exactly like someone who does, aside from the suicide bombings.

You don't even try to make a consistent narrative, what the fuck are you doing?
I've consistently said your sources are trash.
wow, you sur showed me.

You are, I'm not even trying to insult you.

Pot Kettle Black, you're pathetic.
That's not what that means you fucking dumbass LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
It means you keep trying to paint me as the uniformed raging downie, when that's all you've been like this entire conversation.

Kill yourself so that I can stop replying.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:11:37 PM »
Fuck trying to format this tbh.

Post needs to be broken up into at least three parts.

I did it guise, I embraced the autism and saved the day. Praise me.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:11:13 PM »
part 2/3

They're not and that joke isn't funny. jews are semites.
Lsiten, I just had this same conversation with verb and winy until they realized they couldn't justify their shit opinions. "White" is simply a catchall term to make conversation easier, if you want to really have a discussion about race then we can subcategorize  by haplogroups (the characterization used in all DNA lineage testing) and go from there. But there's no point if you actually think race is just skin colour, which is simply wrong and all of evolutionary theory disagrees with you.

Seems pretty white to me
His most famous movie is a love story between a black man and a white woman, are you actually retarded or do you not understand racial politics at all?


That's a real quote, the man himself does not identify as white so why the fuck are you misgendering him shitlord?

Representative Emanuel Celler of New York proposed the bill
Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany; his paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish
Yes, it was a very particular jew who created this, good spotting!
Oh wow a guy who had Jewish grandparents proposed an immigration bill.

Wow. The Jews run EVERYTHING.
you: "jews weren't involved you conspiracy theorist"
me: "actually here's proof that they were, and here's some more where they admit it, brag about it, and complain that the world doesn't know about it:
you: "pure coincidence"
Keep backpedaling though, you're only revealing you dishonesty.

Yes, those projections were from before Trump got elected and did not fator his policies into account, good comprehension of time you got there.
What? We're talking about race, not Trump.
YOU FUCKING BROUGHT TRUMP UP YOU LYING RAT. This is the quote I replied to:
"And wait, wasn't daddy trump going to ensure America stayed white forever? You literally just said he would."
I really should just stop here because you have no intention of ever being honest about anything in this discussion.

Actually I wasn't intending to mention jewish intervention in American government since that is also another topic for another time, but they literally created the the law that made America go from >95% white to <65% in just a few decades, so what other interpretation is there?
Except "they" didn't, and illegal immigration coupled with birthrates among minorities caused that.
And pray tell, who allowed so much illegal immigration to happen? who brought so many minorities in and gave them welfare to breed with? You aren't even trying to understand.

Are you seriously this dumb?
Are you seriously this bad at lying? you do know I can always look back at your posts and see where you've lied right? you may actually have Alzheimer's since you can't seem to keep track of anything in this conversation.

That's exactly what I'm arguing against, how are you so incapable of grasping that what you linked is the problem that Trump is proposing to solve? Are you retarded or just malevolent?
Trump has made no mention of Make America White Again, pretty sure that isn't his slogan and he doesn't give a fuck what some racist wants him to do.
Now you're just proving that you're incapable of reading between the lines. If you can't see how deportations, immigration restrictions, and infrastructure projects overwhelmingly help white people, then you're beyond hope.

y u mad tho
y u mentally handicapped tho?

You think they would write down that water is wet and that the sky is blue when not covered in clouds? No, that's too obvious to be worth mentioning. All the founding fathers were white, only landed white men could originally vote, the entire government was run by white men. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit interpretation of history, the only reason you're undermining the role of whites is to justify your existence as a non-white living in America. Next you'll be saying George Washington is a haji.
It's funny how quickly all that changed though. Hmm, almost as if it didn't actually matter as much you think it did. That's why it wasn't written down, where certain laws favoring whites was.
How quickly it changed? America's demographics only started  to change after the 1965 immigration act, and as i've already shown,, was created by jews. You are so historically illiterate it hurts.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:10:34 PM »
part 1/3

Why do you keep doing this, when every time you just reveal how much of a disgusting chronic liar you are, every single post you just ignore everything I say, refuse to admit you fucked up, and double down on projecting your many failures onto me. It's pathetic and waste of both of our time.

see I keep repeating myself, my team won, all over the world we're winning, I'm ecstatic.
You don't seem very happy to me tbh
Do you want me to dump my memes? I've been having a blast this year and it's only gotten better post election. I'll say this again, you are utter garbage at reading people.

You've only made one post where you had the decency to try talking things out, and already you go back to shitposting.
It's not shitposting. How old are you?
Old enough. I know that no matter what age I say you'll either condemn me for being out of touch, or for being too young to understand the world, I've had this exact conversation enough times to know that you're just capitulating since you don't have a leg to stand on.

See? there's no room for discussion with you whe you act like this.
"talk shit get hit" is reasonable discussion?
You're doing it again, you interpret banter as a serious argument, while dismissing serious arguments as LOL SO MAD. This level of mental gymnastics shouldn't even be possible.

What mental condition do you have?
An unfortunate desire to have sex with your mother.

See here's where you don't even try to hide that you're habitual liar, I can check my wikipedia history at anytime, and the only times i've used it were for:
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Constellation program
Along with some historical figures like James K Polk, you lying sack of shit.
mad af😂😂😂

When did I say anything sour specifically Wikipedia? Is Wikipedia your go to "source"? LMAOOOOOO
You tried to dismiss my sources as "linking to random shit", then when I tell you it's to historical events you dismiss it as "nah everyone knows what roe v wade is", then when I show conclusively that it's not roe v wade and you're talking out of your semen filled ass, you pull this shit. Do you have alzheimers? is that why you can't even remember your own statements?

Given the above, I don't think you even click on my links, you just assume I'm an idiot and go from there
It's not even about that.

It's about where meta would post a source supporting the point he's making, you'll literally just link some random thing that's barely relevant in an attempt to look smart. It's sad.
You really don't have any problem with claiming one thing then claiming the exact opposite the next sentence. You attack me for posting sources then lie about what I said so you can attack your own hallucinations.

Endless fucking lies with you.
Except you prove me right again later on in this post.
You haven't been right about anything, you just backpedal and avoid admitting your mistakes every time I press you.

Oh shit you were just trolling, I've been bamboozled.
So you can at least identify a joke, you're at least on par with a small child.

Simply saying you don't fulyl agree with immigration can get you arested in Europe for inciting racial hatred. This is official government policy not fringe shit, and the fact that you're trying so hard to avoid admitting this just shows how disgusting your attitude towards being truthful is.

You're ignoring my entire point in order to attack something completely irrelevant, I could link [ur=]dailymail[/url] and my point would still be the same. But you'll ignore it because disingenuous fucks like you can never admit when you're wrong, you're incapable of admiring that you fucked up and that with every post you dig yourself deeper into a hole of retardation.

No, he doesn't even touch racial questions and supports fucking Milo Yianopolus.
Oh I see, he isn't racist enough for you.
He doesn't represent my views, you thought he did because you're garbage at understanding people, I like how you admitted that because it's very mature learning from your mistakes. OH WAIT LOL.

Nah, living in a multicultural multiracial country where racial minorities are given legal privileges while you're demonized by the government just does this to you.
>you unironically believe this

It is written into my country's constitution that Maori get special privellages explicitly because they are maori, kill yourself for being so grossly misinformed about everything.
>so why the fuck do you care so much about America
Because genetically and culturally I'm more American than you ever will be, and you will never be able to deny this, because America is white.

It must be nice knowing that at anytime you can leve and move to a country full of people like yourself, because I can't.
Can I? How exactly can I do that?
Go back to Iran, land of your ancestors.

No you fucking dunce, I said they his Iran comments were misdirected, then I went on to bantz you, and you somehow lacked the mental capacity to pick up on it. Don't blame me for your retardation.
Stop saying bantz you literal fucking autist holy shit, you're so cringy.
why so mad brah? it's just bantz.

Exactly, you said his comments were misdirected then said you now kind of agree with him and then I said why her you agree with him or not the groups Iran supports aren't terrorists.
Yes? we agree on that much, I would much rather the Shiites and their allies be the dominant power in the region. Sunni Islam does everything you could possibly condemn.

Can you? you don't even know how a simple fucking meme works and keep trying to argue shit over it.
I do, though. You act like a paid shill.
I have strong views that I'll happily defend. if you can't comprehend that somebody could actually believe in something controversial for reasons other than messing with people, then it speaks volumes about who you are and how you think.

?And this is the crux of it, you don't want to admit that the roles have been reversed and now white people are universally condemned in their own countries for existing, it's official government policy all over the western world to do so and you know it.
Prove it.
I just did and you dismissed it immediately.

In a multicultural wonderland I can just drive down a few streets and find myself in a different country~~~~
Besides, I already di that and it stopped me from continuing to support Obama.
I'm sure lmao

What country did you go to?
A strange mix of china, india, vietnam, pakistan, and some arab state. Very horrible place to go to.

But seriously, you want me to go travel to other countries and see what? Ethnically homogeneous people that embrace their heritage and culture, and are happier because of it? despite possible economic deficiencies? Or do you want me to go to Europe and see the demographic destruction first hand? you're not selling a very good point here.

Then you should realize that owning slaves directly contradicts the notion of "all men are created equal" written in the constitution. You cannot divorce their words from the people they were and the lives they lived. And lol that you think I support slavery, it was a complete mistake and they should all be sent home.
But they wrote it. And slaves were freed. And today everybody has a fair shot (for the most part).
Good job ignoring voting rights and such. Besides, you do know that Abraham Lincoln wanted to repatriate the freed slaves back to Africa? They we're always meant to go back, and they still should go back, because they hate being here and they're a net economic drain on white society. Everyone wins if they just leave.

Right of conquest bitch,
So again, you agree almost nothing was sold and most of it was stolen through murder. Thanks.
If you want to play word games then I guess every victory is stolen from the losers, but that's a pretty pathetic standpoint to take. The natives lost because they never developed the technology we did (both in America and New Zealand, there's more parallels than i can keep track of). If you call it stealing, then every Olympic gold is stolen from the silver medalist.

if they wanted to keep their land they had just as many centuries to develop technologies and civilizations like we did. But they didn't and paid the price for it, boo fucking hoo.
I don't disagree.
Neat. I hope you realize that I'll still offer you an olive branch after all this, I can only put so much effort into this before it gets boring.

Obviously i'm using muslim as a proxy for middle easterners, particularly arabs, but also turks. You could break it down further but that's besides the point,
Except anybody can be a Muslim. It's a religion. Not a race. Fucking ignorant savage.
I just explained my rationale, you and I both know exactly who I'm talking about when I say muslim, I'm not going to type out all twenty something middle eastern countries every time I want to reference them, and there's several times that many ethnic groups living there, not all of which I'm antagonistic towards (like the Yazidis for instance).

same reason I keep saying white instead of Germanic, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, etc. It adds nothing an gets in the way of what i'm saying.
Except white is a race, Islam isn't.
No, white isn't a race but a proxy for many ethnic groups. Go tell a Dutchman and a Spaniard they're the same race because they're both white. When I say white, I expect you to have the intelligence to understand this place holder title, especially since I spelled it out last time.

islam is a religion, and it does have followers outside of the middle east, but for the same reason that everyone thinks of a white guy when you say christian, everyone thinks of an arab when I say muslim.
I'm not an ignorant retard like you so I don't.
Being unable to grasp culture specific cues and meanings actually is part of the diagnosis of autism. Nobody thinks of the Africans who believe in christ when they hear the word "Christian" and you're being a fucking snake for pretending otherwise.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:08:31 PM »
Cool double post brah, really showed him.

The Flood / Re: It gets faster everytime they say "bee"
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:44:53 PM »
I can die happy now. And by that I mean I can commit suicide happily now.

The Flood / Re: Not impressed by JJBA
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:36:19 PM »
I'm weeks behind on DiU and I have little to no desire to catch up.
is it because you're so far behind or because you don't like it enough? Two different solutions.
Just read the manga, way faster and much less quality.

The Flood / Re: Gotta keep my mind off stuff
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:34:48 PM »
But I can't keep on living in a Harambeless world.
If Harambe(PBUH) never died, then we wouldn't know about his glory tho.
Your username seems like a prescription drug
My post are pretty mind altering, side effects may very.

The Flood / Re: what the fuck cheat
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:31:38 PM »
why can you even report yourself anyways
Sometimes I shitpost so hard, I rip the skin I regret it.

For reference see: Every post I've ever made on this site, yikes.

The Flood / Re: Gotta keep my mind off stuff
« on: November 22, 2016, 04:26:06 PM »
But I can't keep on living in a Harambeless world.
If Harambe(PBUH) never died, then we wouldn't know about his glory tho.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 03:58:11 PM »
Alright dude, it's clear you've got a narrative to believe and you won't budge an inch from it. If you want to believe Obama was encouraging illegals to vote (which he wasn't) and the democrats are importing Mexicans by the truck load to take control of the country go ahead.

I'm not exactly interested in debating a fantasy so I'm done with this line of discussion.
Brah you're not even trying. I gave you my honest opinion and I'll happily listen to yours. Don't plug your ears and storm out just because I have things I believe in, I'm no going to do the same to you.

What's there to say? Obama was clearly referring to legal citizens since that he specifically said that

"if you have an undocumented family member" meaning the individual who is debating whether or not to vote because as a citizen they are eligible to
And what about his "when you're voting, you are a citizen" comment? I don't think he's referring to citizens here. Course I should have clarified that I'm not denying he's talking to legal family member of illegals, It just really gets under my skin when they call them "undocumented" because that is deliberate obfuscation, like calling it "collateral damage".

"then you have an even greater reason to vote" meaning that because undocumented citizens (illegal aliens) can't vote, you have even more reason to vote since you can use your voice in the political process to speak for them
That does make sense though, I disagree with the principle but it makes sense legally.

I can't refute your claim that democrats are smuggling Hispanics in by the millions to take over the country because no proof that it's even happening even exists. And I mean legitimate proof, not some mad raving from someone like Alex Jones. It's the equivalent of you claiming there's an invisible pink elephant in the room that only you can see. I mean yeah, I can't prove that it isn't there but there's no way for you to prove it's actually there either so we're stuck at an impasse. There's no actual discussion to be had.
All you have to do is break down the votes by demographics, and see that Hispanics overwhelmingly vote democrat. Which shouldn't surprise anyone given Trump's running, and Hillary's promises to them. You could make the case that it's just a happy accident that the DNC panders to hispanics in that way, but functionally it's not different to them deliberately doing so.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 03:49:17 PM »
You keep bitching on that I'm mean about things,
No, you're not being mean lmao it's just funny how mad you are over my posts.
see I keep repeating myself, my team won, all over the world we're winning, I'm ecstatic.

when I'm only responding to your being equally obnoxious and condescending.
I'm being condescending because you have the intelligence level of a 14 year old. How old are you? Anything above 14 is cause for alarm.
You've only made one post where you had the decency to try talking things out, and already you go back to shitposting.

Talk shit, get hit.
See? there's no room for discussion with you whe you act like this.

Except that was when I linked two old laws/legal rulings that hadn't been in the news for a long time,
Pretty sure everyone's talking about Roe v Wade but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
See here's where you don't even try to hide that you're habitual liar, I can check my wikipedia history at anytime, and the only times i've used it were for:
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Constellation program
Along with some historical figures like James K Polk, you lying sack of shit.

and didn't have any relevant articles.
You never do. The fact that you think you come off as Meta is just embarrassingly pathetic. It actually shows how stupid and inferior you are to me, that like a monkey you can barely grasp what Meta does and how he does it so you just post random links and try to write long posts which are mostly fluff.
Given the above, I don't think you even click on my links, you just assume I'm an idiot and go from there

This is the second time you've ignored that I've been linking news sites that are biased against me.
LOL No you haven't done that.
Endless fucking lies with you.

kind of hard to do that
Not really, just don't call people goat fuckers because they prove you wrong or call you out on being retarded. Take it like a man and grow up.

when the definition changes every few months, and that it always boils down to "being a fucking white male and not prostrating yourselves to POC".
LMAO Why are you paying attention to what the most fringe left SJW's think about race? Who cares?
Simply saying you don't fulyl agree with immigration can get you arested in Europe for inciting racial hatred. This is official government policy not fringe shit, and the fact that you're trying so hard to avoid admitting this just shows how disgusting your attitude towards being truthful is.
You're not one of those retards that watches Sargon of Akkad are you?
No, he doesn't even touch racial questions and supports fucking Milo Yianopolus.

If I say I want to live in a white country exclusively by and for white people, am I racist? because if that makes me racist then I will never choose anything else.
Yeah you are. I don't see how race matters. You've clearly never been to another country or met people from anywhere. You have your information spoon fed to you by racists on the Internet, and hopefully you're just a young impressionable kid and you'll grow out of it.
Nah, living in a multicultural multiracial country where racial minorities are given legal privileges while you're demonized by the government just does this to you. It must be nice knowing that at anytime you can leve and move to a country full of people like yourself, because I can't.

I was referencing ISIS and Al Qaeda, which we know the Saudis are funding (again, i'd love to link you some stuff here to prove that I'm not talking about my ass, but you still seem to think proper citations is something to condemn).
Fuck you're dumb dude. I was responding to the comments Trump made about Iran sponsoring terrorism, which you said you now agree with even though before you thought they should be directed at Saudi Arabia.
No you fucking dunce, I said they his Iran comments were misdirected, then I went on to bantz you, and you somehow lacked the mental capacity to pick up on it. Don't blame me for your retardation.

Can you seriously not keep up with this? How can you ask people to take you seriously when if it comes down to an actual conversation about shit you're totally lost and confused?
Can you? you don't even know how a simple fucking meme works and keep trying to argue shit over it.

Why am I not allowed to openly say "I prefer white people to everyone else, because I myself am white, and want my country to remain that way"? Everyone else on earth that isn't white can do that with no questions asked. Don't act like this isn't the way the world is.
?And this is the crux of it, you don't want to admit that the roles have been reversed and now white people are universally condemned in their own countries for existing, it's official government policy all over the western world to do so and you know it.

Again, put down the alt right YouTube videos and go meet people for yourself, visit other countries. You'll look back at this point of your life in shame. You remind me of this guy I knew who thought Africa didn't have cars.
In a multicultural wonderland I can just drive down a few streets and find myself in a different country~~~~
Besides, I already di that and it stopped me from continuing to support Obama.

That's blatantly false, America as a union of states was created by white immigrant men from Europe,
Who if they weren't British were persecuted by British in the beginning. Germans were treated badly, same with Irish, Italians, and many European nations and ethnicities.

So, really, are you still not seeing a pattern here?

to secure the existence of their progeny (that's written in fucking constitution, but you don't want me to link that do you?).
Um no? Because I've read the constitution, and funnily enough it doesn't read like the scripture of lunatic racists.

And while we're on that subject, most of the forefathers were scumbag slave owners and worse. You don't have to respect people just because they were the first.
Then you should realize that owning slaves directly contradicts the notion of "all men are created equal" written in the constitution. You cannot divorce their words from the people they were and the lives they lived. And lol that you think I support slavery, it was a complete mistake and they should all be sent home.

Sure, the natives where here first, they also had no conception of property rights and sold their land for beads. America the country has always been white, and after Trump's election, will always be white. And obviously christian too, since that's still the majority.

The natives got their land stolen from them. Most of them didn't want to sell it dumbass, they had no interest in money from Europeans. That's why there so many wars on the natives. Have you even read an American history book?
Right of conquest bitch, if they wanted to keep their land they had just as many centuries to develop technologies and civilizations like we did. But they didn't and paid the price for it, boo fucking hoo.

I'd give you the FBI's official crime statistics, where blacks, hispanics, and muslims are shown to commit vastly disproportionate amounts of crimes, when compared to the white majority of the country, but I guess the FBI's a shitty source, it's over 80% white after all.
And you want me to take you seriously?

Holy shit dude you're really something else. Muslims and Hispanics commit the most crimes? I mean blacks do commit crime at a a disproportionate level, but do you seriously think Muslims are a race? You're not that dumb are you? You're just as dumb if not moreso than an SJW.
Obviously i'm using muslim as a proxy for middle easterners, particularly arabs, but also turks. You could break it down further but that's besides the point, same reason I keep saying white instead of Germanic, Scandinavian, Mediterranean, etc. It adds nothing an gets in the way of what i'm saying. islam is a religion, and it does have followers outside of the middle east, but for the same reason that everyone thinks of a white guy when you say christian, everyone thinks of an arab when I say muslim.

Pop culture created by jew owned hollywood and jew owned record labels? Sure, that's still proving my point that they have to go back to Israel.
They're white though. You shouldn't talk about your fellow whites like that.
They're not and that joke isn't funny. jews are semites.

you said "Why should I identify with "white people" when you're barely the majority", and the reason we're barely the majority is because of the 1965 immigration act that dramatically favored everyone except whites,

It must be those dastardly Jews at it again.
Representative Emanuel Celler of New York proposed the bill
Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany; his paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish
Yes, it was a very particular jew who created this, good spotting!

along with the exponential growth in hispanics coming in from mexico. Just a few decades ago America was >95% white, and now you, an Iranian, are bragging that it's barely above 50%. There's no other way to interpret this.
I'm bragging? I couldn't care less.

And wait, wasn't daddy trump going to ensure America stayed white forever? You literally just said he would.
Yes, those projections were from before Trump got elected and did not fator his policies into account, good comprehension of time you got there.

For fuck sakes, look at the original European settlers, look at the founding fathers, look at this pew research study on the history of immigration:
A study on how immigration has changed (which is due so many factors trying to cover it in one is not only laughable, it again shows how stupid you are) is indication of some Jewish plot to destroy whites in America?

Because, again, this is what you're saying.
Actually I wasn't intending to mention jewish intervention in American government since that is also another topic for another time, but they literally created the the law that made America go from >95% white to <65% in just a few decades, so what other interpretation is there?

America was always intended for whites and whites only,

That didn't work out too well.
That's exactly what I'm arguing against, how are you so incapable of grasping that what you linked is the problem that Trump is proposing to solve? Are you retarded or just malevolent?

to the point that Benjamin Franklin was worried that Germans weren't white enough and should be banned. it is a LIE to claim that America was ever intended to be anything other than a white ethnostate. The only reason it wasn't explicitly written down back then is because it was so goddamned obvious to all the white people that made up the country at the time. Fuck off with your "melting pot" style bullshit, that term was coined by a jew anyway.

It wasn't written down because that was never the intention. You'd think a bunch of crazy radical racists like you would write that shit down so as help preserve the whiteness of the country, don't you think? Or maybe, just maybe, that wasn't the intention.
You think they would write down that water is wet and that the sky is blue when not covered in clouds? No, that's too obvious to be worth mentioning. All the founding fathers were white, only landed white men could originally vote, the entire government was run by white men. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit interpretation of history, the only reason you're undermining the role of whites is to justify your existence as a non-white living in America. Next you'll be saying George Washington is a haji.

And ah yes, the Jews strike again. Boy you're spending way too much time on /pol/ and taking it way too seriously.
You do know that over half of all donations to the democrat party comes from jews right? This isn't some secret hidden knowledge, they openly brag about this kind of thing.

Calling something /pol/ doesn't make it wrong.

I would if they didn't keep flooding it with africans and muslims. Cool context denial.
LMAO All of the countries here in Europe are still extremely white. Stop watching YouTube videos for information.
You keep switching between saying they're barely white, almost loosing their majority, and saying they;re white countries. You sleazy lying fuck.

You are being so disingenuous with this, the amount of times you have flat out ignored everything I've said, everything i've linked to, every idea I've presented, and responded with "lol u mad y so mad?", i've lost count of it.
Except I responded to your "points" and corrected them. This led to you just hurling racial slurs at me and rambling about Jews.
You haven't done anything BUT yell at me and act condescending while dodging every question I ask and ignoring every fact I bring up, you are unbelieveable.

Sorry, but it's not my fault you're retarded.
Likewise you inbred.

How the fuck can you lie with such ease? Is it taqiyya? that's your culture after all.
lmao you fucking idiot.

That's lying about your religion to avoid persecution. If you knew anything about it at all you'd know that lying is so frowned upon that this exception had to be made to allow lying only in cases of extreme danger.
And here you fail to understand banter due to your crippling mental retardation, good job!

Again, I'm not Muslim and been in America since I was a baby so I don't see how this is relevant at all. Just like the nonsense you link, it isn't.
Makes no difference really, you're still agitating exactly like one.

You're the one that thinks backing up claims with sources is a bad thing, and you really still don't understand that I'm enjoying this and every other victory.
You aren't backing them up with sources. Your sources are trash, and more than half the time completely irrelevant to not only your post but the topic at hand.
You don't even try to make a consistent narrative, what the fuck are you doing?

It's like you're on the spectrum or something. I don't see any other explanation.

This is the language that leads to deportations squads and pogroms, cool future you chose.
That was sarcasm.

Yeah, you're definitely autistic. Funny how your superior white race breeds so many autistic kids. Hmm, interesting.
Pot Kettle Black, you're pathetic.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 03:02:53 PM »
Only white girls can suck my dick, I have to help destroy your race. This is really important to the rest of us Americans. We just wake up and want to destroy white people.
Well actually, your fellow muslim explains it quite succinctly here.

"We will fuck your daughters and outbreed you in the name of allah(PBUH)"
Yeah I'm not Muslim dumbass.

Are you seriously linking some random Muslim on Twitter as proof that all Muslims want to destroy America? LMAO

Don't get me wrong, most are in support of terrorism and many are terrorists, but this is just fucking weak. There are multiple studies you could've linked but you're too stupid, ignorant, racist, and chugging on the kool aid to do anything but shitpost like some teenager from /pol/. This is just sad.
But linking pewresearch is just /pol/ tier clickbait, you said so yourself. The amount of times you accuse me of the exact same shit you do is astonishing.  If i joke with you you call me retarded for not linking sources, if I link sources you call me a tryhard, If I simply talk to you go "HAHAHAHAHA WHY SO MAD". This entire thread has been an exercise in trying to decipher what the fuck you're trying to say, because you are far from being consistent.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:57:29 PM »
Alright dude, it's clear you've got a narrative to believe and you won't budge an inch from it. If you want to believe Obama was encouraging illegals to vote (which he wasn't) and the democrats are importing Mexicans by the truck load to take control of the country go ahead.

I'm not exactly interested in debating a fantasy so I'm done with this line of discussion.
Brah you're not even trying. I gave you my honest opinion and I'll happily listen to yours. Don't plug your ears and storm out just because I have things I believe in, I'm no going to do the same to you.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:54:06 PM »
why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else?
Because they're not "your people." At all. They just share your skin color--that's it.

The rest of your questions are either too loaded or malformed for me to answer.
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else, and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.

How are they not my people? How are they less of my people than other ethnic groups?
Are you actually as stupid as you're making out to be, or is this just a big joke?
Was James Watson also brainwashed? I love how nobody can even attempt to refute the claims I have that are backed up by all genetic science, because we both know you can't do anything but slander me.
Bro the problem is that you're putting race on the same level of divine predestination or hard determinism as the sole factor of how a person will develop. This is outside of the scope of classification of the races and realistic scientific racism.
Yeah my bad, I should put a heavier emphasis on the statistical character of it. If you pick any individual then it's hard to make specific predictions about them, but when you widen your interpretation to that of a group of similar people, then you can make fairly good predictions. Even then, the predictions aren't absolute, just better than every other indicator by a statistically significant amount.

But given that these people don't even consider the possibility that race exists, how am I meant to get across the subtleties of statistical inference? Most people suck at statistics even when it's non-political.

The Flood / Re: Throw some weebshit into the meat grinder
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:51:08 PM »

Serious / Re: Thoughts on this?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:49:10 PM »
Sure, if we also treat communist sympathizers with the same degree of severity, by which I mean trial for treason.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:46:20 PM »
Wait... you guys actually believe he told illegals to vote? And you are using that heavily edited video to prove it?

Snopes already debunked it by showing the full interview.
Except there was no editing, she asked a question and he answered. And anyway there's a strong case that he should no better than to say things that could be misinterpreted so easily, especially in election season and especially in this election of all of them.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:45:05 PM »
Obama openly encouraged illegals to vote

Did you actually watch that? He says that legal citizens who have undocumented family don't need to worry about ICE coming for them if they vote.
"undocumented" that's newspeak for "illegal alien". Their problem isn't that they lack documentation as the term "undocumented" implies, but that they broke the law and flagrantly disregarded America's sovereignty and right to bar entry.

So are you going to address the main point here or are you going keep explaining shit that everybody already knows?
Yes, saying "we're not going to punish you if you go out to vote, even though you broke the law and should be deported" Is encouraging illegals to vote. And if you listened to it you'd know they're talking about the voters themselves just as much as they're talking about their families.

Fact is, if Russia sent millions of people into America to vote in the election for their preferred candidate, it would be an international incident and we'd be hearing about it for years, but Mexico can do the exact same thing and get it approved of by the incumbent president? the fuck.

Can you explain why legal citizens should be punished and deported for exercising their right to vote? Because if you aren't talking about legal citizens (the people Obama was encouraging to vote) then you've created your own fantasy here and I'm not exactly interested in talking about whatever fantasy world you've concocted where Obama told illegal aliens to go out and vote.
Ignoring your terrible attitude, I actually will make the case that Mexicans, Guatemalans, and other hispanic groups that were given citizenship for the purpose of voting for democrats should be revoked of their status and deported, because they are being used as a weapon to "elect a new people" as the saying goes. They almost exclusively vote democrat, they have very high birthrates, and they use more welfare than they pay for. The only reason they're in the country is to turn red states blue, and make blue states stay that way. This isn't democracy, it's bullshit.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:41:51 PM »
"Many of the millenials, dreamers, undocumented...uh...citizens, I call them citizens because they contribute to this country, are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family and deport us?"
Clearly talking about an illegal alien themselves voting, now for Obama's response:
"Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote you are a citizen yourself.And there is not a situation where the voting roles are somehow transferred over and people start investigating etc the sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who, maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote"

So in addition to encouraging illegals to vote, he's also trying to trick them into thinking that voting grants them citizenship, which is what they desire the most since it prevents them from being deported. This is newspeak through and through.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:34:53 PM »
Obama openly encouraged illegals to vote

Did you actually watch that? He says that legal citizens who have undocumented family don't need to worry about ICE coming for them if they vote.
"undocumented" that's newspeak for "illegal alien". Their problem isn't that they lack documentation as the term "undocumented" implies, but that they broke the law and flagrantly disregarded America's sovereignty and right to bar entry.

So are you going to address the main point here or are you going keep explaining shit that everybody already knows?
Yes, saying "we're not going to punish you if you go out to vote, even though you broke the law and should be deported" Is encouraging illegals to vote. And if you listened to it you'd know they're talking about the voters themselves just as much as they're talking about their families.

Fact is, if Russia sent millions of people into America to vote in the election for their preferred candidate, it would be an international incident and we'd be hearing about it for years, but Mexico can do the exact same thing and get it approved of by the incumbent president? the fuck.

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:28:44 PM »
why is it bad for me to love my own people above all else?
Because they're not "your people." At all. They just share your skin color--that's it.

The rest of your questions are either too loaded or malformed for me to answer.
But they're genetically closer to me than anyone else, and because of that are naturally predisposed to hold views similar to my own, enjoy things similar to myself, value similar things, and in essence act like an extended family.

How are they not my people? How are they less of my people than other ethnic groups?
Are you actually as stupid as you're making out to be, or is this just a big joke?
Was James Watson also brainwashed? I love how nobody can even attempt to refute the claims I have that are backed up by all genetic science, because we both know you can't do anything but slander me.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:26:38 PM »
Obama openly encouraged illegals to vote

Did you actually watch that? He says that legal citizens who have undocumented family don't need to worry about ICE coming for them if they vote.
"undocumented" that's newspeak for "illegal alien". Their problem isn't that they lack documentation as the term "undocumented" implies, but that they broke the law and flagrantly disregarded America's sovereignty and right to bar entry.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:24:48 PM »
Explain, what about it is broke?
The fact that a republican vote in California means nothing, and a democratic vote in Texas means nothing.

The fact that not all votes count as much as each other.
And your solution is to make ALL rural votes mean nothing? cool.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:21:59 PM »
Isn't the whole point to prevent sprawling cities like New York and LA from swinging every election in their favour?

Seems pretty reasonable IMO.
Yeah, now we have fuckhead rural counties swinging the elections in their favor. Brilliant.
You already have the house decided by popular vote, and most importantly outside f elections, the big cities get the most taxes, infrastructure, businesses, investment. You get literally everything you could want every other time of the year, yet you still want more power.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:18:41 PM »
People forget that both candidates built their campaign around securing elecotral college votes, that's why the buzzword of the pundits was "path to victory", as in "what is each candidate's plan for securing enogh EC votes from likely states". If you switched to a popular vote, then suddenly all the votes of republicans in traditionally blue states now matter, and are worth campaigning for. Given that even under the EC, Clinton's popular vote was a very slim victory, there's a good chance Trump still would have won if he ran a popular vote campaign.

Of course, Obama openly encouraged illegals to vote. And while we can't yet be sure of even what makes a good estimate on how many illegals that could vote, did so. We can be sure that it isn't Russians boating across the bearing sea to vote for Trump or weedman in Alaska.

The Flood / Re: Damn Portugal
« on: November 22, 2016, 02:11:14 PM »
Stupid fake country using a stupid fake font.

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