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Messages - Azendac

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Gaming / Re: Convince me to like bloodborne ITT
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:55:52 PM »
I will link you this video by Digibro, who I always like.
why am i not surprised

he's all right
Mostly weeb stuff, but this video is the first I saw of him, and I always do enjoy when people think outside of the box and present me with something I would have otherwise never have even began to consider.
He's gotten kinda bad lately, just making stuff telling people what they already knew about. He should do another series in the style of "asterisk war sucks".

I'm making this post both because partition is an interesting topic of discussion, and because Huffpo is somehow saying the exact same thing as the alt-right. I've said elsewhere that America is two different countries within one set of borders, fighting each-other for dominance over the other; Partition is becoming an increasingly feasible solution to most of the problems raised this election cycle. Full article below:
It’s time, America. It’s either a two-state divorce, or “Heil, Trump” will be coming to your neighborhood as it has already come to mine.

We are in a civil war. Not very hot — yet — but in which tension is building daily. Neo-Nazis party in my neighborhood of Chevy Chase, unnoticed by the Leader, while he attacks the cast of Hamilton instead. Clinton keeps racking up votes, now with a 2,000,000+ vote lead, while no one is yet auditing the states that swung the Electoral College (itself a vestige of slavery). Liberals are turning in on themselves, while conservatives stand stunned, buried at the foot of the wreckage of the Republican party while the kakistocracy takes shape.

All this because a few hundred thousand Rust Belt citizens, repeatedly fed misinformation and disinformation in our era of Big Data, decided to first destroy the Republican Party, which had betrayed then for forty years (fool me once...), and then take down the entire country in a fit of pique for an encore. Now they will learn what pain really feels like, as they’ve given unlimited power to a demagogue (“Hamilton’s besetting fear was that American democracy would be spoiled by demagogues who would mouth populist shibboleths to conceal their despotism.”) while emasculating themselves. Their new Karl Rove fancies himself as Darth Vader, Dick Cheney and Satan, though on a good day he elevates his narcissistic neo-Nazi self-image into Thomas Cromwell (who ended up executed by the Crown, but no matter).

Still, the fact remains that 62 million people voted for the El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago, in spite of the fact that a significant plurality of those voters felt he was unqualified. All I hear these days from Republicans (and some Democrats) is we failed, in this perverse Marxist analysis, because we didn’t empathize with the poor white working class, while we played within our diversity and let multiculturalism and intersectionality run amok. We must learn to show compassion. Not to our myriad of communities competing for the American ideal of equality, but for a swath of the country - the heartland and Confederacy, along with the Rust Belt - that just ended the American experiment its white race had run for the entirety of 240 years, as if it were simply a season of Survivor.

Sorry, but no. I’m all out of empathy and compassion. Feel free to hate me all you want because I’m an elitist who shows disdain for you. Enjoy waiting for the factories and mills to return as you fling your resentment at the bicoastal elites who’ve created the government programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (sorry about that) upon which you depend. You’ve been fighting a culture war and a religious war, and while you won this battle, you will most assuredly lose the war.

But just as I have no empathy or compassion left, I also have no room for hate in my heart. Vengeance is toxic. So, in the interest of giving most Americans what they what, I again offer what I’ve previously called the 36th Parallel, or Two-State Solution. An amicable disunion so the white enthno-nationalist supremacists can have their own land, their own “safe space,” (as much as they revile that phrase), and diverse America can be free in its own country.

There’s plenty of precedence for this plan — the former Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, which gently dissolved their bonds of empire and union. Soon the same will probably happen to the UK. At times it’s gotten ugly, as it did in Yugoslavia, but there is plenty of centrifugal momentum to provide more than adequate justification for us to give it a go. To ignore the alternative is to condemn us to civil war.

I’ve heard that the idea is just absurd. It’s a taboo; after all, preserving the Union is what drove Lincoln to go to war in the first place, and the thought that the exceptional United States would ever break up is inconceivable. But Trump was as inconceivable three weeks ago. A fascist takeover by an admitted sexual predator of adolescents and fraudulent businessman was inconceivable. Today few believe a Brexited UK will remain intact; it didn’t take too long to imagine Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland taking flight to join the EU as independent states. London may secede as well, its population greater than Scotland and Wales combined. Their economies depend on it.

So we can do the same. Already there is a growing movement for a #CalExit, and New York has also announced its refusal to play nice with Washington beginning next year. We don’t need to secede from the start; even I can’t imagine Democrats having the guts to do it. But we can set up regional compacts in the northeast and Midwest to develop the governmental relationships that will lead to the future United States. Resistance to Homeland Security’s deportation raids and Muslim registries will build regional will to continue on the path to independence. We already have regional agreements with Canada to control acid rain and greenhouse gases; with the upcoming gutting of the EPA we can take those as a model for the future dissolution. Cities and states can refuse federal funding (not that it will be offered for much longer anyway), and we’ve long known that the Confederacy survives only with subsidies from the blue states.

I know secession is unconstitutional, but that didn’t stop Jefferson Davis. What is Trump going to do to the 6th largest economy on the planet? Invade? Resistance (#Resist) is not futile. It is the essence of the American experiment, dissent on behalf of efforts to create a more perfect union. It’s just that the effort required to create that union is simply too difficult with 120 million apathetic non-voting citizens and 60 million who’ve been trying to kill the federal government for the past forty years and have now finally succeeded. We don’t need to play that game. We don’t need to maintain efforts at political persuasion in an anti-political world where fascism is ascendant. President Clinton said we needed to vote for Hillary because our children and grandchildren would thank us. It wasn’t enough. Now we have to separate and end this marriage which was arranged and forced from the beginning, and has never, except when the outside world intruded and threatened destruction, shown any real cohesion. Let’s call an end to the 50 state experiment so we can salvage the ideals upon which the original constitutional republic was based. Separation will let us do a better job at it. A roughly 50-50 state split will do it, or we can start by cutting the Confederacy loose.

We can continue to flounder around in a miasma of pain and incomprehensibility, or we can work towards reclaiming the Declaration and Constitution from the fascists. A friend recently mentioned that the South won the Civil War, and we’re only now recognizing that fact.

It’s time, America.

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:43:28 PM »

No. Karl Marx was the face of Marxism.
You could argue that El Che was the face of marxism in a more literal sense, but that's a bit of strange case.

The Flood / Re: All I wanna do is stick this needle in my butt
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:39:48 PM »
I keep misreading the title as you wanting to shove something up your butt. It's okay brah, plenty of guys find out their true nature in the gym.

The Flood / Re: Degenerate Thanksgiving
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:39:01 PM »
And a wiccan.
The fuck is up with this happening to girls? I knew a girl that my friend hated for being a wiccan and I thought it was just some elaborate joke, then fast forward a few years and she has a business selling satanic artwork. Her FB profile pic used to be her doing the baphomet pose with horns and makeup. smdh.
I have been Wiccan for 13 years. It's not like I woke up yesterday and said "oh what's the edgeist degenerate religion I can claim to be?"

Although, I did recently go to a Satanist "mass" recently out of curiosity. They talked about setting up their club positions like treasurer for about an hour, so I left.
Nah I just don't see what the appeal is for you girls. She went from being a complete dork to actually worshiping satan in just a few years.

Riddle me this, why did the war start in the first place? Accusations of war crimes and chemical weapons only started several years after the war began, so why did it start in the first place? I'm inclined to believe it's a mix of regime change and Saudi Arabia wanting to build their European oil pipeline through Syria, while blocking Iran.Russia from doing the same.

Atrocity propaganda is the US's favorite tactic for drumming up support for toppling enemies and "bringing democracy" to otherwise stable countries.
There's no doubt this is a CIA operation.

That doesn't mean Russia, Assad and co are the good guys.
Even if I play by the UN's rules, Syria is a sovereign state and only armed forces they invite into their country have any justification for being there. Meaning Russia has full legal justification to help them, and the US is violating international law for simply being in the vicinity, let alone everything else they've done.

(of course, I don't make my other arguments by the UN's rules, since that means condemning crimea. This is me playing the devil to show that your own narrative is self contradictory)

Literally the only argument against Assad is the US's atrocity propaganda, which as I've pointed out is as valid as claims of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. They're not.
Yeah we all know the UN is bullshit and nobody cares about its dumb rules.

So I guess all those people tortured themselves? Check the links earlier in the thread. There's piles and piles of evidence against Assad and everybody in his regime. He's an evil man. The only difference is he's not as bad as the terrorist groups that'd take over if he were gone.
This is autism, although maybe it was a poor choice of words on my part. By "rules" I was refering to making a logical argument based on the UN's policies. Using the very same policies that they use to condemn Assad, I can construct an argument to defend him, which I did. When I said I'm not going to use their rules, as I pointed out, it's because using them means condemning Russia's annexation of Crimea.

But I should have fully expected you to misunderstand a figure of speech, and treat it as something else entirely. You really are either incapable of having a discussion, or deliberately twisting my words, because you are a pathological liar. And also a goat fucker.

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?
yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!
Assad was democratically elected with both a turnout and victory margin several points higher than and US presidential election in history. If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.

By they way, how many weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq? Please remind me of how Saddam was on the verge of nuking New York until he was "replaced"

Assad was the only person Syrians could vote for. It's not exactly an election when there's no opponent.
You are quite frankly retarded, you always ignore all the facts that contradict your hallucinations of a world where you're always right. Assad was democratically elected.

But more importantly, why the fuck would he train in britain to be a doctor, only to return to his country to become a genocidal maniac? his brother went into the millitary and were groomed for political positions, but assad was a doctor that treated foreigners in a foreign country, explain that you snake.
Bro the elections were a sham. He and his family control Syria. There is no democracy there, it's a formality so they can deny that they're a dictatorship.

Also, who cares? Why did many of the people in the Iranian regime study in the UK and elsewhere yet oppress and murder their own people? What does this have to do with anything?
Perhaps, but that's quite the conspiracy theory you've got there. Did you consider that people might have seen in him the same things the Philippines say in Duterte? A man that gets things done regardless of how many people kvetch over it?

And his background is important because it completely contradicts the narrative of "he's an evil genocidal maniac", which is the entire justification for "we must invade and overthrow him, and install a democracy with western values, and also start a war with russia in the process". You're falling for atrocity propaganda, I haven't even shown you what a sham the white helmets are yet.

The Flood / Re: So jojo is actually pretty spectacular
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:30:25 PM »
So now that I've almost finished Bento Oreo

I'm wondering:
DId the group ever have a chance of figuring out King Crimson's power, if Diavolo hadn't told them what it was? buca and trish both would've died in the crypt, then probably everyone else without knowing what even happened. Diavolo really pulled a kira with that one, "After decades of meticulously hiding my identity, I will now reveal my biggest secret in front of my greatest enemy, nothing could possibly go wrong!"

The same way they spontaneously figured out that Grateful Dead works slower when your body temperature is lower. Hyper-accurate guessing ability is a standard-issue Stand power.
No, they guessed that because not everyone in the turtle was aging the same way.

Giorno just happened to know that women have a slightly lower body temperature than men because they have less body fat, and Mista and Buccialati were drinking cold drinks so they also had lower temperatures, and connected those bits of useless trivia to the Stand they were fighting.

Which isn't much more believable than guessing King Crimson's power.

But there's no conceivable way to figure out "his stand erases time but also not really" while also fighting him. The best they could do is what Metallica did and figure out that Epitaph gives him premonition.

Giorno guessed KC's ability when he found himself at the top of a staircase without remembering himself climbing it. So I guess it's not every Stand user, just Giorno the genius.
What I'm saying is that grateful dead had significantly more evidence leading to the discovery of it's powers, than KC does. Even Green day was easier to guess, and I was really tempted to make a thread about how there's no fucking way anyone could work that out in time. Green day is so specific that there's really no way you could guess it without being the main character. And KC is on another level.

the fuck are you lovers quarreling about now?
Whether we should name the child after you, or just make you the godfather. It's a tough choice but I think you deserve to play doctor with the girls.

your reading comprehension fails you yet again. good luck with whatever learning disability caused you to be this way.
"I'm unable to have a conversation with people who disagree with me, better project my failures onto them and hope they don't call me out on it"

I'll say it again, you're really, really, bad at this. Everytime you devolve into petty shitflinging instead of discussing the topic at hand like a functioning adult, you just waste our time and out yourself as mentally handicapped. I wonder how you'll try to damage control after this, or maybe you'll just ragequit like chally seems to have done, again.

The Flood / Re: So jojo is actually pretty spectacular
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:34:26 PM »
So now that I've almost finished Bento Oreo

I'm wondering:
DId the group ever have a chance of figuring out King Crimson's power, if Diavolo hadn't told them what it was? buca and trish both would've died in the crypt, then probably everyone else without knowing what even happened. Diavolo really pulled a kira with that one, "After decades of meticulously hiding my identity, I will now reveal my biggest secret in front of my greatest enemy, nothing could possibly go wrong!"

The same way they spontaneously figured out that Grateful Dead works slower when your body temperature is lower. Hyper-accurate guessing ability is a standard-issue Stand power.
No, they guessed that because not everyone in the turtle was aging the same way. But there's no conceivable way to figure out "his stand erases time but also not really" while also fighting him. The best they could do is what Metallica did and figure out that Epitaph gives him premonition.

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?
yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!
We're talking in shades of grey here. A dictator who uses chemical weapons and other inhumane measures is much superior to a power vacuum that can bring about even worse kinds of shit.
oh now it's shades of gray? i could have sworn i was responding to someone who said "assad did nothing wrong."

weird how that works.

inb4 "its just memes bro xDDDD"
I'm not Ian. I'm Hargbeast.
did i ever say you were ian? no? wow! whoah! incredible! good job hargbeast you really got me!

listen up dipshit. the conversation you entered involved ian specifically stating that "assad did nothing wrong." appending the "shades of gray" aspect to his argument is paradoxical. you understand what im saying? it seems like a pretty simple concept.
> i could have sworn i was responding to someone who said "assad did nothing wrong."
>responds to someone who did not in fact say that

You're really bad at this.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:28:44 PM »
The Stitch ride is going seasonal and while they haven't outright said his Meet & Greet at breakfasts is going away, they said that his presence at the resort is being phased out for Moana, which includes his character meets.


fuck off are they getting rid of lilo and stitch
I don't like this

lilo and stitch is the best anime disney ever did
tranny propaganda

whoa, who said that?

Gaming / Re: How did Locke's punch crack the MC''s visor?
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:26:11 PM »
Why can a Spartan survive a fall from space but not from 100 meters?
Actually this is semi believeable. Helicopters can survive engine failure if there a few meters off the ground, since the fall is too small; or from a few hundred meters up, since they have enough time to cause the blades to "glide" using the momentum of the fall. But anywhere in between, and it's too high for a safe crash, and too low to glide, so you're guaranteed to die.

So a spartan could survive a fall off a small building, or from orbit, but somewhere in between there's an awkward middle zone that's neither too big nor too small.

The Flood / Re: Moana was phenomenal, I can't recommend it enough:
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:20:45 PM »
Did it make you moan?

The Flood / Re: um
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:18:48 PM »

That first sentence. Fucking hell, the hypocrisy is sickening.
The fact that they run stories on "who is the biggest pendler of fake news" right next to this is hilarious.

Seriously though, fuck sites like this. ZeroHedge is trash. First article I read from them was about how Hillary was swindling taxes and "doing the same thing Trump did" in which they apparently didn't even bother to read their own source because the very document they linked disproved their claim.
I usually only use ZH for economic news, and even then take it with a lot of skepticism since they have a habbit of doom-saying. Almost all of their articles are written under the Tyler Durden pseudonym so their content can vary wildly and there's no way to tell in advance who's writing what. There were times where you'd see pro-hillary articles next to pro-trump articles next to pro-johnson articles next to anti-everyone articles. So yeah, trash for politics and social news, but decent enough for economic stuff now and then.

Really, I just posted them since I hate having dailymail's formatting.
My post wasn't supposed to criticse you, just terrible media practices in general. Didn't mean to call you out or anything.

Regardless, I'm still not sure why you'd read a site like Zerohedge over the many better, less biased and more reputable economic and financial journals and newspapers available. I assume they might have some decent articles, but my past experiences with ZH have put it at the bottom of the pile in my eyes.
No offense taken, the tone of the article was something I noticed myself, but I found it pretty funny given the contents.

And I'm really still new to researching economic concepts (eco in general has been a low priority until recently), ZH was the first site I found about a year ago that clicked with me, but a lot of the time I haven't a clue about what's relevant. If it's not to much trouble, could you recommend some sites?

Riddle me this, why did the war start in the first place? Accusations of war crimes and chemical weapons only started several years after the war began, so why did it start in the first place? I'm inclined to believe it's a mix of regime change and Saudi Arabia wanting to build their European oil pipeline through Syria, while blocking Iran.Russia from doing the same.

Atrocity propaganda is the US's favorite tactic for drumming up support for toppling enemies and "bringing democracy" to otherwise stable countries.
There's no doubt this is a CIA operation.

That doesn't mean Russia, Assad and co are the good guys.
Even if I play by the UN's rules, Syria is a sovereign state and only armed forces they invite into their country have any justification for being there. Meaning Russia has full legal justification to help them, and the US is violating international law for simply being in the vicinity, let alone everything else they've done.

(of course, I don't make my other arguments by the UN's rules, since that means condemning crimea. This is me playing the devil to show that your own narrative is self contradictory)

Literally the only argument against Assad is the US's atrocity propaganda, which as I've pointed out is as valid as claims of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. They're not.

If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.
Yes. America has proven itself time and time again to be incapable of espousing the egalitarian ideass it was ostensibly founded upon.

Also, I feel like you're projecting your own thoughts into what you believe is my opinion on this matter and formulating your "argument" around that. Where did I make any mention of supporting of the Iraq war you fucking cretin? I'll ask you one time to fuck all the way off with that shit. Keep doing it and I will stop humoring you.
I hope you can see the picture here, that America has consistently failed to be an egalitarian state for the past 240 years.
You're so dense it's actually funny. Go read the first sentence of the post you replied to, actually read it, and you'll find that all you just did was support what I said. Seems like you don't know what the word "ostensibly" means or why I used it in that context.
It reads like sarcasm, of course I'm going to assume you're disagreeing with me given our post histories. What the fuck are you actually trying to say here?

I'm very Pro-American because an allied US with Russia will help with the Anglo-Sphere along with the UK and a slumbering Germany/France/Scandinavia that must wake up.

However Obama/Clinton and the current administration is determined to prevent this from occurring at all costs. Including triggering an international military conflict and trying to scapegoat Russia who has been pushed back repeatedly simply for existing. Didn't want Crimea to happen? Maybe NATO shouldn't have gone back on their word of "We wont move missile defenses an inch closer to your border. :^)"

Wow, didn't think Ian was one of the "Russia did nothing wrong" crowd
Yes, the answer to a defensive missile grid is to invade a sovereign nation.
If we're going to play that game, Ukraine until a few decades ago had been a part of the Russian empire for several centuries. It's populated by mostly ethnic Russians who speak Russian in addition to Ukrainian. Crimea in particular has been home to the black sea fleet for several centuries, in exchange for closer diplomatic relations with Moscow.

So we have a Russian country annexing an ostensibly Russian territory (notice that the "invasion" never moved beyond Crimea) full of Russians, in order to advance Russian geopolitical interests. How is Russia the bad guy again?
So if Mexico wanted to annex SoCal (a traditionally Spanish territory that was a part of the Mexican Empire) to advance Mexican global economic interests...
At this point it really would be better to repartitions the US into a smaller more homogeneous state, since most politics now revolve around ethnic blocks battling with one another, that's why so much emphasis was put on the "latino vote". I say give them back some of their land, the places filled with their people, it makes deportations much easier too.

is simply out of not wanting to go to war with us, which she would have caused.
Even CNN admitted a new war was probable, NATO even put 300,000 troops on high alert, there's no other reason why they'd do that, especially after Russia relocated it's nukes to Kaliningrad..
If a pro clinton news network openly admits that she was going to probably cause a war, then you really don't have a leg to stand on when you laugh it off. Clinton was a war hawk, she had been aggressive to Russia the entire campaign, and Putin is not some kind of pushover who would just sit by as the US did everything but declare war against them. Did you forget that the US already declared a cyberwar with Russia over Clinton's baseless allegations of Russian hacking?
I really couldn't care less what CNN says about anything. Neither Hillary nor Trump have the power and leeway to start WW3, cool your jets.

Cyber warfare has been going on for a long while now with China and Russia being the main enemies. It didn't start because of Hillary's comments. You're really naive if you believe that.
I like how you ignored NATO PUTTING 300,000 SOLDIERS ON HIGH ALERT. There is no other reason for that other than preparing for armed conflict, which leads to war.

I like even more how you subtlety try to avoid admitting that you fucked up and I caught you, I bring this up every time that you are a pathological liar who refuses to admit his mistakes and you're still doing it.

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?
yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!
Assad was democratically elected with both a turnout and victory margin several points higher than and US presidential election in history. If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.

By they way, how many weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq? Please remind me of how Saddam was on the verge of nuking New York until he was "replaced"

Assad was the only person Syrians could vote for. It's not exactly an election when there's no opponent.
You are quite frankly retarded, you always ignore all the facts that contradict your hallucinations of a world where you're always right. Assad was democratically elected.

But more importantly, why the fuck would he train in britain to be a doctor, only to return to his country to become a genocidal maniac? his brother went into the millitary and were groomed for political positions, but assad was a doctor that treated foreigners in a foreign country, explain that you snake.

If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.
Yes. America has proven itself time and time again to be incapable of espousing the egalitarian ideass it was ostensibly founded upon.

Also, I feel like you're projecting your own thoughts into what you believe is my opinion on this matter and formulating your "argument" around that. Where did I make any mention of supporting of the Iraq war you fucking cretin? I'll ask you one time to fuck all the way off with that shit. Keep doing it and I will stop humoring you.
Let's see, voter restriction to landed white males, starting a civil war over states wanting their Independence, slavery not being abolished despite claims of equality, segregation not being abolished until much later. Then we have the 1790 “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”  that restricted non-white immigration, very racist. followed by the 1975 law doing much the same. Then we have the classic 1862 An Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition With Chinese Coolie Labor, and To Discourage the Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California how the fuck is that egalitarian? And the we can top it all off with the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act I hope you can see the picture here, that America has consistently failed to be an egalitarian state for the past 240 years.

As for the Iraq comment, the rhetoric used against Assad, and the circumstances taking place in syria, are almost exactly the same as the rhetoric used against Saddam, and the situation in Iraq. Saying you're against Assad, and also against the Iraq war, is hypocritical, they're the exact same thing just with the names and dates changed a little.

I'm very Pro-American because an allied US with Russia will help with the Anglo-Sphere along with the UK and a slumbering Germany/France/Scandinavia that must wake up.

However Obama/Clinton and the current administration is determined to prevent this from occurring at all costs. Including triggering an international military conflict and trying to scapegoat Russia who has been pushed back repeatedly simply for existing. Didn't want Crimea to happen? Maybe NATO shouldn't have gone back on their word of "We wont move missile defenses an inch closer to your border. :^)"

Wow, didn't think Ian was one of the "Russia did nothing wrong" crowd
Yes, the answer to a defensive missile grid is to invade a sovereign nation.
If we're going to play that game, Ukraine until a few decades ago had been a part of the Russian empire for several centuries. It's populated by mostly ethnic Russians who speak Russian in addition to Ukrainian. Crimea in particular has been home to the black sea fleet for several centuries, in exchange for closer diplomatic relations with Moscow.

So we have a Russian country annexing an ostensibly Russian territory (notice that the "invasion" never moved beyond Crimea) full of Russians, in order to advance Russian geopolitical interests. How is Russia the bad guy again?

Riddle me this, why did the war start in the first place? Accusations of war crimes and chemical weapons only started several years after the war began, so why did it start in the first place? I'm inclined to believe it's a mix of regime change and Saudi Arabia wanting to build their European oil pipeline through Syria, while blocking Iran.Russia from doing the same.

Atrocity propaganda is the US's favorite tactic for drumming up support for toppling enemies and "bringing democracy" to otherwise stable countries.

is simply out of not wanting to go to war with us, which she would have caused.
Even CNN admitted a new war was probable, NATO even put 300,000 troops on high alert, there's no other reason why they'd do that, especially after Russia relocated it's nukes to Kaliningrad..
If a pro clinton news network openly admits that she was going to probably cause a war, then you really don't have a leg to stand on when you laugh it off. Clinton was a war hawk, she had been aggressive to Russia the entire campaign, and Putin is not some kind of pushover who would just sit by as the US did everything but declare war against them. Did you forget that the US already declared a cyberwar with Russia over Clinton's baseless allegations of Russian hacking?

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?
yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!
Assad was democratically elected with both a turnout and victory margin several points higher than and US presidential election in history. If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.

By they way, how many weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq? Please remind me of how Saddam was on the verge of nuking New York until he was "replaced"

is simply out of not wanting to go to war with us, which she would have caused.
Even CNN admitted a new war was probable, NATO even put 300,000 troops on high alert, there's no other reason why they'd do that, especially after Russia relocated it's nukes to Kaliningrad..

The Flood / Re: lower case aesthetic
« on: November 26, 2016, 05:23:41 PM »

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