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Messages - Azendac

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 21
The Flood / Cheat explain this
« on: November 29, 2016, 03:04:29 PM »
Why don't I have a girlfriend?

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:59:38 PM »
Hideo Kojima predicted this in MGS 2. But no, we had to destroy GW. Thanks, Emma. I'm glad you died.
The second you said "facts" I instantly looked up the pick of the dialogue and tell you that we made MGS real, but you referrenced it first so it's not as cool. Still:

Although I will point out that prior to the election, there was no "safe space" for supporting Trump unless you pulled a Varg Vikernes and lived off the grid. For everyone else it was impossible to escape from anti-Trump people, so anyone who is pro-Trump sure as fuck wasn't in an isolated echo chamber.

Serious / Re: Car & Knife Attack on Ohio State Uni Campus
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:56:19 PM »
So you're telling me Sam Hyde WASN'T involved?
He's just transomalian now, don't misgender him.

Serious / Re: Car & Knife Attack on Ohio State Uni Campus
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:37:17 PM »
A while before the event, the killer gave an interview talking about how "Not all muslims are like what you see on TV"

Yeah you sure showed me.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:36:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: What do you think about this?
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:15:52 PM »

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:13:43 PM »
I wont deny what actually goes on in my mind though.

I dunno. You fit the bill.

Yes, I've heard.

You'll receive my therapy bill soon.
I didn't know you were a high class escort, must make a lot of cash.

Serious / Re: Moral Machine
« on: November 28, 2016, 06:42:42 PM »

The Flood / Re: What do you think about this?
« on: November 28, 2016, 06:37:43 PM »
I used to own some newspapers that predate the war, some of them predated the first war as well, (I unfortunately lost them while traveling). But the one that's most relevant was the paper from the last few months of 1938, because in it even then people still had quite a favorable view of Hitler, with the only critique being his excessive anti-semitic remarks. It's simply a lie to say that the world hated Hitler before the war, communists and jews notwithstanding, why else would the 1936 Olympics be held in the Third Reich?

But don't take my word for it, take the British Prime Minister's at the time:

>but it was all an elaborate ruse to trick everyone into lowering their defenses, Hitler only pretended to be nice
Pure unfounded conjecture, he also sent several peace treaties and mutual disarmament agreements, along with proposing multiple checks and balances to prevent a war, but they were all ignored.
>but the holocaust
Only happened after the war had been going for several years, and wasn't even discovered until after the war was finished. Literally nobody who fought in the war, did so because of the holocaust.

This is really neat. I do hope, however, that nuclear skeptics understand that nuclear waste isn't really much of a pressing issue. Its containment is already fairly simple, inexpensive, and safe.
Not to mention it literally disappears on it's own, that's what makes it radioactive. Of course only some isotopes disappear within human lifetimes, but on a long enough time scale all nuclear radiation problems solve themselves.

The Flood / Re: Is this okay to have as an avatar
« on: November 28, 2016, 06:20:50 PM »
Politically incorrect does not mean being tactless and vulgar
Yes, it does.
Come on, simply saying you're not so sure about the benefits of immigration counts as politically incorrect, it's really quite a broad catchall term that goes far beyond yelling nigger every chance you get.

everyone seems to forget that Trump has only said a swear word one time these past two years
Swearing is not the only thing that makes you politically incorrect. I just linked a goldmine of uncouth statements made by Trump.

The more vulgar and tactless you think my hatred for Trump is, the harder my dick gets. I LOVE that it offends/disturbs you.
And I'm really not bothered by Trump's statements or your reaction to them, if anything I respect the consistency of your posts, which is why I replied to that dumb statement of yours of all things, it's out of character for you.

The Flood / Re: Is this okay to have as an avatar
« on: November 28, 2016, 04:22:12 PM »
23. “Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’” (Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life, 2008)
What's bad about this one?
the point is that he's a whiny hypocrite

donald trump's entire campaign was based around the fact that he's not politically correct

and here we have a trump supporter who's trying to tell me that what i want to do is in "bad taste"

like LMAO get the fuck out of here you whiny little cunt-eyed bitch
Politically incorrect does not mean being tactless and vulgar, everyone seems to forget that Trump has only said a swear word one time these past two years, and he immediately apologized for it. And Trump never apologizes.

I'll remind everyone that it is Clinton supporters who protest by shitting on the streets and smearing their hands in it:

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 04:16:43 PM »
Unification doesn't happens, and likely won't happen, without a mass tragedy.
Icy confirmed for OSU shooter

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 04:16:15 PM »
We'd all be happier if California left the union and took most of the blue cities with it, partition would solve most of America's problems overnight. But until you people get off of your ass and make big on your promises to leave the country, you've gotta respect the democratic process and fall in line.

Unless you enjoy keeping everyone in a state of permanent agitation that pleases nobody.
Nigga shut your New Zealand ass up lmao
>tfw chally is okay with racism, but only when he does it, or when it's against Russians
It's such a blatant contradiction of everything you've said that I didn't pick up on it, but you're actually just as racist as I am yet have the audacity to claim otherwise.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim.
« on: November 28, 2016, 03:08:50 PM »
God I love George, I'd buy some george socks if I wasn't a money grubbing shekel hoarder. His video on bots and 3D gaming are really good, as well as his criticisms of games length and homogeneity in the AAA market.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:57:07 PM »
The ideal form of government has pretty much always been Plato's idea of a philosopher king, a benevolent ruler suported by an elite class of highly intelligent professionals who can keep him and the rest of the government in line. And the problem has always been one of succession, a good ruler is garbage if he isn't followed by someone equally capable.

People argue that the role of democracy is to shift the burden of the intelligent ruler/succession onto the entire voting block, so that numerous individual faults can be averaged out, ideally leading to the voters tending towards voting in the best person everytime. But it completely fails to take into account the influence media and social pressures wield over voting decisions. Sure the voters choose who runs the country, but the media chooses who the voters want to choose.
Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws
Moreover, the initial assumption is false anyway, because democracy requires every voter to not only be highly informed on how the country should be run, but to also keep track of the political history of every candidate and their cabinet, which is equivalent to requiring that every voter be a philosopher king themselves, instead of only needing one or maybe two consuls.

Generally the best solution is the simplest, if only because it has the least amount of ways it can go wrong.  Democracy is about making the most inneficent system possible, where the maximum number of people are required to make it work, not the minimum. And this is just some of the A Priori critiques of democracy, I haven't even got to the technical issues that arise when you try to implement such a system, the very fact that voter turnout is universally low should illustrate that it's a broken system that does not mesh well with any group of people.

The proper solution has always been to find a way to improve the succession process of the rulers, not to abolish them and replace them with a system that devolves into oligarchy every single time.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:07:38 PM »
ive got a nice separate area for the conservatives riiiight over here

in the fucking gulag
That's also where most communists end up as well. Gulag's are non-discriminatory bipartisan fun houses.

The Flood / The Holocaust on ice!
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:54:32 PM »
A fun shoa for the whole family to enjoy, you can even attend in your PJs and wont feel out of place.

And yes, obviously the Kremlin has paid me handsomely for this post, they gave me a free family pass to this fun sounding place called Belzec.

The Flood / Re: Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:39:07 PM »
Thanks for ruining my vacation, all I wanted was an aryan ps4 controller and present for my daki gf. You just ruined christmas.

I blame the fucking niggers.

Gaming / Re: Phil Spencer wants Nintendo Games to make it to the XB1.
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:32:15 PM »
Does that mean somebody outside of nintendo will finally get a chance to play their games?

Serious / Re: Where do you look for alternative political input?
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:30:25 PM »
an erotic MLP role playing fan site.
Very alt-right of you.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:25:21 PM »
Even Gene Cernan says in his autobiography that America's social issues hugely overshadowed the space program for much of it's duration, and Gene spent most of his time focused solely on his work and his family.

It worked for Kennedy.

And what would you propose is the common goal for 300 million Americans?
Even back then, people did start to get sick of hearing about Apollo after the third or fourth mission, the common reaction was "oh this again, didn't we already do that last year, what are my taxes being wasted on now?" and I'm saying this as a big space enthusiast.

It's pretty clear that the thing America needs is a reformation in it's identity. To use catchall terms that I hate using in any other circumstance, both liberals and conservatives cannot both claim to be "the real Americans" at the same time any longer. They need to seperate so that they can build their culture around what they actually are, instead of how they're not the opposition.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:18:25 PM »
We'd all be happier if California left the union and took most of the blue cities with it, partition would solve most of America's problems overnight. But until you people get off of your ass and make big on your promises to leave the country, you've gotta respect the democratic process and fall in line.

Unless you enjoy keeping everyone in a state of permanent agitation that pleases nobody.
You don't live in the US, you said you live in New Zealand in that locked NASA thread of yours.
In addition to having many family members and close friends who live in the US, there's also the fact that New Zealand takes all of it's cues from America, wherever you guys go, we follow. So given that I have many ties to the most powerful country on earth, it's quite important to me what happens there, especially considering that I'd like to move there one day.

So my point remains, You have two completely polarised groups of people that spend all their political time trying to brow beat the other into submission, nothing gets done and the whole country degenerates. The only solution is either mass deportations, or partition, or both. Or genocide, but nobody wants that.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Give it some time.
I will give it until I die of medically extended old age, but I wont bet on it. I'm just saying it's funny that sandtrap's solution to nuclear dumping in space being unfeasible, is to answer with something even more impossible.

Getting ahead of yourself there matey. I've no solution to nuclear dumping in space. Just the occassional thought or suggestion to consider. I'm aware of the difficulties associated with building a giant rope out to space.
It's just got me laughing at how silly the logic involved is, it's like saying
"we can't make project orion work, because it's launch will end all life on earth. So the solution is to put all life on earth inside the orion spacecraft and go from there"
Solving a difficult problem by using a much more difficult unsolved problem.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Give it some time.
I will give it until I die of medically extended old age, but I wont bet on it. I'm just saying it's funny that sandtrap's solution to nuclear dumping in space being unfeasible, is to answer with something even more impossible.

Cadenza rides Putin's cock.
And this is why i'm quickly remembering why I hate posting under a persistent ID, and using forums in general.
lol get a grip, its just charlie
There's really no point in ever trying to discuss something with these three, if they actually think their behavior is some how "mature, grown up, and better than cadenza", then they will never in their entire lives learn from their mistakes and change for the better. They are broken people.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:07:44 AM »
We'd all be happier if California left the union and took most of the blue cities with it, partition would solve most of America's problems overnight. But until you people get off of your ass and make big on your promises to leave the country, you've gotta respect the democratic process and fall in line.

Unless you enjoy keeping everyone in a state of permanent agitation that pleases nobody.

The Flood / Breaking news, AI is dumb as shit, what were they thinking?
« on: November 27, 2016, 04:21:48 PM »
Like who builds a robot that flunks it's entrance exams? Are they trying to emulate the plot of an anime?

(Tech Xplore)—Goodness. Imagine if artificial intelligence was so on point that a robot could get good enough marks on an entrance exam to gain admission to a prestigious university?

You can leave the rest of the page blank. No box checks needed. We already found out. An AI robot has flunked a university entry exam. University of Tokyo to be exact. Like fail isn't the word.

The Asahi Shimbun said it failed "miserably." The AI program dubbed Todai Robot had steadily improved its academic performance, but the robot's research team found a limit in its ability to understand various exam questions.

The loser is called Torobu-kun. This is not the first time that it lost. The report said it has now flunked four years in a row. Specifically, the robot attempted to pass by taking the National Center Test, which is a standardized exam adopted by Japanese universities. It has been taking the test since 2013.

Well, you won't be having a laugh at this robot any longer. The people behind the effort have said ok, enough. Mariella Moon, Engadget, said, "Todai Robot's creators have concluded that since they failed to meet their goal this year, the AI can't become smart enough to get into Tokyo U by their March 2022 target date."

The Japan Times reported earlier this month that the team, with members from the National Institute of Informatics, said it was abandoning the effort to make the robot achieve an entrance exam score for admission into the University of Tokyo. The team found a limit in its ability to understand various exam questions, said the report.

According to Moon in Engadget, team member Noriko Arai said AIs are not "good at answering a type of question that requires the ability to grasp meaning in a broad spectrum."
But the robot's designers are learning valuable lessons in the process. "As the robot scored about the same as last year, we were able to gauge the possibilities and limits of artificial intelligence," said Arai, a professor at the National Institute of Informatics.

The plan in moving forward: Look at a field the robot does well in, grow its abilities there, making improvements to levels that can be applied in industry.

A score of at least 80 percent is said to be required to be accepted by the University of Tokyo's liberal arts courses, but the robot did not come close.

From 2013 to 2015, the robot received overall standard scores of 45.1, 47.3 and 57.8, respectively. This year's standard score was actually lower than last year's, said The Asahi Shimbun, "despite the higher points total because more students performed better in 2016."

Interestingly, the robot did well in a few areas.

"Torobo-kun did show significant improvement in its standard score in physics," said The Asahi Shimbun, " which jumped from 46.5 in 2015 to 59.0. That is because the team had made improvements on the program, said the report, that "comprehends concepts in physics questions, such as balancing springs and the angle of slopes."

Also, world history was a relatively strong area for the robot. "It's a field in which Torobo-kun assesses copious amounts of information in textbooks and websites before producing rounded answers to tough questions."

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