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Messages - Chakas

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The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 09:27:10 PM »
If you can build it, you can bear it.
I'm good with that, fam. Now everyone just walks around with homemade, smoothbore, full-auto, open bolt sub guns that they built with fifty dollars and a trip to Lowes after reading P. A. Luty's book.

Yup, nothing like the threat of your DIY gun killing you instead of the criminal to get the testicles pumping in a shootout.
my best friend builds AK-47s out of sheet metal in his basement just like they do in china

shit's not rock solid but you can get a good few thousand rounds through them before they start to have problems
how much for one please😋
i think like $250
wtf I'll give you $120
nah looks like it’s knives for you
I'll give you $100 for one of your meme knives
nah you get to keep your $3 kitchen knife
I'll give you $5 for your shoes
I'll give you a dollar to stop quoting me
I'll give you $2 to commit suicide
hi das
hi ryle
what are your future knife purchases for 2018
Still wanna find the spare cash to get a Grip and flyti it and also grab a Crooked River, then the Mini Boost has my eye. Spyderco's Shaman and Smock might be on my mind later in the year.

Between work being real slow the past couple of months and gambling on mobile waifu collecting simulators I don't have much knife money at the moment.
Me want Crooked River. The one with orange plz.

The Flood / Re: Pitch me girl names
« on: March 02, 2018, 09:24:02 PM »
Eleanor or Delilah

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:34:31 PM »
Looks like you brought a knife to a gunfight kid, bad move

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:32:42 PM »
What do you suggest I use instead?
nothing, because being that scared of shooters is some pussy shit

lock your doors, don't piss the wrong people off, know the quickest exit routes in every locale you frequent, carry a knife around, or even learn a martial art and work out if you feel like you have to

or, sacrifice your dignity and go through the process of getting yourself a gun through the process i described, because i haven't completely barred guns out of the equation in this scenario (it's just the most cowardly option)
Ah yes. While all of you cowered behind your guns, Verbatim studied the blade.

The Flood / Re: Should the U.S. invade Mexico?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:51:36 AM »
Fuck Texas, I want that shit hole nuked.

Cut California out and make Texas the god given world superpower it is
You're just jealous because we have more freedom down here.

The Flood / Re: Should the U.S. invade Mexico?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:50:52 AM »
Fuck no. We need to Balkanize not imperialise.
I do not know what that means. Can you please tell me?

Cut California out and make Texas the god given world superpower it is
Texas is Mexico
No. it's Pangea. We might as well go all the way back.

The Flood / Re: Should the U.S. invade Mexico?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:38:51 AM »
Fuck no. We need to Balkanize not imperialise.
I do not know what that means. Can you please tell me?

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 10:39:36 PM »
My opinion isn't going to be changed by any discussion here. Sorry if I suck at discussing things. I just lose interest once I realize no one's opinions are going to change.
I don't think you suck at discussing things. :) And for what it's worth, I'm very willing to change my opinion provided that the arguments and evidence are strong enough.
Well thanks. I appreciate you saying that. Sometimes the saltiness and condescending attitude are enough to discourage me from posting any further here, but just what you said was refreshing enough. It was a fun thread. Have a nice night.

The Flood / Re: I think I've come up with a solution to racism.
« on: March 01, 2018, 05:01:09 PM »
It wouldn't change how faces look, even then we'd find something else to differentiate people.
I still think it'd be better than what we have now. That, and I want blue people.

The Flood / Re: 5chan
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:46:10 PM »
Careful. Some of those other chans out there haven't cracked down on CP posting.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:45:38 PM »
As long as man exists, it won't work. Still, some of its basic concepts make sense on paper.

The Flood / Re: Going for a bit
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:44:37 PM »
Goodbye. I hope you hold many puppies.

The Flood / Re: Is there any way to save Mexico from itself?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:42:28 PM »
Most of Mexico isn’t in need of saving. Only the cities near the boarder are anywhere near the level of violence you describe. It’s our prohibition on Schedule I substances and our unwillingness to honestly address addiction in our country that enables them to exist at all. You want to fix Mexico? Fix our drug problem.
I live in a border city and from what I hear is that it's bad all over. But yes, I do agree that fixing our drug problem would help crush the cartels. We'd need some serious Australia tobacco like regulations for drugs if we were to legalize recreational use.

The Flood / Re: I think I've come up with a solution to racism.
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:38:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:38:09 PM »
That isn’t the case now. Now, as Verb said, gun ownership is a privilege.
Not according to the law it's not.
The law is not the word of god
No it's not. The law of man is flawed, but I think the Bill of Rights is the best starting point we've got. If we started using scripture as law though, I think things would get spicy. The interpretations would have to be correct though. I don't think that would happen without direct divine intervention, in which case, I don't think too many people would protest.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:34:34 PM »
That isn’t the case now. Now, as Verb said, gun ownership is a privilege.
Not according to the law it's not.

Can your personal 2A rights be taken away? Commit a felony. Be dishonorably discharged from the military. Illegally transport a firearm across state lines.

A right is inalienable. If there are circumstances that can lead to its loss? It is a privilege.
Technically gun laws are unconstitutional. Some laws people agree to even if they violate their rights. Fuck that noise. It pisses me off. Call me crazy. Sometimes I think I'd be better off as a caveman.

The Flood / I think I've come up with a solution to racism.
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:30:31 PM »
First, we fund genetic research and editing on a level never seen before. We supply this research with funding from the citizenry themselves. Donations can be my by anyone for any amount, but rigorous precautions and safeguards against corruption would have to be put in place. The goal of this research would be to bodily customization. We make people's skin blue. Anything else they can change to their own personal preference, but their skin has to be blue. No exceptions. Boom. Done.

Also, with all that genetic research, we may end up curing diseases and disorders along the way. So boom, double benefits.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:22:59 PM »
That isn’t the case now. Now, as Verb said, gun ownership is a privilege.
Not according to the law it's not.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:11:39 PM »
The main issue with shootings is that American mental health care is an absolute fucking joke. If the government would get rid of some useless bureaus to make room for an increased mental health care budget we could probably solve the mass shooting issue without even needing gun control.
But mass shootings only account for a tiny portion of all US gun deaths and there's a lot of research arguing that "mental health(care)" is a very poor scapegoat when it comes to "normal" gun violence.
I think there is no solving violence. We are not capable of establishing utopia. There is no undoing the creation of weaponry. All we can do is change the society that coexists with them and try to keep the peace. Uniting people is the best solution to all violence, not dividing them with laws.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:08:09 PM »
Rights are not something that can be amended. We are entitled by them by our own existence.
you see no danger or folly in allowing men who lived two and a half centuries ago tell you what your basic rights are
They did pretty well if you ask me. They didn't cover everything, but I'm glad what they did cover is law.
i agree, that's why amendment 2 is the only one i have a serious problem with

all in all, the constitution is pretty awesome, but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the word of god or anything, especially when it needed to be fixed up 27 times over the course of 200 years
I don't follow this reasoning either. It's easy to say that the bill of rights just affirms the existence of these fundamental and natural rights (if there even is such a thing, but that's a whole other debate), but I've never seen anything to really substantiate this. The US Constitution and bill of rights are not unique. They were not really the first, they're not the ones that followed the most debate and they're definitely not the most comprehensive or detailed. Many of the rights that we consider basic right now (such as privacy) are not even part of it and have retroactively been retconned to be interpreted as part of another clause. There's dozens of constitutions and treaties on human rights out there and many of them have been more influential or provide protections that the American one does not, yet why is this one somehow correct despite not a single other constitution in the world mentioning the right to firearms "without infringement"? Seems like a very big leap to make.
If we give up on the concept of basic human rights then I think the world will start heading down the shitter a whole lot quicker. Guns aren't going anywhere in the U.S. If they do, we're fucked. If they don't, we'll still be fucked, but It'll take a little while longer. Nations have a lifespan. Once the guns are gone, then the real fuckery begins.
I'm really confused how you got that from my post. I don't think we should give up on the concept of basic human rights. I'm a strong supporter of human rights and most of my job revolves around protecting them. My point is just that gun ownership isn't or shouldn't be one, and that there's a lot of human rights instruments out there that are more comprehensive, influential and in my opinion better than the US Bill of Rights, yet don't include firearm ownership. You keep making a semi slippery slope case that this somehow results in all rights being taken away yet offer no evidence or anything to substantiate it.

Much of what you say also kind of comes across as empty. You ignored my previous post and just present these very general and vague talking points almost. You frame this as some black/white situation where "evil is real" and that everything good will perish to bad guys if we don't take action, yet guns aren't just misused by "evil" people who spent their days thinking about breaking all possible laws and harming people. Guns are misused by your "law abiding gun owner" who accidentally shoots someone. The good family man down the street who gets drunk and shoots his wife in an argument. The "good guy with a gun" who gets into a traffic rage incident at a drive-tru and pulls his gun on someone. These people aren't pure evil, and you're really misrepresenting the situation in a naive way.

I'm also very interested in any evidence backing up that guns are somehow holding society together a bit longer and that we're all fucked without them.
Sorry. I've been getting off-topic. I just think that everything is going to fall apart eventually and governments all eventually turn against their citizenry because greed and power eventually become their main priorities. I think "Evil is real" pretty much sums everything up for me. Where power and man coexist, evil will be there also. I have no faith in man. The world is a dangerous place and I want guns to defend myself and I believe everyone has the right to do the same. My opinion isn't going to be changed by any discussion here. Sorry if I suck at discussing things. I just lose interest once I realize no one's opinions are going to change.

The Flood / Re: Is there any way to save Mexico from itself?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:00:18 PM »
Thanks to the genius idea that was Fast and Furious which gave drug cartels in Mexico thousands of military-grade weapons, Mexico may never be free from the government corruption and murders.
Yeah, not really. Fast and Furious involved the sale of "only" 2,000 weapons, about half of which have since been recovered.

Meanwhile, several hundreds of thousands of guns (with some estimates even suggesting 2000 a day) cross the border into Mexico every year. Fast and Furious is a miniscule drop in the ocean of illegal guns that flood Mexico as a result of America's gun policies.
"America First". Not "Mexico First", bby.
Why are you making threads to discuss serious issues if you're a fucking retard?
Why are you being so salty? There's nothing wrong with adding a little jest in a serious thread.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:53:51 PM »
The main issue with shootings is that American society and culture is an absolute fucking joke. If the government would get rid of some useless bureaus to make room for an increased mental health care budget we could probably solve the mass shooting issue without even needing gun control. We need more love. Division is bad. We need an complete American mindset overhaul.
Edit: Double Fixed

The Flood / Re: Is there any way to save Mexico from itself?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:51:56 PM »
Thanks to the genius idea that was Fast and Furious which gave drug cartels in Mexico thousands of military-grade weapons, Mexico may never be free from the government corruption and murders.
Yeah, not really. Fast and Furious involved the sale of "only" 2,000 weapons, about half of which have since been recovered.

Meanwhile, several hundreds of thousands of guns (with some estimates even suggesting 2000 a day) cross the border into Mexico every year. Fast and Furious is a miniscule drop in the ocean of illegal guns that flood Mexico as a result of America's gun policies.
"America First". Not "Mexico First", bby.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:49:01 PM »
Rights are not something that can be amended. We are entitled by them by our own existence.
you see no danger or folly in allowing men who lived two and a half centuries ago tell you what your basic rights are
They did pretty well if you ask me. They didn't cover everything, but I'm glad what they did cover is law.
i agree, that's why amendment 2 is the only one i have a serious problem with

all in all, the constitution is pretty awesome, but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the word of god or anything, especially when it needed to be fixed up 27 times over the course of 200 years
Cool, but I think if one of the amendments in the Bill Of Rights is taken away, it reflects that the government does not view them as rights anymore and believes they are privileges instead. I for one like the sound of "right to free speech" as opposed to "privilege of speech". The removal of one invalidates the rest
i don't really see the logic there

free speech (which i do believe is a basic human right) has nothing to do with the right to bear arms

just because they were written on the same bill doesn't mean they're inextricably intertwined, unless you could explain how
Bill of Rights. Not Bill of Privileges
bill of nine rights and one privilege
Bill of Whatever the fuck Uncle Sam tells you.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:46:45 PM »
Rights are not something that can be amended. We are entitled by them by our own existence.
you see no danger or folly in allowing men who lived two and a half centuries ago tell you what your basic rights are
They did pretty well if you ask me. They didn't cover everything, but I'm glad what they did cover is law.
i agree, that's why amendment 2 is the only one i have a serious problem with

all in all, the constitution is pretty awesome, but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the word of god or anything, especially when it needed to be fixed up 27 times over the course of 200 years
I don't follow this reasoning either. It's easy to say that the bill of rights just affirms the existence of these fundamental and natural rights (if there even is such a thing, but that's a whole other debate), but I've never seen anything to really substantiate this. The US Constitution and bill of rights are not unique. They were not really the first, they're not the ones that followed the most debate and they're definitely not the most comprehensive or detailed. Many of the rights that we consider basic right now (such as privacy) are not even part of it and have retroactively been retconned to be interpreted as part of another clause. There's dozens of constitutions and treaties on human rights out there and many of them have been more influential or provide protections that the American one does not, yet why is this one somehow correct despite not a single other constitution in the world mentioning the right to firearms "without infringement"? Seems like a very big leap to make.
If we give up on the concept of basic human rights then I think the world will start heading down the shitter a whole lot quicker. Guns aren't going anywhere in the U.S. If they do, we're fucked. If they don't, we'll still be fucked, but It'll take a little while longer. Nations have a lifespan. Once the guns are gone, then the real fuckery begins.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:43:31 PM »
Rights are not something that can be amended. We are entitled by them by our own existence.
you see no danger or folly in allowing men who lived two and a half centuries ago tell you what your basic rights are
They did pretty well if you ask me. They didn't cover everything, but I'm glad what they did cover is law.
i agree, that's why amendment 2 is the only one i have a serious problem with

all in all, the constitution is pretty awesome, but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the word of god or anything, especially when it needed to be fixed up 27 times over the course of 200 years
Cool, but I think if one of the amendments in the Bill Of Rights is taken away, it reflects that the government does not view them as rights anymore and believes they are privileges instead. I for one like the sound of "right to free speech" as opposed to "privilege of speech". The removal of one invalidates the rest
i don't really see the logic there

free speech (which i do believe is a basic human right) has nothing to do with the right to bear arms

just because they were written on the same bill doesn't mean they're inextricably intertwined, unless you could explain how
Bill of Rights. Not Bill of Privileges

The Flood / Should the U.S. invade Mexico?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:41:14 PM »
Should the U.S. invade Mexico? The cartels would never expect it. M1 Abrams rolling across the border. Carpet bombing their drug infested rain forests. Liberation of the Mexican people from the oppressive drug cartels. After all that, we annex them and begin a multi-generational effort to improve their infrastructure and way of life. We need to 'muricanize them all. Once we're done with the Mexicans, then we move on to Belize and Guatemala. I figure by 2200, North and South America will be one United America.

On second thought, Canada might be a problem if they weaponize their moose, so I'd bump the deadline up to 2300.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:32:35 PM »
Rights are not something that can be amended. We are entitled by them by our own existence.
you see no danger or folly in allowing men who lived two and a half centuries ago tell you what your basic rights are
They did pretty well if you ask me. They didn't cover everything, but I'm glad what they did cover is law.
i agree, that's why amendment 2 is the only one i have a serious problem with

all in all, the constitution is pretty awesome, but i'm not gonna sit here and pretend it's the word of god or anything, especially when it needed to be fixed up 27 times over the course of 200 years
Cool, but I think if one of the amendments in the Bill Of Rights is taken away, it reflects that the government does not view them as rights anymore and believes they are privileges instead. I for one like the sound of "right to free speech" as opposed to "privilege of speech". The removal of one invalidates the rest

The Flood / Re: Is there any way to save Mexico from itself?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:28:38 PM »
Thanks to the genius idea that was Fast and Furious which gave drug cartels in Mexico thousands of military-grade weapons, Mexico may never be free from the government corruption and murders.
Thanks, Obama.

The Flood / Re: Is there any way to save Mexico from itself?
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:28:10 PM »
Just so you know, but you do realize that it's a fact that it's the USA's loose gun regulations that directly contribute to Mexico's gun crime and play a significant role in supporting the power of the cartels, right? This has been known for years.
That wasn't my point, but I am aware of it. The cartels have also been known to manufacture their own weapons as well. They certainly have the financial resources to do so. I think by legalizing gun ownership, common folk in Mexico would be more able to openly defend themselves against the cartels. It would be bloody, but it would be a fight and not the rape of the citizenry like it is now.
I know it wasn't your point. I'm just making clear that "removing gun control regulations is the solution to a problem that is for a large part directly caused by the lack of strict gun control laws a little to the North" isn't necessarily an argument without flaws. Cartel-made weapons are either crude, unreliable and inaccurate or made with parts imported from the US. And whether legalization would help is not something I think anyone can predict. The Mexican government doesn't have the resources to make this happen responsibly and its citizens are largely poor without a lot of means to arm and train themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if the legalization would only make it easier for the gangs to arm themselves.
Alright. Now I know what you think of my opinion. What do you think would save Mexico?

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