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Messages - Chakas

Pages: 1 ... 383940 4142 ... 86
The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:45:10 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.
I was asking about the driving backgrounds of three people, two of which were men, and you immediately assume that I was talking about the woman and on top of that women can't drive. Afterwards, you use an almost comedic insult that sounds like borderline sarcasm against me. All these assumptions you made and you say
Don't assume
I don't really know how to respond to that.

How about you don't jump to conclusions so quick and then we won't have that problem again?
But you're the one that jumped to conclusions in the first place. You took what I said as an insult to female drivers instead of the question that it was. What I said was just taking what sounded like sarcasm as sarcasm. I wasn't sure if it was or not and that's the reason I said I was assuming that it was, so if it wasn't, you could correct me. This conversation turned hostile when it didn't need to.

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:38:59 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.
I was asking about the driving backgrounds of three people, two of which were men, and you immediately assume that I was talking about the woman and on top of that women can't drive. Afterwards, you use an almost comedic insult that sounds like borderline sarcasm against me. All these assumptions you made and you say
Don't assume
I don't really know how to respond to that.

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:35:20 AM »

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:33:52 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:28:32 AM »
They were asking for it. The woman who hosted the event even payed for a shit-ton of security, which was one of the main reasons that no one was killed.

Snowden did what many others should have already done. I just wish his releases would be more covered by the media. Of course they won't, because the media is a tool of the government, and they don't want to broadcast their own secrets, but it would be nice. I also wish he'd reveal more stuff.

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:24:51 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:22:49 AM »
I don't think it's a good idea. Not unless there would be some sort of comprehensive mental stability test. There are too many crazy people out there. I don't want to give them military training and access to weapons. What I would support would be government funded, free firearms safety courses. Something that people could go to for free to learn the basics about gun safety, even if they're against guns. I think it'd be worth it in the long run. A lot less accidental deaths that way.

I'm not surprised. I'm sure it'll just get bigger and bigger. I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening in the U.S. too. I don't even know what we would do about something like that anyway.

Serious / Re: Monopolies are bad, mmkay?
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:21:15 AM »
Damn. H&K are the last ones I expected to do something like that.

Serious / Re: Stephen Fry on God
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:58:55 AM »
I find it funny that he says even if he was faced with an omnipotent and omniscient being, he would act like a smug asshole who thinks he's more intelligent than such a being, and in doing so self-justifies his own beliefs. This is just self-justification porn for smug ass atheists. There's nice atheists, and there's assholes like this. You can be smart and still be an ass.

Serious / Re: Stephen Fry on God
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:23:18 AM »

it doesn't take a genius to come up with an answer like that. I think it's only really an intelligent answer if you're ignoring the whole point that you have eternity verses 80 years on earth. Couldn't someone say that great things do come out of suffering? If hypothetically, someone were to suffer horribly but still display tremendous faith in God, it would inspire others to follow God. In the past that's brought thousands to Christianity. When people see hope and life in the face of death and suffering it tends to bring people to God. Well then you might say, "omg gods a cunt. He curses people as a small price to bring others to him". A according to the old book, humanity cursed itself so really he's just putting us in the right places to make the best out of it. Also when you put it in perspective 80 years of occasional discomfort vs an eternity of hell or heaven depending on what we want, his answer seems childish in my opinion. Kinda what I'm thinking when people say what the dude in the video says.
we live, we suffer, and we die, and the universe wont bat an eye. there is no positive egalitarian treatment from god.

we all suffer, and thats the only gift he gives to all people.
This literally makes no sense. You basically implied there isn't a god and then went on to say that all God does is give people pain.

This flawed thinking and you're speaking with your emotions. So is the guy in the video and so are a lot of the people in this thread. When you speak emotionally you come off sounding childish and no offence, whiny. Either there is no God and all of this happens because it just does. Or there is a God and there is suffering because of the benefits that come out of it. There will always be something good that comes out of suffering even if you don't see it. Always. Most people don't see it because they're too busy wallowing in their own sorrow. Pro tip, that's selfish behaviour so if you want to think like a Christian and understand why they think the way they do then you're going to have to look at things differently. If we stop focusing on ourselves then suffering takes on a different meaning. We can use our own suffering to reach out to others. It can be our motivation and drive to do good in this world.
of course there isnt a god. i was trying to make a point about the contradictory and illogical nature of the christian god
its contradictory and illogical if you approach it with the mind set of a non believer. But when your brain is in Christian mode, it makes perfect sense. That's why I don't take religious debates seriously. You can rationalize both sides and people do. So why even bother wasting your time on someone else? You'll just get frustrated and hate them more and I don't want that kind of bad energy.
I wouldn't say that being a Christian makes God make perfect sense. You're not supposed to understand him. That's why they say he works in "mysterious ways". Even if you disagree with his methods you're supposed to trust that whatever he does is for the better and will all pan out in a way that you cannot possibly understand. That's what being a Christian is all about. Our morals and logic wouldn't stand for much against a supreme being such as God, so acting like we are the moral authority compared to him wouldn't fare well for us when standing before him like the man in the video says he would. I for on prefer a batshit crazy God. It could be worse, but we don't know because we can't comprehend a drastically different creation.

I have no idea what this is about.

Serious / Re: Yemen thread cause fuck you
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:20:09 AM »
So much of a cluster-fuck. Almost nothing in the Middle East is surprising anymore. They've done just about everything short of nuking each other.

Serious / Re: Good cops vs bad cops
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:02:51 PM »
Because it makes shitty news.

Serious / Re: If you flip burgers, you don't deserve 15$/hr
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:01:41 PM »
I mean it you make some damn god burgers and meet an exceptionally high demand, then I think it's acceptable.

This may be true, but remember, there's going to be a shit-ton of people out there that are going to vote for her just because she is a woman in the name of progress. That is, if voting even matters at this point. I doubt that the American public is in control of who becomes president. I really do. This state of mind is reinforced with the recent stories of the voting machines having absurdly easy passwords like "abcde".


Let's get frackin'!
Is it wrong that if I were to see something like this on the news, I feel like my heart would sink with both excitement and terror at the same time?

Serious / Re: Stephen Fry on God
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:52:06 PM »
I find it funny that he says even if he was faced with an omnipotent and omniscient being, he would act like a smug asshole who thinks he's more intelligent than such a being, and in doing so self-justifies his own beliefs. This is just self-justification porn for smug ass atheists. There's nice atheists, and there's assholes like this. You can be smart and still be an ass.

If we could perfect it without any negative side effects, I think it'd be pretty cool. It would be manipulated greatly with politics and murders and things like that, but it would make the world more interesting.

Gaming / Re: Town of Salem
« on: April 11, 2015, 02:13:28 AM »
I played it when the beta was out. I made an account and everything. Last time I tried playing, My stupid account wouldn't work.

Gaming / Re: Ace Combat
« on: April 10, 2015, 10:19:24 PM »
I would probably buy it. I would hope that they make it more gritty and realistic with that little bit of sci-fi otherworldiness that the series was known for for so long. I loved it. Ace Combat 4 and Ace Combat 5 are some of my favorite games. I would love a new Ace Combat game.

The Flood / Re: what you think certain users actually look like
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:29:40 PM »
No one did me :(

You don't have much of a presence here these days Chalk. You're under everybody's radar.

I just haven't been active within the past couple of weeks. That's all. You act like I've been dormant for years. And I'm not that old. I'm only 48. Not 63

The Flood / Re: what you think certain users actually look like
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:23:45 PM »
No one did me :(

The Flood / Re: what you think certain users actually look like
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:54:10 AM »
Someone do me

The Flood / Re: Season 5 of The Clone Wars
« on: April 04, 2015, 06:42:42 AM »
Ahsokka Tano was the highlight of the whole series for me. Anything else is just a icing on top of the cake. A very very sexy cake.


Ahsokka is beautiful

There was this Pantoran senator that was pretty hawt. I forget her name but she was in a few episodes with Ahsokka.
They both are sexy.


The Flood / Re: In the beginning of Skyfall....
« on: April 04, 2015, 04:57:24 AM »
Google says it's a Land Rover Defender Double Cab.

If I was an asshole, I would have done one of those passive aggressive "let me google that for you" links.

The Flood / Re: In the beginning of Skyfall....
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:22:10 AM »
A vehicle with 4 wheels
Your sense of humor is so dry that I died from dehydration.

The Flood / In the beginning of Skyfall....
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:15:00 AM »
What make and model is the truck that Bond's partner is driving in the beginning chase of the movie? I'd like to know.

The Flood / Re: I went to my first club today
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:35:08 PM »
OP went to the special needs club.

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