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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 167168169 170171 ... 302
The Flood / Re: If you post
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:37:58 PM »
Inb4 somebody makes a joke response to this and the OP rage quits like MyNameIsManBaby.
mad cuz penis is smaller than 15cm.
How big is yours?
if I knew how to metric I'd tell you.
What's it in inches then?

The Flood / Re: If you post
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:32:41 PM »
Inb4 somebody makes a joke response to this and the OP rage quits like MyNameIsManBaby.
mad cuz penis is smaller than 15cm.
How big is yours?

The Flood / Re: When is the last time you ran a mile or more?
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:25:32 PM »
Today. Everyday I run two miles when I go out for my jog. I do that twice a day as long as it's not too cold out due to winter. For my final jog of the day I do close to three miles so I jog a total of five miles each day.

Gaming / Re: Somebody give me an intro on No Man's Sky
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:23:26 PM »
I find the whole concept of it fun. I like that we're able to get into ships and explore planets and then fly into space to go to other planets. When I played San Andreas all I did was drive around and mess around. No Mans Sky is pretty much the same concept just with ships. 

The Flood / Re: So I just wandered back onto
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:22:24 PM »
Bungie is well and truly dead now
Bungie being dead to us or whatever happened a while ago.

Gaming / Re: I found Reach in Elite: Dangerous
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:02:45 PM »
I guess every game needs some type of shit stain on it.

Serious / Re: The UK fox hunting ban
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:00:52 PM »
Now what will the old rich fat white guys do?

The Flood / Re: If you post
« on: May 16, 2015, 11:55:20 AM »
Inb4 somebody makes a joke response to this and the OP rage quits like MyNameIsManBaby. 

The Flood / Re: Who needs sleep?
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:35:18 AM »

Gaming / Re: Minecraft aesthetic
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:28:28 AM »
Make the walls outta TNT
>Making house out of TNT.
>Random Creeper AKA Lonepaul comes up behind you.
>There's now a big ass crater where your house used to be.

I like the cut of his jib.

He's a weeaboo.

Gaming / Re: PSN Flash Sale - Everything under $5
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:22:55 AM »
All that shit.

Gaming / Re: Water may be in Halo 5: Guardians.
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:21:20 AM »
What's sad is that this is HaloFollower in a nutshell.

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:07:49 AM »
If you're not a 50 in Halo 3 then get the fuck off this site and play Reacharound you filthy causal scrub. People like you ruined mah Halo!
its funny that people are still mad about being rank checked this many years later
How does making a post similar to those level/arena jokes means I'm mad about my level in Halo 3?
no one ever said anything about you in particular, but hey, guilty conscience and all that, you do you man

We both know you targeted me becasue I'm the only one in this topic that made a rank based post.
His comment wasn't directed towards you at all, but now you made yourself into a target.
It was. I was the only one who made a ranked based joke post about you treating ranks not seriously and he quoted me with a post about people being mad about getting ranked checked. Out of all the people who posted before and after me I'm the only one he quoted.

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:20:47 AM »
If you're not a 50 in Halo 3 then get the fuck off this site and play Reacharound you filthy causal scrub. People like you ruined mah Halo!
its funny that people are still mad about being rank checked this many years later
How does making a post similar to those level/arena jokes means I'm mad about my level in Halo 3?
no one ever said anything about you in particular, but hey, guilty conscience and all that, you do you man

We both know you targeted me becasue I'm the only one who made a ranked based replay and your post happened to quote mine out of all the others in this topic. Out of all the people who posted before and after my post you happened to quote my rank joke with a post about people being made about getting ranked checked. If it wasn't targeted at me then why was your post a quote of mine instead of being a reply?

Gaming / Re: Any of you played these games?
« on: May 15, 2015, 06:31:59 PM »
Robotech reminds me of Appleseed
Is it because of the mech's head?

Thoughts? At least EAids isn't charging for aerial battles a la BF4
As far as I know every Battlefield game besides maybe Hardline has aerial combat.
Battlefield 1942 has fighters and bombers and there's two maps that are fighter based.
Battlefield Vietnam has helicopters.
Battlefield Bad Company has helicopters.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 has helicopters.
Battlefield 3 has helicopters and jets.
Battlefield 4 has helicopters and jets.
For the being charged thing in Battlefield 3 and 4 the jet based playlist is in a DLC. 

Serious / Re: If our universe exist, then what doesn't exist?
« on: May 15, 2015, 06:21:39 PM »
If our universe exist, then what doesn't exist?

I will never understand the unreasonable hate that the competitive community gets.

It's not the competitive players, it's the idiots who insist that the game has to be played their way and sneer at the other, probably less skilled players who may not agree with them. The kind that claim that those unskilled players don't know what is 'best' for the game and shouldn't have their opinions considered.

Reference the Reach subforum, shortly after the game came out.
To be fair, 90% of the mouthbreathing idiots who used the Reach forum really didn't have valid opinions due to being retarded.

Well, yeah, but the bunch of jerks making multiple threads a day detailing what Halo 'should' be (and back it up with their twelve-digit k/d ratio) are the ones I'm focused on.
Has it occurred to you that maybe they were right? The gloating was a bit much, but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.

That has little to do with the community and more to do with 343 attempting to add new gameplay features popular in other games.
Honestly I say in order for Halo to survive it's going to have to have common things that other games use. Things like custom load outs doesn't have to be one but when it comes to controls being able to jump from one game to another easily is a good thing to have. Most FPS games now have sprint, true ADS and maybe climbing over shit is common. Having that stuff in Halo is not going to destroy it. It's going to help keep a population that is used to that stuff so they're not going to have like you said a steep learning curve. Going form a group of FPS games that play simlar to each other to one this is completely different is going to be annoying. You have to get used to playing one way to a completely different way. Having a universal controls or gameplay helps make that easier.

Exactly. Well said.

Of course, the population will most likely continue to dwindle regardless of any changes made, because Halo isn't the pinnacle of FPS gameplay anymore. It's been eight years since it could keep a high population over a long period of time; people have moved on to other, newer games like CoD. Altering gameplay to be more like those recently popular games will keep Halo afloat much longer than leaving it as it was years ago, but it won't bring the series back to its former glory. Nothing barring a really, truly innovative idea that nobody else has ever thought of will. It's a matter of age as much as its a matter of stagnation.
For the controls thing when I first played Gears Judgement I had one hell of a time playing the game at first because the controls were completely different from the other three games. Then when I got used to that game I went back to Gears 3 to replay the campaign. I once again had to get used to completely different controls. Like I said in that post having universal controls/gameplay for FPS games is going to make switching games a lot easier and a better experiences.

For Halo to me the only way it's going to survive is if the series stops being the same thing since 2001. Lets face it. The most change Halo has gotten since it went to the 360 was Forge. Other than that it might as well be playing on the Xbox. The player count is still the same and the levels are still the same size with the same amount of AI on them. For Halo 5 to me in order for it to sell well it's going to have to have at least 32 players and a remotely open large scale campaign. There needs to be changes that amkes the game feel like it's an 8th gen game and not a OG Xbox game.

The other thing that would get Halo sales is simply by making spinoff games that are different from the main games. ODST is a spinoff but you're basically playing as the Master Chief because the game play is still closely simlar. You really don't feel like a normal human when you can still do the same things as the MC. For Halo Wars that is the most different Halo game but it's a console RTS which targets a small group on console gamers. Then there's those retarded overhead games. For spinoff games MS should get other developers to make something like a Halo version of Star Wars Battlefront and a large scale MMO. They should have spin off games that focus on large scale vehicle gameplay just for MP and the main games for the story and the original MP.

but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.
343 did make stupid decisions in that game that should have been left in their heads but they did have a problem that Bungie didn't have. Due to Halo 2 and 3 being different than Reach you're going to have fans from both of those different games. So you're going to have to make a game that plays similar to both types to please both groups.
Or they could have just accepted reach as a shitty prequel and not base their game off it's shitty features.  Including those features in more games just further in-grains them in the series.
Like I said you have fans of two different games that you're going to have to carter to. If 343 made Halo 4 basically Halo 3 you're going to have the Reach fans bitching about it which is going to affect sales. They probably could have done a better job at the game but alienating the Reach fans is not a good developer move.

Imagine what things they would discover or would be able to do if they had a larger budget.

I will never understand the unreasonable hate that the competitive community gets.

It's not the competitive players, it's the idiots who insist that the game has to be played their way and sneer at the other, probably less skilled players who may not agree with them. The kind that claim that those unskilled players don't know what is 'best' for the game and shouldn't have their opinions considered.

Reference the Reach subforum, shortly after the game came out.
To be fair, 90% of the mouthbreathing idiots who used the Reach forum really didn't have valid opinions due to being retarded.

Well, yeah, but the bunch of jerks making multiple threads a day detailing what Halo 'should' be (and back it up with their twelve-digit k/d ratio) are the ones I'm focused on.
Has it occurred to you that maybe they were right? The gloating was a bit much, but the devs didn't listen to the competitive community in Reach and H4 and look how that turned out.

That has little to do with the community and more to do with 343 attempting to add new gameplay features popular in other games.
Honestly I say in order for Halo to survive it's going to have to have common things that other games use. Things like custom load outs doesn't have to be one but when it comes to controls being able to jump from one game to another easily is a good thing to have. Most FPS games now have sprint, true ADS and maybe climbing over shit is common. Having that stuff in Halo is not going to destroy it. It's going to help keep a population that is used to that stuff so they're not going to have like you said a steep learning curve. Going form a group of FPS games that play simlar to each other to one this is completely different is going to be annoying. You have to get used to playing one way to a completely different way. Having a universal controls or gameplay helps make that easier. 

Serious / Re: What's your opinion on sales tax for used items?
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:20:14 PM »
This is why you understate the value of the car at the notary.
It's hard to when you have things to prove how much you paid for it. :/

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:16:25 PM »
If you're not a 50 in Halo 3 then get the fuck off this site and play Reacharound you filthy causal scrub. People like you ruined mah Halo!
its funny that people are still mad about being rank checked this many years later
How does making a post similar to those level/arena jokes means I'm mad about my level in Halo 3?   

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 15, 2015, 07:22:06 AM »
If you're not a 50 in Halo 3 then get the fuck off this site and play Reacharound you filthy causal scrub. People like you ruined mah Halo!

Serious / What's your opinion on sales tax for used items?
« on: May 15, 2015, 07:11:52 AM »
To me it's nothing more than a racket. The tax should only be paid once which is when that item was sold new. Any more than that is greediness that fucks over people depending on what it is. Lets take a used car for example. Even though it has been sold a total of five times each time the person had to pay tax on it. If you're someone on a budget that tax is going to fuck you over becasue even if you do a out of the door deal you're still going to have to include the tax. If it wasn't for that racket tax you would have got that vehicle for cheaper

The Flood / Re: TFW groups are dead
« on: May 15, 2015, 06:12:52 AM »
Sapphire is doing very well
If that is the real Harlow then according to him that group is doing shitty since it's a ghost town. So no, I wouldn't be saying it's "doing very well".

The Flood / Re: Is Jive Turkey the most alpha specimen on Sep7agon?
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:54:59 AM »
how many women have you had sex with
between 7 and 13 srs
I'm calling the FBI. Enjoying taking it up the ass by Big Black Bubby you pedophile.

The Flood / Re: Best insults you can think of.
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:53:56 AM »

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