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Topics - DAS B00T x2

Pages: 1 ... 567
The Flood / Our Führer, who art in heaven
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:28:46 PM »
Hitler be thy name
Aryan kingdom come, thy will be done
In the kamps as it is in berlin
Give us this day our daily rations
And forgive us our impurities, as we kill those more impure than us,
And lead us not into Jewish misfortune
But deliver us from the evil merchants
For thine is the kingdom and the power of the straight, white male,
Now and ever, and unto ages of German purity.

How are you celebrating today, Flood? I've gotten beer in the style of the conquered land of lolBelgium.

The Flood / I think I have a problem, flood.
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:13:49 PM »
I still wish to acquire more.

Wat do?


I'm quire fond of roast beef myself.

The Flood / I'm surrounded by a bunch of...
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:35:48 PM »
Old, drunk, white women who love Eminem.

How should I commit suicide, flood?

The Flood / Another knife thread? Another knife thread.
« on: March 25, 2015, 05:07:56 PM »
Kitchen cutlery to utility tools to decorative pieces, has the Flood made any interesting purchases lately?

This little guy just came in today.

That Spyderco logo always looks pretty cool. Let's open it up.

Oooh, shiny. Now to do away with that pesky plastic wrap.

And there we have the classic Spyderco look in the tiny and compact Honeybee model. If you're wondering how big it is, you're thinking wrong. You should be asking how small it is...

AND HOW FUCKING CUTE IT IS! The honeybee is an adorable little 1.5inch folding utility knife with a folded length of about a key. Perfect for hanging on a keychain.
"But DAS, how is such a small blade of any use"

Boxes everywhere will tremble in fear of this little guy.

The Flood / >tfw 50 cent pay raise
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:27:02 PM »
Fuck yeah, that's an extra bottle of liquor a week!

Discuss wages, Flood. Are you under payed? Over payed? Officer-tier over payed? Do you work at Walmart like a poorfag or Nick?

First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for getting myself banned last night just before I promised to make this thread. This'll be the second time in a week. As the host of the tournament, I should be, among other things, exhibiting a degree of professionalism, if only to set an example for future tournaments, and I've failed in that regard. Luckily, I have a friend in Das, who will be relaying this message to you, and he has my utmost gratitude. Without him, you'd all have to wait another week before my stupid ass gets unbanned, but I didn't wanna keep you guys waiting that long just because of some external fuck-up on my part. So, for what it's worth, I do apologize.
Also, some quick clarification on how the winners were determined:
All players who formally/informally forfeited had their records striked out. Instead of the previous system, where every player who never had a chance to fight the forfeited player would get two points, I instead took two points away from every player who fought and won against each forfeited player. Mathematically, this makes no difference. All it does is make it so that the scores reflect the number of remaining active players.
Also, for matches that never took place, there exists a "/" in the records book. The slash served in the past as a placeholder for either a 0, 1, or a 2. But if the match never took place at all, there is a slash. What do I do about this? Well, for the players who actually took it upon themselves to find every single person they needed to fight, but just couldn't do it due to a lack of attendance/cooperation from their adversary, I gave them a +2 point compensation for every player they didn't get to fight.
In short:
I revamped the scoreboard to make the numbers better represent the number of remaining players, and
in cases where there was a no-match between two players, I awarded two points to the player who was more active.
Thanks, and I hope that all made sense. And if it made sense, I hope it seems fair.

The Pokémon Monotype Tournament has officially come to a close.
Eighteen players entered.
Six of them said, "Fuck this, I'm out."
Of the twelve who remained, only four came out on top to declare themselves The Elite Four.
It's time to declare our winners.

Final score: 15 points (not counting forfeits)
MVP: Dragonite, Skarmory, Gliscor

Final score: 17 points (+4 compensation from Argonar/TBlocks)
MVP: Smeargle, Porygon2, Mega Lopunny

Final score: 19 points
MVP: Mega Alakazam/Mega Metagross, Jirachi, Espeon
Can you feel it...?
Can you feel the SUSPENSE?

Final score: 22 points
MVP: Torkoal, Talonflame, Infernape

And there you have it, folks.
Our Elite Four will receive commemoration in the form of a new title.
Either the word "Elite" as a title prefix, or "Gym Leader" as a title.
I'm not sure what you guys would rather have. I don't wanna be the arbiter of that decision until I'm sure.
But now, I'd just like to thank all the participants for taking part in this tournament.
It was my first one, and though many issues were prevalent, I hope you guys all had a fun time.
At this moment, I'd like to acknowledge all of our players:

I can't forget that this whole tournament was essentially your idea. It all couldn't have taken place without you. And on top of that, both your skill and sense of humor helped make this tournament very fun and memorable for all of us. Congrats on making the Elite Four.
Finishing your tournament with a near-perfect record, only having lost three rounds in your entire run, and completig your entire run faster than any other player, it goes without saying that your strength in the game of Pokémon is envied and your enthusiasm for the tournament is appreciated. You've truly earned the #1 spot, and I look forward to seeing you play again in the future.
I never really got to know you very much during this tournament, and you sort of played a lot less as we all progressed, but I still thank you for your participation nonetheless.
Your love for this website and its community really shows when you take part in its community events. Though you may not have performed as well as the average player, your commitment to the website is truly admirable and I greatly appreciate your participation.
Early on during the tournament's creation, we considered barring out the Rock type. Though you were a mere two points away from tying with Orion, you played a stalwart game and proved that even under disadvantaged odds, you can still perform very well. Oh, and thanks for posting this thread for me, too, brah.
Similarly to Luis, I never really got to know you either. You never really got too many games in, and you forfeited later on. That's unfortunate, because you were looking rather strong. Thanks for signing up, in any case.
I have to give you a special thanks for not only getting your shit done, but also for doing it in such a neat and organized fashion. You never missed getting a single replay, and on top of it all, you had a very strong performance, landing yourself in 2nd place. Congratulations, and thanks for playing.
Though you never finished your matches, you did show an initial enthusiasm for the tournament, which I appreciate.
Though you also did not finish your matches, I'm glad that you signed up, even though you had to settle for what can be considered a laughably weak type (and not the Grass type that you wanted so very much).
I'm upset that you didn't really get much done at all in the tournament, but at the same time, you brought forth one of the most hype matches in the series (TBlocks vs. CK, game 2). I really wish you would have played more, but thanks for signing up, nonetheless. I hope you had fun while you did play.
Congrats on making the Elite Four! You sort of quietly snuck yourself onto there. I can't really say I know you at all outside of this tournament, so I can't really say much else than congrats, so... Congrats!

Thanks for signing up, even though you four didn't do much at all, with the exception of Argonar, who just kind of fucked around all tournament. Didn't really appreciate that. But for the rest of you who forfeited, I thank you for telling me in a timely manner (unlike the four players who announced their forfeiting on the last day). It really helps me out, and keeps things clean and organized. I hope in the future, you'll be able to fully participate. I probably won't be hosting that tournament, though. As fun as it has been, it can be rather tedious and taxing at times.
So that's about it.
A collective thanks to you all. I had fun, I hope you guys had fun.
And for the Elite Four, I hope you find your new position nice and cozy. ;)
    GGs, guys.

The Flood / I had a rather disturbing dream last night flood.
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:12:25 AM »
Within this dream I purchased...
a bullpup weapon.
But not just any disgusting abomination of such, it was an
IWI Tavor

I feel so sick.

Although it was chambered in 6.5 Carcano for whatever reason, so that was kinda cool. But still... what a nightmare.

Y'al have any similar experiences lately?

The Flood / Aww shit, son. JNCO jeans are coming back.
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:49:33 AM »
lolHuffpost article proves it's a big fucking deal

Now how many of you greasy ass motherfuckers are gonna try rockin this swag after the relaunch?

The Flood / >browsing Hessen antique out of boredom at work
« on: February 14, 2015, 12:11:12 PM »
>wonder on over to the sale section
>bunch of geatcoats
>black collar wool M37's on sale

Convince me not to do it, Flood, since a gabardine black collar DDR surplus greatcoat is still much cheaper.

The Flood / Why haven't you made Sep7agon purple yet, Flood?
« on: February 11, 2015, 01:11:43 PM »

Well? What could possibly be your reason? It's objectively the best color and Based Solonoid gave you the tools to do it.

Also, when I overthrow Cheat as admin, I'm making the background anime girls for everyone.

The Flood / >tfw random tuesday off from work
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:11:31 PM »
It's time to eat cheesecake, drink bourbon, use the oxford comma, and shitpost rampantly.
What are y'all up to tonight?

The Flood / >tfw you overtake Noelle in post count
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:55:43 PM »

It's a hollow fucking victory, man...

The Flood / Yly fuck guys
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:40:57 AM »
I'm seeing posts in 3d. Oh my god. SOmeone hold me.


The Flood / Why are SJW's so stupid when it comes to trolls?
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:40:28 AM »
I swear, I can't look at the comments section of any Against Me! video on youtube without seeing a million of them falling for the same old shit. I bet these faggots didn't even listen to them before TDB came out anyway.

The Flood / WInter Season 2015 - What chinese cartoons ahould I watch?
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:08:37 PM »
Alright ya wibbly wobblies, what's coming up that's supposed to be good that isn't moeshit (although I'm totally gonna watch miritary!) or a sequel to something I've never watched?

Sengoku Musou should give me my shitty historical fiction fix, and Rolling Girls looks like a nice opportunity for motorcycle porn. 

Septagon / Verb's thread made me realize something
« on: December 28, 2014, 01:42:45 PM »
In regards to users being able to ask modstaff to just lock their threads, a valid reason should be presented. By valid reason I don't mean "these two guys are gonna fight, lock pls" or "someone posted something I don't like, lock this!" You being the OP doesn't mean you should be able to cut the discussion at your discretion, as the decision should be on the modstaff as to weather or not OP's request is valid.

The Flood / So there's most of a dead deer in my garage...
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:58:54 PM »
I say most because here's the severed head.
It's a fucking severed head. Don't click if you're squeamish.
^that's a 90lbs Labrador for comparison. He has absolutely no clue what the fuck that is. It was quite funny.

Does anyone know if the scent of a butcher shop stays in leather upholstery? I just replaced the seat cover on my motorcycle last year with legit leather and I'd hate for it to smell of blood and game all next season.
Also, anyone got any good dry rub seasonings for jerky?

The Flood / Daily reminder that Bronies still need to be exterminated
« on: October 29, 2014, 05:07:12 PM »
I'm considering finding the guy's house and burning it. PSU, Casper, care to join in?

The Flood / Found a furry weeaboo at a Ren fair...
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:50:47 AM »
Should I pursue after a few more beers?

News / New Music Monday: Hozier's self-titled full length debut
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:42:00 PM »

sorry, no stream this time

Typically when I think of music from Ireland, all I can picture is Flogging Molly and wrongfully Dropkick Murphys, but here comes Hozier to show us that the little island has something going for it besides Dave King and naming the wonderful cocktail known as the Irish Car Bomb. With eight tracks from his previous EP's, only seven song of the album are new from the studio, but that doesn't make this full length debut any less impressive.

Take me to church...  is the perfect combination of cliche, annoying, and linguistically beautiful word choices that just creates a chart topping track that you can't help but enjoy, and many have enjoyed it since the EP came out last year. That's kind of why I feel like it's the wrong song to open up on, especially to go into another track from the same EP, but since Angel is an awesome track that really showcases some amazing lyrics, I can't really complain. Now we get to hear something new, and a little jazzy. Jackie and Wilson is easily a contender for best song on the album, which leaves the following two tracks feeling slightly hollow in comparison, though the guitar in To be Alone amazingly reminds me of Muddy Waters. Holy shit, can this boy sing the blues.

Back to the full band sound comes the spring single From Eden, a quaint, enjoyable, but not all to memorable indie/blues track that gives way to the wonderful voice of upcoming North Irish Singer/songwriter/cello playing chick, Alana Henderson on In a Week. It's a really pretty song, once again displaying Hozier's lyrical talents over simple, bluesy/folky guitar playing.  Now, after that slowdown, and despite it's name, things begin to pick up again with another new track. Sedated is definitely top three material. It starts mellow enough to make you anticipate the rise, and when it happens, it's pretty damn cool. Sedated brings up right into Work Song from his spring EP, which slows things down again for the rest of the album, which ends on a lovely track from the Take me to Church EP,  Cherry Wine.

I have to say, if this dude's shows didn't sell out a month in advance, and I knew more about him before now, I'd totally be purchasing tickets for his Philly show in November right now. Hozier just brings out the classic elements of the blues in ways that I haven't heard in quite a while while still producing a modern feel to his music. It's refreshing to hear the more 50's sound of the blues, you know, without overdrive and ten minute guitar solos that all sound the same because every song is written in a I IV V patten in the key of A.  This guy's quite the wordsmith and poet as well. I'm definitely going to be picking this up tomorow when it drops in stores here, I'd recommend it for anyone who enjoys Bon Iver, The Lumineers, or artists of the classic time of Muddy Waters and B.B. King.

And shit, he's sold out for a Philly gig in March already too... 

News / New Music Monday: Finch returns with Back to Olbivion
« on: September 29, 2014, 05:48:31 PM »

Fresh right off the industrial laser scribing machines, Back to Oblivion officially drops today in Yourope and can be found in music stores in America tomorrow. So let's celebrate the return of this unsung Post-hardcore band with a review of their third album together and first full length release since 2005.

Full album on youtube

That's right, Finch is back and sounding better than ever for the second week of new music reviews. Not long after announcing their permanent regrouping and signing to Razor & Tie (the infamous Kidz Bop record label) the band went to the studio and gave us Two Guns to the Temple and earlier this month Anywhere but Here, leaving anyone who was a fan of the band before (which here means... just myself and Officer Nasty) eagerly awaiting the rest of the new album. I've got to say that I'm an definitely not disappointed. Brian's vocals are phenomenal, ranging from clean to stressed to perfectly harsh when the time is right and R2K's guitar leads are in all the right places. The drums are solid all around and really carry the grove of many tracks, though the bass lines that accompany it aren't anything spectacular. However, the tone of Dan's bass is nice and punchy, and with a good bit of mid-range playing to accent melodies, he definitely doesn't play a forgotten part on the album.

The album does a pretty good job of not blending together , and I'm not getting tired of it any time soon. Your typical heavy hitters like the title track, Play Dead, and Two Guns are spaced between more post-punk sounding tracks and one very spacey Picasso Trigger, which I'd call my favorite track from the album. A few of the lighter tracks nearly remind me of the Offspring, especially Us vs. Them and Tarot. Things then slow down quite a bit with Inferium, well, at least until the end, only to go out on the mellow note of New Wave, which puts off a really cool Alternative vibe with its shaky, delayed instrumental tones over a crisp acoustic rhythm. It's a real nice send-off.

Hopefully the album receives the commercial success it deserves and the label keeps Finch on for another. It'd be a shame for them to go on another extended hiatus after this impressive delivery, but with any luck I don't think we'll have to worry about that.

Feel free to tell me what you think of the band, and to recommend any upcoming or recent releases that you'd like to see featured. Thanks for reading, guys.
posting in news forum when?

The Flood / Can't corner the Dorner? Nah son, can't screen the Frein!
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:25:59 PM »

So this guy's still running innawoods somewhere near Scranton after eleven days and police are no closer to finding any trail despite the Staties from PA, NJ, and NY running constant patrols through woods, flying surveillance aircraft, and locking down entire fucking neighborhoods while they roll around in armored trucks trying to looks tacticool.
Seriously, guys, it's not helping you find him and only makes you look dumb


Anyway, what do y'all think about Mr. White Chris Dorner here?

News / New Music Mondays with DAS: Flyleaf - Between the Stars
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:51:09 PM »

(free legal stream here)
With a single that's been out since July 1st, Flyleaf's fourth album (featuring vocalist Kristen May in her first studio album with the band) released last Tuesday. I really can't say I'm a huge fan of the band, so between that and Flyleaf's decent level of popularity I figured this would be a good point to start what I hope to be a consistent thing on. Their radio singles tend to be enjoyable, but entire albums feel inconsistent to me, with tracks that blow the chosen singles away and others that are completely underwhelming, though so far I'm reasonably impressed with the new tunes.

The album starts with Set Me on Fire, the single released a while ago, which (big surprise) sounds like every other Flyleaf song on the radio just with a different vocalist. This sets up expectations which (for better or worse) are broken by the time you're halfway through. Early on I wasn't too sure of the new frontwoman. In Magnetic all I could think was that she sounded twelve, and while that definitely worked for Anette Olzon for her time with Nightwish (to say it's not always a bad thing), it's just not working here with the band's musical tone.

Enter, Platonic: the albums fourth track. This is where I think the sound starts to shift for the most part, going from made-for-radio hard rock to slightly more pop-rock, starting a trend in which the album gets progressively lighter in my mind, and more melodic instrumentals are prevalent in the clean verses. Head Underwater and Sober Serenade definitely embody this change before we hit Thread, what I consider the album's only true forgettable and "would skip over" song with no redeeming qualities. By now we definitely can rest assured that these tracks all follow the same soft verse - heavy chorus- verse- chorus - bridge- chorus pattern and that combined with Kristen's voice makes me think I'm listening to a radio Disney band... but a decent one, like KSM. 

Finally, a break. Marionette and Well of Lies, the album's two strongest tracks in my opinion. Finally we have a musical style that compliments Kristen perfectly. The tracks come across as a more early 2000's influenced alternative than Flyleaf's hard rock roots, with plenty of fill and ambiance, and wait, do I hear fuzz bass in the verse of the latter? Oh yes, I think I do. If there's a shining gem on this album, then it's definitely Well. Unfortunately, this leaves the remaining three tracks a tad understated, for while they continue to go in a direction comparable to an odd mix of the Killers and Smashing Pumpkins, they don't do it as well. In the case of City Kids, I think it's because the song just needed to be longer. It's a solid song, but needed more than a four minute run time. Blue Roses (while a lovely song) seems like Orianthi meets early Demi Lovato, and I'm not sure how I like that. It seems like the further this album goes, the less it sounds like what I thought Flyleaf was, and once again, Home just feels too short to me. Maybe I've just been listening to too much power metal and long, rambling, country western songs...

What we have here is an interesting album with what seems to be an odd arrangement of tracks but ends with a glimmer of hope for the future of this band. By the end of it all, I'm rather enjoying Kristen's vocals, but at the same time I wonder if she can sing all of Lacey's old songs on tour with the same power. Overall, for better or for worse, Kristen's introduction to the band has me interested in what comes from the future, and this is an album I'd actually recommend to people. She's no Florence Welch, but she's got a voice.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to tell me if you hated the album, lol. If you've got any recommendations for a band to do in the future, let me know. I'm not doing this just for myself, after all.

Now we just wait for Cheat to move this...

The Flood / The greatest Tumblr page ever.
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:31:01 PM »
So I was on Tumblr today doing the usual routine, and in between the amateur crossdressers and asian ladies' feet I saw a post. This post was from a particular blog that I thought had ceased activity long ago. A blog that once held the world by it's throat, that once threatened to bring about an age of nuclear war and untold chaos. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a blog of grand importance in the realm of international propaganda, and may contain content capable of causing heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary edema. You may or may not want to have soy sauce on hand.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present unto you...

Kim Jong-Un looking at things.

I may or may not answer in a completely pseudo intellectual manner.
I just ate some of the fruit out of the jar and I'm waiting for my mouth to stop being numb.


Anyone else? It's kinda annoying as I thought that only happens to your first post here.
Tell me it's just a glitch on my end...

The Flood / Spiders are bros, yo.
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:12:09 AM »
Seriously, these dudes can hang at work all they want. Eating bugs and shit? Fuck yeah! Eating other spiders that I don't know? Also fuck yeah!
They're also neat as hell to watch make webs. I'm up to four of them now. Soon I'll have an army to march on DC and declare myself Consul for life with.

The Flood / Can I get some feedback on a song?
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:38:16 PM »
Finally got a mic and decided to write lyrics for something that I tracked out a month ago. It's kinda typical post grunge shit with not a lot of frills. So anyway, here it is.
I think I should have cut the opening to two lines instead of four as it seems a little long before we get into the verse, but whatever.

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