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The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:27:30 AM »
Both of my jobs are considered essential services so I'll literally be working to the last man standing or unless the government orders food stores to shut down. I'm already pulling twenty hour days on shifts because the rest of my co-workers are burning out and I seem to be the only one not complaining or dropping and sleeping on the spot over the massive backload and hours per shift of work to do.
You better be careful because missing out on sleep will tank your immune system.

Don't I know it buddy. I picked up a bad cold earlier in the year that hit me deep in the lungs. Everybody else that caught it recovered in about a week but mine took a month. Oh well. Such is life. Just have to try harder to dodge the cooties is all.

The Flood / Re: I'm officially a vegetarian now
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:22:55 AM »

if the quarantine hadn't complicated things, would you consider going the extra mile into veganism? because if it's an ethical decision for you, it's important to understand that vegetarianism isn't quite "enough" unless you're using it as a stepping stone
No, because I don't think there's anything wrong with using animal goods when you're not hurting the animal. A sheep in captivity, being shaved every now and again in exchange for food, water, shelter, and security, is not a bad deal for the sheep. They essentially get to escape the cruel cycle of life in exchange for a harmless procedure done every once in a while.
the trouble is, when extracting virtually any product from farm animals, they are pretty much invariably harmed in the process

the animal exploitation industry is a business like any other, and like any other business, they have to meet profit margins by selling as much produce as efficiently as possible—and there's no scenario where this ends well for the animals

with regards to sheep-shearing, a factory farm isn't going to hire someone who treats sheep with love and care, because that's not fast enough—instead, they hire sociopaths who don't care if they injure the sheep, as long as they get it done as fast as possible

the nicks and cuts they get from this procedure are known to attract flies—so many, in fact, that they'll start laying eggs inside of the sheep so that maggots can start wreaking havoc on their insides and, of course, cause an even worse infestation (this is called flystrike)

because flystrike happens most often around the anus (for obvious reasons), farmers began to cut off the strips of skin around their tail in a process called mulesing—imagine having the skin on your buttocks peeled off, basically—to help prevent infestations, which is neither foolproof nor humane

this all takes place, of course, so that human beings can have cuddly clothes

when the sheep grow too old to be useful to the farm, they are immediately slaughtered—though, opinions vary among vegans how big of a deal this is, we can all agree that if you're going to put an animal "out of its misery," it should be euthanized, not slaughtered

online, you'll probably find articles talking about how important and necessary it is for sheep to be shorn, because they're incapable of shedding and will overheat and die if we don't—"so what's the harm in reaping the benefits of that"—and this is true, but you have to remember that the only reason sheep on farms don't stop growing their wool is because they've been selectively bred for that very purpose

so no matter how you look at it, livestock sheep are bred to suffer—the industry cannot sustain itself if they don't

I hate how the world is run by this run-away capitalism.

We as a species, best operate when we work together but for some fucked up reason (probably because money was chosen to show your worth rather than your skills / talents) the system that runs the world is one based around 'every man for himself'.

What I've always found terribly funny is that money is essentially a fairytale that we've given power to. I give you pretend worth that has no inherent value unless everybody agrees that it does. It's a testament that is both actually sad and amazing about the mind and it's capabilities. We've both destroyed and created mountains, all for a fairy tale we've chosen to believe in. If only people were ready to believe in something better than what we have now.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:12:56 AM »
I have to admit that I'm impressed with the province's actions taken to at least slow the spread of the cooties. Basically every business except non essentials has been shut down, public gatherings no larger than 15 are allowed in very limited places, and it's now the law to self quarantine even if you've so much as traveled out of province within the country. It won't stop the corona ball since it's already rolling and spreading, but at least they tried to minimize how much it spreads. They're doing much more than my home province for certain.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 24, 2020, 07:30:29 PM »
I guess I'd just like to pose a question for any art minded person here. Has your own artwork helped you along in your life?
My greatest passion in life is to create. Visual art, and eventually stories as well. That passion is a major contributing factor to my will to live, but unfortunately my chronic health problems significantly impact my drive to practice it and create art like I want to. I haven't given up on the dream yet, however.

I wouldn't tell you to give up on that dream either. If you can't imagine going through life without doing something you love to do then always stick with it. Maybe with all this corona shit going on you'll get some downtime?

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 24, 2020, 07:22:20 PM »
Both of my jobs are considered essential services so I'll literally be working to the last man standing or unless the government orders food stores to shut down. I'm already pulling twenty hour days on shifts because the rest of my co-workers are burning out and I seem to be the only one not complaining or dropping and sleeping on the spot over the massive backload and hours per shift of work to do.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 16, 2020, 09:32:43 PM »
Can someone tell me why people are panic buying toilet roll? The virus doesn't even give you the shits.

Is it because of some misinformed boomer Facebook post that's been making the rounds?
so that people don't run out in the event of a quarantine

or at least, that's the idea

I work in a grocery store and what baffles me is that it's just mainly toilet paper that's flooding out. Some people are buying food of course, but I see more stocking up in paper.  Honestly, I'd think having food stocks would be a bigger priority than paper. And like what was talked about above in another post, I had a discussion with another employee over all the idiotic/shitty stuff people are doing. The non-sick can potentially be worse than those who are simply because sick people don't riot and loot stores. They kindly die off at home. I work in an alcohol vendor too. It's another layer of funny to see people stock on up on booze, and honestly kind of sad.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 14, 2020, 02:01:24 PM »
Employee: *Literally blown in half with malaria, cancer and a Xenomorph*
Company: "You're still coming to work right"

Meme Flu: *Less than 2% mortality rate*
Company: "Work machine canceled"

The issue with this flu isn't the mortality rate, it's the fact that it's apparently so highly infectious and adaptable. I don't know if the rumors are true, but I hear that corona is now capable of making the jump to dogs, therefore enabling them to be carriers(if the rumors and talk is true at least)

The problem with viruses is that they mutate constantly. While the mortality rate of corona isn't really something to write home about, imagine what would happen if it developed a new strain that had a higher mortality rate and retained it's highly infectious qualities? We'd be looking at spanish flu all over again.

If anything, this whole charade is a warning that nobody really takes the threat of viruses seriously and nor do we have remotely near enough effective systems in place to deal with what's otherwise an evolutionary war that we're on the losing side of. Nevermind that, the work machine is taking hits mainly because of the stock market right now.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 08, 2020, 03:25:22 AM »
Wanted to make another post while I was near a place connected to the internet but I don't have my work stored in transit with me. I guess I could talk about it before I post it next time. I don't know about the other people who post in here, but it's only over the last several years that I've used my artwork to study myself and see things I didn't see inside myself before. And it's only recently in the last year that it's helped me cope and open up to facing the pain of having lost the only person I ever met in my life who I could say that I loved, and whom loved me back.

I enjoy looking backwards through the work posted in this thread, but I guess I'd just like to pose a question for any art minded person here. Has your own artwork helped you along in your life?

Serious / Re: President Trump and the 2020 Election
« on: March 02, 2020, 02:09:53 AM »
Can't say since I'm non-usa. And I think most of the information I've heard about him on both sides is spoken from a two faced perspective with no real way to verify how much is true or false. Bottom line, he's a politician. He says things to get into office, does a percentage of them, makes his money and fucks off regardless of whatever good or bad was done.

The Flood / Re: Is horse / dog racing, animal abuse?
« on: March 02, 2020, 01:58:09 AM »
Maybe he just liked offending people and their sensabilities then. It'd go hand in hand with his ability to write cosmic horror.

The Flood / Re: Is horse / dog racing, animal abuse?
« on: February 27, 2020, 07:19:54 PM »
To even train an animal to obey a command is on some level a form of abuse due to pack mentality. It's more evident in dogs due to their heritage from wolves. In this case, the alpha is simply a human being who has proven themselves to be the dog's master. You don't achieve that status without being harsh in some fashion. I think it counts as abuse when it's taken a step further for profit or entertainment. So, yes.
good, good

If I'm being frank here, lovecraft sounds like a pretentious prick in that quotation. If I'm wrong, it's too bad he's not around to explain why I've known plenty of dogs that'll pester you to play fetch on their own accord or just look at you like a stump on some days when they don't feel like playing anything. Unless the only viable explanation is that lovecraft only ever met dumb dogs in his life.

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: February 27, 2020, 07:09:11 PM »
I'm pretty sure magic is so shunned because in some instances it's plain broken with no fair counter. At least in the original dark souls, a dark bead sorcery build could oneshot 95% of players in pvp scenarios, and there was little to counter it. Various other wombo combos emerged throughout the games as well, although it seems like magic was tougher to utilize in III.
i've never really dabbled with magic before, but it's my understanding that magically-resistant armor is a thing, and that spells usually take a long time to charge up + they're susceptible to rolling anyway

i assume, if you're right, that those three counters just aren't good enough for some reason? which would be unfortunate, and i can sort of understand looking down on those who allow themselves to be carried by OP strategies

but at the same time, when it comes to pvp, i tend to have a very "anything goes" ethos, as long as you're not cheating

it sucks, but if anyone doesn't like it, they can play a game that's designed around pvp, like a fighting game or something

Most magic in the first souls was easily counterable, yes. Most of it had a long charge time and it was very easy to roll or block. Except with the addition of dark bead. I can explain why it does so much damage as well and give you some examples of how broken it is. The first dark souls actually has no "dark" magic category of damage. So all dark spells that do dark damage actually do a combination of magic plus physical damage. So, here's where every single shield with the exception of havel's fails even if it has high magic resistance. All dark spells do immense physical damage, which depletes your stamina very quickly if blocked. Dark bead is also a very quick cast brand of magic, making it spammable and 100% unforgiving if you miss a single roll or experience bad netcode.

And this is probably the best example I can give of darkbead via a five second youtube search.


Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: February 24, 2020, 12:53:11 AM »
You don't like invasions, but what is your opinion on PvP in general? Like duels or the arena?
yeah, i'm fine with the concept, just not the execution

as long as i actually agree to have a duel with you, i for one will have a good time no matter what

what i don't really care for are the unspoken rules of engagement that the community made up, like not using magic, or the fact that it's considered BM to heal, which is kinda silly, because everybody has access to healing items (so you can't say it's an unfair advantage), and healing yourself is a bit of a process, so it should be extremely easy to punish people for doing it anyway

so i don't really understand any of that shit

i've also been told that the balance could use work in every iteration, but that goes for any pvp system

I'm pretty sure magic is so shunned because in some instances it's plain broken with no fair counter. At least in the original dark souls, a dark bead sorcery build could oneshot 95% of players in pvp scenarios, and there was little to counter it. Various other wombo combos emerged throughout the games as well, although it seems like magic was tougher to utilize in III.

As for healing, I can't say I know where that started. But the arena mode in IIIs duel pvp removed all healing items entirely, which I thought was cool. Fights don't drag on because of chuggernaughts and you need some skill to get your win with only one life.

The Flood / Re: Is horse / dog racing, animal abuse?
« on: February 24, 2020, 12:45:50 AM »
To even train an animal to obey a command is on some level a form of abuse due to pack mentality. It's more evident in dogs due to their heritage from wolves. In this case, the alpha is simply a human being who has proven themselves to be the dog's master. You don't achieve that status without being harsh in some fashion. I think it counts as abuse when it's taken a step further for profit or entertainment. So, yes.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 10, 2020, 01:48:11 AM »

I think it's safe to say Halo 5 definitely suffered some rewrites.

The green cloak screams out to me red skull from infinity war. I'm assumming that design was a precursor to warden eternal and it's just the didact's composed husk inhabiting his suit?

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 01, 2020, 12:49:08 AM »

Something I finished recently.

The Flood / Re: What is there to look forward to in 2020?
« on: February 01, 2020, 12:15:47 AM »
I don't live a very enthralling life. I don't even have the power supply or space to game lately. I've been out of the loop for a long time on that front. I guess the only thing on my list is building the house me and my so envisioned together. Other than that I guess I'm just waiting to see what I can laugh at throughhout the year. Elections are coming. Those'll be fun.

The Flood / Re: How's your dating life going?
« on: January 25, 2020, 11:17:22 PM »
Been in a healthy happy relationship for over a year now. The girl is perfect, super gorgeous, sexy body, very sweet, shy. INSANELY loyal like to the death which I really value, my family loves her and she’s completely head over heels in love with me. Legit wife material

The only problem is ME. I’m at a stage right now where my body is in the top 1% of people, my looks are better than ever, and I have a lot of money. Thanks to constantly improving myself, reading, meditating etc my confidence is sky high. I genuinely feel like I can get any girl and tbh I’d even be happy just by myself.

A Ton of really beautiful high quality women hit me up now and whenever I go places. the temptations are really strong and I feel like I’m at Stage that I’ve been working towards my whole teen life. Got to stay loyal, So that’s my dilemma currently

Maybe it's going to seem like I'm coming out of the blue here, considering that I'm new to this site. I know nobody here and so I have no real purchase of opinion nor credence of claims. But I'm not new to forums, nor life in general. And I like talking about life with people.

I knew a man at one time, near the end of his life. I saw him in action even in his old age. The only way to describe this man's natural affinity in dealing with women was magnetic attraction. Everywhere he went, with most women he met, there was always a hint of something more behind their eyes or voices. In his youth, this phenomenon was ever present, which led him through a strange life.

He cheated weekly, probably daily on his first wife. And his testament to me was this. "Being involved with so many women was an incredible boost to my ego, an addictive one. At the time, I didn't see the damage I caused my wife, because all I thought to myself was that "she was just jealous."

I'm sure I could delve into much discussion of the facets of this man's life, but I'll skip to the moral point about love. At one point in my life I experienced love and had it forcibly taken away from me. People take love for granted. They throw partners, people away like trash, in pursuit of what?

You already seem to know your dilemma. But I think it's a fair thought to ask you the question, are you aware of how much damage you could inflict on the person who currently loves you, or at least is in the beginning stages of it? People's lives can sometimes irreversibly be changed by love, or loss of it.

I'd like to thank you by the way. I don't get much chance for meaningful conversation or thoughtful insights from people. Reading your post gave me something interesting to think about.

I must be fabulously out of touch with mainstream things since I only know of probably three movies on that list.

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: January 25, 2020, 06:49:14 PM »
Themeatically it was a bit of a mess compared to the first, but I honestly want to give it some praise for at least attempting new things. I was honestly a bit dissappointed when some of its more decent qualities were discarded in III.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 25, 2020, 06:44:04 PM »
Said I'd upload some stuff. Couple older examples of stuff I did this year.

I can pity reply, if you like.

This is Secondclass
We don't reply to him

I demand explanation

I can pity reply, if you like.

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: January 25, 2020, 05:23:20 PM »
I've been following very loosely on these events but most of what I've heard seems to point that the demos have almost no real case against Trump and that in their attempt to prosecute him they've gone and broken a fair number of laws or regulations in making their case.

I can't say I much like Trump either, as he's just another politician like any other, but I think the demos shot themselves in the foot with the entirety of the mess of this case.

Can I ask what in the fuck sort of drugs inspired that level of writing?

The Flood / Re: New Semester New Me
« on: January 25, 2020, 02:36:21 AM »
There's times when I wish I was back in the simple life of school or a college kid, and then I remember that school sucked ass and college lifelong debt is a thing.

The Flood / Re: How's your dating life going?
« on: January 25, 2020, 02:32:12 AM »
It's not. And if I'm being frank, I don't think it'll start up again.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 19, 2020, 03:35:42 AM »
Oh nice, I love art stuff. I practice in my spare time. I'll see if I can upload something one day.

The Flood / Re: New Years Resolutions MEGATHREAD
« on: January 19, 2020, 03:31:09 AM »
I don't think I've ever given new years much thought. Closest thing I can think of is telling myself that I'd manage my time better and keep working no matter how tired I am.

The Flood / Re: Jive turkey physique 2020
« on: January 19, 2020, 03:28:09 AM »
Nice frogs dude. For real though, congrats on the body. Body building's never really been my thing but I can admire people who try to keep in top physique.

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