The Flood / Re: World War 2 Tech! "The Tiger"
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:25:59 PM »One can only dream...
Wait...is that fucking real?
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The Flood / Re: World War 2 Tech! "The Tiger"« on: January 12, 2015, 05:25:59 PM »One can only dream... Wait...is that fucking real? 4622
Serious / Re: An actual serious thread: how do you organize your information/thoughts?« on: January 12, 2015, 02:51:16 PM »It seems almost counterproductive, though I find imagining a room and putting stuff in it fun for some reason. 4623
Serious / Re: An actual serious thread: how do you organize your information/thoughts?« on: January 12, 2015, 02:30:27 PM »
I don't organise my memory at all; it probably explains why I can recall useless pieces of information but forget names and specific words from time to time.
I'd love an explanation of those "mind palaces" and other memory techniques. They sound great but it seems like you need a certain mind for it. 4624
The Flood / Re: World War 2 Tech! "The Tiger"« on: January 12, 2015, 02:25:30 PM »
I love the engine noise...it just sounds evil with a sound like that.
Serious / Re: BBC reporter under fire for "anti-Semitism"« on: January 12, 2015, 12:52:36 PM »
Oh jesus...
Someone got offended by not just an opinion, a fact. At the rally celebrating freedom of expression, no less. 4626
The Flood / Re: Homecoming« on: January 12, 2015, 12:50:42 PM »
Yay Raptor!
For your question, I turn up at Bungie every so often, but now I'm very much settled here. Why go back to strangers who hate us for no reason when here I know people somewhat and they aren't completely new unknowns? 4627
Serious / Re: France, once again, has become a beautiful beacon of hope and liberty« on: January 12, 2015, 12:39:35 PM »Too bad there will be little to come out of this, except a heightened sense of patriotism for a period of time. That's what I fear will happen, nothing truly positive will come out of this. If anything, it'll be ironic that an attack on a magazine that brought a march for the freedom of expression will also inevitably bring on heightened security and monitoring, and could even restrict certain speech later on. Still, it is nice to see it has elicited a march on this scale - but I'm waiting on more effective action for these crimes. 4628
The Flood / Re: What the fuck lol« on: January 12, 2015, 09:58:38 AM »
Ask him where his clothes, his food and his car come from.
Now tell him to stop being a fucking hypocrit. 4629
Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?« on: January 12, 2015, 05:05:09 AM »I guess, but I'm not exactly social, so it wouldn't be to harsh, just boring.That's the point. With nothing to do and little stimulation for the brain, it turns to it's own thoughts... which I'd imagine is similar to when in the middle of the night you suddenly recall embarrassing or regretful memories, esssentially torturing yourself. There are ways if getting around it, one G.I. who was in Vietnamese captivity for some time used his time in isolation to imagine building his dream house from scratch, and adding furniture and decirations as he went along. Obviously this doesn't work for everyone. 4630
Serious / Re: What is your opinion on Anonymous?« on: January 12, 2015, 04:50:40 AM »
It seems that when they do good, it's only because of a news story, e.g. Anonymous backing Charlie Hebdo recently, and a circulating facebook post where apparently they defend a girl... by doxxing the others.
Plus their popularity seems to have attracted idiots spouting anarchy on their smartphones, wearing chinese manufactured clothes and still paying raxes to a government...it's lolworthy really. They just seem immature. No direction, and when the popularity pool sinks a little they hop on a news story and hack a site to remain relevant from time to time. 4631
The Flood / Re: How does this place compare to old Flood?« on: January 11, 2015, 07:10:12 PM »
More British and Irish per capita.
Wouldn't have it any other way ![]() 4632
Serious / Re: Muslim man hailed for life-saving courage during Paris siege« on: January 11, 2015, 06:35:50 PM »Have we returned to the point we need to hide Jews in basements again? I don't think that time ever truly left, given the rocket attacks in Israel. 4633
The Flood / Re: I am in a fucking sadistic mood« on: January 11, 2015, 06:32:29 PM »I feel like I could strangle my cat, or taunt a bear with a spear. Guess it's a good thing there isn't bears in Engerlund. 4634
The Flood / Re: You ever have one of those days where everything you do is cringe?« on: January 11, 2015, 03:07:36 PM »
Yes. It infuriates me sometimes.
Serious / Re: Is this really what feminism should be about? Really? (Facebook post)« on: January 11, 2015, 03:04:38 PM »It's a simple line of defense against someone without having to be armed. A punch to the face/chest/etc with a key is pretty painful and deterring for people. Just imagine being punched in the face with a key. Ah. Ouch. 4636
Serious / Re: Is this really what feminism should be about? Really? (Facebook post)« on: January 11, 2015, 02:59:53 PM »I don't have to walk around with a key between my fingers for fear of being raped, despite the fact I do exactly the same thing as a precaution against mugging. Sorry to go offtopic, but what exactly does having a key between your fingers do for fears of mugging? OT though, I can understand why this person might get pissed off from being directed around, though I wouldn't call that harassment in any sense of the word. It's just what some people do to make connections between people, some people don't think about, others (inc. myself), don't want an arm around them or to be generally touched by a stranger. With that out of the way, the terms "hey Babe/Love/Darling" depend on the person. Could be just a general mannerism, or something mildly rude at the very worse, and how this would fall under some sort of feminist agenda I do not know. That said, I don't use such terms when addressing someone, so it could be, I dunno. 4637
The Flood / Re: I have a question for you British people.« on: January 11, 2015, 12:24:55 PM »
Easy, you just put your right foot on the far left of the boot, and get the other boot close and put the left foot far right of the boot.
Take off the brakes and your away. 4638
The Flood / Re: This is why I despise fat people« on: January 11, 2015, 12:22:39 PM »Overweight people are really becoming a problem. Becoming is an understatement. 25% of the UK is already obese. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY GET LIKE THAT WITHOUT REALISING SOMETHING MAY BE WRONG 4639
The Flood / Re: This is why I despise fat people« on: January 11, 2015, 12:17:51 PM »
I think it's worth posting my response from PSU's thread, seeing as this is the same reasoning:
I don't hate them yet - I don't pay taxes yet. 4640
The Flood / Re: Why do you hate fat people?« on: January 11, 2015, 12:03:12 PM »
I don't hate them yet - I don't pay taxes yet.
But when I do, I have a damn good reason to: -Being overweight/obese causes health problems, including asthma, sleep apnea, type II diabetes and heart problems. -Severely obese people require carers to do things for them. -Some attend pointless meetings telling them they're fat and here's how to reduce it (costing time and money) -Health problems, carers deemed necessary, and meetings (as well as certain weight reducing treatments) are covered by the NHS funds of the United Tribes of Britbongistan. -NHS paid for by taxes. Your taxes, that healthy guy's taxes, MY TAXES-TO-BE -Around ~20% of taxes goes toward the NHS -Just over 60% of the UK is overweight or obese -By the 2030's, the rising increase of obesity will add on an extra ~£2 Billion to NHS costs >tfw when you realize you are/will be paying for obese/severely obese people to remain alive in that state, and take up more of my taxes in the future: ![]() 4641
The Flood / Re: A now obvious issue has been brought to attention (car related)« on: January 11, 2015, 11:36:33 AM »
A Nissan Sunny, 1980's version:
![]() So popular, they made it for just under 40 years! 4642
Serious / Re: Do you agree solitary confinement is torture?« on: January 11, 2015, 08:51:54 AM »![]() I would. Humans as a species are social creatures, and for the majority of us, would go insane without it for long periods of time.It's psychological rather than physical, and I'd argue it leaves a more lingering effect afterwards than physical torture. I remember in the 19th century they tried to rehabilitate prisoners with experimental "treatments", one of which was limiting social interactions to just a prison guard and a chaplain, even in exercise they were in isolation with blindfolds and distanced to prevent whispering. The results were rather negative, with increased cases of insanity and several suicides, and the experiment was abandoned. (EDIT: Read Flee's response, his explanation of it is better than my 3 year old GCSE history memories of it) So yes, solitary confinement and social isolation is tantamount to torture. 4643
The Flood / Re: Watch out for the Sep7agon Illuminati« on: January 11, 2015, 08:34:56 AM »
Ah, we haven't had some public drama in a while...
Seems a good a time as any. 4644
The Flood / Re: Worst thing you've done to an animal?« on: January 11, 2015, 08:12:01 AM »
I ran over bees with a car tire as a young child. Then Karma paid me in kind with bee-stings when I picked them up to look at them. Didn't learn with the first bee, got the message after the 6th.
I've also stepped on my cats and dogs, purely by accident. The worst on purpose however I would say is fishing for mackeral off the coast of Bantry, they did taste good though. 4645
The Flood / Re: to those of you who speak their native language (other than english)« on: January 10, 2015, 06:56:32 PM »The Irish language is fucking dreadful, I'm glad it's dead. Too late. WAT. 4646
The Flood / Re: Do you know anybody who's killed another person?« on: January 10, 2015, 04:50:44 PM »My friend has told me he'll come out to find him playing Black Ops late at night, wielding an M60 and shooting VC's going, "Yeah, just like in fuckin' 'Nam, except that fucker would be in pieces and that shack he's hiding in would be destroyed". For some reason that made me burst out laughing. 4647
Gaming / Re: Would anyone be intersested in a CS:GO gamenight?« on: January 10, 2015, 04:30:41 PM »
I could play CS:S, but not CS:GO. I'm not entirely sure if it would run on my PC so I stuck to the older but certainly playable Source version.
The Flood / Re: Do you know anybody who's killed another person?« on: January 10, 2015, 04:23:57 PM »
I know a neighbor on my street who flew in a Lancaster bomber...not "direct" killing, nor can he exactly confirm he has, but his plane certainly dropped bombs on Germany...
It's quite odd, really. I had 3 relatives in the military during times of conflict, yet none of them have killed anyone. 4649
The Flood / Re: (☠) Things that are dank.« on: January 10, 2015, 04:17:49 PM »The Underground ![]() ![]() ![]() 4650
The Flood / Re: What are your aspirations/life plans?« on: January 10, 2015, 03:35:15 PM »
But seriously, become a geologist and research the geology of other planets. Mars seems ripe for it now, as we only have hypothesis for why it has a weak atmosphere (the leading one being that it's core solidified, so there was no magnetic field to deflect the intense solar winds from wiping away much of the atmosphere). That's more my aspirations, I've only been doing geology for ~3 months. For the time being, completing my degree and see how I feel about it then. |