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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 134135136 137138 ... 201
The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:13:55 PM »
so let's see how happy i'm REALLY gonna be when i'm studying some DUMBFUCK subject that i fucking HATE
that's the point i'm going to prove

That's very counter-intuitive.

And also...
>Taking people on this forum seriously, ever.

Yeah, don't do that. Stick with what you like because you like it, not because you may have taken a running joke on this forum far too seriously.

Serious / Re: Top 20pc of earners pay 84pc of income tax
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:09:11 PM »
Lots of rich people exploit loopholes in the tax code though

Probably because of the current rate of tax they have. With the Green Party's plan mentioned by gats, more rich folk would go down that route, making the next legislation rise the tax to 80% to cover the loss, and the cycle continues...

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:06:50 PM »
honestly dude that's a really shit reason to switch. Fuck those people do what you want.
i'll do it to prove a point
Looks like they won to me.

Fuck proving points, they don't seem to give a fuck anyway considering it's your life they've influenced, not their own.

The Flood / Re: What is your favorite book?
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:50:01 PM »
Currently it's The Nearly Definitive Edition of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Gaming / Re: My friend is choosing a new laptop <.<
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:22:29 PM »
Ooooh, very nice.

Can't say much about the price though, I only know decent desktop prices (or when there's a deal on laptops).

I would check reviews from other websites about it though, usually there's one or two things that are minor but niggling annoyances.

The Flood / Re: My cousin is autism incarnate.
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:11:25 PM »
I'm sorry on both counts.

Some people just need a dose of reality and context.

Your cousin needs to realise you can't be that retardedly cringey at a such an event.

The Flood / Re: I think I have a problem, flood.
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:59:57 PM »
By any chance do you look like this...?

No, am look like this, comrade.

Bro you're the wrong class.

The Flood / Re: I think I have a problem, flood.
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:52:58 PM »
By any chance do you look like this...?

The Flood / Re: WOTS UR MAJOR
« on: April 16, 2015, 06:38:30 PM »
Major? Oh, uni courses.

Geology, hopefully if I do well enough I can get onto the Masters course. I feel like I mention it too often.

The Flood / Re: LOL @ all the smoker shaming on this forum
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:36:57 PM »
I'm not too bothered by smokers myself, but it's rather the second hand effects which are largely out of their control. Choosing to damage themselves that way? Fine. But it isn't just themselves they are harming if they choose to smoke next to other people who don't.

Yes of course they could smoke privately, on their own, outside... but who the fuck wants to do that. That's just unsocial.

But seriously it's retarded to be smoker shaming, considering you eat unhealthy foods, (probably) drink alcohol, and do other stupid shit anyways.

I've seriously no idea what the graph is showing me. Care to explain for the economically retarded?
It's a demand-supply graph about labour, showing the different effects of either a minimum wage or a subsidy. Essentially, the minimum wage acts as a tax wedge, which increases wages but decreases the available quantity of labour.

A government subsidy, paid either to employers or workers, has the same effect on wages while increasing the quantity of labour in the market.

Ah ok.

But where would this subsidy money come from exactly? Sure the government may be dishing it out, but would this cut in to other stuff or would added taxes have to be raised to pay for it?

How am I supposed to kill my enemies with that? Iron them to death?

The Flood / Re: Should rocketman be a mod again?
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM »
I think Rocket is pretty calm, or at least patient considering all the "gODS NOT REAL" stuff.

I wouldn't be opposed against it, though I think we have quite a few as it is.
This isn't a serious thread you fucks you're just supposed to come in here and make fun of rOCKETMAN.

Tough shit, I can be as serious as I want.

The Flood / Re: New The Force Awakens Artwork
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:17:07 AM »
Wtf are those guys on the right? They don't look...right...

But if that's the game cover, me likey.

I've seriously no idea what the graph is showing me. Care to explain for the economically retarded?

The Flood / Re: Should rocketman be a mod again?
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:12:43 AM »
I think Rocket is pretty calm, or at least patient considering all the "gODS NOT REAL" stuff.

I wouldn't be opposed against it, though I think we have quite a few as it is.

The Flood / Re: Post bad edgy music ITT
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:44:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:35:21 PM »
English, Food Tech and Art.

These three didn't improve any of my skills. Food Tech and Art, you were literally expected to know how to do stuff already, when I chose them to learn how to do them, and well.

Ended up dicking around for 2 years on these courses for GCSE when I could've done something else. (That said, I didn't fail them... I just did enough to pass)

Gaming / Re: TFW fast internet
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:30:00 PM »
I've no idea what advertised speeds I get, but most Steam downloads get 3-5mb/s

Despite being 5 times faster than my internet at home, it's still total shite when you realise this is with Virgin Media in a fucking capital city.

Still bullshit though. I'll never see those speeds for anything.

Gaming / Re: TFW fast internet
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:08:14 PM »
I've no idea what advertised speeds I get, but most Steam downloads get 3-5mb/s

Despite being 5 times faster than my internet at home, it's still total shite when you realise this is with Virgin Media in a fucking capital city.

The Flood / Re: Albert Speer
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:38:48 AM »
He wasn't as bad as the rest the people within Hitler's inner circle, and while he may have told Hitler to go fuck himself at one point or another, it doesn't defend him against his use of forced slave labour to build Hitler's dreams.

IIRC, he was one of the only ones who at the very least appeared regretful for his crimes.

The Flood / Re: This is not how you wash rats. (Animal abuse?)
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:33:03 AM »
You do know that snakes readily take frozen thawed food? Even in the wild if a snake comes across carrion they will eat it.

Eh, I had a quick check to get some facts before I just tried to blurt out something completely baseless like saying they're scavengers. Ireland having no snakes and Britain having "slow-worms" isn't much info to go on, y'know?

The Flood / Re: This is not how you wash rats. (Animal abuse?)
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:25:25 AM »
I mean, wtf!? Why would they even clean the rats if the snake's going to eat them anyway?
Why would you wash something like a vegetable if you're going to eat it anyway? The whole point is to clean it so you don't get sick off of it. Cleaning the rat makes sure the snake stay healthy.

I'm sure snakes have a far more robust digestive system than we do, living normally in the wild and eating various animals regardless of how clean they are. That's like comparing what we eat compared to any other animal, when we are the only ones who can't readily eat meat without it being cooked or prepared in some way.

You have me at the last point, though you can trick pet snakes into eating recently killed prey, and if the whole point of this thread is about reducing suffering in animals regardless of it being designated food, you might as well do what you can to the best of your abilites.

The Flood / Re: This is not how you wash rats. (Animal abuse?)
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:26:24 AM »
These people shouldn't be taking care of animals. Reading the comments, they have two snakes but one is "around somewhere".

I mean, wtf!? Why would they even clean the rats if the snake's going to eat them anyway?

I'm generally against the rats being alive too for being fed to a snake, at least break their necks quickly which is a fuckton more humane then what they were doing.

The Flood / Re: I just microwaved a metal spoon
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:23:51 AM »
I've broken two microwaves like that. Sure, it's nothing spectacular but it won't heat up anything to an acceptable degree anymore.

Last time I left a spoon in for a few minutes and afterwards it would just make things barely lukewarm.

The Flood / Re: Who here believes me?
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:18:18 AM »
I'm sorta doubtful on the wealth part, but otherwise I don't really care.

I'm somewhere along the lines of this...

The Flood / Re: is anyone else like this
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:10:41 AM »
I do the opposite.

I work as soon as I can on something as then I can procrastinate as much as I want on it and still have time to get it done A few days early.

The Flood / Re: is "kill yourself" the new meme
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:11:48 PM »
Not really. It's creation is just a less graphic version of the original:

Far more harsh without the image I think.

In other news, fill your shelf

So that last essay you had to do scored better as well?

Fuck me, your onto something here.
actually that one hasn't been graded yet, but i was rather medicated during the entire process, so i have good hopes about my grade

Well until then, you only got a hypothesis. Still, that's certainly good fortune. Research is needed if it works for exams...

So that last essay you had to do scored better as well?

Fuck me, you're onto something here.

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