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Messages - Super Irish

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The Flood / Re: Seriously wtf?!
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:43:27 PM »
how would you feel if your lover put your ashes in here and then pleased herself with it?

I wouldn't give a shit, I'd be dead.

The Flood / Re: Are You From Bungie?
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:41:20 PM »
>1 not from bungie

                                 [XENOPHOBIA INTENSIFIES]

Are you still there?
Sort of, but not barely as much as then. This place replaced it.
Are you happy with the way this place turned out?
By and large, yes.
Anything besides the nazis that you're unhappy about?
Well, I liked having a good read 'n' laugh at Anarchy when it came around, and the odd dramathon that pops up gets a bit tedious.

The Flood / Re: have you actually fapped to a trap
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:35:12 PM »
I don't believe so. But ignorance is bliss, right?

And woah, they did the surgery thing good on her.

I guess people aren't as much into TF2 and Futurama as I'd hoped out in the real world...

Also, only one of my friends likes this one below. Everyone else has just given me quizzical looks like I'm mad.

I think revision has got to me today, on my break now and clicked on the website only to laugh at the word "Assasssinorum".

OT though, I've had a similar experience with the old EAUK forums when I was getting into BC2 and later BF3. Stopped lurking there for maybe a month and said my hello's, only for it to be closed down (many "vets" of that place insisting because of the negativity towards BF3 in there and to spread the plague that is Battlelog). Most of them kinda shifted towards other games like ArmA after their distaste, though I can't say too much against BF myself.

Many just left and created their own offsite in the same way Cheat has here, although a few years on, that place is kinda dying out too. Not that that is a sign of our future here or anything.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:42:57 AM »
Nah. I'm too boring to be stalked. Once they'd figure out where I lived, they wouldn't really have to move and I could wave at them from my window.

Well. Unless you designed a projectile weapon that could fire blades.

Then yes.
You'd be right

Maybe not a mass killing type weapon, but if you got within a few paces of the president...

Maybe they can do us a favour and eat some SJW's.

Huh. Should ask one my Professors what's his take on it, as he's being doing research on this sorta thing in relation to the oceans and been shouting doomsday in my lectures...

Despite this (and the negative repercussions, this is a climate-change denier's wet dream...), I doubt it has been exaggerated too much (as the discrepancies would have been noticed earlier) and has only been to essentially scaremonger people into perhaps thinking about the environment rather than just say "fuck it all" and burn tyres.

I can see a possible explanation for it, but it is completely indefensible if it turns out to be true, and will only harm people's perceptions of scientists researching into climate change. GG, idiots.

Serious / Re: Can racism ever end?
« on: April 26, 2015, 05:45:10 PM »
As long as there are ANY differences between people there will be hatred.

Pretty much this. If they're different to them, they are wary. The next logical step is irrational fear, then hatred of them because of the difference.

We might get to a stage where public acts of racism are unheard of because of the majority's disapproval of it, keeping it only to their minds.

It's ridiculous that we're built that way, right? An old self-defence mechanism that no longer has purpose and now is just a hindrance to society as a whole.

The Flood / Re: If you could remove one thing from your life...
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:37:16 AM »
My distinct lack of money.

checkmate, life.

Because nationalistic/patriotic selfishness.

They simply care more because it was an attack on them, because it was them rather than someone else.

That said, US isn't really alone on this, but because is the major power in the West, everyone else generally is inclined to agree it's the worst just for y'know, allyship and that sorta thing.

The Flood / Re: Think of a fictional character
« on: April 26, 2015, 05:13:48 AM »
I tried Arthur Dent.

French bastard got it.

The Flood / Re: 2OO1: A Space Odyssey
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:57:51 PM »
I watched it recently, and just didn't get it.

It may have been great at the time of it's release (I quite liked the trippy bit, though no idea what is going on there), but it was an almost painfully slow film to watch, and then once he reached Jupiter...well I have no fucking clue where the story went, seemed like an acid bender or something.

It helps to have a background in science

In what part?

The Flood / Re: 2OO1: A Space Odyssey
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:50:31 PM »
I watched it recently, and just didn't get it.

It may have been great at the time of it's release (I quite liked the trippy bit, though no idea what is going on there), but it was an almost painfully slow film to watch, and then once he reached Jupiter...well I have no fucking clue where the story went, seemed like an acid bender or something.

The Flood / Re: Otherkin?
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:46:41 PM »
I'm tolerant, but seeing as I've never met, seen or experienced one I dunno.

Frankly they are at the limit of my acceptance of things "beyond the norm", and are entering the realms of "jesus wtf is wrong here"

The Flood / Re: tfw You Hit Legendary
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:18:46 PM »
>Dat feeling when you signed up on the same day and no custom title bar

>post count is only 2020
I'd like to think I post quality over quantity.

Unfortunately I'm still stuck on the like to think part.

The Flood / Re: tfw You Hit Legendary
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:44:35 PM »
>Dat feeling when you signed up on the same day and no custom title bar

The Flood / Re: Plans for the Weekend?
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:40:23 PM »
Revision for a Stats test on Tuesday.

Yaaay... :(
What level?
GCSE, A level, etc?

OT: Revising for exams, and going to watch avengers.
I'm guessing 1st year in college.
Yep. Didn't know for an Earth Science course you needed to learn statistics specifically...
First year? Aren't you 18?
Here in Ireland you typically finish school at 17/18 so naturally your first year in college happens when you're 17/18.

I'm not 18, and I'm not in Ireland either.

19, in Cardiff.
(Still Irish though)

The Flood / Re: Plans for the Weekend?
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:18:09 PM »
Revision for a Stats test on Tuesday.

Yaaay... :(
What level?
GCSE, A level, etc?

OT: Revising for exams, and going to watch avengers.
I'm guessing 1st year in college.
Yep. Didn't know for an Earth Science course you needed to learn statistics specifically...

Gaming / Re: New Mad Max trailer
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:22:52 AM »
The gameplay is giving me a bad feeling about it, but the visuals are pretty sweet. Can't wait for the film more though.

The Flood / Re: If you could visit any time period for 3 days
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:08:16 AM »
Ireland, 1840.

Interesting to see the place with more of a population than now. Oh and you know the whole British rule thing.

The Flood / Re: So, what are your excuses?
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:15:02 AM »
The reason I don't believe is because this is backed without any source other than your own.

This is the internet, the land of bullshit. I don't take anecdotes without evidence seriously.

Ultimately a cruel act, and barely justfiable.

The only good I see from it is that we truly realised their power, and haven't used them in war since.

The Flood / Re: Plans for the Weekend?
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:58:59 AM »
Revision for a Stats test on Tuesday.

Yaaay... :(

Gaming / Re: Steam has paid mods now
« on: April 24, 2015, 06:16:44 PM »
Oh dear.

This could go either way, it could pull people towards Steam making it more of a monopoly, but on mods as well as games and shutting down 3rd party sites like Nexus or NMA.

Or... it could push people away from it, and revive these places that have been slowly in decline as games lose popularity over time (see mods for Fallout.)

Although people are having gripes with Valve for the 75% "tax" on this, I'm not going to call out greediness until I know a bit more facts. It could be that in this case, Bethesda has levied a high charge on Valve so that modders can make profit off of originally the devs' work. Another scenario is that the cut is because the fact the modding content isn't truly the owners' content in regards to the developers, and so it limits how much profit they could make, though this put's Valve in a more money-grabbing light.

They're already banned, so that's all good.


That is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've read. But then again, I'm getting surprised almost weekly by these types of people.

I'd call them whatever gender they want if they say they are, but I wouldn't think it was serious until they began some sort of therapy or treatment to change their sex. There would be some caveat if given current medical progress in this sorta thing that someone would be scared of any risks in a sex change and refuse it, and that's fair enough.

My main point is, I could just decide to tell everybody that I'm transgendered and identify as a woman. Doesn't mean much in the way of anything unless I'd radically changed my behavior from how I am now (generally masculine) to a more feminine one.

I realise this may be misconstrued and appear offensive to some, but I assure you I'm trying to explain my view in the least possible (I put this down to a lack of information on the subject). You say you're a woman or a man when you were born as the other sex, I'll address you as such.

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