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Messages - Super Irish
Pages: 1 ... 126127128 129130 ... 201
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:48:20 AM »
I've heard about this condition, it wouldn't be all bad if it weren't for the heart problems piled in with it.
I reckon this proposed "experiment" wouldn't do much, maybe drive the Autist insane with being constantly in a social situation, neither of which are particularly great at for their own reasons.
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:38:27 AM »
Only because the site is relatively new.
I wonder if the same happened when bungie introduced titles.
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:36:34 AM »
Meh, Britain had the whole riot over "injustice" first, though I don't believe Duggan got a plaque for getting shot in a taxi.
« on: May 21, 2015, 09:09:05 PM »
These are by and large true, but I'd argue other games do it better.
I'm kind of getting into ArmA III now, it's pretty good if a little more on the Mil-Sim side of games.
If you're looking for realism, Arma II with ace is much better at the moment.
Should try it, I did buy it in a bundle...
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:16:55 PM »
I've thought about it.
I'd rather be OD'ing on sedatives or hallucinogenics than the more common methods of it...I mean, they hurt. I'd prefer my last memory to be something other than "Ah, this rope on my neck fucking hurts" or "Jesus, this hole in my head is giving me a massive headache"
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:03:21 PM »
These are by and large true, but I'd argue other games do it better.
I'm kind of getting into ArmA III now, it's pretty good if a little more on the Mil-Sim side of games.
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:01:04 PM »
I thought it was known that certain newspapers take sides in politics.
The Independent has just taken a more... intellectual approach than The Sun, for example. It's just pandering to the readers, of which I'm aware take a more lefty stance on things (and so you'll get anti-right pieces).
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:51:23 PM »
The right of prisoners to have the vote.
The right of prisoners to have children via artificial insemination.
The right of individuals who promote hatred and intolerance to not be deported if their original country will not respect their human rights.
The right to not be sentenced to life in prison.
i) Depends - a serial killer or other massive offender is not really going to participate in society well (they've demonstrated it already), but that guy who forgot to pay his TV license? Yeah, he might actually be worth having a vote for. ii)Same again as i). Just because they are in prison for a certain reason doesn't mean they are a totally shit parent, and should be restricted to having kids in any other way than a natural method. Of course, this kinda depends on the crime. iii)Freedom of opinion, even if it is a shitty opinion. Again though, falls under the crime - a psuedo terrorist is nothing more than a barking dog. A convicted terrorist however...well, they didn't care about the human rights of others, so fuck 'em. iv)That right should only be granted when it doesn't suit the crime. Forgetting to pay taxes or something a bit less "victim-y" shouldn't get life sentences ever, though a murderer should have that as the maximum penalty (and for worse crimes, a higher likelihood of life imprisonment without parole or sentence reductions)
« on: May 21, 2015, 02:22:15 PM »
Mostly because everyone noticeable to me upped and left for the proboards one.
I was on there for literally an hour until it got shut, and then a few people made a thread on bungie about it and somebody (Cheat himself, I think) put a link to here.
15th here.
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:37:06 PM »
Gliese 667Cc or HD 85512 b.
Both are reasonably "habitable" as-is, but they are tad larger.
Though I think Pluto would be cool if you could see the curvature of the horizon with piercing skycrapers, or Titan, because the name is fucking Titan.
« on: May 20, 2015, 05:09:05 PM »
How is this not locked yet? Lmao
Well it's a joke thread thankfully, so it's not really breaking any rules <.<
What are talking about? I'm getting my money's worth in here... actually several-fold of it (or several folds, if you count Kinder's).
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:54:25 PM »
To quote;
I mean that's just butt-fuck retarded. And for a place that already has bigger problems like I dunno, actual gangs of chavs and the like this is OTT on a scale I rarely see (unless you count America - occasionally some kid gets suspended for some similar retarded reason).
I mean, my school banned conkers and cut down a tree to stop them existing in the school for "health and safety" reasons, but it's not like they called in the army after we brought our own in...
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:46:33 PM »
People bring both of these.
« on: May 20, 2015, 09:20:16 AM »
In Europe, please.
ive said it before ill say it again: i need to explore post-apocalypse versailles or the kremlin
The latter can be done in Metro LL. For Fallout 4 I'd like to see less expanses. Nice and all for a bit, but otherwise it's empty space with nothing but things to shoot occasionally. F3 did have the Pitt as a sort of rebuilding process, although that was in the early stages. NV had infrastructure, but only because very little was actually bombed in the first place and was left stagnant for 200 years. I'd be OK with some expanse in the new one, but it shouldn't have to much and for god's sake, no mountains to cover and act as barriers...
« on: May 20, 2015, 09:01:01 AM »
Who am I to judge.
Or care.
« on: May 20, 2015, 08:59:02 AM »
Dapper's where it's at.
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:45:40 AM »
i can get a good following on the offtopic to worship me, and then bring them here
just recruit a bunch of people from the misc. that would certainly make things more interesting..
hahaha there would be a huge conflict of personalities
and that my friend is precisely the point!
I wonder what the activity stats would be if we factored out all the in-fighting, dude-vorces and calling out on this forum. Atm I know little of anyone fighting now, coincidence?
« on: May 18, 2015, 08:11:55 PM »
All of this boils down to the fact that the big deadlock in the UN is the existence of the single-nation veto in the UNSC. Countless UN decisions have been fucked over due to either Russia/USSR or the US vetoing various resolutions.
It shouldn't work like that, it's totally disproportionate. Just because a UN decision might affect a super-power's economic interests or their sphere of influence, it shouldn't allow them to steamroll a majority vote to maintain control of the world. One-nation veto's are bulshit, but weighted votes aren't as much (though they should be balanced out, i.e. two opposing super powers cancel out, and then it falls to the "minority" countries.)
« on: May 18, 2015, 08:06:45 PM »
Do what my Dad does, always job search even when you have a job.
That way when something goes to shit (inevitable in life these days, particularly where I live), you're already covered and a job interview is a phone call away.
I'd have a look around elsewhere to see what's available just before/if you quit, otherwise you'll be sitting on your arse feeling pretty down with no income while you wait for a new job to sign up for.
« on: May 18, 2015, 07:46:48 PM »
I swear they already do as a "peacekeeping force", though IIRC they weren't very good during the clashes in Eastern Europe in the 90's (Under-equipped Swedish UN peacekeepers had to stand-by and watch as Serbs wiped a town off the map with MBT's), and I think are stationed now in Israel/Gaza and some areas of the African continent (and we can tell how well they're going with the odd smashing of Gaza and the kidnap of girls via Boko Haram and the near collapse of Somalia under Al-Shebab, and the crisis in Sudan/Darfur, and the list goes on).
I think that's what NATO is for. They do nothing else but wait for the oncoming Neo-soviet surge.
Spoiler Or the US Army seeing as they just looove to go in an interfere with other people's shit until more recently. Yeah, the UN Peacekeeping force also acquired a great reputation from that M23 insurgency in Congo at the end of 2012 when the Rebels were walking all around Goma (major city they captured at the time), and all the UN peacekeepers did was just stand there and watch. To their defense though, their mandate was solely to protect civilians, so I think it was a little bit unfair to them as shooting at the rebels would have caused massive amounts of collateral damage.
Of course, I believe that the UN's military arm is in the right mind with trying to maintain peace, but it they seem to get the shorthand every time and then generally fail in the objective. It's rather disheartening, really.
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:32:29 PM »
In 8 days I intend to get completely fuckered. Might I ask what the reason is for getting *slightly* drunk?
Days off.
Really? Wow, I can't wait to have no time at all to celebrate having time to...celebrate. Spoiler Not to be harsh or anything, just I've got a feeling I'm not gonna exactly like being out of Uni in 2 years...
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:28:31 PM »
In 8 days I intend to get completely fuckered.
However that may as well be an 8 month trip to Mars as I've got 3 exams to get through first in that time. Might I ask what the reason is for getting *slightly* drunk?
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:05:20 PM »
Brits could just open their mouth and use their breath as a means of deterrence.
'Fraid not, Brituns are tolerant to tea-breath. Just carry a pork pie at all times, and when in a tight space just hurl it and run the other way as the chavs descend upon it.
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:46:03 AM »
I'm no expert, but Privatisation breeds competitiveness, leading to improvements and efficiency cuts (same quality, less price). That is so long as it's regulated so no one company gains a local or regional majority (see America's internet problems).
Nationalisation can be inefficient if there is no incentive to generate cuts or profit. For example, £4 Million pounds that goes to the NHS every year is fed into homeopathy (which is only backed by anecdotal evidence, NO SCIENCE WHATSOEVER). With privatisation there will still be Homeopathy clinics for idiots, but at least it's not government-backed or funded by taxpayers who may not believe in the healing qualities of a pseudo-science.
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:32:46 AM »
I swear they already do as a "peacekeeping force", though IIRC they weren't very good during the clashes in Eastern Europe in the 90's (Under-equipped Swedish UN peacekeepers had to stand-by and watch as Serbs wiped a town off the map with MBT's), and I think are stationed now in Israel/Gaza and some areas of the African continent (and we can tell how well they're going with the odd smashing of Gaza and the kidnap of girls via Boko Haram and the near collapse of Somalia under Al-Shebab, and the crisis in Sudan/Darfur, and the list goes on). I think that's what NATO is for. They do nothing else but wait for the oncoming Neo-soviet surge. Spoiler Or the US Army seeing as they just looove to go in an interfere with other people's shit until more recently.
« on: May 18, 2015, 09:03:42 AM »
Sure, it would be interesting to read, assuming it's accurate and backed up by relatively unbiased sources.
« on: May 17, 2015, 07:41:05 PM »
It's exam period for Uni and Secondary schools.
Pretty much from ages 16 - 23ish which is like 80% of the demographic here.
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:08:26 PM »
I dunno how I really see it, sorta like when people draw dicks for no apparent reason. I mean, this is fine for some reason:  and so is this for youtube: but... "that" sorta thing isn't... I don't agree with it, and wouldn't digest such material for myself but I can't see why it is outlawed. Frowned upon maybe, but not outlawed.
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:57:13 PM »
Amy, because eyes.
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:47:22 PM »
There is the threat of killing off native species of the modified plant if it "escaped" into the wild, but most companies have covered that by making the plants sterile.
Of course, that brings up a problem of a reliance on the company to produce the GMO plants every time, and could enforce a monopoly.
Otherwise, they're great.
So why is it that organic foods are always advertising that they're GMO-free? Is it just a marketing ploy or is there something about GMOs that make them bad?
Marketing ploy. If there's a market for people who believe GMO's are the devil, then organics are going to sell. Like when food has "Free from MSG" when IIRC MSG is banned anyways for certain foods. I trust GM food enough to eat it, but of course there's always room for doubt like anything else, although in my case it's more background politics and economy stance rather than a health stance. @SC and Sandtrap: They banned growing your own food, or selling your own produced food? I could sort of understand if it's the latter because lack of health regulations (I mean some idiot could be spraying bleach on them to stop bugs eating their carrots...), but a ban on growing your own fucking food for your own consumption is frankly retarded, and I really hope it isn't the case.
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