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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 929394 9596 ... 201
Crazy Pigeon Lady.

Last year I had a housemate move out, and after a month of the room being empty this new girl came in. She seemed a bit "off" when I first met her, but I ignored and carried on with my day. The next day she went outside and offered a cooked chicken to some government builders doing pavement work outside, claiming she was "networking" to try and get them to get a balcony on her room upstairs. That kinda set off a few alarms, seeing as you can't really modify Uni accommodation with building work, and builders weren't exactly going to just build one for a fucking cooked chicken.

The next night the rest of our house was preparing for one of their birthdays for the next day, so we had stocked the fridge full of alcohol. Meanwhile, CPL had started some private party in her room, with crazy dubstep shite blasting out the walls and a few (around 4 or 5) guests around 9pm. Was a tad annoyed, but left it because it might be her old housemates from the last place she stayed or something, but then her door opened and one of the fucking builders was there...

That night got worse. Smoke started seeping out of the cracks in her door, and had an... exotic smell (Meh on this point, don't really care too much), the music was ungodly loud, and all the builders and her were hollering and occasionally drunkenly planning this balcony thing she was going on about. Party didn't end until 10am. The. Next. Day. I got to sleep around 5am, after trying in vain a few times to get them to shutup. Woke up at around 1pm, to the sounds of moaning and grunting in her room next door... jesus christ...

Went downstairs for breakfast, opened the fridge to get my milk for coffee amidst the bottles of alcohol. All gone, the remains hurriedly hidden at the bottom of the bin. I confronted her and her fuckbuddy about it, she made some bullshit excuses and intended to replace it all. I left the house in a grumpy tired state to get something and generally leave the house to get away from her, while my other housemates went down to recover from the noise the night before and get a late breakfast.

Here's where it gets crazy, according to my housemates left in the house. After the builder guy had left, she went downstairs, something cupped in her hand. When one of my housemates asked about it, she just looked at them gladly and went "Isn't it cute?". She opened her hands and there was a pigeon's head, sans the rest of it.


When she eventually left the house for good 3 months and several other "incidents" (a lot less crazy than this one, but it all adds up) later because she was terrible at her course (Geography or something), before the cleaners went into her room we had a quick look inside and there was still pigeon feathers and I assume it's blood scattered around the room. No idea where the body went, don't really want to know.

Hands down the craziest person I've met.

The Flood / Re: Someone should make a post on
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:11:23 PM »
Results so far:

(6 - 21)

Aaaaaand Deci's there too.

Gaming / Re: TotalBiscuit is diagnosed with incurable cancer
« on: October 16, 2015, 05:49:19 PM »
Why he gets incurable cancer and sick fucks that kill children on a regular basis remain alive boggles my mind.

This may be venturing out of gaming, but it's because the Universe isn't governed by a "fair" system.

Anywho, it sucks to hear that. I haven't seen much of his material myself but he doesn't seem an all bad guy. Doesn't matter anyway, cancer just sucks for anyone in general.

The Flood / Re: Which sport produces the best athletes?
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:50:18 PM »
Ironman events (essentially Triathlons), my Uncle does them and he's ridiculously healthy.
Run a few miles then ask to shoot targets

Oh he's trained to do that, too. Or at least was, he was in the Falklands and Belfast.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you lift weights?
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:15:46 PM »
Increases HDL - High Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol).
Reduces risk of diabetes and insulin needs.
Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lower high blood pressure.
Lowers risk of breast cancer - reduces high estrogen levels linked to the disease.
Decreases or minimizes risk of osteoporosis by building bone mass.
Reduces symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Decreases colds and illness.

Fair enough, I didn't know that. I'm sticking to swimming though.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you lift weights?
« on: October 16, 2015, 02:04:00 PM »
Because I don't have a reason to be that muscular.

I don't need to carry heavy shit in my daily life, I shouldn't need to rely on my muscles to get girls (apart from one muscle >.>), and my country has free healthcare meaning I don't have to worry about my health, past my weight.

I'm happy cycling or swimming, that's more genuinely healthy and useful stuff to train compared to lifting a heavy object and putting it down again.
False. Unless you swim and cycle multiple times a week, you can't even begin to compare the two. First off one is cardiovascular and the other is strength training. Second, strength training can also improve the cardiovascular system minutely while improving bone density, tendon strength, posture, the immune system, and hormonal regulation.

I know that, but I still see little point in the benefits of strength training unless you have a job that requires you to lift things everyday, when I can focus solely on cardio and be "generally healthy" rather than "specifically healthy".

The Flood / Re: Why don't you lift weights?
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:56:24 PM »
Because I don't have a reason to be that muscular.

I don't need to carry heavy shit in my daily life, I shouldn't need to rely on my muscles to get girls (apart from one muscle >.>), and my country has free healthcare meaning I don't have to worry about my health, past my weight.

I'm happy cycling or swimming, that's more genuinely healthy and useful stuff to train compared to lifting a heavy object and putting it down again.

The Flood / Re: Which sport produces the best athletes?
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:50:16 PM »
Ironman events (essentially Triathlons), my Uncle does them and he's ridiculously healthy.

The Flood / Re: Members you like
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:17:09 PM »
If you were on Plug DJ, in that other skype chat that I infrequently visit, or I've liked your post, ever...

...then I like you. At least partially.

The Flood / Re: I could care less
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:12:14 PM »

Is this proper hypnotism or party-trick hypnotism?

Done the latter and that, as you can guess, is total bullshite.

The Flood / Re: Stupid Shit People do that Scare You.
« on: October 15, 2015, 06:05:51 PM »
My mum screaming at the top of her lungs when something jumps her, which can be anything but is always something insigificant.

Serious / Re: Are hypothetical scenarios of any value in discussion?
« on: October 15, 2015, 06:03:41 PM »
Not if the hypothetical scenario is impossible to recreate in life.

"You love your girlfriend, but would you marry her if she was a cake instead?"

Got a nice Webm of it here, went all the trouble to convert into a gif...

...only for it to be a shit avatar. I'mma crop this bitch and make it static.

On that subject, I still haven't gotten a solid answer from my friend about whether he wants the pipboy edition off me or not. So there is a small chance for any unlucky bongs on here to get one at RRP (+ postage) should they wish >_>

I can't promise anything of course, but if it comes to flipping a copy of it I'd rather send it to one of you fellow limey bastards than to some random ebay bidder >_>
Is it PS4 by any chance? I'd buy that off you in a heartbeat.

I'd be up for that. Would i be able to get it for minus game price though?
Hmm possibly, depends a bit on how the package is organised but that should be doable.


New video too

Goddamn I was about to post this. I'mma gif it up and make it my avatar it's so goooood.

Gaming / Re: Post a game ending without saying what game it is.
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:15:38 PM »
Nuking a tattered copy of Darwin's "On The Origin of Species", witnessing it atop a TV-tower.


Turns out that cutscene is on Metro Last Light, but technically it's the same event as the ending of Metro 2033.

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:01:42 PM »
Can vote since last year, but didn't. No real reason or excuses here, just didn't.

The Flood / Re: OK Facebook...what?
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:55:31 PM »
I guess I'm fortunate tgat my friends aren't retarded.

Or at least not retarded enough to display it on Facebook.

Gaming / Re: "Ghouls are people too!" | 27 Days - Fallout 4
« on: October 14, 2015, 11:10:46 AM »
My new favourite gif!

watermark hidden

Gaming / Re: Custom videogame emblems thread
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:23:38 AM »

I used to have a similar one in Black Ops, but I can't show you it because my xbox is 3 hours away and Call of Duty Elite doesn't exist anymore (so it's not online either)

The Flood / Re: You used to call me on my cell phone
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:52:00 AM »
And I know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing

Is that what he says? All I ever hear of that line is
"Ayo ayyy tha ayo bling".

It's a shit song btw.

The Flood / Re: Things you've always been enamored with
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:31:21 PM »
Military History

will fallout 4 work on Windows 3.1x?


OT, I can't match the min specs. This makes me sad.

The Flood / Re: How do you deal with straight edges?
« on: October 13, 2015, 02:41:13 PM »
I used to know a girl who didn't drink and would get very offended about swearing. Used to.

But in seriousness, you don't need to be drunk to play cards or better still, Cards Against Humanity, or you know, watch movies or other stuff that don't involve drinking. You can politely ask them once if they want to, and if they don't, well try and include them with other activities as best as possible.

If you literally do nothing for entertainment other than drink and smoke... damn man, get some help.

The Flood / Re: How to make your own fleshlight
« on: October 13, 2015, 02:23:24 PM »
That sounds ridiculously desperate.

Serious / Re: What do you intend to gain from discussions?
« on: October 13, 2015, 02:18:49 AM »
I like to understand how people got to their opinion on something. It's more interesting when the viewpoint is extreme; Verby does this a lot. There aren't many things I'll defend 100% unless it's a proven fact, so rarely does anything I bring up turn into an argument/battering of soapboxes together.

The Flood / Re: what time is it
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:56:14 PM »


Gaming / Re: If you like fallout 3 or Skyrim you have shit taste in games
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:38:18 PM »

How about no.

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