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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 909192 9394 ... 201
Either you're right (Great! You've learned nothing.), you're wrong (you learn something but usually at the cost of your ego, not exactly something that can just slip by with most people), or it's one of those controversial arguments where there is no "true" right answer which results in an endless and fruitless argument.
If you're arguing to "win", you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

I never mentioned winning anywhere in that. You can still be right and wrong in an argument without arguing for the sole purpose of "winning".
I was kind of agreeing, but I don't think there's anything fruitless about a discussion with no "right" answer. Philosophy builds rhetoric and helps define and shape how you view life. Also, ego shouldn't factor into this in the first place; the goal should always be to teach and learn. I realize that it often does factor in despite that, but it's not essential to argument.

My apologies, I read it first in an odd tone.

I suppose you are right about debates with no true answer, though I try not to dabble much in philosophy and ambiguous subjects.

Either you're right (Great! You've learned nothing.), you're wrong (you learn something but usually at the cost of your ego, not exactly something that can just slip by with most people), or it's one of those controversial arguments where there is no "true" right answer which results in an endless and fruitless argument.
If you're arguing to "win", you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

I never mentioned winning anywhere in that. You can still be right and wrong in an argument without arguing for the sole purpose of "winning".

Most of the time it's useless.

Either you're right (Great! You've learned nothing.), you're wrong (you learn something but usually at the cost of your ego, not exactly something that can just slip by with most people), or it's one of those controversial arguments where there is no "true" right answer which results in an endless and fruitless argument.

It's only entertaining if you're not taking part.

It's literally this Monty Python sketch:

The Flood / Re: 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:12:36 AM »
193) No child or un-indoctrinated man in their right-mind would ever conclude or even conceive given to their own devices, based on their own personal observations, that the Earth was a spinning ball revolving around the Sun! Such imaginative theories nowhere present in anyone’s daily experience require and have required massive amounts of constant propaganda to uphold the illusion.

Well, yeah, because no-one's daily experience is going outside of Earth...

The Flood / Re: 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:40:53 AM »
Well, for a start, it isn't a spinning ball. It's an Oblate Spheroid

But no, that book is total shite.

Serious / Re: Heightism
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:42:38 AM »
Never experienced it but then again I'm about average height (5'11"/180cm). Used to be the shorter kid in school but I was never bothered by it.

Most of those people on that sub look like they have some bitterness towards taller people and feel they have to prove themselves... literally small-man syndrome. Half of the top posts are a picture of short guy with his tall gf and how great their life is.

Like anyone else should give a shit.
Yeah. A lot of the discussion on that sub seems flavored by personal experiences and the biases that stem from them. Still, it's an intriguing thought. I think at the very least it's plausible to think that, in America or similar first world cultures, shorter men have worse luck when it comes to sex/relationships. But we'd need empirical data to make a real judgment there.

What is with your country, seriously.

Massive racial issues and way too much emphasis on what party you vote and other useless features...

Serious / Re: Heightism
« on: October 25, 2015, 07:44:27 PM »
Never experienced it but then again I'm about average height (5'11"/180cm). Used to be the shorter kid in school but I was never bothered by it.

Most of those people on that sub look like they have some bitterness towards taller people and feel they have to prove themselves... literally small-man syndrome. Half of the top posts are a picture of short guy with his tall gf and how great their life is.

Like anyone else should give a shit.

The Flood / Re: Being a college student like
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:50:07 PM »
This should be a fridge thread.
We all know booze take up most of your fridge already.
Nah, I drank all mine yesterday.

The Flood / Re: Being a college student like
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:47:48 PM »
This should be a fridge thread.

Hindsight is 20/20.

Also, some fucking planning towards the aftermath of deposing them might have been an idea rather than "Let's just leave it and see how they get on"

The Flood / Re: what the fuck did you do to the like button
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:39:16 PM »
The like button is fixed on mobile you tards it isn't. In fact, it's worse:

So bad, that I had to screenshot this on my phone, then go back on my laptop to quote you. The little dropdown thing for quotes and editing is gone on my phone entirely now, and I still can't like posts.

This little update is literally
works fine for me

What the shit? What phone you got?

Nvm, the little bar with all those turns up if you request the desktop site... default mobile site is FUBAR'd though.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:38:31 PM »
...who the fuck is Mel?
Outside of the Super-Duper Mart, you'll find a blonde-haired, unintimidating man who tries to mug you. You can either tell him to piss off, or give him five caps out of pity. He then runs off.

I don't know what his story is.

A quick Fallout Wiki brings up this:

Mel is a homage to Mel Gibson, the actor who played Mad Max. In Mad Max 2 Gibson threatened the Gyro Captain using an unloaded sawed-off shotgun.

It's a little dig at other Apocalyptic-themed stuff. I swear they do this for other media as well.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:34:20 PM »
Talon Company

Oh, them...

Great for free combat shotguns, chinese assault rifles and laser rifles, particularly if you have the Terrible Shotgun or Xualong.

"Oh, you lot again?, just in time, I needed repairs..."

The Flood / Re: what the fuck did you do to the like button
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:30:13 PM »
The like button is fixed on mobile you tards it isn't. In fact, it's worse:

So bad, that I had to screenshot this on my phone, then go back on my laptop to quote you. The little dropdown thing for quotes and editing is gone on my phone entirely now, and I still can't like posts.

This little update is literally

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Impressions Thread - Progress: Galaxy News Radio
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:24:20 PM »
I've never actually met Mel in my 100s of hours playing FO3.

...who the fuck is Mel?

Gonna try and hack that Vault 106 computer again before I head back out to Arefu.

...It's still locked. Guess it's locked forever. :-/ Wish I didn't fuck it up the first time.

You can get a perk to change that later on, but it's a ridiculously high science/level perk, or you can find some note with the password on it (highly unlikely though). Same goes for broken locks, but with a separate perk and keys instead.

I'm still waiting on that punchline.

Serious / Re: How long until humanity reaches type 1 civilization?
« on: October 25, 2015, 03:53:44 PM »
iirc, humans are on the .7 out of the 3 tiers given on the kardashev scale. and being a type I species would mean we could essentially control earth.. i would say by 2900 we should be good. if we dont get ourselves killed
Earlier than that dude.
I would say by 2200 even.
type I would mean we could harness 100% of earth's energy. im not too optimistic about how humanity will reach the first tier.

Well, we've nearly run out of the "easy" fuels, and we're moving onto the radioactive sciencey stuff and lazy generators (renewables).

How humans and basically everything living goes, if we harnessed 100% of the Earth's energy we would've killed ourselves long ago, i.e. taking so much geothermal energy out of the ground we solidify the Earth's core and majorly fuck up everything.

Septagon / Re: I think edits erase likes
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:42:22 PM »
Be aware that moved threads erase likes (though they still show up on the liked posts/received likes page).

Not sure if it applies to this, but eh.

Serious / Re: How long until humanity reaches type 1 civilization?
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:37:30 PM »
Not too long, I'd say within the next 1-200 years.

We've developed from the use of conventional fossil fuels to alternate, more renewable energy sources such as tidal, solar, wind, geothermal and radioactive elements to produce more longer term fuels. However, large scale commercial fusion reactors are still a prototype rather than a day-to-day energy supply, and most renewable energy solutions are in their infancy (e.g. Wind turbines are only 30% efficient, and renewables as a whole in the UK only amount to ~15% of the energy supply)

For now it's just development and improvement of stuff we currently know, rather than figuring out/discovering a new way to do something such as building a Dyson sphere (Type-II) or to travel across our own galaxy in a relatively short time, let alone harness the energy of all of it (Type-III).

Septagon / Re: Please put where likes are displayed back on the left
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:36:47 AM »
it just looks better cheataroo

I would like your post in agreement, but...


Serious / Re: How has white privilege helped you in your life?
« on: October 25, 2015, 04:20:48 AM »

When I was in school in Ireland I missed out on a few opportunities because I wasn't Catholic.

In Wales I missed out some areas because I can't speak Welsh, and I was singled out by kids because of my accent and just being Irish.

Only in Uni does no one truly give a fuck, and I get financial help because of my parent's finances, not because they're white or "priveledged" as a result.

Pardon me if I doubt the existence of this priveledge in the UK.

I'm happy how it is for me, though I didn't quite exactly choose it.

I don't know much about you lot, nor you know much about me. We can still get down to listening to music or playing gamenights here.

Gaming / Re: In Prep for Fallout 4, lets mod the shit outta New Vegas.
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:39:57 PM »
Jealous here. I only just get FNV on a smooth 30 on med settings.

Serious / Re: What if Christianity hadn't risen to prominence?
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:38:23 PM »
Well for a start, the Vatican would just be some part of Italy, or it's own sovereign state like the rest of Italy was throughout history.

We wouldn't get posts about "Pope Franky thinks gays are ok" and that sorta thing.

Most European (and by extent Africa and the Americas) would still be following their own native beliefs, or be swallowed and colonised by another religious beliefs (i.e. Native Americans and Incas still taken over, but by Pagans or some development upon that).

That means most Catholic influenced countries (Ireland, Italy, etc) would have a far lower birthrate throughout history, lowering their national populations overall.

...would France still be called Gaul?

Hitler wouldn't have the "neutral opposition" of the Catholic/Christian church, so he could steamroll them like the other parties without fear of reprisals.

Russia wouldn't be Orthodox christian. No St Petersburg (Still Leningrad, or some other name).

We'd still celebrate Halloween, and have the Spring/Summer Equinox, but no national holidays such as Easter or Christmas.

Possible treatment towards Christians as hostile, considering how Jews and Muslims are perceived and treated today in Western countries.

I can't say much more into it technologically or ethically, as that's far too big an assumption to make.

The Flood / Re: I feel like an asshole
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:32:03 PM »
Don't change Roman.

...or actually, change a bit. I don't want to lose out on this material because you get a fat girl pregnant or something.

Someone on Reddit compiliated all the Vault Boys misfortunes.

New avatar!

The Flood / Re: Do you use Snapchat?
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:18:20 AM »
I have it, though I barely use it.

Mostly I get stuff from friends and rich car pics and football results from BC.

So anyone want to place bets on what songs from CONELRAD will be in Fallout 4?

We already have atom bomb baby, I'm hoping for a couple of the others too <.<



I expect a tad of Glen Miller. That or I play it myself throughout the game.

I'mma get the game one way or another... and then wait for Christmas. It'll be great when I get the game before the console, I'll just devour the manual for information.

The Flood / Re: What is keeping you where you are?
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:54:28 AM »
My degree.

Serious / Re: Hitler was a good boy, he dindu nuffin!
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:51:25 AM »
There's always been speculation regarding whether Hitler intended from the start or whether the "soloution" developed over time.

Unfortunately there's evidence that can suggest both with no concrete evidence supporting one claim over another, but we all know the outcome which makes Hitler's original motive (failed to expel them and with the pressure of war he let his cabinet decide in '41, or always intended since "gathering" his thoughts in Mein Kampf) redundant.

But Net just had to throw the stirred shit in the blender, didn't he.

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