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Messages - Super Irish
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« on: April 24, 2018, 05:14:17 PM »
not having a red dodge charger doesn't make you less likely to drink and drive
not having a gun doesn't make you less likely to kill people
Fair, but you'll be more likely in such a murder spree to kill a lot less people with an item that ISN'T. DESIGNED. TO KILL THINGS. (And a far less related, but nontheless interesting fact; you can drink n' drive on a bicycle, and apparently in the UK it's illegal too)
« on: April 23, 2018, 04:05:23 PM »
Ngl saw the news headline as "Naked man attacks Waffle House" and burst out laughing up until I read the details.
Even if he did have "just mental issues" and his guns were taken away from him before (though the BBC states they were handed to his father, and the AR-15 was one of those originally taken from him), why is that ok?
People with mental issues shouldn't have access to firearms until they can prove they're sane enough to use them, it shouldn't be the other way around, i.e. "give them guns and the ones who fuck up get them taken away".
I’m pretty sure these issues usually don’t develop until later in life. It appears that he had never actually been diagnosed with anything.
Iirc shit like schizophrenia isn't obvious until the 19-20 range, though that figure is a bit rusty. Aren't guns sold to people at 18+ in the States or is that just wishful thinking? If it isn't clarified that the guy stole his gun back from his Dad somehow, then he's also fucked in this scenario.
« on: April 23, 2018, 03:34:34 PM »
Ngl saw the news headline as "Naked man attacks Waffle House" and burst out laughing up until I read the details.
Even if he did have "just mental issues" and his guns were taken away from him before (though the BBC states they were handed to his father, and the AR-15 was one of those originally taken from him), why is that ok?
People with mental issues shouldn't have access to firearms until they can prove they're sane enough to use them, it shouldn't be the other way around, i.e. "give them guns and the ones who fuck up get them taken away".
« on: April 23, 2018, 06:16:26 AM »
Thing 1 and Thing 2
« on: April 21, 2018, 06:27:05 AM »
Just continuing orders of 35mm film, a negative scanner, and some B&W developing chemicals.
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:05:22 AM »
Isn't this just the last time chemcal weapons were used all over again?
Strikes and sanctions, just now with some added bullshit from a president no one takes seriously.
« on: April 14, 2018, 04:02:48 AM »
About 3 hours ago the United States, France, and the UK joined together to bomb Syria.
Not that such trivial, real-life bullshit matters to anyone here.
Then make a serious post you stupid fucker.
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:17:53 AM »
The fact that it would take so long to get a working colony let alone a terreformed Mars going, "we" wouldn't be there to see it at current levels of technology.
Also everything above. Mars' crust is at least twice the thickness of Earth's, making geothermal energy a pipe dream since the temp-depth gradients are ridiculously low. All energy would have to be transported from Earth, which already has it's own energy crisis looming.
« on: April 04, 2018, 07:23:00 AM »
New York was quiet that day, having had to recover the gang numbers up from the last shootout.
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:36:35 PM »
OP updated
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:27:37 PM »
If I only scanned in the negatives of my and Ec Mrs Chalies travels. I did a ton of pretty good architectural shots and people. That’s one of my regrets. I didn’t keep my negatives.
Completely serious question. What's a negative?
Negatives are the strips of film that have been developed so that you can print them out and look at them directly without the film being destroyed in the process. In the picture below, it's the strip of film above the CD, or the pile below the cat. So you start off with the roll of film (the thing to the right of the cat), take pictures on an analog camera, then wind the camera up when the roll is filled (usually 24 or 36 shots, or "exposures" as the camera's -CLICK!- noise is it opening a trapdoor to expose the film to the light through the lense for a millisecond or so). Then you either develop it yourself like the video in the OP (which at one stage you have to do in complete darkness as the film is still sensitive to light), or get it done professionally by mailing the film roll off in the post. When I was young (<2000's) you could just send it off to Boots or most pharmacists as they all had 24/hr development labs. Now it's rare to see, but the cost is about the same regardless (It's like £3-6 a roll to buy, then another £7-9 per roll to get them developed and printed). The development process "freezes" the light captured on the film, so the film isn't sensitive to light anymore, and brings it out so it's visible on the film as you can see in the little shapes on the film strip. The reason it's called a Negative is because the developed film comes out in inverted colours - Black is White, White is Black, Colours are their opposites, etc. Only when they are printed out are the colours inverted, which is a double negative (inverting the inverted), so the prints come out in the right colour they are seen irl, like the cat photo on the left. And/Or you can get them scanned and digitised which adds a bit onto the cost/makes it cheaper than printing them out, so you can shove 'em on facebook or imgur like I do. Film kinda died out once digital cameras were developed and become cheaper for anyone to buy as the technology progressed. On the bright side, it made professional film cameras dead-cheap. My camera on release in the 1980's would cost a bomb, not to mention the lenses... today I e-bay'd the thing, a flash, and a lense for £40.
« on: March 27, 2018, 09:22:25 AM »
Just drink a shit-ton of water before going to bed and don't mix em up. (Cider and Wine, for a terrible example)
First time I had drink it felt like my stomach was being preserved. It passes, and you'll learn what your comfortable limits are.
Or learn to the extreme and never do it again. Either or, both work.
« on: March 26, 2018, 07:26:09 PM »
All of you 1v1 me on Halo 3
Via System Link Tunnel
« on: March 24, 2018, 01:21:41 PM »
You pop the Destiny 3 disk in. "Sorry, only players of Destiny 1 and 2 are allowed to play Destiny 3."
Nah it would be more like
"Destiny 1 and 2 are required for Destiny 3 to work, please install and play through Destiny 1-2 before running Destiny 3."
You're right, it makes more sense that way.
It would if they just reused assets from both and the D3 disc was just a compiler/key for the "new game". Minimum effort, maximum profit. I should be a game Dev at Bungie.
« on: March 23, 2018, 10:57:21 PM »
God forbid, they've edited out the guns of a poster in Spanish. It's almost like the film won't have any guns at all in it, and it'll just be Han Solo arguing with Stormtroopers over space-parking fees while Chewy in the background rips their arms off and beats them to death with it. It's just like cigarette advertising laws in the UK - you can't openly show them in a shop, they're behind a screen. There's nothing stopping anybody getting them, they just aren't showing them.
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:51:46 PM »
« on: March 23, 2018, 01:33:35 PM »
So we have an Arts thread and the occasional game screenshots thread, so what about a "life screenshot" thread? Show off your photographic and film masterpieces here, talk about the equipment you use or techniques you do physically or digitally to achieve your pictures, and boast if you won some competition or got your photos or videos featured somewhere.
Useful Links [Video] How to develop your own B&W Film (Basic)[Document] How to develop Colour Film (Advanced)[Wiki] Analog Camera Reviews by people who actually use them[Website] DPReview - News, Reviews, and Tips on Digital Photography
Galleries, Albums, and Channels Highlight your best photos, or just dump albums of them and I'll link them here, video channels also. I'll sort 'em better when they start piling up. [Imgur album] Mine - 35mm Black and White, and Colour. [In-Thread] Vien's Photos [In-Thread] Dio Nolos'/Solonoid's Photos [In-Thread] MarKhan's Photos [In-Thread] Mike's Photos [In-Thread] Jonos' Photos[Last Updated - 28 March, 2018]
« on: March 23, 2018, 11:45:53 AM »
Funny, all the "die-hard" fans are uninstalling Density2 just to go back to Density1.
That's like moving from Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke, it's still shit.
« on: March 22, 2018, 12:31:33 PM »
I like how the final paragraph tries to rein it in a little; Speaking to reporters, Dr. James Scott Smith, the superintendent of St. Mary's County's public schools, put the senselessness of it all in perspective. "It looks as though the SRO [school resource officer] did exactly what the SRO is trained to do, and yet we still have a tragic loss of life," he said. "We still have somebody in critical condition. And we have students at the school and staff at the school impacted." Well, fucking duh. America's fucked, the only guaranteed outcome of a gun being pulled out in a school is someone is going to get killed. That doesn't put it in perspective, it states the fucking obvious.
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:12:11 AM »
I hear some gun channels have just moved to Facebook or Pornhub.
Imagine that. You'd think liveleak would be a good alternative.
« on: March 20, 2018, 10:24:10 AM »
Shortly before the 2014 elections I agreed with the Lib. Dems, followed by Greens and Labour. Today, although I don't support the party themselves, nor the Greens or Plaid Cymru because they're all useless. Haven't tried the spectrum-graph one in a while but it's been consistently in the first block in the green section (SouthWest/Left, Libertarian).
« on: March 18, 2018, 01:36:40 PM »
I fish, occasionally I get a mackerel or three.
« on: March 17, 2018, 08:43:26 PM »
i still don't know where you find the time to learn about all this boring shit
Most of it is as simple as reading the news - Greek Cypriots still have protests every year in London, of all places, about the illegal occupation of Northern Cyprus. Erdogan took a huge dump on democratic processes earlier last year/year before that, and we got a little glimpse of it with Turkish protesters getting mown-down by LAV's, and the attempted coup by the Army. This year he sent German-manufactured tanks into Afrin in Syria to wipe out the Kurds who took it from ISIS - all glances of headlines, not much more in it. As for the earlier shit... can't say much. I know more about Cyprus itself due to my own personal investment in it (Greek Cypriot Uncle, visited Cyprus for geology and lecturer happened to study the place during and shortly after the conflict began). Armenian stuff and the Ottomans I only know via second-hand comments from someone else. It's like you likely know a fuckton more about American History than you do Irish history, whereas I'm the opposite. If you have some tie to the place, or a thing, or a people, you're more likely to know stuff about it than someone who isn't. Kinda basic.
« on: March 17, 2018, 06:28:24 AM »
- Erdogan's a cunt.
- Turkey invaded North Cyprus in the 70's and forcefully evicted the greek Cypriot residents, then sold the land to Turks. Then etched a Turkish slogan into the hills which are visible from all of South Cyprus.
- Supposed to be a geopolitical region of importance (bridge between the East and West), but shits it up on all sides (bought US weapons then invaded Cyprus, shoots down Russian planes, invades Syria, ethnically cleanses folk on both borders, threatens to unleash a tide of refugees/migrants into Europe, etc)
- Ethnic cleansings out the ass
- Has been causing problems throughout all of existence as a region for everyone.
« on: March 16, 2018, 10:36:47 PM »
Red Bull Vodka, Jaeger Bombs, Tequila usually gives a kick.
There's also special "coffee shots" that I've heard are for sale and sound revolting.
« on: March 16, 2018, 09:46:58 PM »
Doesn't that remove the software on it, like the Xbox OS?
Is there anything on old consoles that need 500GB? I remember the Playstation not having a lot.
Good luck, I only have a knack at takin things apart, not putting them back together.
« on: March 16, 2018, 09:11:48 AM »
Many lurk because shitheads like Chally, Verbatim, Desty, Lemon, Loaf, and a fuck ton of others I can't think of right now, post nothing but constant verbal diarrhea on this forum.
If that were true, why would lurkers stay to read it?
Hell, since you know the place better than the average lurker, why do you keep coming back, why do you stay?
I personally don't think its stupid.
Well duh, why else would you do it. Why you stay in a place that ridicules you is your own perogative, but damn man we already know your thinking is not the most rational one as it is. And for your initial point, most of those make up the character of the place and 2 of them contribute the most to this forum, "diarrhrea" or otherwise. If you or lurkers wanna change the place, DIY. I'm thinking of setting up a photgraphy thread later on, for example.
« on: March 15, 2018, 09:55:27 AM »
The way I see it, you want to be male, so you changed your gender. Loaf wants to be female, so he took the aspects he likes about females and made it his own thing. Basically you changed because you want to fit a role, and he just put on a dress while still acknowledging that he's a male.
You changed because you were uncomfortable, he didn't because he's comfortable.
I'm not transgender, dipshit. Guys can wear girly clothes too.
Guys don't wear girly clothes. The only ones who do are the ones who want to be girls.
...and transvestites.
« on: March 15, 2018, 12:09:49 AM »
Many lurk because shitheads like Chally, Verbatim, Desty, Lemon, Loaf, and a fuck ton of others I can't think of right now, post nothing but constant verbal diarrhea on this forum.
If that were true, why would lurkers stay to read it? Hell, since you know the place better than the average lurker, why do you keep coming back, why do you stay?
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