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Messages - Super Irish

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Your friend had his chance, and it fucked up for whatever reason.

1. He didn't do anything wrong -- he was actually a decent boyfriend (while he was a boyfriend).

2. I hate the "fuck the other guy" mentality.

1: Never said he fucked up. The relationship ended, so it fucked up somehow otherwise they'd still be together.
2: It isn't a "fuck the other guy" mentality, I'd expect you to be considerate about this if you go through with it.

Serious / Re: Arguments against Suicide
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:11:50 PM »
Living's nicer?

Seriously, life can suck but has good as well as bad, with proportionally more good if you know what you're doing. Hell, you don't even have to know what you're doing and life can be fine.

It's also finite. Death, whether or not you subscribe to the belief that there is an afterlife, is eternal. Eternal nothingness because you physically don't exist anymore is a pretty shitty end, and eternal paradise, isn't, because that's not possible. It's like eating your favourite food every day, watching your favourite movie every day, listening to your favourite song every day, forever. (I don't think I need to go into details with Hell here...).

Making the most of the relatively already short time you have existing on this plane is worth it even if you believe your life is shit.

The Flood / Re: john madden
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:02:33 PM »
Guys, it isn't him. It's Stteeeeeeveee


If _________ alone was sent in ground troops to fight ISIS, they'd steamroll ISIS

This Russian man:

with a face that screams bloody murder:

Serious / Re: What would be your ideal way of dealing with ISIS
« on: November 20, 2015, 08:26:43 AM »
Encourage alternative energy sources, especially oil alternatives or suppliers from outside OPEC.
Harsh economic sanctions with the ME until they either stop funding them or deal with ISIS themselves.
Bomb anything that looks like it produces money in ISIS territory.
Bomb anything going in or out of ISIS territory that doesn't look like refugees or Kurds (or whoever else involved fighting ISIS over there).
When they've been weakened substantially, combined effort with boots-on-the-ground to mop up.

Not really sure what to do after that... can't exactly leave because there's still the civil war going on, but can't exactly take part in it either. Probably good I'm not in charge of such things.

A bit late to this, but feck it.

Your friend had his chance, and it fucked up for whatever reason. Nobody owns anyone, especially since the previous relationship is over, now get out there and break a leg.

The Flood / Re: Just got snow for the first time today
« on: November 19, 2015, 08:12:05 PM »
Meanwhile, Cardiff experienced it's first full week of rain.


The Flood / Re: Question for all users of Sep7
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:57:45 PM »
Sun burn.

The Flood / Re: note taking thread
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:22:09 PM »
Here's some Geology revision notes from last year:

Earth & Planetary System Science

As for in-lecture notes, they're all written onto the powerpoint slides so there's no point showing you. Basically just little additions with the occasional sarcastic comment to cheer me up when I inevitably have to write 'em up.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon's Room: NOW UPDATED!
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:05:14 PM »
Late night Thursday/Early Friday anyone?

Just realised it's not even a proper white circle.

Like, wtf ISIS, get your flag shit together before the West has to announce they eradicated a group of Insurgent toddlers.

Gaming / Re: First Fallout game [Poll]
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:23:57 AM »
3 first.

Otherwise you'll start with NV or 4, and won't enjoy the older titles because "X feature from NV/4 isn't there" or "why is this bugged game still popular to the lesser bugged new ones".

Plus it generally sets up the story of things, and NV builds on it. 4 just builds from 3 from what I've seen so far, but the mechanics and features are leagues ahead of the previous games.

Serious / Re: Tribute to a dog
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:17:06 AM »
So apparently muslims are scared shitless of dogs. Like if you're walking with one, they'll distance themselves. Why the fuck is that?

You know, now that I think about it, during my stay in the UAE, I only ever saw westerners with dogs.
After looking it up, it has something to do with them thinking their "unclean" or just the mouth. It's like extreme germophobia or something.

Gonna get me a doge, fam.
Pretty much, they view dogs as being somewhere close to pigs in terms of unclean/haram.
But a dog's got personality.

The Flood / Re: This thread is an elevator
« on: November 18, 2015, 09:23:51 PM »
*Releases a silent but deadly*
*Blames Charlie*

The Flood / Re: Some of you Imperials are alright
« on: November 18, 2015, 09:20:32 PM »
Don't go on the Deathstar tomorrow.

Bring em in and westernize them. America seems to be the one country in the world where Muslims can mix in to the national culture and westernize for whatever fucking reason.

This might be it...

I wouldn't say totally westernise, you still have areas of "x-towns" where it may as well be another country.
I really can't say anything bad about that.
I live near Mennonites. They're very... unassimilative, not to the degree of the Amish, but still... I don't mind them having their tiny little area for their own little culture. They don't hurt anyone, and they make great food and grow fantastic organic crops on their farms.

When you've got this shit going on though... that's a fucking problem. To the most of my knowledge, this is strictly a European phenomenon when dealing with Muslims.

I can understand why it happens, and when it's peaceful and an interesting place to visit I have no qualms with it. Until last year I didn't know there was a Hindu-Indian community out in Wyoming, sounded pretty neat if you ignore the fact they still like arranged weddings and other more negative perceptions of that culture...

As for Sweden, that's not strictly true, going by the source article from the one you listed, and even contrasted by another article in the comments. Sure, these areas are considerably more shady than others, as you get with other places that are impoverished relative to the rest. But to claim it's just muslims is well... wrong.

Even then, I found no mention of muslims anywhere specifically (though I concede it's implied seeing as 50% of the gang leaders are from ME), but the rest are African and Eastern European. It's an equal share of dodgy folk from everywhere.

This bit is mostly unrelated, but I thought the translation was worth a laugh.
"The suburbs are a cauldron of asylum seekers and young angry men with self-imposed victim mentality, and for that young angry women too. These people justify their crime with social injustice."

Spoiler Analysed this more than I have my degree work this year, I blame it being 3AM. My apologies and G'Night, before I go off and do this again.

Gaming / Re: Enclave Recruit
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:17:01 PM »
Join the Enclave and you can get your MK II Power Combat Armor for free <3

Uh... I wasn't issued any armour...

Bring em in and westernize them. America seems to be the one country in the world where Muslims can mix in to the national culture and westernize for whatever fucking reason.

This might be it...

I wouldn't say totally westernise, you still have areas of "x-towns" where it may as well be another country.

The Flood / Re: how long is your refractory period?
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:12:19 AM »
Don't know.

The Flood / Re: Guess my middle name and I'll let you
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:55:35 AM »

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:59:33 AM »
Notable events so far:

- convinced Butch that his mother was already dead, despite her screaming for help in the next room while being devoured by radroaches. Killed the mother while he was away and then beat his skull in with a baseball bat when he came back and started blaming me for her death.

- beat the overseer to death as his daughter stood and watched, then told her I felt no remorse about killing such a cowardly man.

- convinced some random woman in a shack to give me 400 caps for a guy I don't know.

Just entered Megaton now, should I blow it up or no?
obviously you should extort anyone you can first, before blowing them up

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:47:28 AM »
Someone's already modded the dialog UI so you can read your responses.


Expect improvements once the GECK's out, hell maybe even a crossover to consoles if we're lucky.

The Flood / Re: so is it weird to put a dash through a zero when writing?
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:06:13 AM »

I mean, you're making damn sure everyone else knows it's a zero. I put lines through 7's to differentiate them between 1's, I's and l(L)'s in my writing, and write 4's as:

Serious / Re: There goes the chances of refugees getting any help
« on: November 17, 2015, 05:46:18 PM »
Am I just an asshole for thinking that these moderate Muslims that are fleeing from Islamic government tyranny should group together and fight for their own land back instead?

That's what quite a lot did in Syria IIRC, which is why support for any one group was stalled as no-one could tell who were "the good guys" of the rebels.

We can see how that went.
Wasn't that more to do with factions like the FSA quickly becoming radicalized and/or crushed by Government forces?
That is probably true, but I'm sure they would've loved some decent equipment.

Just look at the Kurds(?) with their support, there's a few gifs of TOW's launching Syrian T-72 turrets into orbit.

Serious / Re: SQS: "It doesn't affect me, so I don't care."
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:59:07 PM »

The Sun will run out of energy in a few Billion years... should I care about that? Better still, can I do anything about it?

If it's more "meh, I'm not receiving benefits so I don't them being cut for others" or "I'm not rich, so I don't mind higher taxes for them", then that is more of an opinion which should be well thought out before coming to that conclusion. Sure, these things may not affect me but if I want to have a valid opinion of it I should at least learn about the situation and why that may or may not be a good choice.

As for more pressing topics like the current refugee crisis, though it hasn't affected me personally I should and do care about what happens, not just for the refugees themselves but also for the effects they may have further down the line.

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 01:42:59 PM »
Honestly, call me silly but I like the new system, the old skill system was pretty simple, and it made skills like lockpicking have no difference between having like 25 and 49, so there was a bunch of wasted points as you tried to hit the 25/50/75/100 milestones to unlock the next tier computer or lock
Skyrim had the right way of doing it using that system - You could attempt to pick any lock, but the "sweet spot" of higher skilled locks was exponentially harder if you didn't reach the skill level. I.e. Expect to break a shit-ton of lockpicks on a Master lock if you had 15 in lockpicking.

Back on topic, sneaking makes the game OP. Crit. Kills on enemies you are [HIDDEN] to, doubling damage (and that's excluding added damage from stealth-oriented perks, or combo-ing it with VATS and it's related perks).

Any difficult enemies/clusterfuck of bad guys just require a Doctor's prescription of:
-(Optional) Jet, for spamming VATS. Apply directly to face.
-100 caps for the addiction treatment afterwards.

Also, the only custom weapon you'll ever need is the Dart Gun. Doesn't do much damage, but instantly cripples both legs, create for melee enemies such as Mirelurks and Behemoths. Major advantage is it render Deathclaws totally powerless.
New Vegas had the problem of drugs too, as well as sneaking. Best way to ignore it is just don't go into those skills/use them. A lot of games hand you the tools to make it easier for you. Up to you as a player to handicap yourself. It makes for good roleplay too.

Oh I'm not complaining, I love them.

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 01:17:49 PM »
Honestly, call me silly but I like the new system, the old skill system was pretty simple, and it made skills like lockpicking have no difference between having like 25 and 49, so there was a bunch of wasted points as you tried to hit the 25/50/75/100 milestones to unlock the next tier computer or lock
Skyrim had the right way of doing it using that system - You could attempt to pick any lock, but the "sweet spot" of higher skilled locks was exponentially harder if you didn't reach the skill level. I.e. Expect to break a shit-ton of lockpicks on a Master lock if you had 15 in lockpicking.

Back on topic, sneaking makes the game OP. Crit. Kills on enemies you are [HIDDEN] to, doubling damage (and that's excluding added damage from stealth-oriented perks, or combo-ing it with VATS and it's related perks).

Any difficult enemies/clusterfuck of bad guys just require a Doctor's prescription of:
-(Optional) Jet, for spamming VATS. Apply directly to face.
-100 caps for the addiction treatment afterwards.

Also, the only custom weapon you'll ever need is the Dart Gun. Doesn't do much damage, but instantly cripples both legs, create for melee enemies such as Mirelurks and Behemoths. Major advantage is it render Deathclaws totally powerless.

Serious / Re: There goes the chances of refugees getting any help
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:13:22 AM »
Am I just an asshole for thinking that these moderate Muslims that are fleeing from Islamic government tyranny should group together and fight for their own land back instead?

That's what quite a lot did in Syria IIRC, which is why support for any one group was stalled as no-one could tell who were "the good guys" of the rebels.

We can see how that went.

The Flood / Re: Neutrality Thread
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:10:59 AM »

If I handed you 1000 grapes and said 2% are poison, would you eat any of them?

I would if I took the time and effort to check them.

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