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Messages - Super Irish

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Gaming / Re: Holy shit this easter egg (BF4)
« on: December 24, 2015, 04:22:25 PM »
I think it's a shame that Battlefield does this now. Pointless side distractions on par with CoD Zombies, evolving tidbit references that deserved an "Oh, that's pretty cool" and moving on, to having whole gameplay revolving around it.

At least they were smart enough to keep most of it to unranked battles so there won't be people messing around an actual match, but still.
So you want gameplay that's similar to cod and revolves around pressing buttons.

We have a game for that, Halo 4.

Uhhhhh no. That's not what I want at all. How'd you figure that from what I said?

Battlefield didn't used to have this easter egg bs, and was at one point a team oriented game that had more combined-arms operations than it is now.

I don't need eastereggs and reduced features... I want an actual battlefield game that was different from the CoD shovelware.

Serious / Re: Political compass test (superior version)
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:31:50 AM »
I fucked up copying the images, but I got Left Social Moderate.

Pretty much what the average brought up, but only one line into Libertarian and 3 lines into Left.

Gaming / Re: Holy shit this easter egg (BF4)
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:26:13 AM »
I think it's a shame that Battlefield does this now. Pointless side distractions on par with CoD Zombies, evolving tidbit references that deserved an "Oh, that's pretty cool" and moving on, to having whole gameplay revolving around it.

At least they were smart enough to keep most of it to unranked battles so there won't be people messing around an actual match, but still.

Gaming / Re: ITT: Post your Reach Spartan.
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:04:33 AM »

Normally I would have the armless breecher with nothing on the right arm, but last time I was one I tried a "basic forest combat" Spartan.

Strange. I don't remember rampaging around for the last 500 years...

The holiday that brings everyone back home together is always a great thing that I enjoy, but presents don't hurt either.

Doesn't even have to be the "togetherness" with just your family either, today I spent most of the day catching up with my friends who went off to other universities or work.


Not super-serious about everything and gets on with everyone. The latter may be a drawback for him to ban people if it ever came to it, but it's a double-edged sword; who would disobey the law of friendly dug?

I would say Slash as well but he already was one and stepped down by choice, IIRC.

The Flood / Re: "but that's just my opinion"
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:36:10 AM »
I have a feeling Verb sees things like that midget from family guy:

Everything's ends up with "big whoop, you wanna fight about it?"

The Flood / Re: "but that's just my opinion"
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:09:53 PM »
IMO is just a way of saying what you think on the matter but without getting into it or being fully committed to it. Sorta similar to "Personally, I think/believe..., but whatever"

Seems a bit counterproductive to shutdown a potential discussion because someone cba's to, on a forum of all places, but eh...

That's just my opinion

Sorry, I had to

The Flood / Re: The first girl I ever dated just passed away
« on: December 20, 2015, 09:53:22 PM »
Jesus, that's pretty rough.

Hold together man, think about the good times you had or don't dwell on them at all, however you cope with it.

Serious / Re: How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 20, 2015, 04:21:22 PM »
It's inefficient, has a history of doing good things and bad things... but who hasn't?

You compare countries by their present values. I could easily say America would be a better choice to live than Somalia for a whole variety of reasons, and probably a few  compared to Russia or India.

HDI is a wonderful statistic that can quantify the present value of countries that can be used for a quick spot judgement if you acknowledge it's flaws for qualitative data.
Why are you comparing it to shit countries instead of like, any of the other western nations, and even Canada right above us? The US then suddenly doesn't look as great, but when you talk about Somalia in comparison? Sure.
The Western world cannot be proud it isn't a shit hole? By global standards, it's a pretty big accomplishment. . .
You're not getting what I'm saying. I'm saying you can make the US sound like the pinnacle of society by comparing it to any country in Africa. But when you actually compare it to countries that are just as successful and well off as the US, the US suddenly doesn't have that "American exceptionalism" that people think makes the US better than any country for whatever reason.

I just chose those countries to accentuate my point, I could've chosen more closer ones but then the difference wouldn't be so obvious. The US may be considered a great country but it is no better than other Western countries.

And I can't say Norway because using HDI, it's an objectively better country. And I hate using that word.

Serious / Re: How do YOU judge America?
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:00:36 AM »
It's inefficient, has a history of doing good things and bad things... but who hasn't?

You compare countries by their present values. I could easily say America would be a better choice to live than Somalia for a whole variety of reasons, and probably a few  compared to Russia or India.

HDI is a wonderful statistic that can quantify the present value of countries that can be used for a quick spot judgement if you acknowledge it's flaws for qualitative data.

The Flood / Re: So what are the general thoughts regarding to TFA
« on: December 20, 2015, 07:24:20 AM »
I thought it was good, but the Empire have really got to stop building massive spheres of death that can be stopped by a single attack on a weakspot. There were a lot of minor references to the older episodes, some which I liked (Gonk droids, old alien characters re-appearing) but I thought some were a bit forced. I get it, I'm watching a Star Wars sequel, I don't need hints of the past to remember that.

Very noteworthy is that the trailers didn't spoil anything, which considering how many were released is quite a feat. Also, found out afterwards that the island with Mark Hamil on it is off the coast of Galway, and my Uncle had to monitor them filming.

Overall I thought it was great, and I will certainly watch the next one to see how that turns out, though as many have said it does play out as  A New Hope 2.0.

The Flood / Re: So bae just asked me to go out with her and friends
« on: December 19, 2015, 03:51:11 PM »
Damn, I know hookahs are bad for health but it's nicer than cigarettes.

Plus unless you've got your own at home, it's not a regular occurence either.
Hookah is worse for you than cigarettes.

I know, but a regular habit is worse than the occasional is what I ws getting at.

Regular hookah is a big no-no
Or you could just you know, not do either.

That is also true.

The Flood / Re: So bae just asked me to go out with her and friends
« on: December 19, 2015, 03:47:49 PM »
Damn, I know hookahs are bad for health but it's nicer than cigarettes.

Plus unless you've got your own at home, it's not a regular occurence either.
Hookah is worse for you than cigarettes.

I know, but a regular habit is worse than the occasional is what I ws getting at.

Regular hookah is a big no-no

The Flood / Re: So bae just asked me to go out with her and friends
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:32:43 PM »
Damn, I know hookahs are bad for health but it's nicer than cigarettes.

Plus unless you've got your own at home, it's not a regular occurence either.

Well this isnt real, so what ahould we feel?

Only 3% of the CO2 in the air is causes by humans and hell a 1.5% of that  3% is caused by us here in Australia.

So no, Im not worried.
3% extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere a year is a lot.

Gotta remember the Earth was in equilibrium, absorbing what was being emitted naturally, that's 3% just accumulating in the atmosphere, being absorbed into the ocean and causing other problems.

The acidification of the oceans is the balancing act the Earth's trying to pull off and keep levels in the atmosphere stable, it's just it's going too fast for it to remain that way.

That is unless the subduction zones work double time to recycle precipitated Carbon from the oceans back into the mantle/crust, but that's impossible.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Users that remind you of yourself
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:00:13 PM »
I wouldn't know honestly. So far from who I know, no one.

The Flood / Re: Where were you when you realised that soda is poison?
« on: December 17, 2015, 07:42:55 AM »
I was always told it was unhealthy because of the sugars.

I occasionally get some though, usually witj something else unhealthy because things like curry chips don't go with orange juice...

You're not half wrong.

Went to a midnight release last night, filim got paused just after halfway to eject some dude who was drunk and wouldn't keep his trap shut.

The Flood / Re: How do you picture other Sep7 users?
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:11:55 PM »
Varied normal faces, but with weird hair.

The Flood / Re: I regret you, Sep7agon
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:35:24 PM »
Righty ho, knew this wouldn't last very long.

So I'll repeat myself from last time, off you pop. Take another vacation.

The Flood / Re: What would your life be like without the Internet?
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:49:52 PM »
I'd still be single playing on consoles, bored of shitty AI.

Reading more books in my spare time, and shitting myself when finding sources for essays and GIS assignments.

Serious / Re: Israel: the world's most moral army
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:25:32 PM »
why do in some cases do they attack the targets anyway?
Because Israel isn't full of pussies and faggots who would rather capitulate than fight their self-declared enemies.

Is it ever a case of killing a few Palestinian civs to save several magnitudes more Jewish civs
There's very strong statistical evidence for the direction of causality being Israeli casualties leading to Palestinian casualties, not the other way around.

Fair enough, can't really defend what I've said.

Serious / Re: Israel: the world's most moral army
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:02:27 PM »
Fair enough, but it doesn't really cleanse them of casualties. If anything, it shows that despite knowing there were civilians amongst certain military targets, that they decided to attack at least some of them, in the full knowledge that civilians could be harmed in the process. I'll accept that mistakes are made, but it does make them more responsible than if they just fired willy-nilly at missile sites without concerning themselves over whether it was in a civilian area.

I'm not debating whether Israel is the most humanitarian in warfare, that much is clear by this video (most of which is already well known). But there is a few dodgy bits... spreading the leaflets for Palestinians to evacuate, for example. If they well know that Hamas forces civilians to stay around their missile launchers by threat or by force, why do in some cases do they attack the targets anyway? Is it ever a case of killing a few Palestinian civs to save several magnitudes more Jewish civs, despite the fact that the latter has A) Possibly the greatest missile defence system in the world, B) Bunkers and warnings for said civs if the odd missile does pass through the Iron Dome, and that the former has outdated, indiscriminate weapons which are highly likely to land in a random field than an actual intended target.

I'd be more than happy to have this laid out and explained as to hopefully why I've got this all mixed up, but that's what I got out of the video.

The Flood / Re: Dumbest thing you've done while thinking with your penis
« on: December 15, 2015, 07:36:24 PM »

Literally, doing nothing because I overthought things and didn't respond the proper way, by doing nothing.

The Flood / Re: Which looks better?
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:02:55 AM »
The second one.

More avatar per avatar.

The Flood / Re: Where are your ancestors from?
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:18:02 AM »
Irish and Welsh.

O'Donnell's and O'Mahony's on one side, Williams' on the other. Can't go much farther than my great grandmother though, as she was still alive for me to meet her when I was young.

The Flood / Re: Could not imagine living anywhere other than California
« on: December 15, 2015, 07:27:35 AM »
Only problem with Cali is the tectonics. Gotta love a major fault system and associated inland volcanism (although that's more up the coast by Alaska or East towards Wyoming).

Would love to move back to where I used to live, in the middle of nowhere. Nearby Tralee had enough interesting things for me:

Serious / Re: Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:31:44 AM »
Calling Bill Gates, as if he owns the fucking internet. Sure he's got technical know how, but really if he was serious about this he'd talk to Tim Berners Lee.

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