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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 201
Deci isnt perma'd
Indeed, but he isn't perma'd afaik

10 days left on his current ban from the log

Damn, my mistake.

Just a little reminder for people to mind the line between amusement and rule breaking.

I'm not saying no fun allowed, but just keep it clean if you are going to sling pewp at other users <.<

To play devil's advocate, if Deci's Perma'd then can't people say whatever they want here?

Case in point, everything that's said about Kiyo, Kinder, Rosso, Felicia (though I'm not certain she ever came here, she's certainly free to read what's said), etc...

The Flood / Re: Big Bass's 2016 Hunger Games, who wants in
« on: January 09, 2016, 06:46:40 PM »
Ah feck it, why not.

The Flood / Re: AMARTM
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:22:11 PM »
After the failure of Plug DJ, why did you not migrate to Dubtrack?

(Unless you have, in which case why haven't I seen you there?)

The Flood / Re: New fish
« on: January 09, 2016, 03:18:59 PM »
Just call everyone faggots and tell them to kill themselves and you'll fit in fine here.
Your avatar is creeping me out.  Faggot

He's got the hang of it lads.
Also, post your most controversial opinion on the Serious board (politely) and watch it go in flames.
Welcome to the madhouse.

The Flood / Re: Overheard the "Blacks are less evolved" talk
« on: January 09, 2016, 03:13:45 PM »
You can hear a lot of stupid things.

Once overheard two folks in a pub talking about "those dirty heterosexuals". Clearly someone doesn't know what hetero is.

The Flood / Re: Legend is the best movie of a generation
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:09:43 PM »
Oh that's what I saw recently...

Was wondering why was there this trippy shit on Christmas TV.

Gaming / Re: Mr. Plinkett Boomer mod
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:08:20 PM »
"Palpatine's behind it all"

Burst out laughing.

The Flood / Re: What are you drinking tonight?
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:05:23 PM »
Pineapple Juice

Give it a few weeks, probably Tequila and Cobra Beers.

Gaming / Re: Currently playan?
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:23:27 AM »
Mostly WoT, but also going through Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC.

FTL for when the internet cuts out.

The Flood / Re: Think pirating music is ok?
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:54:36 PM »

Without piracy I wouldn't have found most of my favourite artists, whom after pirating one or two albums I then went on to legitimately buy them (and then some more), as well as t-shirts, live albums, gig tickets, etc...

While this is anecdotal, this certainly applies to others, even my mother who isn't exactly tech-savvy and discovers music through piracy and then buys shit-tonnes of albums soon afterwards.Okay, that may have been anecdotal as well, but it shows it isn't just applying to an individual... This is also backed by several studies showing that pirates buy more content than non-piraters (percentages and magnitudes vary depending on where the research came from).

They took a dive because either they sucked or they didn't spread the word about their music to get heard. The music industry itself that manage the whole thing are cancerous and don't really support artists unless they make it big or... well, making it big is the only way.


Gaming / Re: Piper Wright
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:00:55 PM »
The only follower I use is Nick.
I can't listen to him without thinking of all the shit NPC's he voiced in Skyrim.

Second I saw him through the glass I thought " This character is going to be a badass".

Then he opened his synthetic mouth.
*Almost every Breton in Skyrim*
*That shopkeep from Whiterun*
*That other shopkeep in Riverwood*
*The head honcho scumbag of the Thieves Guild*

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon's Official Room
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:10:39 PM »
2nd Friday of the New Year...

Get in here

The Flood / Re: If you haven't heard
« on: January 08, 2016, 02:13:34 PM »

Serious / Re: Answering Cadenza's question
« on: January 08, 2016, 06:58:59 AM »
I enjoyed reading that summary. I've got a few questions on the fringe;

If all life isn't worth living, how do you propose teaching this philosophy to other animals who strictly follow the hardwiring?
(Without infringing on an animal's free will or doing so inhumanely).
Fruit asked me the same question a couple weeks ago, and it's a great question to ask, and not one that I have a wonderfully developed answer for. Obviously, going out in the wild and manually sterilizing every animal in existence would be a ridiculously futile endeavor.

We'd have to come up with something like the suppression field from Half-Life 2. Not sure how that works--some form of electromagnetic radiation that's strong enough to kill sperm cells on contact, maybe? I dunno.
Also, given that the end result is extinction, why deal with "lesser" problems such as sexism, animal cruelty, etc? Why attempt a utopia if the only apparent utopia is simply not existing at all?
Simple enough. An anti-natalist must come to terms with the fact that his ideas are vastly unpopular. People are going to be having children for many, many, many years from now. We're not going to make any real dents in the birthrate any time soon.

So, knowing that, it would be in the anti-natalist's best interest to do his part in making the world a better and more comfortable place to live in for all those inevitable sentient beings.

I mean, if we manage to get rid of hunger, poverty, and everything else that makes the world fucking suck, maybe procreation could be justifiable after all. But that's a tall, tall order.

That's the idea, though. We're not attempting a "utopia"--we're just trying to make the world suck less. The whole reason we're anti-natalists is because the world sucks so much--so why not do something about it?

That all sounds fair enough, thanks for answering.

I don't really think about it, so I get surprised every time those video chats were put up, or those vocaroo threads pop up.

Apparently I sound like "Vince" from this video, I don't hear it though.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Review
« on: January 08, 2016, 04:21:21 AM »
Fallout 4 certainly picked up on the lacking gunplay of it's predecessors.

Humans and animals flinch a lot to gunfire, although enemies like supermutants still tank through damage unless you have a shotgun. And oh my god the guns are fantastic. Shotguns are still the meaty death dealers, but are joined with heavy sounding hunting rifles, 10mm pistols and even the weak plinky pipe weapons (which are supposedly hand-made, so it makes sense).

If you ever get round to it, play NV and 4 as well, in that order.

Why not just call them all maggots instead?

Thank you for that absolutely pointless bit of information.

The Flood / Re: totes reaching that time of month
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:01:42 PM »

All I'm sayin'. This was recommended by a lecturer of mine (or rather "heavily advertised to not visit").
wow i wish i knew about this website earlier

You're welcome.

Lecturers here sympathise with the book costs considering you already pay X thousands to learn anyway, so most give a shady link or two if they know the library doesn't have a book or it's understocked.

Serious / Re: Answering Cadenza's question
« on: January 07, 2016, 12:26:10 PM »
I enjoyed reading that summary. I've got a few questions on the fringe;

If all life isn't worth living, how do you propose teaching this philosophy to other animals who strictly follow the hardwiring?
(Without infringing on an animal's free will or doing so inhumanely).

Also, given that the end result is extinction, why deal with "lesser" problems such as sexism, animal cruelty, etc? Why attempt a utopia if the only apparent utopia is simply not existing at all?

The Flood / Re: Do you enjoy your life right now?
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:57:12 AM »
Yup. Can't find a reason to hate it if you ignore the day-to-day stresses of normal life.

It can always get better of course, but it's not bad where I'm at currently.

The Flood / Re: Most disgusting things that happened at your school?
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:53:52 AM »
Something that wasn't discussed because it resulted in a teacher getting convicted of paedophilia. Rumours spread of a girl in sixth form getting sexually harassed led to some investigation, and away it went. Got into the local news and all.

Other than that, there was the occasional incident when one of the kids from the special ed. class tore apart a classroom  or headbutted a window. And the odd pregnancy scare, although one girl in the year below (15 years old or something) had a child.

Oh and one of the learning support teachers (for one of the disabled kids) had her period in the middle of a class, it pooled into the seat and the lesson was abandoned.

The Flood / Re: totes reaching that time of month
« on: January 07, 2016, 10:55:14 AM »

All I'm sayin'. This was recommended by a lecturer of mine (or rather "heavily advertised to not visit").

Gaming / Re: CAN IT RUN IT
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:39:50 PM »
Almost certainly not smoothly for competitive play. I'm not even sure you could get it to reach 24 fps unless you stared at the sky or the walls for the entire game.

Best you can manage is if you put all the settings to Very low or Off where possible, and modify the Steam properties to run it at a lower DirectX level. "-dxlevel 81" forces the game to run in DirectX 8.1, a great boost for Source games at the cost of quality. Anything lower starts to get too crap to play e.g. "-dxlevel 80" or it crashes, e.g. "-dxlevel 70".

The Flood / Re: Make up a deep sounding quote in your head and post it
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:55:05 AM »
Funny how the word "Estate" can mean a posh rural residence, filled with luxuries and comfort, whereas in contrast it can also be attributed to the worst in urban living conditions.

At least in Brit English.

The Flood / Re: ever get those days where you just look up science facts?
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:48:54 AM »
That's a strange day to do that...

I might end up on a Wiki-binge, but nothing overly scientific unless it already piqued my interest.

The Flood / Re: Not sure whether to go out with this girl or not
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:42:19 AM »
Well no text from her since our date when I texted first. I know what that means. It's too bad, she's been the nerdy type of girl that I've been looking for for years. I could look past the tattoos, I'm actually interested in them. But whatever.
Found an 18 year old redhead on Tinder that's all about those Netflix and chill dates and wants a casual fuck buddy.Will go through with meeting her, but wish I could date the other one instead.

You should be neutered
Ok. It's funny that I want a relationship now and to stick around with someone. And I like Danielle a lot, but she doesn't want to see me again. I probably said some things I shouldn't have on our date. So now I'm hitching up with the hippie redhead who's a college freshman, and loves to fool around apparently.
You disgusting piece of contradicting swine.

Please do us all a favor and re-read all of your comments so you can keep your damn lies straight. This way this fabel can be more consistent.

Also this quote is very fitting for you.

Ok maybe I should rephrase. Maybe at first that's what I was looking for still. Then I met this nice girl, and that made me change my mind. Well, it doesn't look like she wants to see me again. So now I'm going back to what I wanted before to get over it.
Because that will totally work...

Gaming / Re: Gaming laptops
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:35:11 AM »
My HP Pavillion plays those on med settings (around the same level as '360, with better distance rendering) at around 40fps, cost £400 last year.

The Pavillion line has a load of different models but I can give you the specs:

Intel Iris 5100
Intel i5 processor.

Serious / Re: On the matter of women and the vote
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:05:58 AM »
I have sometimes wondered if most leaders having only 4 years in power actually limits what a government can do, as if there's a problem that would take several terms to solve, then whatever steps you do to try and solve it could be just undone or discontinued by the next guy so there's no point starting with some problems. Is this a valid thing to consider?I know jack all about this kind of stuff so I'd be interested in hearing what someone who actually knows something about this thinks.
It does make it less effective. A one term president could have all of his stuff undone by the next president. That's why you see a lot of democracies go an extra year or so with their leaders. Some at least.

Huh. So another advantage of (a specific part of) OPs point, if there wasn't a leader change every few years, a government could actually be more effective? That's interesting.

Yup. Only downside to that is if you or even a majority don't agree with a lifetime leader's decisions, tough shit.

Think how fast policies were created in post-Weimar Republic Germany. Shame it was by Hitler...
This is probably going to sound weird coming from me, but from a government standpoint, Hitler really wasn't all that bad.

Yeah. He pretty much turned germany around from depression to superpower in a fairly short amount of time. It's pretty incredible.

It was short term recovery and relied on resources from other countries, first by trade and then by invading and taking the resources themselves or by slave labour.

In 19 years of Hitler's reign he was running a total war economy despite being in control of all of Western Europe, North Africa and a large chunk of Western Russia.

Wasn't he doing pretty good even before he started invading Czechoslovakia and making concentration camps? It's been a while since I did this topic, so I'm a bit rusty on it.

Well he lowered male unemployment, but did that by not taking into account the Jews that were sacked from the public sector and strongly encouraging women to leave their jobs for men to fill their place.

He created public work programs to cover the rest, but things like the Autobahn and forest clearings were one-time jobs that after completion would leave many jobless with little prospects other than the military.

Sorry OP, waaaay off topic.

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