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Messages - Super Irish

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The Flood / Re: What's been the biggest struggle of your life?
« on: February 08, 2016, 03:11:07 PM »
So far, not much by comparison to many here.

Moving away from my home country, camping in a tent for the 6 weeks of summer and then the subsequent divorce wasn't exactly a great time to have. Neither was trying to make new friends in the final year when everyone already had their established groups and I was just that strange Irish kid who didn't really understand what the fuck everyone was on about (Who knew rural Wales has such a strong take-up of Welsh amongst kids?...who knew they had a language other than English in the first place?!)

But I say my hardest struggle is still ahead of me. After (hopefully) graduating from my course, I've literally no clue what to do next. Should be good, though it has a tremendous likelihood of going bad.

« on: February 08, 2016, 12:02:43 PM »
Eh, Rugby is better. At least that's 80 mins of pure gametime and none of that halftime shitshow.

The Flood / Re: Not Watching Super Bowl Thread
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:23:17 PM »
Well I'm in bed so I can't really.

Plus Rugby's better.

The Flood / Re: Tell me, what do you look for in a mate?
« on: February 07, 2016, 01:07:39 PM »
Confidence and Self awareness. Also a lot more unrestrained to counter my seriousness at times.

I wouldn't mind if they were smart or stupid, so long as they aren't obnoxious about it or try to attempt cover it up with bullshit.

Also, dem child-bearing hips and tits of milk that could feed armies.(Just kidding)

The Flood / Re: The Six Nations 2016
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:59:44 PM »
I thought it only ended like two weeks ago
Lolno it only started yesterday.
I dread to think what my grandpa will scream out if the frogs beat the irish next week <_<
Just cheer him up with Rob Kearney building a fort out of frenchies from a few years' back.

The Flood / The Six Nations 2016
« on: February 07, 2016, 11:50:00 AM »
Seeing as Americans are clamouring over kicking an oval-shaped ball in pads, I thought I'd cover the Six Nations matches... kicking an oval-shaped ball without pads. Coverage is being shared in the UK by ITV and BBC this year, with local stations covering France (FR2) and Ireland (RTÉ). Not sure about America, but it's probably available on livestreams online if you're interested.

How Rugby match points work
A kick is 3 points (inc. penalty kicks)
A try is 5 points (the equivalent of a touchdown)
A conversion kick is 2 points (a free kick after you score a try, bringing it to 7 if scored)

How Tournament points work
A victory is 2 points
A draw is 1 point
A loss is 0
If more than one team have the same Tournament Points by the end, the victor is announced by the sum of match point difference from each game.

Other Notes
The Triple Crown is a title given to the Nation that beats all other UK/IE countries; only England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales can participate.
The Grand Slam is when one Nation beats all the others.
The Wooden Spoon is the Nation at the bottom of the tournament (usually Italy).
All these awards used to be figurative and not mean anything than bragging rights/humiliation, although recently the Triple Crown has gotten a separate trophy.

(Ignoring previous games as you can't watch 'em live now)
All times in GMT
13th February:
14:25 France V Ireland
16:50 Wales V Scotland

14th February
14:00 Italy V England

26th February
20:05 Wales V France

27th February
14:25 Italy V Scotland
16:50 England V Ireland

12th March
13:30 Ireland V Italy
16:00 England V Wales

13th March
15:00 Scotland V France

19th March
14:30 Wales V Italy
17:00 Ireland V Scotland
20:00 France V England

FINAL RESULTS: (As of 19th March, 23:31 GMT)

NationWinsDrawsLossesPoint DifferenceTournament Points

Unrelated, but why the fuck are these tables totally unintuitive to use?

England has won the Triple Crown, and by beating all other countries, the Grand Slam, their first in 13 years!

Italy, on the other hand by losing every single game and scoring no points, has "won" the conciliatory prize of the Wooden Spoon.

So, here's to the next one, may it be won by someone else.

The Flood / Re: The Perfect Size.
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:16:45 AM »
BMW M3 or Porsche 911
Nice cars, too.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:19:30 AM »
That reminds me, I bought the XCOM expansion ages ago and never played it.

Now I know what to do while I wait for a good time to get XCOM2.

The Flood / Re: Post your current love interest
« on: February 07, 2016, 07:04:00 AM »

But no, no interest atm.

The Flood / Re: what are your criteria for liking posts
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:24:55 PM »
-I agree with it and/or puts the same thought process in better wording than I possibly could
-Gives an adequate explanation to something.
-Explores a different perspective to something that I also agree with/can get behind.
-Is reasonably funny.
-Those perfect timings of wit/BTFO's that appear once in every two blue moons.
-A conversational ending if my reply was just going to be "Oh right ok" which is a waste of thread space.

Gaming / Re: ITT: Sep7agon is a GTA game with a large sandbox city
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:19:55 PM »

Serious / Re: Experiences with drug use
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:16:50 PM »
I've done weed a few times and other than making me feel a bit more relaxed than usual, I don't see the fuss. Also, that "music is better high" shit don't work when you listen to "drug music" already, it's nicer sober. I can really only enjoy weed when I'm already relaxed, doing it stressed with deadlines looming just made me focus more on it and put the fear of failure in me far too much. I prefer the effects of alcohol rather than weed if I'm honest, although I the lack of hangovers after weed is certainly a positive. Hangovers from doing both in the wrong order (alcohol then weed) is hellish.

I might try 'shrooms if they ever happen to come my way, but I've no inclination for the harder drugs. Father's first-hand experience and advice are all I need to know that the synthesised/refined stuff is waaaay above my comfort zone.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon's Official Room
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:52:17 PM »
attract or tempt by offering pleasure or the Sep7agonTM Official Dubtrack room.
"a show which should entice a new audience into the theatre"
synonyms:   tempt, allure, lure, attract, dangle a carrot in front of;

The Flood / Re: Post your computer
« on: February 06, 2016, 04:30:12 PM »

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:38:54 PM »
Lost 6 hours of progress, but SuperIrish is still alive.

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:57:58 PM »

EDIT: Oh, didn't realise how far in this was.

Doesn't mean you won't get in. I have to go back to an earlier save because of the game not explaining new mechanics.

Could that mean I'm not dead?

The Flood / Re: Me Anything
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:47:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Me Anything
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:31:17 PM »
Why do you like so many things?

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:08:48 PM »
Damn, I was pretty short lived to say the least.

It had to be fucking snakes o'course, not prepared because there aren't any to train on in Ireland.

The Flood / Re: Post your favourites drinks in here and I'll rate you.
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:03:50 PM »
To prove I am a patrician here is my list :


Yes, it tastes so much better the closer you are to St. James. In Wales it tastes at best, a bit "off". Don't even try fucking cans.

Also Cobra beer or Leffe belgian blonde is quite nice.

Serious / Re: Female journalist hires a male escort and feels "validated"
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:55:48 PM »
You should swap the genders around and post it somewhere, watch them roll up with pitchforks. Better still, maybe leave out the journalist's gender and change the escort to female and watch those who "fight for equality" assume the journalist is a man and then go apeshit.

"Journalist hires female escort to feel 'validated' by family". Bam, instead shitstorm.

I wanted to bring a gal with me to spite my cousin, but there was no one in sight: I currently am not dating anyone seriously, and the only female friends I have are lesbian or straight and taken. I live in No Woman’s Land.
I’m straight-up worn out from hearing, “You’re pretty cool and smart, so why can’t you find a girl?” Society condones asking questions like this without stopping to consider how they feel.

Well, I wanted to f*ck with society. I wanted to change the rules. I reached a point where I was so bored with my love life that I was willing to try anything once.

If I was going to do this, I was going to do this right. So, on my own volition, I dropped $150 on a female escort from Rent A Lady. Yes, you read that correctly. I rented a lady.


I’d never fallen for a girl like Alice, but I found her lack of complication intriguing. Her confession that she wanted to get married someday (as we sat among many afraid-of-commitment Millennials) was refreshing. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that she was unavailable, but I fell in love for the night.

“I’m just your project,” she’d joke. She had a point. Though, later on, the thing felt so natural that I forgot I’d hired someone to pretend to love me.

When the party died down, my cousin pulled me aside. “I’m proud of you,” he said. “You found someone who deserves you.”

There it was: the validation I’d always craved. It was ear candy. It was a kind of acceptance I’d never felt before, and its impermanence didn’t detract from my satisfaction.

The Flood / Re: Most evil/cruel thing you've ever done?
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:26:48 AM »
Used to catch crabs and then shoot them with bb's.

Also me and a group of friends would jump into this construction site and break all the insulation and fight with them inside the buildings until we got bored or we got caught and ran away.

The Flood / Re: I could shatter the jaw of everyone here boi
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:21:32 AM »
Lol if you can endure the travel over, you can try.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:36:51 PM »
Scenario #1:

You find out your 16 year old son has been going out to parties and getting drunk. You ground him and tell him hes not allowed out. Its 1AM and you catch him sneaking out. You tell him to go back to bed and you'll talk about this in the morning. He says "fuck you dad, I'm going out". What do you do?

Lol what.

I know how you have a higher drinking age at 21, but jesus christ. I'd probably tell him to eat rice and bread before drinking, not to mix drinks, not fuck anyone while he's pissed, drink a shit ton of water before going to bed and to be fucking quiet when he gets back home. If he doesn't heed my advice, the hangover will teach him and if he came home rowdy in the night I'll be banging pots at 9am and getting him to learn the consequences of irresponsible drinking.

The Flood / Re: If I was dying right now
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:23:37 PM »
Shall I call the ambulance?

The Flood / Re: Your Friday plans?
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:27:42 PM »
Do a cross-section on some borehole data and then interpret paleoenvironments from sand.

Yep, my weekend is looking prettttty action filled.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:01:20 PM »
Also consider a situation like this:

You have a small child, maybe a toddler, and they like to play with the outlet, oven, wires, or whatever dangerous things. Due to their age and inability to understand right from wrong and dangers, they will keep doing these hints. If you sat down and told them to stop, they'll probably still do it due to the fact that they are small child who can't understand much. Sure, maybe taking away their toys or sending them to a corner may work, but do you want to take the chances of your small child accidentally harming himself when you aren't looking? With corporal punishment the child will learn quickly not to do something wrong due to the human's natural fear of pain. It is sad and hard to purposefully harm your child, but sometimes things have to be done for their safety.

Don't agree with this. Curiosity doesn't deserve punishment.

If I saw a kid trying to stick his finger in an outlet I'd slap his hand out the way or pull them backwards so they couldn't. If they bawl at me because they're not allowed to do what they want, I'll tell them it's dangerous and could kill them. Kid tries again, I'll bat their hand harder and sternly say "NO", then remove them from the area.

Or you could just cattle prod them and explain that's what sticking a finger in the electric outlet does.

I was thinking the hard way could work, but I don't wanna create irrational fears either.

I found out fire is hot the hard way... couldn't look a toaster in the eye for a while.

The Flood / Re: Post nice things said about you ITT
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:29:30 PM »
"Man you very patient" - Hungarian roommate
"He's very polite" - overheard after I asked to pet some lady's dog when I was 11.
"Baemus" - nickname after helping some dudes with some GIS stuff.

The Flood / Re: Where is Byrne?
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:19:01 PM »
He's in a famine from potato shortages again

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:15:06 PM »
Also consider a situation like this:

You have a small child, maybe a toddler, and they like to play with the outlet, oven, wires, or whatever dangerous things. Due to their age and inability to understand right from wrong and dangers, they will keep doing these hints. If you sat down and told them to stop, they'll probably still do it due to the fact that they are small child who can't understand much. Sure, maybe taking away their toys or sending them to a corner may work, but do you want to take the chances of your small child accidentally harming himself when you aren't looking? With corporal punishment the child will learn quickly not to do something wrong due to the human's natural fear of pain. It is sad and hard to purposefully harm your child, but sometimes things have to be done for their safety.

Don't agree with this. Curiosity doesn't deserve punishment.

If I saw a kid trying to stick his finger in an outlet I'd slap his hand out the way or pull them backwards so they couldn't. If they bawl at me because they're not allowed to do what they want, I'll tell them it's dangerous and could kill them. Kid tries again, I'll bat their hand harder and sternly say "NO", then remove them from the area.

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