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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 596061 6263 ... 201
The Flood / Re: A car driving itself is fucking weird
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:53:28 PM »
I trust buses, I trust trains; I trust ferries, I trust planes.

All of these things I trust to complete strangers, so I could trust a computer to drive my car.

The Flood / Re: So now I need a different kind of girl help
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:40:37 PM »
Roman, you're starting to sound a lot like a similarly named Serbian...

But Jesus man, the least you could do is try. At least then you can say you don't like her for actual reasons rather than "she's not fat".

You're not thinking ahead. If you like her (if you actually found out), you could always make her fat later to suit your weird fetish.

Even better, there's been 7 of them. More if you account for the failed landings that at least reached Mars.

The Flood / Re: Possibly the cringiest thing I've ever, ever seen
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:55:22 AM »
They're living the chavs dream.

Shame it doesn't last long - CoD life cycles means you're great for a game for... maybe a year?

The Flood / Re: Modern Chivalry (and civilized manners) is dead
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:32:29 AM »
Nah, that's bullshit.

Gaming / Re: What multiplayer games do you play?
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:24:44 PM »
Oh good god there's so many to do...

I'll update it all eventually.

The Flood / Re: How would you like to die?
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:13:07 PM »
Morphine (or similar painkiller) overdose.

Dying hurts in most cases, so if I'm going to die I'd rather not feel the sense of impending doom.

That or PCP and basically go into the next plane of reality like a Warboy.

The Flood / Re: IGNorance Strikes Back
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:02:23 PM »
When complete fucktards aren't within 10ft of it, the figure looks absolutely amazing.

The scale of his head to his body looks a bit off to me. Also the dome looks like homer simpson's fucking head, too enlarged. Oh, that's just the photos for some reason, weird.

Not to be critical, but I wouldn't pay £211 pounds for it. Still cool though.

Serious / Re: Panama Papers: It's fucking happening
« on: April 05, 2016, 02:54:38 PM »
Here's a pretty good video of the negative implications brought by this sorta shit:

So far no major American folks caught up in it yet, but it's gonna take some time for all 11.5 million documents to be rifled through. (That or else the big names are being prioritised first; who gives a fuck about Joe Bloggs' small offshore account when there's Muammar Gaddafi holding some accounts there).

Should be interesting to hear as it develops, but I guess it's going to be like the last major info leak like the spying scandal... everyone on the internet goes in uproar, journalists have a whale of a time selling papers and then it simmers down back to the elections, or some news about Syria or Crimea (haven't heard from them in a while, come to think of it).

The Flood / Re: Best quotes iyo
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:20:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: Best quotes iyo
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:21:43 PM »

JFK (/Bruce Lee, depending) : "Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men / pray to endure a difficult one"

My housemate always jokingly says "Life is hard", so I just come back with that.

The Flood / Re: Which is harder to survive in? Mad Max or Fall Out?
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:59:19 AM »
No luxuries.

These two contradict that statement.

But yep, the best thing that could happen to you is you were born before the bombs and you died early, or you joined the Russian 300 and lived in a massive government bunker.

Or be the pussies in Polis station who got to bathe in mercury lights... smug bastards.

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:37:25 AM »
That's rather naive.
I agree.
It's both a concern as a resource and I suppose an ecological one.
Right, but the subject is ethics--unless you think the subjects are intertwined somehow. I don't think they are, and if you think so, it would be great if you could expound upon that a bit.
Killing 999,998 cows (assuming they are going to be eaten almost immediately and used as efficiently as possible e.g. glues/gelatin etc) so that the species can reproduce and produce more food and other material for the future is better than killing the last 2 prawns on Earth (or hell, just one of the couple) so that they can no longer produce and go extinct, therefore killing off the species and any chances of whatever future resources were possible.

But this is beside the point. Killing 99.8% of the species straight away is also bad because there'll be a huge shortage in the future, near enough as bad as killing off the species as a whole. The total population means everything here if you decide to kill off and eat a majority in one sitting and face a food crisis or a famine in the future, or move on to making another species extinct by doing the same thing.
Right, and this is what I was edging towards.

So, to you, ethics boils down to whatever is convenient for us. Right?

If we can't make use of it, it's unethical. Is that what you're saying, or am I off-base?

Ehhh... not entirely. I'd need to word it better than I have to say it isn't solely about resources (the convenience), but I'm not the person to do that. Best explanation I can give is I'd prefer animals to not go extinct, whether or not it's convenient for me to eat them (it's not like I'll be eating Red Kites like Chickens once they've been re-introduced to Wales, nor do I eat Rabbits despite there being literally millions of them and apparently the taste is nice).

But I don't see how this is relevant either. This isn't about whether it's convenient for me to eat them or not, it's the population count that matters to me more, and I still don't understand how you can ignore that factor. Say veganism became a majority dietary choice, and carrots were about to be eaten to extinction (intensive farming ruined the soil nutrient balance for them, or something). Would you keep eating them, or move to eating the more populous parsnips instead until carrots went back on the menu?

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:09:07 AM »
You can slaughter 999,999 cows just fine, as long as there's just one left--but if you kill the last prawn on Earth, we have a problem. That's when it matters.

Is that it?

That's rather naive. It's both a concern as a resource and I suppose an ecological one.

Killing 999,998 cows (assuming they are going to be eaten almost immediately and used as efficiently as possible e.g. glues/gelatin etc) so that the species can reproduce and produce more food and other material for the future is better than killing the last 2 prawns on Earth (or hell, just one of the couple) so that they can no longer produce and go extinct, therefore killing off the species and any chances of whatever future resources were possible.

But this is beside the point. Killing 99.8% of the species straight away is also bad because there'll be a huge shortage in the future, near enough as bad as killing off the species as a whole. The total population means everything here if you decide to kill off and eat a majority in one sitting and face a food crisis or a famine in the future, or move on to making another species extinct by doing the same thing.

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:48:55 AM »
Eating the last Dodo or Giant Galapogos tortoise is far worse than eating one cow out of 1.5 billion.
For what ethical reason is there to make the distinction?

I already said I deal with the numbers.

Eating 0.0001% of a total species is a better alternative than 100%.

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:28:07 AM »
May need to revise my logic a bit here.
Indeed. I'd say population is not a relevant factor at all.
Take out the vegan/vegetarian aspect, and it most certainly is.

Eating the last Dodo or Giant Galapogos tortoise is far worse than eating one cow out of 1.5 billion.

C'mon man, I get that it isn't a relevant factor if you aren't going to eat any at all, but that doesn't really apply here.

The Flood / Re: Which is harder to survive in? Mad Max or Fall Out?
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:21:55 AM »
Fallout. Basically irradiated Australia.

If the monsters don't violently and horrifically kill you, the raiders will. Or the radiation without constant access to Radaway will shorten your life significantly.

Metro wins the "shittest lifestyle" awards though.

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 09:13:25 AM »
Given the state of factory farming, I'd say eating beef is more morally questionable.

That being said, I have no idea what condition prawns are kept in inside fisheries. I'm fairly confident they can feel pain, at least.

Prawn and fish farming is about the same, shit tonnes of them squashed in a cage in the sea/lake with antibiotics doused over the them to keep them healthy. So condensed into one spot that the waste from a cage can pollute the area around it, in lakes starting eutrophication.

That aside, I weigh it by relative abundance. Beef coming from 0.whatever of a cow, out of a total of several billion cows, puts the % quite low. Prawns I reckon would have even lower %, even if you ate 30 whole ones as the numbers in the wild and farmed would be in the 10's of billions.

Beetles... the best surviving creature on Earth. Coming into the trillions, with the beetle alone probably reaching several 10's of billions, the % used comes even lower.

The numbers I'm pulling out of my arse to be fair, but that is how I'd weigh it morally. Interestingly enough, that puts eating one human at a higher % than most other animals...except maybe pandas and polar bears.

So you measure the ethics of situation by the ratio of things killed against the total population?

Yup, it's pretty quick to calculate and is quantifiable.

I could go taking into considerations the conditions of the animals bred for eating as well as those who farm them (see the asian virtual slave trade that farm prawns, for example), as well as the intelligence of said animals being eaten, etc etc...

I'd like to, but datasets for that aren't available to compare against or the answer isn't a question of numbers, so I choose the simple numbers route.

Serious / Re: Food Ethics
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:55:38 AM »
Given the state of factory farming, I'd say eating beef is more morally questionable.

That being said, I have no idea what condition prawns are kept in inside fisheries. I'm fairly confident they can feel pain, at least.

Prawn and fish farming is about the same, shit tonnes of them squashed in a cage in the sea/lake with antibiotics doused over the them to keep them healthy. So condensed into one spot that the waste from a cage can pollute the area around it, in lakes starting eutrophication.

That aside, I weigh it by relative abundance. Beef coming from 0.whatever of a cow, out of a total of several billion cows, puts the % quite low. Prawns I reckon would have even lower %, even if you ate 30 whole ones as the numbers in the wild and farmed would be in the 10's of billions.

Beetles... the best surviving creature on Earth. Coming into the trillions, with the beetle alone probably reaching several 10's of billions, the % used comes even lower.

The numbers I'm pulling out of my arse to be fair, but that is how I'd weigh it morally. Interestingly enough, that puts eating one human at a LOWER % than most other animals... this way makes it seem more morally reprehensible to eat cows than people.

EDIT: Can't find figures for prawns and cochineal beetles, but cattle population comes in at 1.5 billion...hmm. May need to revise my logic a bit here.

The Flood / Re: TWD Season 6 Finale Thread
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:40:04 AM »
People have been analysing the positions of trees and rocks and shit and the order in which Negan chooses the victim.

Right now the possible victims are Glenn, Daryl or Rosita.

Well, Rosita is basically the Mexican version of T-Dog, so...

Eh, it doesn't seem good to have Daryl shot in the end of an episode only to have him return and then get beaten to death. Glen is 50/50 having survived the last time in a ridiculous situation.

The Flood / Re: Elegiac should have been banned a long time ago
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:04:21 PM »
You're all just niggers
Just niggers

He was a good dude

That pecker fucker kept stealing my nameplates.

Only after I pointed it out, in jest.

We're dying because everybody is starting to head over to's offsite.).


A majority of the threads aren't interesting enough to post in, and the ones that are take about 30 seconds to think of a response and then leave the site. At least here there's interesting shit to read and take a bit longer to post about (see: Serious)

The Flood / Re: TWD Season 6 Finale Thread
« on: April 04, 2016, 07:08:16 PM »
Who can die
-Eugene cos he's now "a survivor" and passed on his info on bullets (basically worthless storywise) Also separated out in front of the rest of them, and Negan seems to like giving examples...
-Glen 'cos relationship and got his wife preggers
-Abe, because relationship
-Maggie because pregnant and relationship
-Michonne because relationship with Rick
-Sasha because relationship

Who can't die is kinda obvious
-Rick 'cos plot armour
-Carl because he's already been shot in the face and survived (more plot armour)
-Daryl because shot in the chest and so far survived (plot armour)
-Rosita because already had her bad thing recently (dumped by Abe, plot amour)

That baseball bat sound thing at the end was kinda... oooph. Didn't he say he wasn't gonna kill them though? Beating the living shit out of one of them does the trick too, considering he's already shown his strength and numbers to back him up.

I've always had SuperIrish, mostly because you're made very aware of your nationality once you move away. Being introduced and described to other people as "That Irish guy" kinda stuck, and it's my very, very original nickname to my creative friends.

Did used to have RocetMan and AceMaster a looooong time ago, but I changed that for obvious reasons. Now it's PsygnIris because I found out Psygnosis Games got shutdown after producing some of my favourite games as a child (and the logo is pretty cool).

So long as your alias doesn't make you cringe when you think about it, you keep using it. Making it linked to your personal experiences and whatever is totally optional.

Gaming / What multiplayer games do you play?
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:45:29 PM »
Let's get some coordination going on here. This thread will be intended to list every multiplayer game that you play, so it's easier to setup gamenights, or generally just fuck around on games with the rest of us who have them. Preferably put down common games or ones you play regularly, simplifies the list and easier to garner interest from others to play with you.

Just pop down what multiplayer games you play as "[Game][Console/PC] - (GT/PSN/Steam/Origin)" and I'll sort out and group the lists below. If you've already put down your GT/PSN/whatever in the other thread, I can grab it from there but it does make shit easier on my end.

ArmA 3
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
Battlefield: 1942 (AFAIK it's FREE!)
Little Willie - (BerzerkCommando)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
Blade and Soul
Total: 1
True Turquoise - (trutruquoise
Total: 1
Pip - (Pip)
Civilisation V
Total: 2
Jono - (hundredjono55)
CounterStrike: Global Operations
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
Dark Souls
Total: 1
eggsalad - (eggsalad)
Dark Souls 2
Total: 1
eggsalad - (eggsalad)
Defence of the Ancients 2 (DotA2)
Total: 1
eggsalad - (eggsalad)
Fractured Space
Total: 1
Simseoh - (Jx493)
Garry's Mod
Total: 2
Pip - (Pip)
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
Halo: Online (FREE MOD)
Total: 1
PsygnI - (PsygnIrish)
Simseoh - (Jx493)
Total: 2
eggsalad - (eggsalad#1218)
Jono - (hundredjono55)
Heroes of the Storm
Total: 1
Jono - (hundredjono55)
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
League of Legends
Total: 1
eggsalad - (Clusterluck)
Total: 2
PsygnI - (Psygnirish)
Quinn Mallory - (Decimator Omega)
Pokemon Showdown
Total: 1
ChaosMetalDragon - (LoverOfJesusMKII)
Rocket League
Total: 3
Simseoh - (Jx493)
StarCraft 2
Total: 1
Jono - (hundredjono55)
Team Fortress 2 (FREE)
Total: 7
Iberian Husky - (Iberian Husky)
Meta Cognition - (MetaCognition)
Pip - (Pip)
Saleem - (Koalgon)
Simseoh - (Jx493)
Tackel - (I Tackelberry I)
Total: 1
ChaosMetalDragon - (LoverOfJesusMKII)
World of Tanks
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Superirish19)
YGO Pro/Dev Pro
Total 1:
ChaosMetalDragon - (LoverOfJesusMKII)

Dark Souls
Total: 2
ChaosMetalDragon - (ChaosMetalDrago)
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Superirish19)
Halo: Reach
Total: 4
ChaosMetalDragon - (ChaosMetalDrago)
Pip - (gamer x7 42)
PsygnI - (Superirish19)
Quinn Mallory - (Decimator Omega)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow: Vegas 1
Total: 1
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow: Vegas 2
Total: 1
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)

Battlefield 4
Total: 3
BaconShelf - (Baconshelf)
Luis - (DOMINICAN0808)
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Dark Souls 2
Total: 2
ChaosMetalDragon - (ChaosMetalDrago)
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Elite Dangerous
Total: 1
BaconShelf - (Baconshelf)
Grand Theft Auto V
Total: 1
BaconShelf - (Baconshelf)
Halo: Master Chief Collection
Total: 3
Pip - (gamer x7 42)
Quinn Mallory - (Decimator Omega)
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Halo: Reach
Total: 1
Pip - (gamer x7 42)
Halo 5: Guardians
Total: 3
BaconShelf - (BaconShelf)
Luis - (DOMINICAN0808)
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Halo Wars
Total: 1
BaconShelf - (Baconshelf)
Star Wars: Battlefront
Total: 1
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Siege
Total: 1
True Turquoise - (Anora Whisper)

Burnout: Paradise
Quinn Mallory - (Decimator Omega)
Total: 1
Quinn Mallory - (Decimator Omega)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Total: 1
Jono - (HundredJono)
Total: 1
PsygnI - (Superirish19)
Diablo 3
Total: 1
Jono - (HundredJono)
Grand Theft Auto V
Total: 2
Jono - (HundredJono)
PsygnI - (Superirish19)
Total: 1
Jono - (HundredJono)

Last Updated: 8th April 2016, 21:10.
Last Added: True Turquoise (settle down, the rest are on the way)

The Flood / Re: Sep7 Stats in Graphs
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:10:59 PM »
we should really have more L4D2 and MCC game nights

cus like i'd actually be down for those

L4D2 is a solid community game event seeing as it's been on so many Steam sales on PC and on Xbox it was on the GwG program already, so virtually everyone has it.

I'mma make a thread in Gaming so we can coordinate this sorta thing. We have a console/PC names thread, but we have no idea what everyone actually plays.

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:19:44 PM »
I bought the season pass the other day(the first and only I will buy) and got Automatron which I've already beaten. The quests were okay, I wish it was a little bit longer but the robot building is awesome.

I made this sentry bot . I haven't used him in combat yet but I assume he will live up to his name, Diablotron-666. He has a minigun on one hand, a missile launcher on the other, and dual fat-man launchers on his shoulders. He also has the toughest armor I could put on him on all his body parts so I hope he can last a long time in battle.


That helmet just reminds me of the dude from Indiana Jones:

When I get back to my beloved console in the Summer I'll have to build a themed robot... maybe WALL-E if I can put together some Robobrain wheels, Sentrybot storage Torso and Handyman eyes.

The Flood / Re: worst airport experiences
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:48:40 AM »
Getting searched through security both ARRIVING and DEPARTING from Belfast.

Fucking Northerners, just because my name sounds Catholic.

Serious / Re: Where were you when equality won?
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:43:18 AM »
Aren't they in armoured units already? Lowering the standards for frontline infantry is not a good idea, that's shooting yourself in the foot for any future combat.

I swear the physical standards can be set aside (to an extent) to send 105mm of tungsten downrange in an Abrams.

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