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Messages - Super Irish
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« on: May 11, 2016, 02:28:38 PM »
Roman, I thought you didn't want that life. The reason you started IIRC was to get out of your dead-end jobs at retail and shit, but because you hurt your dick and thought teaching was boring you went into the service industry?
C'mon man. A bit of pain and struggle gets you what you want, no good life is served on a plate like the food you'll be handing out.
« on: May 11, 2016, 06:18:09 AM »
Awaiting criticism to disregard and carry on.
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:57:44 PM »
Mix n match.
I have fond memories of my games on the PS1, even though the most graphically superior game I had for it (Wipeout 3) is comparable to the censoring on japanese porn. The earlier DAH! and CoD's were better (mostly because at the time CoD's multiplayer recipe was NEW), but I can't get into the isometric Fallouts, and despite playing the classic top-down GTA's first I consider the best one to be GTA IV.
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:38:04 PM »
"All too easy"
The longer this story goes, the funnier that quote gets.
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:36:57 PM »
While trying to pose the question of "can we...?", we forgot to ask "should we...?"
Interesting pieces of machinery I bet, but aside from being on display (at a hair raising speed of 0MPH), where can they be used, and for how long? I remember reading about the consumption rate of the bugatti veyron. Something like the tires only last half an hour, and the fuel around that time if going at top speed.
Cool, but ultimately pointless. I'm not even sure you can race 'em, and even then I expect that to last about as long as Group B in the World Rally Championships.
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:13:25 PM »

I'm behind three inches of bulletproof glass, do yer worst.
You should change your name back to Super Irish, because that tends to confuse me with Mr Psy for whatever reason. Either that or come up with a new name that's Irish or something, I dunno. I thought Super Irish was pretty rad. As a person you can be okay but I get the feeling that I tend to annoy you.
All true, except too bad I made the titlebar and avatar to match and they ain't changing for a looooong time.
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:04:54 PM »
I'm behind three inches of bulletproof glass, do yer worst.
« on: May 10, 2016, 03:48:23 PM »
I never got the concept of "premium" alcohol. Sure there's a difference between Tesco Value and Absolut Vodka (although personally I think both taste like paint thinner), but after that paying any higher is kinda ridiculous if you're only going to get pissed off it.
But there's a lesson in this; don't take shit that ain't yours.
« on: May 10, 2016, 03:01:32 PM »
tommy vercetti because he's the only one i know by name other than niko, and he was voiced by ray liotta
He also can't swim.'d say Niko. Serbian guerilla fighter, with age on his side against Trevor who IIRC fought in 'Nam.
« on: May 10, 2016, 01:25:56 PM »
I was absolutely fully informed. Thanks to baby books and the kind people over on (I made a thread discussing it like ~4.5 years ago).
My and my wife's decision was purely aesthetic. Full Disclosure: I wanted my son to have a good looking dick so when he's in the locker room at school or when he pulls it out in front of a girl he likes, he wouldn't feel embarrassed. Saving him some emotional distress along with having a great looking dick is enough for me to have the procedure done. Literally caused him a few hours of discomfort tops. Then he was all healed up within about a weeks time.
I think that it shows the wider problem that people can be embarrassed by this, when it's a non-issue to keep. Not referring to your decision to having it removed for your child, but that's some major hivemind shit.
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:03:50 PM »
I felt pain? Hmm, I can't seem to remember that.
That's funny coming from the guy thinking everyone should stop procreating because pain and suffering exists. I mean c'mon now, this pain is something you can actively avoid.
« on: May 10, 2016, 09:55:45 AM »
Never knew America is obsessed with cutting dicks. How'd that happen?
Well, fucking hell. Thank you for the info.
« on: May 10, 2016, 07:48:35 AM »
Never knew America is obsessed with cutting dicks. How'd that happen?
Of course, many of you would say it's fine that it happened, because the operation occured as a child and in a culture that does it regularly (and seems to have propaganda supporting it). It's all you know.
I'm pulling a SecondClass on this topic; bodily autonomy. You can choose whether to have it not, but it should be your choice for your dick. Not really a favour of "Oh, my parents had it done for me but I don't really mind".
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:40:03 PM »
Nos Da.
« on: May 09, 2016, 07:44:20 PM »
I think I've figured out why Roman is making so much of a fuss over it: ^Roman IRL (maybe with the odd rip here and there)
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:12:26 PM »
i thought about undermine, but i don't think it works well in this context
I was assuming (without further context other than the OP) that he doesn't want the bar to be set below the normal standard, so undermine works.
That is, somehow accidentally having a higher bar set above standard is not ideal in this scenario and so you need a word that means "not to go high or low".
...perhaps ?
I might be wrong, but (to me at least), "undermine" makes it seem like it actually hurts or affects the thing it's undermining, which is why I abandoned "undercut". The utmost general rules already apply in all of Europe, but this deals with two simultaneously introduced pieces of legislation. One is on general data protection, the other on a specific sector. The idea is that the specific sector shouldn't go below what is introduced by the general regulation.
Undermine doesn't have to directly mean "to damage" within the sentence, it just means "to go below", which if a standard of data protection was lower than the other... it's going below.
Am I missing something here? Even if the lower standard is still exemplary, it's still undermining the safeguards of some instrument that has a higher standard.
Are you sure? I just checked,, Merriam Webster and the Cambridge/Oxford Dictionary, and all of them say it basically either means to physically undermine (as in to dig a tunnel below) or to weaken / make less effective / damage / impair / subvert something else. I'm not seeing anything that suggests it just means "not be as good as" or "isn't at the same level as".
I've used it in reports in the way I've described and never called out on it. Then again, I do Geology so that may throw a bit of bias in there.
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:55:12 PM »
i thought about undermine, but i don't think it works well in this context
I was assuming (without further context other than the OP) that he doesn't want the bar to be set below the normal standard, so undermine works.
That is, somehow accidentally having a higher bar set above standard is not ideal in this scenario and so you need a word that means "not to go high or low".
...perhaps ?
I might be wrong, but (to me at least), "undermine" makes it seem like it actually hurts or affects the thing it's undermining, which is why I abandoned "undercut". The utmost general rules already apply in all of Europe, but this deals with two simultaneously introduced pieces of legislation. One is on general data protection, the other on a specific sector. The idea is that the specific sector shouldn't go below what is introduced by the general regulation.
Undermine doesn't have to directly mean "to damage" within the sentence, it just means "to go below", which if a standard of data protection was lower than the other... it's going below. Am I missing something here? Even if the lower standard is still exemplary, it's still undermining the safeguards of some instrument that has a higher standard.
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:37:18 PM »
i thought about undermine, but i don't think it works well in this context
I was assuming (without further context other than the OP) that he doesn't want the bar to be set below the normal standard, so undermine works. That is, somehow accidentally having a higher bar set above standard is not ideal in this scenario and so you need a word that means "not to go high or low". ...perhaps  ?
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:28:46 PM » is often deemed necessary for data processing in this field to be covered by a high level of data protection does not go below the safeguards found in general data protection instruments and prohibits the departure from fundamental principles without proper and adequate justification(125).
The bold part, please. I'm bored in class and can't be bothered to put in the thought myself. Whoever comes up with the best phrasing gets to be my best friend for the rest of the week.
Spoiler Just doing my part to boost thread count, as we all should. It is often deemed necessary that data processing in this field be covered by a high level of data protection does not undermine safeguards found in general data protection instruments and prohibits the departure from fundamental principles , without proper and adequate justification. Kinda rephrased a few parts and removed an extra "that", but it reads more fluidly to me.
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:51:34 AM »
United Federation of Planets when?
Don't they have some laser missile defence weapons as well in the works, or have they started using them yet?
« on: May 08, 2016, 09:17:35 PM »
Being in the UK has given me a sort of hybrid Imperi-metric measurements.
Speed is in miles, people's height and weight is in feet and stones, but inanimate objects are in metres and kilograms. Only conversion I know is an inch is 2.5cm, approx. the tip of a thumb to the upper joint.
Food is by mugs, because fuck am I buying a scales and doing maths just to cook food.
« on: May 08, 2016, 09:05:54 PM »

Oh... wait... those are jews.
But one is detriment to our health
Spoiler ...and the other is AIDS.
Kidding, but there is a point here. Sure, people suffering from AIDS shouldn't be given any less respect than anyone else, but the same applies vice versa, and they should be making any potential sexual partners know of their illness beforehand and allowing them the fair choice of informed consent (or take the risk with condoms or whatever else). Unfortunately that isn't always the case (people with STD's not disclosing to partners and then going bareback) and so healthy people are at risk.
Yes and at that point I feel like it's a form of rape if they don't disclose that kind of information.
I kinda follow with that line of thought. But damned if I can think of a way of having an identifier method that isn't something degrading like a permanent "I HAVE AIDS" badge, and it isn't feasible for everyone to carry a bloodtest kit in their wallet/purse.
« on: May 08, 2016, 09:02:50 PM »
I do occasionally.
Sometimes the debate has left from anything to learn from or get any worthwhile perspective from, or I'm hitting brickwalls and it's pointless talking.
Try arguing with Gary King.
« on: May 08, 2016, 08:59:02 PM »

Oh... wait... those are jews.
But one is detriment to our health Spoiler ...and the other is AIDS.
Kidding, but there is a point here. Sure, people suffering from AIDS shouldn't be given any less respect than anyone else, but the same applies vice versa, and they should be making any potential sexual partners know of their illness beforehand and allowing them the fair choice of informed consent (or take the risk with condoms or whatever else). Unfortunately that isn't always the case (people with STD's not disclosing to partners and then going bareback) and so healthy people are at risk.
« on: May 08, 2016, 08:49:10 PM »
Oh would you look at that, I'm Bill Gates, richest man on Earth. I think I'd like to make a withdrawal...
I'll leave the questions such as "How can I pass off as being one of the most notable people on Earth" up to your storytelling, seeing as I'm still only committing one crime.
« on: May 08, 2016, 08:44:15 PM »
I'm gonna say it has something to do with this not being real.
You know when people watch horror movies and shout at the retarded characters "Don't go into the cellar, you'll die"? Yeah I'm one of those sorta people. That or Roman is a real life horror movie retard who plays stupid games and wins stupid prizes.
« on: May 08, 2016, 08:25:18 PM »
I also remember how much girls make fun of guys who were un-cut. Maybe that's me being shallow, or maybe that's just me not wanting my child to be subject to bullying.
« on: May 08, 2016, 05:26:00 PM »
You know what? I bet you if the exact same trailers had the opposite name on it the reactions would still be the same as according to the franchise. It comes down to people just being on the CoD hate bandwagon and that's it. Call of Duty: One would still have the same dislike ratio and every comment on Battlefield: Infinite Warfare would be "RIP CoD Blimps" and we'd all be sucking Patrick Bach's dick for the" bold inovation" of introducing space battles to the series.
Lol you sound like you belong here:
« on: May 08, 2016, 11:52:35 AM »
Daily reminder that mayo is the only acceptable condiment for fries.
What is wrong with you?
My tastes are just superior to yours.
"Phwoar, fuuuuuck..."
« on: May 08, 2016, 11:50:22 AM »
Anyone curious, a list of the most disliked videos of all time. IW being in #11
8th place now
This is already a catastrophe of a game, and we never saw gameplay. XD Although, I'm pretty sure Activision knows about this and is just in their chairs saying "Ahhhh, it's alright. It has 'Call of Duty' in the title, it'll sell hot cakes." The irony is that they are right that it'll be a money-maker because more than 90% of the population are little kids that don't know how statistics work. That and MW remastered is the only thing people are intended to get out of the scam artist's bundles.
Probably them right now regardless of the anti-hype:

This video still holds true regardless of EA's Battlefield or Activision's Call of Duty (minus a few bits here and there):
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