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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 201
The Flood / Re: Pics of me (plus my new voice) please rate both
« on: July 22, 2019, 08:51:22 AM »
Hey man as you look like you, that's all that's important.

Serious / Re: Good god what a fucking nightmare of an era
« on: July 22, 2019, 05:45:40 AM »
I'll keep it nice n simple.

- You're the biggest joke, so thanks for this
- Aren't you fucking Armenian? So "Fuck you, I got mine" it is then for healthcare.
- You got any examples of 'remote criticism of pride month'? Genuine.
- Youtube is a piece of shit, and it isn't your soapbox
- Trump has likely not been around enough to generate you 2 jobs, unless you're a contractor building the wall and a nuclear engineer in Saudi Arabia. If anything, he's done fuckall on changing America's course in policy and you were going to be a slave to 2 jobs getting slightly better pay so you would ignore the lack of having 1 well paying job in the first place...
- Hateraid fucking rofl
- Falling for the violent video games bait. No shit, it isn't games, clued-in politicians are using it as a scapegoat to sidestep the US's massive guns problem.
- You flipflop from "if we don't love enough we'll have a second civil war" to "I need guns for the upcoming apocalypse". Alright Doomer.
- You're right about "it" being fucked within the next decade, but for entirely the opposite reasons.
- Jesus Christ you over-dramatic vitamin-deficienct dumbfuck, America is far from NK or the Soviet Union where they actually removed people. You've got other problems but you drank the koolaid.
- Gays don't just have pride month mate, it's for lesbians and trans and all them too. If you're still struggling, think of it as Independence Day, but for people who are born some way rather than from somewhere. You celebrate liberation from a tyrannical force, gays celebrate not being lynched or oppressed as much as 50 years ago. Who'da thought?

And fucking hell do you have to use so many empty idioms and cliched phrases, it reads like a paranoid depressed footballer's interview.

The Flood / Re: star trek > star wars
« on: June 06, 2019, 08:30:00 PM »
You had me until you put Enterprise at the same level as the Voyager slog.

Explain yourself, heathen.

A great short book

A shame about the film though, wasn't very good.

The Flood / Re: Which would you rather
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:01:30 PM »
Fuck it, I'll go underway for six months then.
Just outside of the engine room pls

Get back to your station, Fritz

The Flood / Re: Which would you rather
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:55:08 PM »
Space obviously. Doesn't space mess with something in your DNA as well that makes you age slower while up there?

Space doesn't do shit to your DNA. Gamma radiation does though, and that's just basic cancer risk which is increased in space because you're more exposed in a tin can with no atmosphere around to absorb it.

Relativistic speeds make you appear to live longer, but it's negligible (like, <1s difference for the time you'd be up there). You'd live 1s longer than someone who never went to orbit at speeds several thousand kilometres faster than usual, but to you it wouldn't make a difference, you'd still live and die at a normal age.

An analogy to this would be if light was bouncing between two mirrors in a tube. Shove that tube on a car, and if it drove around you very fast the "beam" of light would bounce in a zigzag rather than up and down if it was stationary("I" vs "V"). Because going diagonal takes more distance, it would essentially take longer to go up and down, but on the car you'd just see the beam going up and down like normal.

The Flood / Re: Which would you rather
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:44:24 PM »
is it just me or a crew?

As close to reality as possible (without you being able to leave obvs).

So for space, iirc they shift the crews every 3 months or so, so for your time you'd meet a grand total of 6-8 with 3 or 4 a time.

For a sub, Wikipedia says 150 people, about 30 of those are officers and specialists, the rest are "sub-grunts". I don't know how often they rotate so just assume you're "stuck" with those 150 for the duration.

The Flood / Which would you rather
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:06:54 PM »
6 months, either in the darkest depths of the ocean in a submarine, or in upper Earth orbit in the ISS.

Which, why/why both fucking suck?

The similarities;

- Cramped conditions
- Instant death on the other side of the walls
- Limited human contact (AFAIK both have some connection for the internet so shit-sub/space-posting on 4chan would be possible but limited).
- Living without your usual comforts (living space aside, no TV, not much storage space for books, clothes, restricted diets, can't go for a run or get "fresh air")
- You need to be highly trained to operate or be assigned to them (for this scenario just assume you know how to run a sub or a spacestation, or all that would be sorted by everyone else on board).
- Besides this 6 month restriction, it takes a while to get back to civilisation, up or down, and across a bit.

The differences;

- Being surrounded by highly compressed water (not that water is compressible, but that only means a rupture would get that pressure transferred to you and force you to the size of a peanut) vs being surrounded by a vacuum strong enough to boil your blood and burst your lungs. Neither pretty.
- You get a pretty view in space. Ocean floors are virtually deserts apart from the scattered wrecks and "islands" of life around carcasses and volcanic vents, and I'm not sure conventional subs have windows. Periscope?
- Flying at thousands of kilometres an hour vs I dunno, a few knots underwater.
- Following and creating a bit of a juxtoposition from my last point, in space you can't go anywhere because it's so vast, even if you weren't going around in orbit. In a sub you can "go" places that can be interesting.
- Experiencing virtual Zero-g vs the ol' 9.8m/s^2 everyday, and all the problems associated (or not) in dealing with that.
- No sun can penetrate deep underwater to the point it's pitch black and you'll return a vitamin D deficient pale fuck, vs too much exposure that you have an increased risk of cancer when you get back. Nice.

So, what'll it be?

The Flood / Re: How good are your baking skills?
« on: May 11, 2019, 06:33:40 PM »
I can make Soda Bread, millionaire shortbread, flapjacks, and a few pasta bakes.

I have a book for stuff like bug roasts but I haven't needed to go that far with my cooking skills, and my gf already beats me making lamb or pork bakes with veg.

The Flood / Re: You are now starring in a porno.
« on: May 11, 2019, 06:30:16 PM »
Goodbye Christopher Robin

Ah fuck, it's either PTSD inducing, cp, or furries, I can't win.

The Flood / Re: I had a fucking adventure today -- Part II
« on: April 21, 2019, 05:04:24 PM »
You should write a book about your fucked up life.

Diary of a Supertramp already exists.

Except that was before the existence of most drugs and the dick-suck economy, so it was by and large a success.

Serious / Re: New Zealand Mass Shooting
« on: March 22, 2019, 07:56:41 AM »
The algorithms got too good.

Now it links POP'S videos to what others who subbed to him watched, but probably doesn't recommend the videos/channels that you are already subbed to (because you've needs those clicks for ad revenue and retention - Watching Kurzgesagt doesn't recommend me VSAUCE because I already watch both regularly, and links me to some other shit).

Facebook has had the same issues, to the extreme that in their ad targeting for users, they had the category "jew hater" - can you imagine what those ads are like?

The Internet has done well to connect us to the world, but also those with questionable ideas to plug themselves in to other freaks who support them. Humans are social creatures, being isolated suggests that how you act or behave is repugnant and encourages you to either suppress it or hide it. Now with the Internet suggesting "Hey freak, come here and speak to these other guys who want a race war", the views become more palatable because you aren't alone in those thoughts anymore.

Take the Bungle off sites for a crazy example. Everyone came from Bungle, a mishmash of everything, and now of the 3 off sites I know of, there's 3 distinct "flavours", Tankie cultists, Progressives, and here as what I can only describe as loosely anarchic as there's all manner of crazy here from different sides of the spectrum. You stay in one of these long enough, you'll align to it more.

This is a sort of large side note. The shooting was awful, I like how NZ are handling it by censoring his face and name online (I've only seen his name once when it broke on the BBC, but I haven't been keeping track, while his face  from the video keeps popping up on 4chan threads on unrelated things...). Social media seems to be doing a decent job taking down the videos before they spread, but of course there's not much you can do to stop determined madmen from spreading their shit around and getting other nutters to watch it.

The Flood / Re: Journal?
« on: March 21, 2019, 09:09:32 PM »
i keep a photo journal to keep track of what I've taken pictures of, how, and why.

The Flood / Re: Abuse of Rights clauses, yes or no?
« on: March 15, 2019, 10:03:36 AM »
It makes sense to me, can't have the rights being used to actively dismantle them for more nefarious purposes later on.

Free speech is the only grey one in there, because while holding a meeting or rally about violating other rights (i.e. "Let's genocide those people" or "I don't like the rights to privacy, anyone else?") isn't necessarily going to cause such a violation, but can stoke it. Curtailing a right to free speech to pre-emptively stop a genocide seems a bit too presumptive when the rights on that are already in place. You stop the people who think "well there's no law against it...", but it would always be difficult to stop people who are determined enough to carry out such a violation in the first place.

I think the only time free-speech should be limited or censored is when it's used as an excuse to limit free speech itself, going back to preventing a right being the reason to remove itself.

The Flood / Re: Where are they now
« on: March 15, 2019, 09:52:03 AM »
Member since just before Uni, now graduated, a relationship, and a new hobby.

Most petered out, and sometimes the thread topics aren't very conductive to a larger conversation (see; Loaf on the retarded spectrum, Flee on the other side on law and political overloads, not that I'm complaining).

Serious / Re: defend your most controversial belief
« on: March 08, 2019, 05:21:22 AM »
Countries who start wars / take part in wars should be made to accept refugees from the countries of that war.

Sounds like a bad idea, inviting the people caught up in your conflict and suggest they live in the enemy territory. Especially if the conflict is ongoing, could risk undercover combatants or spies at worst.

I'd suggest giving a fuck tonne of aid to 'fugees in whatever country they seek asylum in (usually the neighbour) as compensation.

The Flood / Re: Back to square one
« on: March 08, 2019, 05:12:30 AM »
The mid life crisis hitting early eh?

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 27, 2019, 10:20:17 AM »
Well in the last week I had 2 interviews requiring substantial non-refundable travel costs, and I'm down to £50 when I started the month at £400.

Fortunately I'm paid tomorrow, but anything unexpectedly above 500 would put me into my overdraft by April.

I'd be able to borrow money from family, sure, but then even they would have some trouble with the unexpected too.

Is there anything preventing the UK from doing the same thing with Japan?
They can make deals with anyone after Brexit.

Yeah, but who would now that we will be out of the largest FTA. What does the UK have that the EU can't already provide, and Japan desperately needs?

Africa is the only one that has shown interest in trade post-Brexit and most of the continent is still developing or have got their resources already under exploitation by themselves or by 3rd parties like Chinese/Russian/European companies (SA, Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola, Zimbabwe, etc), while the UK deals in services, a sector that likely very few will need when it's not connected to a larger economic zone.

The Flood / Re: Ten Year Challenge?
« on: January 30, 2019, 04:45:02 PM »
All I got was stubble and a haircut.

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite character of all time
« on: January 30, 2019, 02:32:47 PM »
Difficult to pinpoint because without the setting and other characters the bits that make them great are gone.

I'm deciding between Phillip J Fry and Jean Luc Picard, but both are virtually polar opposites and neither would do well if their settings were flipped.

I mean there's currently this wizard bloke I'm using as my avatar now but it's because he's hilariously useless character in a comedy.

Tommy or Arthur Shelby would be a good shout too.

The Flood / Re: holy shit you nerds are still here?
« on: January 27, 2019, 10:00:52 AM »
Holy shit called us nerds but you came back?!

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:19:59 PM »
I'm not in the know on Brexit, but I thought the entire point of it was to gain independence from EU law. What is the point of "leaving" if the deal you make is just going to keep the country subject to it?

The UK is intrinsically tied to the EU in law, like fishing rights between France and the UK, and in the economy, with over 2/3rds of UK trade being with the EU. Leaving that is essentially impossible, let alone ridiculous as atm they can't trade with anyone outside of the EU on their own. The UK can't afford to lose the trade.

Buuuut since the UK has no bargaining chips and it's 1 country versus 26/27, the UK haven't been very successful in getting what they want, i.e. trade with the EU but being outside of the EU.

Instead the only Brexit deal they have been getting that keeps trade intact is the current proposed and subsequently shot down deal, which is what make the UK a sort of "trading partner" like Switzerland or Norway, that follow the laws of the EU for the trade deals, but have no say in those laws.

And you are correct, why would anyone sign up for that? Remainers point out it's essentially a crap deal to keep ties, and Brexiteers say it doesn't do enough, and both groups are right.

Gaming / Re: Current Backlog? (2019 Edition)
« on: January 21, 2019, 11:54:49 AM »
Still need to finish MGSV borrowed from my brother last year. After that I have Metro Exodus to get onto once it's delivered.

Serious / Re: Just fuck my Brexit up
« on: January 21, 2019, 10:55:39 AM »
Heard that some MP's are planning to propose a "Norway" Deal to the PM.

Fuck me all you need to see is the news every so often to know that that exact deal was proposed months ago, and declined because:

i) Basically has the UK remain in the EU but in less stature (i.e. no say on EU policy or voting, just like Norway deals with EU laws in return for some minor freedom... in fishery policy or whaling I think? The former reason being off the table for the UK because of its proximity to France/Netherlands and Ireland, and the latter the UK isn't interested in.

ii) The fucking Norwegians said no because it wouldn't be in their own interests a few weeks ago on Euronews (as with all other Nordic countries not directly in the EU, I forgot the abbreviation they have) by having a "Norway" Deal with bits and bobs on the side, that devalues Norway's own deal with the EU, and in turn wouldn't be in the EU's interest to fuck over some countries that want to remain with them than the fuckers here who want to leave.

Sometimes I have sympathy for May, only because a third of her party are a bunch of self serving morons, her slim majority is run by some crazy chest thumping orange-marching bastards, her supporters are varying shades of complete wank, and the opposition aren't doing fuck all either. Currently the only party supporting a 2nd referendum are the the Scottish National Party and their counterparts in Plaid Cymru, essentially hamstrung by their own parties' national identities, and the Lolberal Democrats who I think have <10 seats and are led by god knows who anymore.

The Flood / Re: you guys arent even fun
« on: January 21, 2019, 05:10:48 AM »
There's some irony in here about Second class referring to himself as a second class woman...

But Napalm's right. Having someone shove their goolies into you isn't going to gain self worth, it comes from your self.

Having someone genuinely love you (and not just because you are "half a woman") is another story.

The Flood / Re: So where did everyone go
« on: January 20, 2019, 05:16:25 PM »
Still here every so often; fucked off to everywhere else most likely.

People went off to big wide world or with the friends they made here.

The Flood / Re: There's like 5 people who still post here?
« on: December 31, 2018, 06:14:36 AM »
Meh, why leave when there's nothing wrong?

The people that are left are clearly interested in staying, and it isn't going anywhere, so why not.

The Flood / Re: Gaming setup thread
« on: December 24, 2018, 11:53:54 AM »

MSI Leopard GP62 6QE;
i7- 6700HQ @2.6GHz
16GB RAM (No idea what, 8GB was added by the company that sold it over the stock model)
GTX 950M 2GB

LG IPS Montior 1080p

Gigaworks T40 Speakers, with Sennheiser PC350SE headset on the right, Some cheapo Sony headphones on the left

Some shitey mouse and keyboard, a cheapy pad cooler that doesn't have a light switch underneath because MSI's heat like a bitch, plus a Minolta Film scanner on the far right for... well, my film.

Runs most things alright except ArmA 3 which flickers somewhere around 25 if you wanna play with decent distances.

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