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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 ... 454647 4849 ... 201
Gaming / Re: FUCK sony
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:46:42 AM »
Sony's customer service is pretty shit I've realised after crosing over from the '360.

/r/PS4 has so many grumpy threads about avcounts being banned without reason, hacked and unwanted pirchases not being refunded, and generally not giving a shit until some serious screws are put on them to actually do something.

Microsoft on the other hand is like "Oh you lost your account, here's it back (after providimg decent proof) with an apology, some games and £20".

Sony's console may be topping the charts, but it's seriously lacking in other departments (notably security and it's own "GwG").

Gaming / Re: What game series would you like to see make a comeback?
« on: August 04, 2016, 11:18:18 AM »

Pandemic closing was a sign of the end for the series. DAH 3 sucked balls, and I can't say much about some Wii version that came out prior.

The Flood / Re: $50 million or financial advice from Warren Buffet
« on: August 04, 2016, 11:16:41 AM »
With $50 mil I could use some of it to just hire him for a day, right?


Serious / Re: We could be seeing the first private moon landing soon
« on: August 04, 2016, 07:50:06 AM »
I can't wait for those conspiracy retards against the moon landings to get a mouthful when a private company sees the landing sites. What a glorious day that'll be

"How are those theories holding up?
"To shreds you say... and the conspiricists?"
"To shreds you say..."

Serious / Re: We could be seeing the first private moon landing soon
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:37:26 AM »
Moon Express sounds like the progenitor to the delivery company in Futurama.

Good news nontheless if they and SpaceX get approved and some legal framework is setup.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:32:40 AM »
So now this morning she said she's not ready to date because she just got out of a four year relationship. I'm very sad now.

Ah well.

Still worth being a friend if you like hanging out and if sex reeeeeaaaallly wasn't on your mind.

You never know, it may always develop later on from there if you are patient and aren't clingy and desperate as fuck.

Septagon / Re: how did sep7agon come to exist
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:28:28 AM »
iirc the first proboards site was up for a month or so. At least a couple weeks.
You're probs right, I remember turning up to the first one late.

But fuck me it was a whirlwind of forum migrations at the time

The Flood / Re: How come women aren't called out for fat shaming men?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:25:24 AM »
Not that it's a bad thing to shame. Obesity is a very serious health issue that shouldn't be encouraged.

I think the whole point of anti-fat-shaming popping up was due to people having a warped view of what "fat" was (skinny/anorexic/photoshopped thin clothing models, makeup ads, that bullshit) and ended up making people insecure about their perfectly normal healthy weight.

Now it's been expanded to include actual fat people, which is retarded and devalues the original point.

Septagon / Re: how did sep7agon come to exist
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:17:34 AM »
There was two previous free forum offsites (I think Velox and Kiyo created them?) that were created after B.Next fucked shit up.

In true flood style, the first got closed because someone was posting porn or CP or something whilst everyone was stirring shit, and the second got banned as somebody reported it for avoiding the first ban (Noelle or Commando, IIRC) because they were still butthurt about the shitstirring from the previous forum. Went through two forums, in about... 3 days?

Then someone made a post about both closures on B.Next for the Bungicles to laugh at and then Cheat popped up.

Ah, good times.

Soft drinks are more of a treat than a regular thing for me. Lilt is the best though.

I think having more than 1 a week is already pushing it.

Reportedly it's the file hoster (FossHub) rather than the programs themselves. Just don't go on fosshub and check digital signatures if you happened to download from there in the last 24 hours.

Close shave for me, installed Classicshell 2 days ago after my hard drive corrupted and had to reformat it and install everything. This would have majorly pissed me off.

Gaming / Re: Games that no one liked that you're still playing
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:28:04 PM »

Gaming / Re: What games do you have on pre-order right now?
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:49:10 PM »

No games interest me enough to warrant it, and with AAA devs having a record of failing promises I'd rather not gamble my money.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:57:11 AM »
If we got "Point Lookout 2.0", odds on Nukaworld being "The Pitt 2.0" with less steel and more cola?

Stayin' Awake -

-Expose yourself to as much blue light as possible over the next 24 hours. Laptops, phone screens, most TV's, etc.

-Coffee, preferably the ground stuff in a pot rather than instant. Add more powder than usual, have one every 4 hours, final one at the 20th hour. If that fails, get Coke/Pepsi.

-Play video games. TV is pretty passive entertainment, but video games (or any other interactive stuff, like reading) keeps your mind going and thinking enough to stay awake until you stop or get exceptionally tired.

-Be uncomfortable. Sit on hard chairs, lean on walls, that sorta thing if you want a rest, but not sleep. Lying on a couch is going to get you comfortable, and you'll think "Fuck it this is nice, I'll just...Zzzzz".

The Flood / Re: can we bring back 'how very'?
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:40:24 AM »
Nah, I'm sticking to understandable English with an Irish tint.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 01, 2016, 09:15:11 PM »
Have we got to the point where advice is dodged and it ends up like Mr Bean's Holiday?

The Flood / Re: Just saw the best poster at a local diner
« on: July 29, 2016, 07:20:52 PM »
I used to have a mug with that on. 'Tis great.

New one I want to get, though preferably in better quality: This.

The Flood / Re: What do you believe happens when you die
« on: July 28, 2016, 10:21:32 PM »
I'll cease to function.

After the initial pain and fear from whatever kills me, I won't see, smell, hear or feel anything. Sounds bad, but considering I won't be thinking much after death, it ain't terrible.

I won't be going anywhere other than 6ft in the ground, until I breakdown and get dispersed across several km's until eventually I get recycled in the mantle, or I get petrified and go on display as some ancient ancestor in a museum.

Serious / Re: Here are a couple "what if" questions about history.
« on: July 28, 2016, 05:11:08 AM »
What if the results of the elections after Vietnam's independence from France (1945) went smoothly?

Either no war (because some Christian/Catholic loving capitilaist got into power and the public actually voted for him), or the US starts "liberating" on more of an uphill climb (e.g. if Ho Chi Minh went stright into power).

Wow, really following the teaching of Mao;

Kinda contradictory that it says "don't let him do the deep thinking for you!" only to then go on to tell you how to think and what to believe. I love it.

Gaming / Re: Anita Sarkeesian - Are Women Too Hard To Animate?
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:54:00 PM »
Ubisoft dumped themselves into a pit with that statement, particularly as they'd had female assassins/templars before (see Assasins Creed Blackflag or Brotherhood/Revelations). Even if it was "too much effort" to create new animations, a port of the old ones into the game would've probably covered it anyway.

Video made fair points, albeit the Saints Row complaint was kinda irrelevant.

It should be worth mentioning that Battlefield 4, whilst having no playable female characters, does feature female soldiers, one specifically that  is with you throughout most of the campaign. They did drop the ball multiplayer wise considering China, Russia and America do have female combatants, or at least accepting them for frontline combat.I can't imagine any will feature in Battlefield WW1 however, for obvious reasons.

Otherwise, not much to really discuss. Women can be animated fine without sexualising them, and it's devs for the most part sacrificing it altogether for more time on more important features given most AAA titles are on yearly schedules.

Although I'm not keen on the royalty, thats a retarded programme to put on.

They're pre-migrant influx to Germany before they got imported to the UK, not post-migration.

The Flood / Re: I miss Sandtrap
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:04:03 AM »
And ohmygoodgod Saph is pretty hugboxy la-di-da at times
bcuz they're all actually friends

No. Friends can have differing views and still have sweary banterous insults at each other - those folks are following the Flood mantra well, because there's quite literally a hivemind.

At least here if we can have a debate about things that don't have a straight-up "right" or "wrong" answer, no matter what anybody here personally feels about it. If you make up bullshit you're called out, you might get called a stupid cunt, and maybe a meme gets made out of it. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Saph just gets all pissy because they don't like what I say, but can't refute it other than laughing it off and then returning to the hive.

The Flood / Re: I miss Sandtrap
« on: July 24, 2016, 07:36:16 PM »
He's on Saph if you want to say hi.

Shame he decided to stop posting here. Sure this place is a bit hostile, but most everyone has time for him here.

And ohmygoodgod Saph is pretty hugboxy la-di-da at times

The Flood / Re: What internet provider do you have?
« on: July 24, 2016, 06:46:30 PM »
A shite one.


The Flood / Re: Why are most people here self loathing?
« on: July 24, 2016, 08:51:17 AM »
Shit lives probably.

I'm not self loathing, just cynical (although relatively, Sep7 makes me look like an optimist).

I've had it for a while seeing as it came with the console (PS4).

I seem to be in the minority, however.

The Flood / Re: No mentally unstable users allowed
« on: July 23, 2016, 04:33:35 AM »

Serious / Re: Munich shooting: Several killed in shopping centre
« on: July 22, 2016, 03:24:32 PM »
"An acute terror situation"

Jesus man, 6 9 people have been shot in a mainland european country where the general public don't own firearms and security is supposed to be heightened as a result of the last terror attacks... "acute" is a fucking understatement.

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