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Messages - Super Irish

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The Flood / Re: What's your first name?
« on: September 26, 2016, 04:24:19 PM »

No surprises, right.

top of tha mornin to ya

I'll give you an actual Irish saying;


The Flood / Re: What's your first name?
« on: September 26, 2016, 02:32:26 PM »

No surprises, right.

Serious / Re: Genetic Engineering, Pt. II - CRISPR & CAS9
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:07:13 PM »
There was an article published in 2015, and was mentioned late in the first video, by scientists in china who used CRISPR/Cas9 on tripronuclear (3PN) human zygotes to see if they could effectively repair a defective copy of a certain gene.  However, the frequency of homologous recombination of their supplied transcript was low, roughly 25% (off the top of my head).

Is 25% success higher than what we're currently getting with ZFN or TALEN methods? If not, then the main advantage of CRISPR is saving time and funding to produce at least some results (I'm thinking a quick brute-force method over meticulous but productive).

I think the first video really over-glorifies the capabilities of CRISPR/Cas9 as it is now, but I am rather interested in its gene drive implications that appear to lead to "super-mendelian inheritance".  There is also research into combining the sequence targeting capabilities of CRISPR with enzymatic domains of adenosine deaminases to create base editors that appear to have more effective use compared to the standard CRISPR/Cas9 system.

I kinda got that vibe too from it, but if it's something that could be spectacular in it's infancy then it's worth waiting to see what comes of it as it's researched and tested more (particularly if the upfront cost is lower).

Who knows, with gene-drive it could be possible to eradicate other diseases by targeting the parents without having to genetically alter a zygote/fetus during pregnancy and all the risks that brings (but I'm completely out of my element here, so I don't know how exactly that would work, if at all).

The Flood / Re: literally the second taste of fall
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:17:47 PM »
So does it taste like cider does here, or is it like a runnier version of the filling of an apple pie?

(Come to think of it, ciders are pretty sweet compared to most beers)
it's like apple juice but way thicker and more full

I think they put like special spices in it and stuff, if has a very heavy (but delicious) flavor

Oh shit that does sound good. I'll have to put it on my America bucketlist whenever I get there.

The Flood / Re: literally the second taste of fall
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:10:40 PM »
So does it taste like cider does here, or is it like a runnier version of the filling of an apple pie?

(Come to think of it, ciders are pretty sweet compared to most beers)

Serious / Re: Major study on gun ownership in the US
« on: September 25, 2016, 12:54:07 PM »
Jesus christ. In what scenario does one person end up owning 140 guns?

InB4 "found em"

The Flood / Re: Your homepage?
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:10:29 AM »
New Tab.


Update: didn't get some

But did you have fun? That should be the priority, everything else is a bonus.

Had an impromptu house party at mine on Thursday, ended up jumping the back garden fence over to next door and joined my neighbours in theirs. Two separate parties became a big one, and it was good.

The Flood / Re: sep7 memories~
« on: September 24, 2016, 07:47:49 PM »
Does it ever get updated? It's more of a historical archive than a recent article on bullshit, piss-taking, and memes.

Gaming / Re: What makes a game fun for you?
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:43:09 PM »

I can enjoy a good 20 minute match or even those 1 hour 2000 ticket servers of one BF4 map because of the sound, visuals, gameplay and the smoothness of things, but can't bear a 10 minute game of 2010's CoD nowadays because it hasn't changed since 2004 and you can see through the illusions clearly, not to mention the god-awful stories.

Backstory stuff that's completely irrelevant to gameplay, but adds character to the story and constructs the universe beyond just what little you see of it (Examples include Deus Ex's E-books and personal computer logs, Elder scrolls' books and letters, and Fallout's terminal entries, notes, pre-war books, and exhausting every dialogue option possible past the "Yes, I'll do that thing for you").

Favourable art direction and design is also a factor, but that's totally down to opinion. I liked Borderland's cell-shading,  Deus Ex's recent weird obsession with abstract polygonal installations... though not so much on the yellow tint, and GTA IV's "realistic (for the time) but grimy" approach, but it can be forgone in other games (Fallout 3/NV were far behind the graphical capabilities at the time and almost by release had aged badly, yet I consider them within my top 10 favourites).

To be fair that house kinda fits with the whole pillars and statues thing goin' on;

Serious / Re: Genetic Engineering, Pt. II - CRISPR & CAS9
« on: September 23, 2016, 10:57:26 AM »
As promised, second vid is up and OP updated.

Serious / Re: Trump and racism
« on: September 22, 2016, 08:55:01 AM »
I have a theory that Trump didn't really want to be president. He wanted to prove a point. When he started gaining momentum, he did his level best to disqualify himself. I don't think anyone is more surprised than Trump himself that he's still in this race.
Why wouldn't he just drop out, then?

Saving face. You've never been in a situation you couldn't have gotten out of?

If he drops out, would his business partners see him the same way? It would have a disastrous effect on his public perception. It's better to lose to Clinton and say it was rigged than to back out.

You'd think holding racist views or spouting crazy rhetoric would do that too.

And worse than just backing out. If he backed out early, the public would barely care (see: basically everyone from the UK PM "elections" except May).

Now with his antics everybody from America to Antarctica has an opinion on him as his views have been pasted everywhere to see. You can always make more business partners, but if the majority of people have seen him as an asshole, business'll dry up quickly.

Serious / Re: Death in the family...
« on: September 21, 2016, 05:55:31 AM »
No idea, no one I actually cared for in my family has died at the moment. Grandma, I don't talk to her really, uncle, well I don't care really (just his life before and hidden details from his son), and a brain dead cousin, all died from what I remember. I can't really sympathize with what you're dealing with, but I never really felt sad for those deaths. All I said was, well, its bound to happen and we can only just remember them for the good they've caused.

Jeez. We have some non sympathetic people here. Then yet again this is Sep7agon...
like i said, no one i deeply cared about has died. i really cant be sad for someone ive never had a connection with, like you did with your loved one, so its hard to imagine

I too have the fortune to have no dead close relatives, yet.

Most died before I was born (e.g. some Grandparents on both sides) and some I don't know all that well so hearing of their deth wouldn't phase me much, unless it was a particularly gruesome end.

And to answer your question Deci, I've not a clue. I think if I thought about the time spent I might feel worse because I wouldn't be ble to revisit/re-live  those moments, so I'd try to blank them. Sounds pretty cruel doing that to someone who's died recently that I cared about, but they won't care afterwards and I would have to cope somehow for the time being.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: September 17, 2016, 06:43:14 AM »
Turns out there's some extra dialogue from Virgil if you bring Strong along for the ride. I'll put it up later, but it involves...

Spoiler the reverse-FEV serum to make Virgil human again. Strong hated that.

Gaming / Re: "It's impossible to have a worst game of all time nowadays."
« on: September 16, 2016, 04:01:09 PM »
Only one person will ever play the worst game ever. It'll be the dev of some never heard "company" in a garage having a quick playtest and commenting "Man, this is shit".

The Flood / Re: Introducing Sep7agon Bioshock Rapture Theme
« on: September 16, 2016, 03:56:06 PM »
Change the fourth value of rgba
rgba(0,0,0,1) is black, rgba(0,0,0,0) is invisible.

Keep in mind that the opacity stacks.

For your convenience, you can put this at the end of the style.

#forumposts {
padding: 10px 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) ! important;

Yep...yep, there we go...


Ok but seriously now it's this. Thanks!

The Flood / Re: Introducing Sep7agon Bioshock Rapture Theme
« on: September 16, 2016, 03:35:56 PM »
Aww sweet I've been meaning to change the background for ages but forgot the stylish stuff to install.

How the hell do I make the middle area (the bit with all the text and avatars, etc) less transparent?

The Flood / Re: How much sleep do you get on average?
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:31:10 AM »
6-7 on days where I need to be up for things (uni, etc), while on weekends without an alarm I usually catch up on lost sleep and get 11-13 hours.

Currently as I've got little to do and no alarm to set I get about 10 hours every night.

Serious / Re: Shillary is coming to my university tomorrow
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:14:15 AM »
-Shout ""
-Watch as CNN and whoever else wonder what it is
-Collect on Cheat's sudden new advertising revenue as millions of people come through here

Gaming / Re: New Infinite Warfare trailer-Featuring: The King in the North
« on: September 15, 2016, 04:38:26 PM »

So it really is a Halo: Insurgency game.

"The Captain's place is at the bridge but I'mma have to do everything because the AI's retarded"

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:03:04 PM »
There is something definitely wrong with my Fallout saves, or the game somehow.

It's like every second day I get an "unexpected error" that crashes it. Thankfully this happens so much I habitually quicksave every 5 minutes and have autosaves every 10.

And this is with the damned perfect unaltered mod-free PS4 version.

Also wrote-up a reply for something to do with pre-made voiced characters and their place (or lack of) in Fallout. Kinda long, but take a read:

It seems to me that while previous characters had pasts, these were largely passive or independent from the player. Fallout 4 seems to have assumed some choices for the character already as if they had taken the initiative, which is a tad problematic depending on who you want your character to be.


Fallout 1 - You live in a vault and someone sends you out to fix the broken water chip. Everybody needs water to survive, so while it's a backstory, it's something important that anyone from any background can get behind.

Fallout 2 - You're a member of a tribe and someone sends you to solve the famine. That's a pretty good start out, as nobody enjoys a famine. Same as above.

Fallout 3 - You live in a vault (of which you have control of the player during stages of his/her life), until your Dad leaves. Everyone alive has/had a father, and the intro is set so that you can either be a dick to your Dad ("You left me to die there!") or catch up and reconnect ("I understand because you want to help the Wasteland have water"), and his death soon after you catch up is hardly an influence on your story for your character. The main quest is a bit of a stretch depending on how you want to play your character, but that's another matter.

Fallout NV: You're a courier who is delivering a package, only to get hijacked and shot in the head. From here you can take the story as a loyal package delivery boy/girl and reclaim the package, or as revenge and kill your assailant... or get caught up in everything else because you hated the job and there's a problem in Goodsprings that looks like a good distraction. From the get-go you have very little backstory, hell, even why you took the job is left up to you (Was I your average NCR citizen, a Vegas-born independent, a sufferer of amnesia brought on by the injury, or a retired raider intending to enjoy retirement with some honestly earned caps?).

Fallout 4 - You're a Pre-War army vet./lawyer who has a son, until the war begins and you're SO is killed and your son stolen... woah woah woah slow down there... It's already set up some major backstory elements, such as your job (a pre-war vet is going to have some pre-war knowledge, combat training, etc, while a lawyer would have... speech skills, charisma?), your sexual orientation (if I'm straight from the get-go, why would a nuclear holocaust and 200 years in a freezer turn me gay/lesbian/bisexual?), even your choice to have children is taken from you (may not sound like much, but if the whole story revolves around something which you've decided your character either doesn't care about or would never do in the first place, the whole thing is moot), as well as where you'd decide to create a settlement for yourself (If I lived there 200 years ago and had a knowledge of the area before the bombs, why would I choose to live anywhere else but Sanctuary?)

Being Pre-war also creates another problem. While Boston is big, wouldn't I know some notable pre-war locations, and even some of the skeletons/ghouls littered around the area, would that change my stance on how to treat ferals (much like the group that sheltered in Kiddie Kingdom at Nuka World; treating ferals as "an affliction" that could be treated because I might have once knew them.

All of these are some serious hoops to jump through and require some good mental gymnastics or a complete abandonment of a character because the background has already been set-out for me. This comes before I've even gotten on to the voiced character, which can shatter the already shaky illusion I wanted to create for a certain character. If I wanted to create a Black-Gay-Irish raider-type character just for the sake of it, the backstory and the voice throw all these out the window, and so my hands are tied to somehow explain it all down to PTSD and that I suffered a stroke that changed my voice.

Don't get me wrong here, the voice actors were good (especially making one of the sarcastic options literal), but unfortunately it clashes with how I want to play my character, and future characters in the long run.

Pre-made, voiced characters (or characters with far too much backstory created for them) have little place in a game that intends to be other than the main story, an open sandbox of possibilities. The only solution would be a selection of voices, an increase in the number of lines from every one, or a silent protagonist and a selection of text options, the former being VERY expensive.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here actually like Bob's Burgers?
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:15:35 PM »
Tried watching it, felt like I had to forcefully plough through to enjoy small tidbits.

Gaming / Re: 4K gaming. Does anyone care?
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:04:04 PM »
It won't be relevant until we start getting mainstream 4K TV channels, e.g. BBC 4K.

And even then, it won't be a few years until everyone is on board.

Gaming / Re: [EU - US - UK] All BF4 Expansions Free on PS Store.
« on: September 14, 2016, 10:31:14 AM »
I already posted this in the beta thread rrrreeeee

BF4 isn't BF1 Beta Rrreeeeeee

I'll edit the OP

Gaming / [EU - US - UK] All BF4 Expansions Free on PS Store.
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:04:28 AM »
(This should redirect you to the right region's store)

This applies to Current-Gens, so it's also on the Xbox1 (marketplace?). Oh, and on PC.

So, if you've missed any during the weeks leading up to the BF1 Beta when they were free every week, here's your final chance now to claim them all at once. Premium edition, and the game itself still cost money.

I tried reading through them all, starting at 1.

I think I got to around 1000 before I lost interest. Some are good, most are interesting, but some are just meh. How some have [DATA EXPUNGED] or just black squares as it gets to some juicy bits is a bit of a tease.

The Flood / Re: think about your most deeply held beliefs
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:16:32 AM »

Plenty of people disagree with me now and I'm still sticking to what I believe.

The Flood / Re: God save our gracious memes
« on: September 14, 2016, 06:12:13 AM »
Reminds me, I should really look up the Irish Irish National Anthem.

They only teach the English one in schools and it's sorta unique to have two to chose from.

>tfw doesn't get taught the english one
>lives in england

Turns out (after some wiki perusing), I don't know the Anthem. Everyone knows the rugby one  (Ireland's Call), but the official one is Soldier's Song, something they don't tell you about at school.

...the fuck?

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