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Messages - Super Irish

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They already do this stuff anyway guys. The difference is now if they get caught they can't get in any legal trouble.
Pretty much. I don't think it should surprise anyone, really. This is more or less them just covering their own asses.
Doesn't make it any more acceptable though.

And following the same assumption that they're leaving some more surveillance measures under the rug "for security", I'd say it's going to get a lot worse.

Man, I don't think people this year understood what democracy or voting means.

I mean yeah, the results for the election and Brexit sucked, but you can't just keep rolling on petitions for more votes until you get what you want.

Also with foreign voters throwing in their opinion it'll invalidate the poll, like last time.

The Flood / Re: Hey DAS!
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:30:16 PM »
Shoutout to my Uncle who peacekeeped in the Falklands and Belfast during the Troubles...and my great Uncle who shipped weapons to Colin's IRA 40-50 years earlier.

Having family from either side of the Irish Sea is certainly interesting.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:33:38 PM »
I wouldn't say so, I'd say it's more about the taste than for caffeine. I'm sure you've heard that same kinda thing from boozehounds but coffee is more the thing you'd go to for caffeine whilst tea is more like a soft-drink without any sugar.


But I like the coffee taste. I even bought decaff so I can have it any time and without withdrawal symptoms for how much I drink.
Coffee turns me inside out, so whilst it's a nice smell when someone is making coffee actually drinking it results in week long suffering.

Jesus. I can understand people saying it tastes like dirt sometimes (occasionally I fuck up a brew and drink grains) but caffiene intolerance/allergy must fucking suck. Meanwhile...

>Going back to cleaning and polishing my Cezve, Macchinetta, and Cafetiere for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:15:42 PM »
I wouldn't say so, I'd say it's more about the taste than for caffeine. I'm sure you've heard that same kinda thing from boozehounds but coffee is more the thing you'd go to for caffeine whilst tea is more like a soft-drink without any sugar.


But I like the coffee taste. I even bought decaff so I can have it any time and without withdrawal symptoms for how much I drink.

Gaming / Re: CoD 4 Remastered
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:31:57 PM »
Black Ops 2 was shiet Black Ops 1 is better
Black Ops 1 fucking blows and was boring as shit

You can't hate on 'Nam man.

The MP had terrible online play (bullshit netcode shots galore), but otherwise it was a decent game.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:20:08 PM »
"hhahahaa i fear for my life cause trumpstapo will put me on a death squad cause im mexican / gay DXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

like nigga, i fucking had to fear for my own fucking safety cause i supported trump, i couldnt fucking voice my own fucking opinion without walking on rigged explosive eggshells hoping i wouldnt get fucking jumped or shot cause of my opinion. thats fearing for my fucking life, when youre fucking saying stupid shit about stupid ass things that will never FUCKING happen because our society would never let that shit fly by. shut the fuck up. there will never be govt funded gay conversion camps, no legal mexicans will be deported, gays wont be fucking shot on sight, all muslims wont be on a no fly list. you people are fucking idiots for thinking a fucking president has the power to do this shit. do you retards think we have a supreme court and senate just to look nice? no

kill yourselves. all of you

While there won't be any government mandated hatred, you can be sure there'll be an increase in racist remarks and intolerance, just like everyone was shitting on you for going against the public consensus.

Just look after Brexit. Sudden rise in Polish folk being told to "Fuck off home". I even heard a story about a Welsh woman getting shit on a bus in Wales from some English bloke for talking in fucking Welsh.

Iesu Crist.

Gaming / Re: New Metro game incoming
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:07:05 PM »
Deep Silver has said there's no metro game in 2017.

Man, I can't wait to get Metro for Christmas! They're really delayed these pre-orders for the game though aren't they?

Serious / Re: Which Political Party is Weakest?
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:01:56 PM »
The Monster Raving Looney Party. Only party that you basically join for the craic.

The Whigs
Lib Dems; gone from the only party to rival the Tories 250 years ago, to being just about decently autotuned.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 06:07:24 PM »
trump shouldnt have even been allowed to run

the fact that we elected satan to be president shows we need stricter requirements by far
"We need to restrict peoples' rights if they disagree with me politically in order to fight oppression"
My thoughts exactly.

You can't just arbitrarily set some conditions to be President just because you happen to disagree with them.

You can argue a whole bunch of other factors of failure led to this (Education or lack thereof, the flaws of having a bi-partisan system where the choices could be shit or other shit, not having a voting system that counts the individual rather than the state, etc), but you can't argue that you need to restrict who gets elected.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:13:53 PM »
I find it funny how everyone lambasted Trump for saying riots in the street would happen if he didn't get voted in.

Meanwhile, Hillary didn't even need to encourage it, there's people already shouting and hyperventilating outside about a democratic result that didn't go their way.

Yeah it sucks, yes, you can criticise and complain, but some of those unstable people on that butthurt video need to fucking get over themselves.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:05:08 AM »
Hahaha, reminds me of when i awoke with a hangover on the day of the Brexit vote.

This should be interesting.

The Flood / Re: if you guys haven't seen Swiss Army Man
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:46:06 PM »
Roommates went to watch it and apparently it's shite.

As interesting as the trailer was, I'm taking their word for it.
they probably like transformers and jason bourne

No to the former, probably for the latter.

The Flood / Re: if you guys haven't seen Swiss Army Man
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:27:40 PM »
Roommates went to watch it and apparently it's shite.

As interesting as the trailer was, I'm taking their word for it.

Gaming / Re: New Metro game incoming
« on: November 08, 2016, 06:15:53 PM »
I only see the mention of the book release in English (which I'll also be getting)

Gaming / Destroy All Humans available on PS4 (PS2 4 PS4)
« on: November 08, 2016, 02:25:56 PM »!/en-gb/games/destroy-all-humans/cid=EP4389-CUSA06353_00-SLES531960000001

It's not a remastered version, but it has been up-scaled to 1080p. Some parts are in native 4:3 (starting intro cutscene and loading title), but the meaty game parts are 16:9/16:10 if you choose the Widescreen option which is automatic.

If you played the original on PS2/Xbox and want some good 'ol fashioned '50's alien probing, it's £16/$20. Kinda pricey, but eh, not like I can play this on PS2 anymore.

Played as far as Santa Modesta (the third place), and it's fun, but there is a few limitations. Not sure if that's the right word, it's just the game looks like a direct port-over or emulation with nothing to make use of the PS4's power. E.g. The view and object pop-in distance is low as it was on PS2, object numbers can't really go above 7 cars in your direct site, only to turn around and them refreshing and disappearing. I kinda expected that as I remember when I used to play originally, but man it would've been nice to bump it up a bit, or something. It's exactly as I remember it... which is good in the gameplay, story and the fun aspects, bad in the technical ones (or maybe I've jut been spoiled in the 12 years of gaming since it's release).

Whilst I'm being critical, I believe it was worth the price in my scenario. Without a PS2 or even the old disc to play it on, my only access would be pirating for emulation on PC (I can't do that to a series I dearly love), or cluttering my room with another console and wires, finding a SCART - HDMI adapter and other hassle just to play one game on a PS2.

Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: November 08, 2016, 01:27:31 PM »
In Fallout 3 why didn't the Enclave simply siege or nuke the citadel? They already knew about the location of the Brotherhood and they are more than able to do a siege for a long period of time. Also for the giant robot how did a shadow government faction which was around before the war have no idea where it was stored at?
Don't try to make sense of any of Fallout 3 or 4's writing.

Something something Enclave loving pre-war American icons of power/infrastructure something something didn't want to break it.

Something something secret project something something was considered useless so something something used an upgraded modification of tried and tested power armour instead of an experiemntal giant power hungry robot something something.

But seriously though, reading the terminals in the Citadel show that Liberty Prime was intended to be used at Anchorage, but didn't have enough power to run all it's systems independently off the grid. Even the Brotherhood had the damn thing for ages and couldn't get it working until they had someone with intricate knowledge of power management (albeit a relatively untrained wasteland scientist compared to the power of the BoS's assumed technical manual archives behind the knowledge of a scribe) to get it running independently.

The Enclave, smug elitist bastards they are, knew about it beforehand and knew it didn't work because of the pre-war issues it had, coupled with the damage the Pentagon took in the Great War and that assumedly the BoS weren't capable of fixing it, let alone getting it running at full freedom capacity.

Serious / Re: So what's going on with Brexit?
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:05:40 PM »
Why is everybody convinced that transparency with respect to the governments negotiating strategy is a good thing? It will weaken the British position horribly.

Negotiating trade agreements?  No, obviously showing your hand early in that regard is stupid.

Everything else like Visas, Erasmus programs, joint research programs, hell even involvement in fucking ESA is all going to have to be discussed at one point or another.

This uncertainty in virtually everything involving co-operation with Europe is going to have to be discussed. Knowing what the fuck Britain is actually wanting to keep or remain involved in is better known sooner rather than later so A) People in the UK don't have to worry about their long term plans involving Europe (and can get around the problems if and before they arise) and B) Europe can figure out what the fuck the UK can still contribute to other than independent trade, and plan accordingly (or know that a current EU-UK plan doesn't need a complete reworking).

It's more knowing what the hell this "Brexit is Brexit m8" shite means, as it keeps being thrown around with nothing to base it on and doesn't stabilise the situation at all.

The Flood / Re: I need a redemption arc
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:30:43 AM »
Do a John Marston;

Serious / Re: So what's going on with Brexit?
« on: November 07, 2016, 05:01:40 AM »
Beneficial for everyone as it's more transparent, bad for Britain as a whole as Scotland and NI are already riled up having majority Remainers winning in these principalities.

Knowing the future plans for leaving means they can decide to say "Fuck that, EU sounds better", and fuck up the parliamentary vote or even go out on their own and rejoin the EU separately.

Could end up with a United Ireland, an Independent Scotland and only Wales and England officially leaving the EU, for better or worse depending on the outcome.

The dude with the sunglasses and the mask.
Well done.

You get to choose my username.
You're fuckin' with me, right?

Aviators and grey beanie. That's me.
Well fuck me. I should've bought a lottery ticket instead today.

Anywho, Ignatius J. Reilly it is then.

The dude with the sunglasses and the mask.
Well done.

You get to choose my username.
You're fuckin' with me, right?

The dude with the sunglasses and the mask.

Poor blind bastard, you probably couldn't see.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 03:47:11 PM »
I'll refer you to your OP

Yawn, nice bias. Dude is a trillion times smarter and more successful than you.
They aren't worth a serious response.
All your points are a joke. Completely biased because you dislike the man.
All of you are fucking sheep. Bunch of faggots.
I don't care about biased polls.

You hit all these points, and never explain why. Do you just ignore Trump's transgressions? Do you not think your government is corrupt and needs a shake up from someone who isn't either of these shite candidates?

Your last point isn't worth mentioning. The dude lost money off his own inherited wealth, I wouldn't trust the fucker if he asked me to spot him a tenner, let alone an entire country's finance (of which, most is owned by the Chinese who he's been shit-talking, so I wouldn't count on the Chinese being patient on calling in their dues).

Gaming / Re: funny moments in games
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:50:46 PM »
A vertibird interrupted my interesting conversation with a cultist.


How to make the perfect hotdogs, every time!

Here we'll start with getting the water to 373oK...

Gaming / Re: PC Gamers?
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:49:28 PM »
It's on the "more" section, but here's it anyway

i5 - 4288U, 2.6GHz
Iris 5100 (Some Intel integrated laptop GPU)
1.5TB HDD that's prone to Hard Drive failures

Not a monster, but can play Skyrim at High-Med settings and most other things without MSAA or SSAO.

Trump's right, y'know. The Iraqi Army missed out on that x2 Sneak Critical Damage bonus with ranged weapons.

But seriously, it's just another one of his baseless claims that idiots will approve of and gets him attention from everyone else. Nothing really to take note, other than to prepare for him possibly being the leader of one of the most powerful militaries in the world.

The Flood / Re: Drunk
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:26:31 PM »
how many radians/sec is the room spinning?

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