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Messages - Super Irish
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« on: November 24, 2016, 07:43:34 AM »
I should probably clarify. Thomas Mair has a long history of far-right leanings, and being a white supremacist (and also got a life sentence for the murder this week), so whether he's guilty and a neo-nazi sympathiser or not is irrelevant. But how Aaron and Josh of Twitter frame it is that it's plain-as-day that he would've done something like this because of the books he kept at home, and that's where I disagree. His letters to far-right magazines suggests more of a motive than owning books about the Nazis, although they could be used in support of more compelling evidence. I see it as shaming and alienating people who dabble in reading about the horrors of the past so that it might be pushed into obscurity. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and all that. Reading about the Vietnam war isn't going to stir up some desire to collect gook ears from the Chinese students in the uni, nor is learning about the SA going to get me to beat up opposition party supporters and be a "political hooligan".
« on: November 23, 2016, 06:22:33 AM »
Moved from middle of nowhere, Ireland, to nearly the middle of nowhere, Wales when I was 10.
There's a lot more things to do which is nice, but it sucks doing it on your own initially as you'll know no-one.
Then I move to Cardiff for 9 months of the year to do my degree, and I find it fun. The uni makes it easy to find friends in various places, and the city itself ain't too crowded.
It's good in the long term, but not great in the short term while you adjust.
« on: November 22, 2016, 09:40:09 AM »
Came up on my feed today through some things: So a little context: -Jo Cox, Labour MP in the UK, gets murdered in a politically motivated attack on the eve of the Brexit vote by Thomas Mair. -(Apparently) These pictures show (some of) his collection of books at home, every single one on the bookshelf relating to the history of Nazi Germany and specific aspects (The SS, SA, the role of Goering, etc, etc). -One other interesting feature on his bookshelf is a bust of the Reichsadler on the top, obviously related to Nazi Germany. So here's my question - Does owning certain controversial literature and memorabilia (for a non-violent use) show a person's political beliefs, and if so, could it be further used to estimate how far they believe in the cause (i.e. to go as far as killing someone in the name of it)? This isn't about whether he's guilty or not in the crime (that much is obvious), but rather does possession of this material equate to foreshadowing this sequence of events? In other words, because Thomas Mair owned these books, mounted that Reichsadler on his bookshelf, does that show his future intent to go out and murder someone for those reasons and that the murder was predictable? I'll put my thoughts on the matter below in a few hours, so have fun talking about it below. I can't exactly enforce a serious discussion on it, but it would be appreciated. Also: InB4TwitterIsATerriblePlatformForDebates
« on: November 21, 2016, 07:00:18 PM »
« on: November 21, 2016, 06:57:54 PM »
I'm not even mad.
« on: November 21, 2016, 05:01:43 AM »
Is Santa a meme?
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:30:14 PM »
Didn't GCHQ already intercept do stuff like this before (back when the Snowden leaks first erupted)?
I'm far from happy about it, but we've already had plenty of time to kick up a fuss and everyone's pretty complacent about the whole thing.
They just legalised what they already did because they got caught. I'm waiting on the next Snowden-style leak in the future to show they went a few leaps further because y'know, terrorism and all that.
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:22:04 PM »
How were the volcanoes?
« on: November 19, 2016, 08:01:21 AM »
Puts a new spin on the the word Viet-Kong...
But eh, looks interesting. How are they explaining away that King Kong died in the 30's, is this just another giant gorrilla, alternate universe where 30's Kong never happened, etc?
« on: November 18, 2016, 07:50:29 PM »
and FNV which wasn't technically Bethesda published and was rushed. minor correction, Bethesda did publish NV; they outsourced the development of the game to Obsidian
Gah, I always mix up the two. You get the point.
« on: November 18, 2016, 07:47:14 PM »
Creation engine is just an upgraded Gamebryo. And Gamebryo is shit. Bethesda needs a new engine. Entirely. Meanwhile COD is still milking a Quake Engine from the 90s... lazy pieces of shit.
You can understand why though. CoD may have a "target" audience of 16-18, but you can bet it's younger than that. Most continuing CoD players today started with MW3 and BO2 (Ha, MW2'ers are probably considered hardened veterans now...) and barely care that it's been the same for "only 2 or 3" CoD's they've played, meanwhile there's a minority who started with CoD1 and know it's never changed since. And what with the yearly release schedule, ain't nobody got time to make a new engine when the old one rakes in more profits every year (although I haven't heard that from CoD IW yet). Not saying I agree with this practice, but if it's working and generating a shitload of cash, why bother changing the business model and waste money developing a new one. As for TES/Fallout, most player won't note it's been the same engine since Morrowind because their first TES was Skyrim (myself included), so only base it off what else Bethesda did recently... Fallout 3 with the weirdest fucking lizard faces ever to grace an engine, and FNV which wasn't technically Bethesda published and was rushed. Give it a few more iterations and more people will complain. CoD's only just getting shit for it (and that was by copying another game before copying themselves for the 16th time), Bethesda's copy-pasting is in it's infancy with 3 similar graphical games, 4 if you count Fallout 4 (although that has been a massive improvement).
« on: November 17, 2016, 06:43:30 PM »
We need to bring to back Grade retention
wait, is that seriously not a thing in the UK?
Unfortunately no, people generally progress onto the next academic year regardless of their grade.
what's even the point in giving people grades then?
We don't do end of year tests here. We have one set of tests at the end of Secondary School (GCSEs) where if you fail you have to redo them, and passing them lets you go on to A-Levels where you have to pass them to go to uni.
Those are at 16/17/18. Before then you don't really do much testing. Or at least, I never had to do tests.
I had end of year tests at my school but they were used as an indicator as to how well a child is doing so that the following year they could fix classrooms into 3 tiers, 1, 2, 3, with 1 being the smartest.
I never had end of year tests. They just used how well you were doing in general to sort you by class.
Before Year 10/ starting GCSE stuff, anyway. Once I started that tests were common.
There uses to be SAT's at the end of primary school (Year 6, 10-11 years old), but apparently the abolished them the year I moved here (2006). We got tested every year, but until school-leaving exams (Year 10 and 11, 15-16 years old) they were internal exams just for the school to see how well you were doing. Since then, I've been tested every year. 6 years of testing sucks balls.
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:06:15 AM »
Well, that's retarded, and a waste of resources.
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:41:04 AM »
Shorter than all of those options.
Hair shouldn't be a curtain to hide behind.
« on: November 16, 2016, 06:41:16 PM »
By any chance have you got the Legendary Edition of x32 Skyrim that's been on any Steam sale recently? If so, you already have it, save you buying it twice.
I thought that was only before it launched?
Was it?
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:45:28 AM »
At present, just 5% of children eligible for free school meals gain 5 A grades at GCSE
Holy shit, I was one of those. I don't believe only income and wealth play a part in whether you're fucked for the future or not though, there seems to be plenty of support for kids in the UK to move up the education ladder compared to other places. Example: All Irish schools expect you to buy notebooks, journals, textbooks, stationary, etc. This can come up to about 5-700 Euros, and with annual curriculum changes this becomes a yearly money-pit. Some state "free" schools even have parents pay a "Voluntary contribution" for the general running of the school, which is anything but. I was young at the time (obviously) so I can't say if there wasn't any support for low-income families, but I certainly didn't see any apart from the school lending old crapped out textbooks if you didn't have one, or you sharing someone else's. When I moved here and started secondary school, I was fucking surprised how much books they throw at you, all for free. If you forgot anything, stationary is provided from a vast storeroom - and this is from at the time of my induction, a terribly low scoring state school. Subjects aren't particularly hard depending on your background, and even if you had a shite teacher you can still learn it if you spend a modicum of effort actually doing it. I think it's a correlation of poor folks not being the brightest, not participating in school because "it's too hard so I'll just doss it", having kids, not being able to support them because poor and a lazy mindset towards education, and the cycle continues. I consider myself fortunate that I was brought up with a decent mindset to do work and learn. Out of my 30-odd class in Secondary from Year 7 (my class being "English speakers only", so that just happened to be mostly Welsh people who couldn't speak Welsh for a variety of reasons, mostly behavioural difficulties or a cba attitude), I was the only one to get choose and get A-levels, and a handful who went to college and AFAIK are now doing dead-end, low paid jobs. Yeah, it's anecdotal and all that. Doesn't make it any less true, especially for Wales which doesn't have a large amount of highly skilled jobs and relies mostly on tourism and agriculture (funnily enough, through EU subsidies) for income.
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:28:03 PM »
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:40:19 AM »
By any chance have you got the Legendary Edition of x32 Skyrim that's been on any Steam sale recently? If so, you already have it, save you buying it twice.
If consoles only, do you still have your '360 to play it on? Buying all the DLC for that would be cheaper and you'll have basically the exact same thing. If not, getting it for current-gen might be worth it if you are likely to make use of the improvements they have made.
I personally couldn't see value in buying it again for consoles when I still have access to it on '360 and also on PC, so I'm thankful there that it was a free upgrade.
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:14:09 PM »
I don't understand how you can have a 'happy trip' on dxm
do you take enough to really dissociate from reality? that can be a dark place in my experience
god I hope I dissociate, it's amazing
took them at 3:00, 3:40 now
only feeling a little off
how do you feel/think when you dissociate?
everything feels so far away
like yesterday seems like 100 years ago, like a distant memory
my name/face seem like someone else
careful that you don't send yourself psychotic, dude
if you think life is bad now, wait until you've broken your brain and feel depressed on top of that
not much to lose
oh well, if anything's going to teach you to value the little things and simple pleasures, it'll be a round trip to hell and back
at this point I feel blessed and euphoric when I have my hands busy with housework hahaha
"the little things" are shit
my whole life needs to be changed
and yeah I'm feeling it now, this is far from "hell"
Change comes from personal effort.
Drugs can give a different perspective, but they aren't going to do the change for you.
some things you cant change
and yeah I'm only trying to be happy rn
Fair enough, safe travels.
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:13:09 PM »
First went with a mix of thieves guild and black guard armour (from Dragonborn DLC) for my archer, but then moved to mix of the animal skin armour from bandits and those nordic civillians, with a stormcloak officer's bear hat.
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:03:18 PM »
I don't understand how you can have a 'happy trip' on dxm
do you take enough to really dissociate from reality? that can be a dark place in my experience
god I hope I dissociate, it's amazing
took them at 3:00, 3:40 now
only feeling a little off
how do you feel/think when you dissociate?
everything feels so far away
like yesterday seems like 100 years ago, like a distant memory
my name/face seem like someone else
careful that you don't send yourself psychotic, dude
if you think life is bad now, wait until you've broken your brain and feel depressed on top of that
not much to lose
oh well, if anything's going to teach you to value the little things and simple pleasures, it'll be a round trip to hell and back
at this point I feel blessed and euphoric when I have my hands busy with housework hahaha
"the little things" are shit
my whole life needs to be changed
and yeah I'm feeling it now, this is far from "hell"
Change comes from personal effort. Drugs can give a different perspective, but they aren't going to do the change for you.
« on: November 14, 2016, 07:55:02 PM »
I have an idea for my Mum. I could get something for my dad, and I'm helping my bro build a PC so there's that.
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:37:35 PM »
How long after the accident did she go into labor?
She went to the hospital that evening and they induced labor.
I think that kinda covers it, although I'm no doctor. If the hospital had to induce labour, then your crash couldn't have caused it (Duh). If there was complications with the birth as a result of the crash, she or the hospital would have the burden of proof to show that the crash caused the complications (something like bruise marks or bash marks if the crash was serious). If they put a spin on it as "stress induced as a result of the crash", you may well be fucked, as I don't believe there's a way to distinguish stress borne out of shock from the crash, or stress borne out of "how am I going to pay my birthing bills". Seeing as the judgement has already ruled that you caused the crash, stress related bullshit might get you down for that unless your lawyer's adept at legalese.
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:18:05 AM »
Give it a santa hat and a white beard.
Problem solved.
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:58:17 PM »
The SE maybe junk, but it was free junk. I can't complain.
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:54:49 PM »
We should make a megathread of megathreads to silence the noise of people duiscussing inconsequential things over the 3 important things.
« on: November 13, 2016, 07:44:53 PM »
Isn't Atkins the meat diet one?
Anyway, best of luck. Personally could never diet, although always mindful of how much junk I eat.
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:12:52 PM »
I mean, this place is basically /pol/ lite
For all the shit I give Bungle about being terrible with arguments, I wouldn't even begin to try and actually convince anyone here
It's an exercise in futility
Well, you are trying to convince the brickwalls of this forum, and not very well at that.
Anywho it'll be interesting to see what the American left does. Here, Labour had a leader resign, a party leadership vote, a civil war, another party leadership vote (with the same result) and a complete reshuffle of the shadow cabinet, whilst the Lib Dems seemed to have teetered off onto non existence and UKIP rests comfortably in its grave.
Second liberal uprising when?
« on: November 12, 2016, 12:22:58 PM »
I mean, this place is basically /pol/ lite
For all the shit I give Bungle about being terrible with arguments, I wouldn't even begin to try and actually convince anyone here
It's an exercise in futility
Well, you are trying to convince the brickwalls of this forum, and not very well at that. Anywho it'll be interesting to see what the American left does. Here, Labour had a leader resign, a party leadership vote, a civil war, another party leadership vote (with the same result) and a complete reshuffle of the shadow cabinet, whilst the Lib Dems seemed to have teetered off onto non existence and UKIP rests comfortably in its grave.
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