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Gaming / Monster Hunter: Rise« on: March 27, 2021, 08:28:44 PM »
Anyone playing? If so post them Freind Codes.
Gaming / Pokémon 25th Anniversary Presentation (9:00 AM CST)« on: February 26, 2021, 07:13:12 AM »YouTube Time to watch the beloved main series double die again probably. Supposed Leaks Spoiler Two Sets of Sinnoh games to be announced: -Chibi style Diamond and Pearl Remakes to release this month -Prequel set in Feudal Sinnoh releasing in early 2022 Personal Prediction Let's Go Pikachu 2 and Let's Go Rotom -Only Sinnoh original pokémon allowed exept of course Charizard -Sinnoh map now has the structure of a landing strip -Playable Rotom Dex (still never shuts the fuck up BTW) -EXP share is gone finally. Your Pokemon Are simply raised to level 100 the moment you catch them. -All pokeballs are master Balls but you can only throw them with joy on drift and you can only buy them with real world money -All your Pokemon are automatically equiped with the Leftover Share which heals them to full at the end of each turn and permanently increases their HP after every step outside of battle. -Barry has replaced with Hau in Barry's clothes and whiteface. -He now picks Phione as his starter. -Arceus Palkia Dialga Girintina and Mestprit all join your party automatically before you are given your starter -Each Step you take triggers 3 consecutive unskippable cutscenes where your Pokemon are fully healed at least twice per cutscenes. -All moves you use must be Authorized by Professor Malkovitch to make sure they are super effective otherwise he sends his Omegamaxed Megaraquaza to delete the enemy trainer for you so the game won't be too hard. -If the game even thinks you're trying to Nuzloke it it will turn every encounter into Wobbafetts with Focus Sash. 7
Serious / Perserverance Mars Rover« on: February 18, 2021, 12:57:32 PM »
Main Stream
YouTube Panoramic Mission Control View YouTube 8
Gaming / NIntendo Direct 2021« on: February 17, 2021, 04:41:36 PM »YouTube - Ms. Fanservice got into Smash as Xenoblade's rep instead of Rex - Verbatim please play Outer Wilds - Mother fucking MARIO GOLF - Someone please tell me if Miitopia is good -Skyward Sword port. WW3 has surely already started LMAO -BOTW 2 News confirmed for later this year. -Spla-Lag 3 10
The Flood / Mental Insect?« on: February 05, 2021, 10:05:26 PM »
You are that practitioner of espionage and martial arts.
Your life was terminated within an autonomous region of Tanzania. 11
The Flood / ITT: Recomend me Sci-Fi« on: February 02, 2021, 09:53:04 PM »
Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: The Next Generation The Expanse Mobile Suit Gundam Universal Century Star Trek: The Original Series Alien Aliens Ghost in the Shell Halo 2 Halo 4 Stargate: SG1 Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 1 Prometheus Macross - Macross Frontier Neon Genesis Evangelion Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ok: Lost in Space (Reboot) Destiny Stargate: Atlantis Halo Combat Evolved Gundam AUs Memes: Halo 3 Gundam Wing Transformers Terminator Star Wars Mass Effect 3 End of Evangelion Trash Rebuild if Evangelion Halo 5 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Gundam SEED Macross Delta Haven't Seen Yet Babylon 5 Serenity/Firefly Lost In Space (Original) Battlestar Galactica Akira Mass Effect Andromeda Turn A Gundam Gundam Recomguista in G 13
so we all know skyrim is about roleplaying and killing dragins and defeating alduin and shit well I want you to make your own roleplaying thing.
It can be anything as long as it has a back story unless your supposed to be a daedric prince or a demora.And if you can please provide a video of you,of course this is optinal.Anyways mine is the most powerful daedric prince...Odion the daedric prince of death,envy,gluttony,and the rest of the deadly sins.I only have 100 followers and compared to the rest of the daedric princes I have little followers.So most of the people of skyrim have destroyed all of my shrines,and killed my followers.This angered me and I decided to wait for the perfect momers nt.I waited 1000's of yearsand then I attacked.Oh yeah I forgot to mention you have to tell bungie how you look like and if your a supernatural being you have to tell us your powers.Of course most of your powers probably won't be in skyrim without mods.Anyways I have a ebony helmet,the ebony mail,ebony gauntlets,and ebony boots.My powers are spreading my sins to others,killing a person just by staring,I have all the spells in the game,I can manipulate my shadows to make the deadly for example.I can manipulate a part of my shadow to grab someones leg and pull them down to my realm of oblivion ,or I could use my shadow as a deadly blade.I can also use shadows to make myself invisible and I can move with the shadows.I can also make peoples insane. (Ha I took sheograth's job)My void of oblivon has black sky's with a black castle with demora guarding the castle and vampire thralls guarding the castle too.There also physical versions of the deadly sins that I plan to bring on all of the world.What's yours. 15
The Flood / Citizens of China finally allowed to have Freedom...« on: July 11, 2020, 08:23:31 AM »...Gundam. Spesificly a 1/1 scale statue in Bejing. YouTube *human rights not included. May require some organ harvesting. 18
Gaming / my fucking Xbox just died on me.« on: May 21, 2020, 11:27:05 PM »
Power Brick goes out when it's plugged into the console and Micro$haft won't even let me pay to fix it.
It's the fucking Halo 5 version too. Kill me fam. 20
The Flood / Did you hear about the Zeek pilot who turned himself into a burger?« on: April 25, 2020, 08:02:55 AM »
He calls himself Bernard Wiseman. Funniest shit I've ever heard.
Fucking ban SecondClass 21
The Flood / The Zeeks are filthy Nazi scum. Change my mind.« on: March 09, 2020, 04:16:53 AM »YouTube 22
Gaming / "Destiny Year 3: ODST isn't a real game"« on: February 27, 2020, 03:38:35 AM »
Explain this then?
YouTube 23
The Flood / Nuke the Midwest.« on: December 25, 2019, 02:08:46 PM »
"Dressing" "Matched Putadus" "Mandaid" >Putting jelly on fucking sausage/bacon 24
The Flood / You're not the only one with a Gundam, Kamille!« on: September 13, 2019, 10:41:45 PM »YouTube 25
Gaming / Nintendo Direct 9-4-19« on: September 04, 2019, 05:28:19 PM »
-Overwatch port
-Banjo Drops Today -Terry Announced -More Smash DLC confirmed -Divinity Original Sin -Doom 64 port -Pokemon has curry -SNES Emulation (No Super Metroid yet, Verb) - New Mario and Sonic Olympic games -Dæmon X Machina Demo - Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 port for some reason -EA bad Witcher Good -Assasins Creed Black flag for some reason - Dauntless -Outer Worlds -Some new stuff for Animal Crossing -THE ONE ACTUALY GOOD XENOBLADE IS GETTING A REMAKE 27
Gaming / Verb, I dare you to watch this whole thing.« on: July 24, 2019, 04:36:36 PM »YouTube Bonus points if you take a drink every time he says some weebshit and don't die from alcohol poisoning. 28
The Flood / In which Marty O Donnel's dog attemts to east a fly...« on: May 09, 2019, 10:14:05 PM »YouTube "Attempts" being the operating word here. 30
The Flood / Anime Mechs were ugly as sin till Mobile Suit Gundam gave us the Zaku« on: April 22, 2019, 10:23:13 PM »
Who the hell thought this was okay?
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