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Messages - Dietrich Six

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The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:18:09 PM »
Fuck man, why is everyone so fucking horny these days?
The only thing I'm horny for is puns

I'm a little horny, like an infant rhino.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:16:40 PM »
Never gonna argue with a guy I know is a clown
This is what's known as an ad hominem fallacy. Instead of addressing my argument on it's own merits, you attack the arguer instead.

He's not even talking about you. This is called a I'm not paying attention fallacy.
Okay well he didn't quote anyone.

Hence the name

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 12:39:00 PM »
Never gonna argue with a guy I know is a clown
This is what's known as an ad hominem fallacy. Instead of addressing my argument on it's own merits, you attack the arguer instead.

He's not even talking about you. This is called a I'm not paying attention fallacy.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:51:43 AM »
I have never met a single person who has acted like that on smoking before.

lol no, people who smoke are usually like "I know this one dude who smoked his whole life, he's eighty now and in fine health. I ain't gonna get no cancer from this."

I get it all the time. "It's genetics bro, my grandpa smoked his whole life and didn't get cancer, I'll be fine."

His grandpa died from heart disease btw.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:36:37 AM »
I'm not saying he's not a hypocrite or that he's in the right, but for 30+ years we've had campaigns against drugs (with some truth to their talk about destroying lives), whereas smoking has been around for eons, and with a campaign backed by the actual tobacco companies. People who smoke tend to understand the health risks associated with it, whereas drug users ignore both the health and social risks.

The irony of his statement was lost on him.
lol no, people who smoke are usually like "I know this one dude who smoked his whole life, he's eighty now and in fine health. I ain't gonna get no cancer from this."
really now? that's funny. all the cigarette smokers i know just don't give a fuck about the risks.

All the people I know who smoke are actively trying to kill themselves, they're just super lazy.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 11:32:44 AM »
To me it sounds like a shit excuse to get away with things and take away responsibility for your actions, because they were planned to happen.
"I'm sorry Officer, I know I was doing 100mph in a school zone, but the lack of free will conditioned me to speed."
"I plead innocent M'lud on the charges, with the crimes being pre-determined as my defence"

And before you chew me out for this, you can't. I'm clearly preset to disagree with this notion of determinism, there's nothing I can do about it. Right?

We haven't true free will as we can't do anything and everything we think of choosing (another limitation is that we can't think or comprehend other options). But we do have limited free will, from a selection of capable options.

This guy gets it, although I'm clearly preset to agree with him.

The Flood / Re: Fitness thread?
« on: December 07, 2016, 10:46:38 AM »
I workout every day, at my job, where I also make money.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 07:31:57 AM »
>Coming from the guy who can't hold an erection

You're that guy in the room who repeats a joke somebody else made that everybody else in the room already heard and knows it isn't your joke, but you just keep wandering around gleefully unaware of how much of an absolute joke you are.

Now get the fuck out of my sight.

Dapper on suicide watch

The Flood / Re: I've come to the conclusion that all girls will cheat
« on: December 07, 2016, 07:29:45 AM »
There's a high probability that anyone will cheat, especially given society's standards on the issue. Our generation especially doesn't see sex as it used to.

Unfortunately this is a roadblock for monogamous relationships, but I'm not convinced polyamorous relationships are the way to go.

You'll find someone Jive, it just ain't the girl you're with.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 07, 2016, 07:03:43 AM »
driving stoned isn't anything to worry about
i'm actually super glad that you believe this

hopefully you fucking die because of it

Yeah, driving high isn't great, but it's a shit ton better than driving drink.

Lol loaf thinks he's smart.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 04:37:34 PM »
I really do hope bumblebee dies in this movie and they bring back jazz and make him a porsche like hes suppose to be.

I miss jazz, and his death scene was so Goddamn low key that I missed it the first time.
Yeah i was mad when they killed him, and that they made him transform into an ugly ass solstice.


The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 03:29:50 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans
I get where you're coming from but I believe that human brains are far more capable than you think. Even if we have programmed responses due to how we grow and the chemicals processes in our brains, we have the ability to learn.

Choice is ultimately what matters here. Ingrained and learned processes can be ignored.
"We're different because we can learn"
"Learned processes can be ignored"
-same guy

Choice is the result of ingrained and learned processed, so no, they shouldn't be ignored.

Ok Desty. We are the same as npcs.
Current NPCs? No. They're not as complex and long lasting as humans.
they could potentially last forever tho

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:32:30 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans
I get where you're coming from but I believe that human brains are far more capable than you think. Even if we have programmed responses due to how we grow and the chemicals processes in our brains, we have the ability to learn.

Choice is ultimately what matters here. Ingrained and learned processes can be ignored.
"We're different because we can learn"
"Learned processes can be ignored"
-same guy

Choice is the result of ingrained and learned processed, so no, they shouldn't be ignored.

Ok Desty. We are the same as npcs.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:59:06 AM »

That's unhealthy
Holy shit can you imagine a fat Verb ranting about antinatalism Alex Jones style

In my head cannon verb is fat and has to pause for breaths when he rants.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:15:26 AM »

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:50:11 AM »
>"Brain damage" is a bit severe. Also, so does alcohol. Just limit it by age like every other federally regulated substance.

While good on paper, this doesn't conform to reality. Teens have an easier access to cigarettes than alcohol, of which weed will most likely be sold at the age of 18 as well. In addition, alcohol is harder to consume. Unless your an alcoholic, you general don't down 4 beers a day, especially if you're a teen. However, a teen easily smokes a pack of cigs a day and could easily smoke 4 blunts a day. Alcohol is a liquid substance, so the average teen isn't likely to drink their brain away, although it does happen. It is much easier to do with weed.

Four blunts a day is outrageous. When I smoked everyday it was two or three blunts shared between at least two people. I take it you've never actually smoked weed?

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:45:14 AM »
I really do hope bumblebee dies in this movie and they bring back jazz and make him a porsche like hes suppose to be.

I miss jazz, and his death scene was so Goddamn low key that I missed it the first time.

The Flood / Re: happy birthday adub
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:41:50 AM »

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:27:48 AM »
I feel like I'm the only person around who can watch stuff and appreciate what aspects I did enjoy without brushing off  the less than stellar bits.

Does everybody have a need to go to the extreme ends these days? It always seems to be "10/10 would lick god's polished nutsack because this movie is it" or, "-100/10 this movie suppossedly appeals to some internet memester crowd"

I understand giving reviews but good lord people have a stick up their ass about movies lately. Same with games.

I'm with ya on this one. It's always interesting to see other people's opinions on things I enjoy but at the same time I feel people are being super nitpicky.

Too me there are three grades a movie can obtain.

Fantastic, good, or downright shit.

95% of movies got into the good category. Decent movies that I felt lukewarm about. Most marvel movies fit in this category.

Fantastic movies are ones that fit into my favorites of all time.

Downright shit movies are just that, downright shit. Mostly indie movies or just poorly funded, but even then they can be fun. Toxic avenger and troll 2 fit here.

All this other shit is superfluous, you either liked it or you didn't. No need to break it down to its bare essentials to see why.

The Flood / Re: I liked The Amazing Spider-man 2
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:18:54 AM »
I don't remember it being bad tbh. Maybe I should watch it again.

The Flood / Re: would you rather be fat or poor
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:53:03 AM »
Bruh, being poor sucks. Being poor and fat is my punishment for existing.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:51:41 AM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?
No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.
That's not true. The developer says "If the player said this, respond with this, but if the player says this...", and the developer has written how the character will respond after certain actions, like if you steal something from them, or attack them, or look at them funny.

In the same way humans are born with brains that respond to stimuli in certain ways, just that nobody really wrote these programs in, they just exist.

The only difference between a well made NPC in one scenario, and a human in one scenario is that the human was born with a certain program, whereas the NPC received its program from someone else.

If you wanna take it one step further
Real AI that evolves and thinks for itself probably has more free will than humans
I get where you're coming from but I believe that human brains are far more capable than you think. Even if we have programmed responses due to how we grow and the chemicals processes in our brains, we have the ability to learn.

Choice is ultimately what matters here. Ingrained and learned processes can be ignored.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:30:46 AM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.
But you still think that NPCs have free will?

No, npcs are programmed to do and say anything the developer tells them. They don't actually choose or consider their actions.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 08:41:14 PM »
my leo came so i could finally get the computer to recognize it as a controller

it actually feels fuckin awesome playing with it

So pretty

I thought it was p good.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:37:26 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.
Well, sure, I'll agree to your definition as long as you acknowledge that NPCs in games have free will.

We aren't nearly as limited in our thought processes as artificial intelligence.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 03:11:38 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

Of course we choose our actions, otherwise there'd be no actions. It's just that these actions weren't done with "free will". We're bound by our brain's structure reacting to experiences. Some people are analytical, whereas some more feely. The two will act differently in response to an event, but it's predetermined that with that specific stimuli they will react the way they will.

And if you're thiking "but with a conscious effort they can do something else", then apply my logic to that as well. What would make them wanna do that conscious effort to act differently? Was it an idea they heard earlier that made them wanna do it, or was it selfdoubt?

That's really just splitting hairs though, we choose, therefore we have free will.

Our decisions are informed by the processes within us but you have the ability to choose.

You're not on autopilot my man.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 03:08:49 PM »
I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Determinism is the philosophical belief that every event or action is the inevitable result of preceding events and actions. Thus, in principle at least, every event or action can be completely predicted in advance, or in retrospect.

As a philosophical belief about the material world, determinism can be traced as least as far back as the time of Ancient Greece, several thousand years ago.

Determinism became incorporated into modern science around the year 1500 A.D. with the establishment of the idea that cause-and-effect rules completely govern all motion and structure on the material level.

According to the deterministic model of science, the universe unfolds in time like the workings of a perfect machine, without a shred of randomness or deviation from the predetermined laws.

The person most closely associated with the establishment of determinism at the core of modern science is Isaac Newton, who lived in England about 300 years ago.

Newton discovered a concise set of principles, expressible in only a few sentences, which he showed could predict the motion in an astonishingly wide variety of systems to a very high degree of accuracy.

Newton demonstrated that his three laws of motion, combined through the process of logic, could accurately predict the orbits in time of the planets around the sun, the shapes of the paths of projectiles on earth, and the schedule of the ocean tides throughout the month and year, among other things.

Newton's laws are completely deterministic because they imply that anything that happens at any future time is completed determined by what happens now, and moreover that everything now was completely determined by what happened at any time in the past.

Newton's three laws were so successful that for several centuries after his discovery, the science of physics consisted largely of demonstrating how his laws could account for the observed motion of nearly any imaginable physical process.

Although Newton's laws were superseded around the year 1900 by a larger set of physical laws, determinism remains today as the core philosophy and goal of physical science.

Sure that makes sense when determining the orbit of planets, but not the decisions humans make on a day to day basis.

The Flood / Dietrichsix
« on: December 05, 2016, 12:09:55 PM »
You know that voice in your head that offers up shit opinions and ideas? You can choose to ignore that.
Not really. It feels like it, but it's just an illusion. The fact that free will doesn't exist doesn't mean that we all do things "subconsiously"--it's just that everything we do is pre-determined by the laws of motion.

I'm gunna need you to explain what you mean by the laws of motion.
Probably that if someone blows up a bus you're on, you're gonna have doubt about buses in the future, and then in the future you might see something strange on the bus that will make you react in a certain way.

This is one strand of the carpet though, because your reaction and whether you will react or not is due to other things that have affected you.

I'm not saying that we don't make decisions based on our sub conscious or our experiences. We are definitely shaped by what we've been through. That doesn't change the fact that we choose our actions.

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