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Messages - Dietrich Six

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The Flood / Re: Trump is the best president we've ever had
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:57:11 PM »
Alternative facts.

Kind of an oxymoron

I didn't coin the phrase.

I just feel the need to help spread news of this new, genius concept.


Alternative facts are making America great again.


The Nazis wote uniforms

The Flood / Re: Trump is the best president we've ever had
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:45:48 PM »
Alternative facts.

Kind of an oxymoron

I didn't coin the phrase.

I just feel the need to help spread news of this new, genius concept.


The Flood / Re: Trump is the best president we've ever had
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:45:00 PM »
Alternative facts.

Kind of an oxymoron
water is blue

alternatively, water isn't purple

two facts, but one is more honest

As it applies to what icy is talking about.

The Flood / Re: If you're anti Trump you're very close minded
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:37:35 PM »
Is this where you tell us trump was a Democrat spy the whole time?

The Flood / Re: Trump is the best president we've ever had
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:34:50 PM »
Alternative facts.

Kind of an oxymoron

The Flood / Re: Hillary won the election ITT - post accordingly.
« on: January 23, 2017, 03:39:52 PM »
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!

I'm sorry for your loss

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 03:22:24 PM »
His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.
I've had multiple meaningful conversions with him before. Regardless of how you personally perceive someone, others will have a different perspective.

I've had zero, maybe be drops the act with people he knows better but recently he's been pretty ridiculous. He's almost as bad as class.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 03:20:43 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

This feeds into a point I was gonna make. This whole debacle just raises another point.

People taking things too seriously and forgetting the reality of this place. It's a place to talk and it has no physical bearing on you. It has no effect on you whatsoever unless you let it have one or somebody really goes out of their way to do shit like dox you.

But some guy writing mean words at you means jack shit. The same as trying so hard at "winning" any internet argument you stumble into.

I'll say that Verb is guilty of this. But when you look at it, those people who left didn't leave because of Verb. That's bullshit. He didn't hold a gun at them and say "get out." They chose to leave and Verb fit the bill as some form of validation of their choice to leave. If they left because of Verb then honestly, they were going to leave anyway.

When all you simply have to do is not read comments if you don't want to. You don't even have to respond. Hell, when you go through a lengthy thread, you skim sometimes right? That's all you've gotta do if you don't like somebody here. Just don't speak to em or acknowledge them. Exactly like dealing with people you don't particularily enjoy in the real world.

I also know that there is a certain limit to where you draw the line on taking something seriously. Doxxing people and getting personal with information and the like crosses a line.

But beyond that, people need to grow the fuck up here.

You're right in that nothing verb says should have any bearing on anyone's state of mind, I ignore him for the most part and I don't generally draw his ire.

The problem with someone as active on this site as verb is that he's literally in every thread, he derails a ton of topics and is not shy about showing his dislike for certain members.

He honestly doesn't bother me but to say that people should just ignore him is silly.

The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:56:58 PM »
100% on point and true

start taxing razors 50% and use the proceeds to supply free tampons tbh

How would you know?
know what

that tampons are way too expensive for a basic need?

As a man who has bought tampons I can tell you that they're really not all that expensive.

If women stop buying overpriced garbage and stick with off brands they could be saving a hell of a lot of money.

That being said I don't agree with the luxury tax that's placed on them.

Yeah but the cheaper they are they are more likely to use bad chemicals in them. I use pads, because fuck tampons, but the best ones (that will keep you from getting toxic shock syndrome) are the all natural cotton ones. Holy hell they are expensive, and that's why I stick with normal pads.

Gotta let that vag breathe, TSS can occur with any tampon if it's left in long enough.

I can't say for sure what chemicals were used in the tampons I bought but I'm gunna assume they're the same in the playtex/kotex lines, they were just store brand and didn't have colorful packaging or inspirational quotes written on them.

Pads are where it's at tho, you a wing girl?

Wings are a pain, but they help. TSS is scary as hell, but I've never known any woman to have it. I just googled it and apparently most pads/tampons are actually made out of wood pulp. Who would have thought.

Wood pulp huh? Makes sense I guess, cotton isn't known for staying together very well, and I'm sure no one wants bloody cotton stuck in their cooch.

Fun fact found on google:
"The first commercially available disposable sanitary pads were Lister's Towels introduced by Johnson and Johnson in 1896. Disposable pads probably originated with nurses using wood pulp bandages to absorb their menstrual flow, particularly on the battlefield."

So they've been using wood pulp since the 1890's.

An American classic

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:41:33 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

The Flood / Re: Hillary won the election ITT - post accordingly.
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:36:37 PM »
Whoops, ignore that post. Just a meme friends

The Flood / Re: Hillary won the election ITT - post accordingly.
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:34:49 PM »
Hello Everyone. Let's all take a moment to aPpriciate this historic an Monumental occasion in which history has bEen made today. THE first femaLe presIdent of the united states has arrived and our nation is at it's cultural Zenith, Amidst such Revelrous times we must continue our Due dilligence in Protecting thE rights and freedOms of all the Persons in our Land and watErs. Here on this fAntastic day of Victory and Exuberant celebraTions, we must All remind ourselves that this moment is not to be taKEN for granted. It was though the will and fighting spirit of Many Egalitarians everywhere across our country tHat allOwed uS to acheive This momentous And Grand culmination of Equality and lIberty for all meN and women. So thank you all and god bless America and her Unwavering Democracy In which we All will find our Rightful And Beloved place to Imagine ourselves as greAt as we want to be.

Help me the lizard people have taken me hostage in Saudi Arabia.

The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:31:09 PM »
100% on point and true

start taxing razors 50% and use the proceeds to supply free tampons tbh

How would you know?
know what

that tampons are way too expensive for a basic need?

As a man who has bought tampons I can tell you that they're really not all that expensive.

If women stop buying overpriced garbage and stick with off brands they could be saving a hell of a lot of money.

That being said I don't agree with the luxury tax that's placed on them.

Yeah but the cheaper they are they are more likely to use bad chemicals in them. I use pads, because fuck tampons, but the best ones (that will keep you from getting toxic shock syndrome) are the all natural cotton ones. Holy hell they are expensive, and that's why I stick with normal pads.

Gotta let that vag breathe, TSS can occur with any tampon if it's left in long enough.

I can't say for sure what chemicals were used in the tampons I bought but I'm gunna assume they're the same in the playtex/kotex lines, they were just store brand and didn't have colorful packaging or inspirational quotes written on them.

Pads are where it's at tho, you a wing girl?

Wings are a pain, but they help. TSS is scary as hell, but I've never known any woman to have it. I just googled it and apparently most pads/tampons are actually made out of wood pulp. Who would have thought.

Wood pulp huh? Makes sense I guess, cotton isn't known for staying together very well, and I'm sure no one wants bloody cotton stuck in their cooch.

The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:19:53 PM »
100% on point and true

start taxing razors 50% and use the proceeds to supply free tampons tbh

How would you know?
know what

that tampons are way too expensive for a basic need?

As a man who has bought tampons I can tell you that they're really not all that expensive.

If women stop buying overpriced garbage and stick with off brands they could be saving a hell of a lot of money.

That being said I don't agree with the luxury tax that's placed on them.

Yeah but the cheaper they are they are more likely to use bad chemicals in them. I use pads, because fuck tampons, but the best ones (that will keep you from getting toxic shock syndrome) are the all natural cotton ones. Holy hell they are expensive, and that's why I stick with normal pads.

Gotta let that vag breathe, TSS can occur with any tampon if it's left in long enough.

I can't say for sure what chemicals were used in the tampons I bought but I'm gunna assume they're the same in the playtex/kotex lines, they were just store brand and didn't have colorful packaging or inspirational quotes written on them.

Pads are where it's at tho, you a wing girl?

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:21:15 PM »
I love it when the enemy is good and your team is shit but you carry them to victory
i tend to get the My team is shit and I can't carry them to victory no matter how well I do

Wouldn't happen if you were on ps4

The Flood / Re: Hillary won the election ITT - post accordingly.
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:17:15 PM »
Jesus what a race. I'm not real sure about her cabinet picks so far but she can still make up for it by choosing a good SC judge. The next four years are going to be interesting for sure.

The Flood / Re: Official title for Star Wars: Episode VIII revealed
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:26:24 AM »
As much as I liked Rogue One, I'm seriously disappointed that Disney didn't put him into the movie when he would've fit very well into it. That entire time frame was his rise to power, and I get that he's the key villain for the new season of Rebels, but after the disgusting shit they keep trying to pull in Rebels (helicopter lightsabers) I feel that's ultimately more of a disservice to him than not having him in the new canon at all.


He was such a likable villain too, I haven't seen rebels but he better be badass.

The Flood / Re: Official title for Star Wars: Episode VIII revealed
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:20:54 AM »
Well it can't be as bad as some of the ludicrous shit the EU pulled, but the EU also had plenty of other characters and story arcs that would've made a far more interesting new trilogy then what Disney has in store for us.

It sounds like bad fanfiction


The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:19:43 AM »
100% on point and true

start taxing razors 50% and use the proceeds to supply free tampons tbh

How would you know?
know what

that tampons are way too expensive for a basic need?

As a man who has bought tampons I can tell you that they're really not all that expensive.

If women stop buying overpriced garbage and stick with off brands they could be saving a hell of a lot of money.

That being said I don't agree with the luxury tax that's placed on them.

The Flood / Re: Is Barron Trump autistic?
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:14:09 AM »
That poor fucking kid. I can't imagine having the whole world seeing and judging you when you're only ten years old.

The Flood / Re: Official title for Star Wars: Episode VIII revealed
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:03:53 AM »
What happened to bringing balance to the force?

I pray for the day UPS and USPS vanish from out world and we're left with superior FedEx.

would a country where FedEx and UPS is in charge be a post-government society?

Ups is my shit, fed ex shills go and stay go

The Flood / Re: I was at the women's march on Washington
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:00:19 AM »
>he blames Mohamedx and ZyklonBoot for the rise in alt-lite shitposters

Bro I've even displayed dislike for the brainless fucks who just randomly pop into threads posting "ayy spic lamo." If the idiots were actually such impressionable young folk, they'd be properly learning about the teachings of Commander Rockwell right now, not regurgitating 8pol bullshit and stale memes on an hourly basis. This is the work of something more evil than either of us. The alt-lite faggots are just globalist tools.

I'm not blaming anyone here for any alt-right uprising on the internet. But we didn't fight the infection soon enough. Now we're all "fuck the alt-right I hate them so much". Pre-election, the only people actually saying that were hardcore liberals like Verbatim and Class, who most people just ignore anyway. People like Challenger, and even yourself to probably an even greater degree, just sort of let it happen.

You could have stopped this...

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:41:38 AM »

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:53:55 PM »
I think I just had one of my best games yet. 208 points, 26 kills, 7 titan kills, 17 minion kills, 0 deaths. First time I've ever seen anyone go over 200 in Attrition. And the score doesn't include the end of the game where I got a penta kill and the medals for whiping out the entire enemy team by myself. Got 6 kills in like 20 seconds, will upload a video soon. Are there leaderboards or personal bests for scores and stuff?

I think the most I've gotten was 160. Good on ya.
Yeah, I was surprised myself. I landed in the 190's several times before but always ended just short of 200. Wasn't expecting it this game either because I already joined like a minute into the game in progress.


Christ, you scored almost half the points. I've noticed my score goes way up when my team doesn't help for shit.
Yeah, it can be easier to get high scores with a bad team. Leaves more killing for you. But on the other hand, it can also be very detrimental to your score. Bad teammates give enemies free movement around the map and control of every important area. They also die a lot and do little to stop your opponents, which means that the guys you're playing against rack up titans and boosts very quickly. Even if you are kicking ass, you'll easily find yourself in a situation where you're the only titan up against 3 enemy titans and anti-titan weaponry as your teammates just feed the other team with kills and don't do anything to help. It kind of balances out in that aspect. Same thing happens in Halo (other team gets map control and power weapons) and CoD (enemies gain map control and kill streaks).

Yeah this game isn't as easy as others to backpack the whole team but there's been plenty of situations where I won the game basically by myself.

The Flood / Re: Fuckin Newegg sent me fake headphones.
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:49:33 PM »
> gaming headsets

if its not the hyperx clouds or sennheisers its garbage anyway

Calm down loaf
Honestly it's way better to get yourself a quality audiophile level headset which focuses on audio quality/comfort and just attach a V-Moda or ModMic. Gaming headsets are overpriced garbage in comparison.
v moda is the company

i think you mean the boompro they make

unfortunately those only work for headphones with a detatchable 3.5mm
That's where these come in handy.

no i mean the proprietary detatchable cables on the headphone side

AKG uses mini XLR

audio technica use their wierd locking thing

superlux have a male 3.5mm

if you have to plug something in between those its going to make the boompro wobbly, probably the best pair of mid fi headphones for this would be the philips shp9500 since its just 3.5mm
Well I guess it won't work for everything so that's where you should be turning to the ModMic instead. Also the locking mechanism is an easy fix, my Seinnheiser had that too and all it requires is taking out a few screws and removing a small plastic piece. I've got my BoomPro on my Sennheiser that I use for my PC and my Xbox. It's definitely better than any traditional gaming headset I've used, and a fraction of the cost for the audio quality.

What Seinnheisers do you have?
598, got it on sale brand new for half price. They're pretty nice, but eventually I want to upgrade to something even better. What I love about using them on my Xbox though is that I can hear other players' footsteps in the direction they're coming from. It's awesome. Listening to music with them also makes me want to just lay back and close my eyes.

Fair enough, most Seinnheisers I've seen are exponentially more expensive than even top quality gaming headsets. These look like the way to go tho and I'm sure they have much better sound quality.

The Flood / Re: Fuckin Newegg sent me fake headphones.
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:39:26 PM »
> gaming headsets

if its not the hyperx clouds or sennheisers its garbage anyway

Calm down loaf
Honestly it's way better to get yourself a quality audiophile level headset which focuses on audio quality/comfort and just attach a V-Moda or ModMic. Gaming headsets are overpriced garbage in comparison.
v moda is the company

i think you mean the boompro they make

unfortunately those only work for headphones with a detatchable 3.5mm
That's where these come in handy.

no i mean the proprietary detatchable cables on the headphone side

AKG uses mini XLR

audio technica use their wierd locking thing

superlux have a male 3.5mm

if you have to plug something in between those its going to make the boompro wobbly, probably the best pair of mid fi headphones for this would be the philips shp9500 since its just 3.5mm
Well I guess it won't work for everything so that's where you should be turning to the ModMic instead. Also the locking mechanism is an easy fix, my Seinnheiser had that too and all it requires is taking out a few screws and removing a small plastic piece. I've got my BoomPro on my Sennheiser that I use for my PC and my Xbox. It's definitely better than any traditional gaming headset I've used, and a fraction of the cost for the audio quality.

What Seinnheisers do you have?

The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 22, 2017, 04:47:06 PM »
100% on point and true

start taxing razors 50% and use the proceeds to supply free tampons tbh

How would you know?

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