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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 101112 1314 ... 393
The Flood / Re: Convince me anyone making more than 250k
« on: October 03, 2018, 03:59:10 PM »
I would support higher taxes for the top rungs of society if they were better spent, but I don't trust my government to not funnel nearly all of that money into the military industrial complex. Not 95% though. I still think innovation should still be allowed through private investment, and not just through government funding/subsidy.

At least the government will spend the money on something that benefits its country, even if you disagree with it. Rich fucks will just buy more cars and shit.

Also people were taxed up to 90% post WW2 as far as I know and that was the most prosperous time for America, economically.

Cars made by people who earned a wage doing so. The problem with most uber rich people is that they don't spend the money, or they use it to amass more wealth, neither of which is good for the economy.

The Flood / Re: Convince me anyone making more than 250k
« on: October 03, 2018, 03:56:26 PM »
250k isn’t rich that’s barely getting close to upper middle class

I'm not sure how it is in America (probably worse) but 250k is not "middle class." Maybe not "rich" but definitely upper class.

Upper class = rich

The Flood / Re: Convince me anyone making more than 250k
« on: October 03, 2018, 06:09:52 AM »
Just work harder cuck.

News / Re: Freedom Anarchy 2018
« on: October 02, 2018, 05:56:06 PM »
It was fun

Not if i see you first

Serious / Re: defend your most controversial belief
« on: October 02, 2018, 02:07:48 PM »
Homecoming is the best Spider-Man movie

The Flood / Re: Unofficial 2018 MLB Playoffs Thread
« on: October 02, 2018, 08:01:47 AM »
This is more my style, down with corporations.

The Flood / Re: People who don't like milk are subhuman
« on: October 01, 2018, 07:04:45 AM »
I honestly can't understand why people drink the stuff, it blows my mind.

Serious / Re: defend your most controversial belief
« on: October 01, 2018, 06:17:27 AM »
Sam Raimi's Spider-man 3 outclasses every single superhero film ever created (besides Spider-man 1/2) by understanding the classical, operatic spirit of Spider-man's legacy. It confronts the cheesey tropes of the medium unapologetically, and in doing so feels exceptionally earnest in its desire to portray the essence of the character in an attractive light. It will last far longer than anything that's come out since.
Also its political messages will remain relevant for generations.

Definitely wouldn't fly in the PC world we live in today.

Serious / Re: if morality is subjective, why have debates about it
« on: October 01, 2018, 06:06:32 AM »
if free will exists and is something to be valued, then there's an innate contradiction with how you derive morality—if it's about the reduction of suffering, then you're infringing upon the free will of those who would love nothing more than to cause people suffering, for whatever reasons they may have for it
what good is free will if there's only one type of behavior worth encouraging anyway

Here's where you drop that big ol' "That's, like, your opinion man".

Serious / Re: if morality is subjective, why have debates about it
« on: September 30, 2018, 07:49:00 PM »
You can change opinions by arguing, grass is still green whether or not you agree with it.

Serious / Re: if morality is subjective, why have debates about it
« on: September 30, 2018, 07:48:29 PM »
Because that's how subjectivity works. There's no point in debating objective facts.
yeah, because everyone agrees on what is objectively true in the world
Doesn't change what is actually objective.
no fucking shit

that's why you argue about it, because it MATTERS when somebody is wrong about what is objectively true

subjective things don't really matter at all, so arguments involving any subjectivity are a complete waste of time

Arguing about whether or not grass is green is pointless, arguing about whether or not Trent Reznor is a visionary is worthwhile.

Serious / Re: why should anybody talk to you
« on: September 30, 2018, 02:40:23 PM »
I can help them find things at The Home Depot

If you stop to think about the entirety of human knowledge and how limited it is, then compare that to your very limited understanding of that knowledge it's pretty easy to see you're not as smart as your Facebook posts would have me believe.

I don't understand the question

Serious / Re: is america great yet
« on: September 30, 2018, 02:34:29 PM »
Not yet

Serious / Re: if morality is subjective, why have debates about it
« on: September 30, 2018, 02:33:58 PM »
Because that's how subjectivity works. There's no point in debating objective facts.
yeah, because everyone agrees on what is objectively true in the world

Doesn't change what is actually objective.

Serious / Re: if morality is subjective, why have debates about it
« on: September 30, 2018, 02:03:37 PM »
Because that's how subjectivity works. There's no point in debating objective facts.

Serious / Re: defend your most controversial belief
« on: September 30, 2018, 02:02:17 PM »
Legalizing all drug use is a great way to thin out the population while ensuring most that are dying off weren't very productive anyway.

List some and I'll let you know

Makes things easier, people ask less questions.

Serious / Re: do you like people? if not, why?
« on: September 30, 2018, 01:58:16 PM »
Not really, they're mostly terrible and selfish.

Given that I believe that the sky is blue and gravity is a thing, among other things, that's a pretty scary thought.

Gaming / Re: Telltale Games (close to) shutting down
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:43:37 PM »
what about house forrester

I'm afraid all that time and effort put into having your family killed will never be resolved.

Serious / Re: Project Fear
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:41:44 PM »
Poo yoo EU

The Flood / Re: Should I just buy Photoshop?
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:30:42 PM »
I was going to say that you freakin' pirates ruined it for everyone by stealing it in the first place, but $600 for a fucking program is absolutely absurd. I'll probably end up just getting the subscription model, but jesus I don't really want to.
Not piracy, just a deliberate business move. Adobe has been trying to go down the closed-system Apple path for a while now. They wanted to create dependency within their products. Adobe files can only be opened with Adobe software. You want to edit or create images? Photoshop is your bet. Ah, but what about enhancing pictures taken by a camera? Yeah, Lightroom is what you need. Interested in both? Well you gotta get the package deal now because you can't just use another piece of software for one of the two. How about adding some graphics or assets to it? Yeah, you'll need Illustrator or Stock for that - can't go with anything else because it doesn't work. Hm, you want to publish the result somewhere? Yeah no, all the other software sucks for that, you'll need Indesign to make that work. And managing all of your files together? Bro no way you can do that without Adobe Bridge (which used to be part of the CS programs you got but now conveniently isn't any longer). The whole Adobe scene used to be a lot more standalone and integratable with other software but they've really been pushing towards a closed-system like Apple where you more or less get sucked into a software ecosystem that you can't just get out off. Before you know it, all of your creative programs depend on each other and none of your work can be exported to other software. And that's why and how they're now using a subscription-based model that tries charging you for a package. It's not so much aimed at people like you but rather businesses and professionals who got away with a one time purchase of one piece of (shared) software.

its shit like this that really doesnt help my growing anticapitalist sensibilities

i dont suppose i could just keep making emails for the free trial

Bruh, just roll your clock back

The Flood / Re: People who don't like milk are subhuman
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:22:27 PM »
Moo juice is for baby cows

The Flood / Re: Really Enjoying The Bowsette Trend Lately
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:19:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:16:22 PM »
I don't do too many portraits, so I'm practicing with Devil May Cry 3's best girl <3



Worst girl more like

The Flood / Re: Really Enjoying The Bowsette Trend Lately
« on: September 27, 2018, 05:53:49 PM »
Booette does things to my pp

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