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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 838485 8687 ... 393
The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:06:10 AM »
They're all fucking trannies and kitsune looks like one

Don't talk about my girl like that.

The Flood / Re: A daily reminder to the mentally challenged (weebs)
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:04:23 AM »
Daily reminder that killswitch did it better


The Flood / Re: So there's this girl at work
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:56:35 AM »
I'm going to let you in on a little secret, really beautiful women are seldom hit on because they intimidate dudes. I have been punching above my weight basically my whole life because I push past my social anxiety and talk to them.

Doesn't hurt to have a conversation and feel out the situation.

The Flood / Re: So there's this girl at work
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:54:37 AM »
I think you have a better chance with that grocery store girl.
Wait who
Remember? She smiled at you, and Chally made you go back to see her again.
Am I missing the joke here

I wouldn't mind smashing that MILF that thanked me for my "excellent service" when I used to be a cashier tho

It's another Ian reference

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:52:48 AM »
Oh, and Das and I need to get lit and shoot guns. Maybe not in that order.

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:51:03 AM »
Honestly there's no one here I would mind meeting in person. Obviously there are users I get along with better than others but for the most part y'all are alright.

Flee would probably intimidate me to the point of uncomfortability though, motivated people scare me.

The sexual tension between me and verb would be palpable.

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:46:50 AM »
People on Sep7 I would want to meet:

A Cheese Potato
Mmmmm Napalm
The Han
Big Boss

Yeah time to splitscreen some MCC or some shit
Yooo LAN Party

There's a game store near where I live where you can rent out the game room and have LAN parties and shit.

Fucking hell that's great. I wish there was somewhere near me that did that.

Get ready to get shreked my dudes

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:31:18 AM »
despite it maybe being a tad awkward.
At risk of backtracking, this is why I wouldn't do it first and foremost. I don't try to intentionally put myself in awkward situations without a clear benefit, and I don't see any clear benefit from this. It would be a story, and that's about it.
well, it's not like you live a life where you only do things that 100% benefit you...

but w/e, i said i was satisfied lol
Bish I'm 100% about me

I help a friend move because he gives me food afterwards

I talk a friend through a rough patch because I'm gonna need them for emotional support sooner or later

I chose a salad because I celebrate my health

It's all about the ego

That feel when aria agrees with my sociopathic views.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:55:51 AM »
I'm a better role model than verbatim.

The Flood / Re: The failure of the left: Tolerance vs Acceptance
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:54:26 AM »
That's a pretty bold claim. Do you have anything to substantiate it?

But where is the proofs?

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:51:05 AM »
Yeah absinthe tastes like shit tbh, but yuengling is a national treasure and you should be ashamed of yourself.

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 12:45:57 AM »
I wanna go to a mall and whistle at jailbait with Detrich.

Lol there's plenty down here man. I legitimately don't want to know how many 17 year olds I've hit on.

The Flood / Re: peaks on the web
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:36:06 PM »
lmao i deal with black widows and wasps out the ass here working in a hot ass garage in Florida and you freakin over a cute lil longboi

The wasps are real down here

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:33:43 PM »
The fact that you think expanding upon a "gag" character is an insult is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. Plenty of joke characters get their moment to shine in other media, not sure why this is such a big issue tbh.

gag character expansion isn't inherently a bad thing but the fact that we're expected to suddenly take him seriously is what's insulting

please starting comprehending what i'm saying

I apologize, the dialogue has been poorly written and over the top in all the metal gear solid games. From the deadpan delivery of snake's lines to the ridiculous over acted lines of the enemies and even raiden's bitchy whiny delivery. I'm not sure you can call any of them good. Serviceable at best, campy and hilarious for the most part. Mgs4 is no different, I don't understand your issue with it if the others are fine. And I'll be fucked if you actually think it was good in five. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the fiddles and whooooooo plays them.

i just think you're wrong. it's fine in 1 and 2, good in 3, good in peace walker, and great in five. all of them have a few instances of bad lines but that's it.

delivery =/= bad dialogue

The entire story of mgs2 is ambiguous, you literally know nothing at the end of it and it's been thoroughly discussed and theorized about what actually happens. The ambiguity I was referring to is what exactly Raiden intends on doing. You thought he would give up war, I thought he was done following orders.

you specifically implied the ambiguity stemmed from raiden's family life after the game

Also you should probably calm down with the intelligence remarks, it reeks of insecurity.

i've had to reexplain extremely basic shit to you several times over the course of the thread

i don't really care what it "reeks" of, i'm just tired of doing it

If anything the marriage shits on Maryl's character, but doesn't really bring legitimacy to Johnny. Maryl looked like a straight up man in that wedding dress.

I was under the impression that dialogue included delivery, so that's an issue on my part. You can think I'm wrong all you want but I feel the writing has always been sort of janky and it's only gotten marginally better as the series continued.

I implied nothing of the sort, only that the ending is ambiguous.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:45:09 AM »
Bronn was straight niggin the whole time. Honestly my favorite character of the entire show.

The Flood / Re: advanced search on this site is actually pretty good
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:41:36 AM »
Stop saying A1 you fucking tryhard

A1 since day one

The Flood / Re: jive apologists come out
« on: August 07, 2017, 07:37:10 AM »
Just because he doesn't mince words about all women being whores doesn't make him a bad person.
saying this makes you a bad person

Women aren't people, what's the issue?
you arent people

Correct, I'm a person, singular.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:28:58 AM »
Involvement may have been the wrong word, it explains a lot more about his character and why he behaved the way he did. Knowing Hideo this was his plan from the start. It's more of an "aha" moment than anything else, which again doesn't break his character from being the bumbling idiot.

what i'm saying is that while yes, he does "explain" it, he didn't need to. johnny was a gag character that didn't need to be taken seriously.

you give kojima WAY too much credit if you think he planned this since 1998

seriously man you're just scraping the bottom of the barrel with these "rebuttals"

i know you're smarter than this


I'm thinking you might want to replay 4 and watch his interactions with Maryl. She's the epitome of tsundere the entire time. She obviously cares for him and it's not the one instance he saves her that changes all that.

sounds more like confirmation bias to me than anything else. there's no such thing as subtelty with metal gear characters.

The story for mgs has always been outrageous and at times poorly written. Be it translation issues or Hideo's ridiculous concepts. To say otherwise is just dishonest.  Serviceable doesn't equal good, but again it doesn't negatively impact the games in my opinion. If anything it's part of the charm.

writing =/= dialogue

writing encompasses everything -- from dialogue, to plot, to foreshadowing -- everything

we were strictly talking about dialogue

but the writing is solid in 1 2 and 3. the dialogue is serviceable (not great but not bad) in 1 and 2. 3 is much better, to the point of "good". 4 is bad. peace walker is good. mgsv is great.

Therein lies the ambiguity. He does both apparently, but it was always harder for me to accept him becoming a family man as opposed to fighting for his own cause.

dude you're just pulling shit out of your ass at this point

the ambiguity of mgs2's ending did not stem from whether or not raiden started a family jesus christ

give your head a shake what the hell

The fact that you think expanding upon a "gag" character is an insult is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. Plenty of joke characters get their moment to shine in other media, not sure why this is such a big issue tbh.

I apologize, the dialogue has been poorly written and over the top in all the metal gear solid games. From the deadpan delivery of snake's lines to the ridiculous over acted lines of the enemies and even raiden's bitchy whiny delivery. I'm not sure you can call any of them good. Serviceable at best, campy and hilarious for the most part. Mgs4 is no different, I don't understand your issue with it if the others are fine. And I'll be fucked if you actually think it was good in five. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the fiddles and whooooooo plays them.

The entire story of mgs2 is ambiguous, you literally know nothing at the end of it and it's been thoroughly discussed and theorized about what actually happens. The ambiguity I was referring to is what exactly Raiden intends on doing. You thought he would give up war, I thought he was done following orders.

Also you should probably calm down with the intelligence remarks, it reeks of insecurity.

The Flood / Re: Discord Chat
« on: August 07, 2017, 01:00:13 AM »

The Flood / Re: peaks on the web
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:59:34 AM »
that's too much dealing with a legit fucking spider

like that's a wild animal to me tbh, I do not interact with insects unless I have killer intent

Leave them where they are, legitimately only helps.

The Flood / Re: jive apologists come out
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:57:23 AM »
Just because he doesn't mince words about all women being whores doesn't make him a bad person.
saying this makes you a bad person

Women aren't people, what's the issue?

The Flood / Re: will sep7 3.0 have thread limits
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:56:24 AM »
I hope it has weekly class posting limits
I can live with that

I'll be like hemingway, say tons with few words

No, you won't.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:46:41 AM »
I'm not seeing the contradiction, he's a joke character that fans of the series enjoyed seeing, fleshing him out in the final chapter isn't insulting in the slightest.

No. Fleshing out a gag character is insulting because he's not meant to be taken seriously. And then it's insulting to expect someone in-universe to be just okay with that, and marry them.

To be fair it is a bit of a misstep but it adds a lot to his involvement in the original games.


I was also under the assumption that Maryl was attracted to that bumbling side of him.

i don't know what lead you to that conclusion, because she doesn't nothing to point to that in any scene prior to the shoot out.

You don't marry someone who saves your life once.

hence the insult

They were on a team for a long time previous, I'm sure one instance wasn't enough to change her perception of him.

hence the insult

Bad dialogue is bad dialogue, translation problems included. Doesn't take away from the games imo, but that's what mgs has always been about for me. It's basically an over the top anime that you play.

i'm saying if that's your justification for bad dialogue, i think it's fair to be a little less crticial of it. aside from a few other instance of genuinely bad dialogue, the games are just fine.

Raiden having a kid is the one thing that should be confusing about this whole scenario. He was raised as a child to be an unthinking, unfeeling soldier. When he said he wanted to pursue his own path I took it more as he was done fighting for others and wanted to fight for his own cause, like his idols. He's no longer a soldier following orders he doesn't believe in, he found something he wanted to fight for.

i don't think you're supposed to take it that way

i think you're expected to think he went off with the real rose to start a family

Involvement may have been the wrong word, it explains a lot more about his character and why he behaved the way he did. Knowing Hideo this was his plan from the start. It's more of an "aha" moment than anything else, which again doesn't break his character from being the bumbling idiot.

I'm thinking you might want to replay 4 and watch his interactions with Maryl. She's the epitome of tsundere the entire time. She obviously cares for him and it's not the one instance he saves her that changes all that.

The story for mgs has always been outrageous and at times poorly written. Be it translation issues or Hideo's ridiculous concepts. To say otherwise is just dishonest.  Serviceable doesn't equal good, but again it doesn't negatively impact the games in my opinion. If anything it's part of the charm.

Therein lies the ambiguity. He does both apparently, but it was always harder for me to accept him becoming a family man as opposed to fighting for his own cause.

The Flood / Re: jive apologists come out
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:17:41 AM »
Jive is that dude, a real a1 person who's realizing his potential.

Just because he doesn't mince words about all women being whores doesn't make him a bad person. He's not wrong really.

The Flood / Re: peaks on the web
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:04:59 AM »
I don't think I've peaked

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:02:56 AM »
good job refuting me

Can't refute people who refuse to change their opinions. You're becoming a fine clone of verbatim.

i'll change my opinion when you present reasonable and overwhelming evidence


it's happened plenty of times

i can provide eye witness accounts

Will you?

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 06, 2017, 11:59:33 PM »
good job refuting me

Can't refute people who refuse to change their opinions. You're becoming a fine clone of verbatim.

i'll change my opinion when you present reasonable and overwhelming evidence


Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 06, 2017, 11:58:47 PM »
I'm not seeing the contradiction, he's a joke character that fans of the series enjoyed seeing, fleshing him out in the final chapter isn't insulting in the slightest. To be fair it is a bit of a misstep but it adds a lot to his involvement in the original games. I was also under the assumption that Maryl was attracted to that bumbling side of him. You don't marry someone who saves your life once. They were on a team for a long time previous, I'm sure one instance wasn't enough to change her perception of him.

Bad dialogue is bad dialogue, translation problems included. Doesn't take away from the games imo, but that's what mgs has always been about for me. It's basically an over the top anime that you play.

Raiden having a kid is the one thing that should be confusing about this whole scenario. He was raised as a child to be an unthinking, unfeeling soldier. When he said he wanted to pursue his own path I took it more as he was done fighting for others and wanted to fight for his own cause, like his idols. He's no longer a soldier following orders he doesn't believe in, he found something he wanted to fight for.

wow... I remember this scene looking a lot different as a kid.

Also, did she just say Electra Nachos at the end?

Elektra Natchios.
So.... yes?

White people had a very limited understanding of other cultures at that time.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 06, 2017, 11:43:16 PM »
good job refuting me

Can't refute people who refuse to change their opinions. You're becoming a fine clone of verbatim.
To be fair I've gotten Verb to change his opinion on something before, or at least understand my position on it and be more understanding towards it.

Anyway, NIGHT!

I'll wait for the one more post fam.

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