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Messages - Dietrich Six

Pages: 1 ... 828384 8586 ... 393
The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:15:07 PM »
>tfw D&D ruined my man davos by making him a sudden jon fanboy

all i have left is bronn, jaime, and the hound

Jaime has been wearing on me. He's such a little bitch concerning his sister that I can't really take him seriously.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:13:40 PM »
If Dany died I don't think I'd feel any emotion whatsoever.

Cersei dying would feel like way more of an impact, like holy shit finally someone put her down. Dany's hype just kills it for me. I wish Jaime actually had succeeded in his suicide spear charge but of course they wouldn't let their girl go out like that.

I don't really get the Arya hype either tbh.

Fucks sake just give me more Jon, fuck.

Jon Snow best snow.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:12:09 PM »
normies were a mistake

I don't understand this image
Taken from reaction videos at the parts where soldiers are being butchered by rapist savages and burned alive by dragons.

I am confused.
the normies are cheering as westeros is invaded by a crazy woman using the GoT-equivalent of ISIS and nukes

Did they not see the same scene as I did? It's certainly not something to cheer about.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:10:41 PM »
Can confirm Prehistoric isn't that negative

Most of his posts aren't negative, but he's certainly become far more negative than usual.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:08:19 PM »
normies were a mistake

I don't understand this image
Taken from reaction videos at the parts where soldiers are being butchered by rapist savages and burned alive by dragons.

I am confused.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:06:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:05:23 PM »
normies were a mistake

I don't understand this image

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:03:02 PM »
How many posts in the last week have you insulted someone's intelligence?

that's a shitty definition of "negative"

people who are dumbasses are gunna get called out for it

maybe stop being a fucking dumbass

This post here is a pretty good example actually. You're doing my work for me.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:55:35 PM »
I'm a better role model than verbatim.

it all makes sense now


youre jealous of verbatim

Nah, we just don't need another one.

There's only so much negativity I can stomach, especially when it's nonsensical.

im far from negative

I think maybe you need to step back and evaluate what you posts make you sound like.

i dont really care how a bunch of randoms take my posts

anyone who matters knows me and knows the kind of person i am

And you've been quite negative lately.

prove it

How many posts in the last week have you insulted someone's intelligence?

The Flood / Re: coffee and cigarettes on my day off
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:48:01 PM »
I slick my hair back and you can eat a dick.

The Flood / Re: Who here has done anal?
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:45:53 PM »
Shits pretty lit tbh, just ask if she's down. If she's not blown out already it's going to take a lot of lube and patience. Toys help as well but a finger or two will do.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:42:41 PM »
I'm a better role model than verbatim.

it all makes sense now


youre jealous of verbatim

Nah, we just don't need another one.

There's only so much negativity I can stomach, especially when it's nonsensical.

im far from negative

I think maybe you need to step back and evaluate what you posts make you sound like.

i dont really care how a bunch of randoms take my posts

anyone who matters knows me and knows the kind of person i am

And you've been quite negative lately.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:34:18 PM »
What is this thread? MGS was never good anyway.

I'm trying really hard not to be upset right now. Why u do this?
Because I take enjoyment from your suffering.

But why

The Flood / Re: Enjoying coffee for the first time!
« on: August 09, 2017, 07:04:16 AM »
I don't feel so good afterwards...

Coffee is the devil, child. Diarrhea is no fun, neither is being twitchy and dehydrated. I take my caffeine in the form of sugar free energy drinks, like God intended.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: August 09, 2017, 07:01:53 AM »
What is this thread? MGS was never good anyway.

I'm trying really hard not to be upset right now. Why u do this?

The Flood / Re: Enjoying coffee for the first time!
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:40:49 AM »
I can't believe you're using a harmless drug to improve your quality of life. You're a terrible person, retarded, and all around hedonistic and immoral. You should fucking KILL yourself.
coffee is far from harmless, doing drugs isn't immoral it's just stupid, and i wouldn't tell someone to commit suicide for doing drugs (because you're pretty much already doing that)

you're not very good at this

Except the numerous forms of research that proved that coffee is actually healthy if you moderate yourself.

You're not very good at this.
Clean water at room temperature > all

Doesn't stain your teeth
Hydratious AF
Goes with anything
Free in most of the developed world

Cold water in the morning kickstarts your metabolism. Also it's not free if you're in America.

The Flood / Re: Figures
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:35:45 AM »
Mostly old collector's edition shit, but I've gotten rid of most of them. Not sure what I have packed away, but I do have a two foot tall Vader guarding the hallway to my bedroom.

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:08:51 AM »
Aria is pretty chill tbh.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:02:32 AM »
I'm a better role model than verbatim.

it all makes sense now


youre jealous of verbatim

Nah, we just don't need another one.

There's only so much negativity I can stomach, especially when it's nonsensical.

im far from negative

I think maybe you need to step back and evaluate what you posts make you sound like.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 01:00:29 AM »
I'm a better role model than verbatim.

it all makes sense now


youre jealous of verbatim

Nah, we just don't need another one.

There's only so much negativity I can stomach, especially when it's nonsensical.

The Flood / Re: Snake's new wife tryouts
« on: August 09, 2017, 12:45:20 AM »

The Flood / Re: AMA
« on: August 09, 2017, 12:44:08 AM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?
Thank you.

When you put it that way, I feel older than I should. In reality, after about my 18th or 19th birthday, I don't feel much difference. Its just a number.

I feel ya. It's weird being 25 'cause you don't feel old, but when you're a kid you think 25 is old... but it's not. Anywho... I hope you have an amazing birthday! :D

Ain't much different at 28. I honestly don't think I'm ever going to grow up.
Until you talk to kids, especially highschool kids and notice how old you are.

Out of touch maybe, but I haven't matured much with age.

The Flood / Re: Could Terminator 1 be considered a horror movie?
« on: August 09, 2017, 12:43:18 AM »
Yeah, probably. Shit is mad spooky yo
The T-800 stop motion towards the end of the movie is nightmare fuel

Damn straight. That shit ruined my childhood like Jaws did.

The Flood / Re: AMA
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:44:16 PM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?
Thank you.

When you put it that way, I feel older than I should. In reality, after about my 18th or 19th birthday, I don't feel much difference. Its just a number.

I feel ya. It's weird being 25 'cause you don't feel old, but when you're a kid you think 25 is old... but it's not. Anywho... I hope you have an amazing birthday! :D

Ain't much different at 28. I honestly don't think I'm ever going to grow up.

The Flood / Re: A daily reminder to the mentally challenged (weebs)
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:39:46 PM »
Mad cause bad

The Flood / Re: Could Terminator 1 be considered a horror movie?
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:38:35 PM »
Yeah, probably. Shit is mad spooky yo

The Flood / Re: Mazda has made new combustion engine
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:36:05 PM »
They turned down a new wankle engine for this.
The wankel could never be made efficient or reliable enough to deserve a revive.

But what a name

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:34:13 PM »
Honestly there's no one here I would mind meeting in person. Obviously there are users I get along with better than others but for the most part y'all are alright.

Flee would probably intimidate me to the point of uncomfortability though, motivated people scare me.

The sexual tension between me and verb would be palpable.
What makes you think I'm so motivated? I actually struggle with that more than I'd like.

Being a lawyer isn't easy I presume.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:19:49 AM »
Arya's scene with Brienne was fucking awesome but felt a little cheap. No chance she's Hound-tier after a few months in Braavos.
Jon Snow x Dany is a thing now, I bet.
i know right, i mean brienne is one of the most battle hardened fuckers in westeros (show-wise) and has bested some of the most skilled knights and arya hasn't even really had a proper sword fight until now (unless i missed something?)
The other thing is that Brienne is stronger than the average male swordsman. Arya should have not been able to simply block those blows Brienne was giving to her due to the amount of force in those blows. One blow should have sent Arya's sword flying out of her hand her it should have sent her arm back.

Then for Arya's sword training, the only person she fought swords with was that guy from season one, other than that there hasn't been anybody she trained with. For the Faeless Men she trained with a quarterstaff, not a sword.

Would have made way more sense of she strictly deflected and dodged.

I like Arya but that felt a bit forced and cheesy.

Gaming / Re: worst platform thread
« on: August 08, 2017, 07:12:16 AM »
reposting from bung

i borrowed 8gb of my sister's ram so i could actually see if this thing works, just to really see if i installed it wrong or if the pumps not working properly, etc


so the custom rgb stuff i made for it works, yeah great whatever blah blah blah

but the real star of the show is how well the AIO cools this thing

i played forza horizon 3 for about an hour so that it would sustain a load that would eventually reach the cooling capacity of the liquid, and wow, it smacked 20 degrees of this mf and stayed that way

99-100% load for an hour, and it would max out at around 50c

ofc this isnt the beefiest card, it's still just a 1060, but this thing runs near silent now, at 50c the fan speed percentage only goes at around 37%, and never really spins faster, because it doesnt need to at 50c, and since it doesnt really get warmer than 50c, it just stays put

this aio g12 setup is definitely overkill for the 1060, but it's worth it since ill be able to use this on other cards later on

its also silent as a whisper with these new double-ball bearing fans from arctic, designed for 24/7 continuous operation, and i love the shiny grey finish on them, these fans are really cheap too and very high quality

if you want to know what they sound like at max, theres no mechanical noise - it just sounds like the wind blowing through your windows, and i much prefer it over the humming of the previous fans

that said, they won't ever each max under my use cases, as ive said, at most the gpu will make the fan spin at 36%

So you have a sister...

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