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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: So I got mugged
« on: April 13, 2016, 10:41:41 AM »
A little bit of context for the people that asked. One of the locks ony my vehicle never worked right since I bought it. Guess which side.

The two dudes weren't exactly white collar. They were natives. There's a lot of native folk both in the three main cities of my province. And there's been a rise in crime recently. Earlier in the year one of the guys who used to visit my little cafe got mugged too. Three guys pulled a bag over his head, beat the shit out of him, took all his cards and "asked" for the info under threat of killing him.

All of that is beside the point right now. I'm tired. Really, really fucking tired. I can't be arsed to put up with it anymore. If I'm not dealing with one problem, I'm just dealing with another. If it's not me being dissatisfied with my life and myself and trying to change it around, it's me getting fucked over beyond things I can't control.

I know when I'm beat. In my state of health, I can't properly take care of myself, by myself at this point. The docs made it clear that when I started my treatments, I could, at any time, choose pallative care. And it's an eventuality I'll have to face anyway.

So that's what I'm going to do today. Make some calls and set it all up. I just don't feel like putting up with it all at this point. So consider this a farewell. I'd like to thank you guys though. I've lived by my lonesome for most of my life. Getting to know everybody here over time gave me some kind of place where I felt some sense as if I were at home. And there were people I didn't get to know. I think that's a shame.

You can say whatever you want of me, think whatever you want. Like or dislike me, just know that at one point or another all of you gave me something cheerful to laugh about. Some of you helped teach me new things beyond my crappy little 9th grade education and beyond my own curiosity to learn on my own. I'm thankful for all the interesting conversations had, along with all the different outlooks and people I got to see here.

For the people who've talked to me over the past few months, I can't thank you enough for the good company. I owe you. It's not something I can really ever pay back. You know who you are. Seriously. Thank you.

I know I've done stuff like this before. Say or think whatever you will of that. But from here on out, I don't think you'll be seeing me again. I'm not going to get any prettier over the next few months. I may as well save myself the trouble and embarrasment and skip town here.

So, as they say, that's curtains. Thanks for the ride guys. It's been fun.

The Flood / Re: So I got mugged
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:26:41 PM »
I just want my truck back. And my wallet. All my shit was in there. I need those medical cards.

I broke one of their hands and smashed one upside the head with a retractable bar. Glad I had it with me. I didn't do much before I just curled up. And I didn't get a good look at them. But they'll spot a guy with a broken hand and a lash near their temple.

I mean, it was my fault. I stopped in the wrong part of town. I didn't figure it was so bad as of late.

The Flood / So I got mugged
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:18:35 PM »
I'm honestly having trouble dealing with yesterday. Carjacked, actually. I drove some folks to the train station in the city. Wrong side of the tracks. After I left, I got held up in traffic. I witnessed a colision. Car got reamed in the back and slid into the intersection. Nobody helped them. Piece of shit car's engine gave out from the hard knock.

I helped push their car out of traffic. I'm not feeling the best lately. That made me feel bad. I pulled my truck over to a quiet spot. Puked for a bit. Went to sleep. I woke up to two dudes banging on my door. They pulled me out of my truck, beat the shit out of me and left me there.

I spent the night at the police station. They gave me a bus ticket for home. Now I'm here. Not quite home. Elsewhere at the moment. It'd be prefferable if I just rolled over and died at the moment. But I'm really glad to see this place right now. For real.

I'm just gonna sleep. I'll see you guys around.

The Flood / Re: 3D women are NOT important
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:37:00 AM »
>Not liking 4 dimensional women

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:35:22 AM »
I have something to bitch about.  Every single fuckin' forum I visit is dead as shit nowadays.


I need to find a new community to get involved with. .

Or just get groovey with the necrophilia.
I'm at a complete loss as to how this pertains to or helps my situation at all.

If the forums are dead just talk to yourself.

Wage a forum war with yourself.



The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:31:15 AM »
I have something to bitch about.  Every single fuckin' forum I visit is dead as shit nowadays.


I need to find a new community to get involved with. .

Or just get groovey with the necrophilia.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:23:31 AM »
And the drop off point for the folks at the train station is literally in the heart of the shittiest, seediest part of town. It's literally on the wrong side of the tracks.

I'm done crying now.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:14:26 AM »
Folks jokingly ask if I can drive them to the city to catch the train. I say I'd be up for it, but only if they've tried asking all others and I'm basically the last resort.

All three of their vehicles break down in the same month. The guy who could've taken them is sick like fuck.

So it falls to me. I suppose I should find humor in that. I mean it would work out like that, wouldn't it?

I get to go to my clinic early in the morning, down flaming hot chemicals that basically knock me out solid for a day or two and make me sick like fuck. And then I get to go drive in the city. My personal favorite. I won't be able to stomach eating anything at all. No coffee to help keep me awake, nothing.

Could've been any other day but it was Monday.

Fuck Monday.

The Flood / Re: The worst thing ever happened
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:39:27 PM »
TFW dipping oreo cookie in milk and it slips through your grasp to a milky grave.

The Flood / Re: More of that annoying W10 pushing
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:37:29 PM »
Yeah. At some point I checked my update logs on my comp. It apparently forgot to update for a couple years. So I figured I'd clean house. I didn't see the 8.1 update hidden in there.

When it hit boy did it ever fuck over my programs. Half my shit didn't work. I spent weeks trying to find solutions and found out that microsoft basically said fuck you to people who wanted to uninstall that shit.

So I said fuck it and went to 10. At least all my shit works now.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:33:54 PM »
The very last thing I feel like doing tomorrow is waking up early, sitting down into a car, and driving four hours into the city. Then coming back home on another four hour drive, plus the addition of another hour on a detour.

9 hours of driving, additional however many hours in the city that fuckery takes. That's an entire day of feeling like express dog shit with drug injections, being crammed into a car and being the designated taxi driver, and coming home by myself.

There isn't anything about tomorrow that isn't depressing, stressful, and a general pain in the ass.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:53:40 PM »


Jesus fucking christ
That's beautiful.

Would have been amazing if they went through with it.

Should have done it for april fools.

That or put googley eyes on everybody.

The Flood / Re: Didn't have sex
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:51:34 PM »

Serious / Re: How I like to calm down and put things in perspective
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:14:11 AM »
It's kind of similar to what I used to do when I was down in the dumps. At first anyway, I went where I did simply because it was nice. It was only after I was really down that I ever contemplated letting go of the rails.

There's a radio tower out in my town. Easy to climb. I'd go for walks at night at two, three in the morning, and then climb up to the top and just sit there. The tower's about 250-300 feet high.

I would either just sit down up there, or let myself hang over the rails for a bit. It was always really calm up there. There was a nice still that made it seem detached from the world. It was nice to just look down at the entirety of my small little town at night, and see all the lights of the houses, knowing that all of those homes had people with their own routines and troubles and such.

No matter how shitty things got I could always just climb up there and look down at everything at night in peace and quiet. I remember one night in the middle of winter when the sky was clear and we had a full moon. The area outside of town was silver with all the snow, rather than just black and dark like regular.

It wasn't so far from your approach. It was like stepping back out of my own life and being temporarily aware of something much bigger down below.

The Flood / Re: Where do you want to be by December?
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:01:10 AM »
I'll settle for just being alive. Doesn't even matter too much in what condition.

Serious / Re: When the snowflakes start turning on each other
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:02:33 AM »
Honestly, the only thing I can ever think of when I hear Demisexual is somebody who's only attracted to demi-gods.

Gaming / Re: So can we get a H5 tournament going?
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:00:19 AM »
If I'm not sleeping, or away at the hospital, or busy, and the time's decent, I might be arsed to join.

The Flood / Re: Invention of the devil
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:44:23 PM »
Reminder that rocks aren't evil just because humans can use them to kill other sentient beings with them. Also a reminder that most humans don't kill other sentient beings with rocks. It's not the tool that's evil, it's the user of the tool doing an evil action that's evil. In other words, it's not the money that's evil, it's the nature of human beings that's evil when put in a scenario where money exists.

If anything, you should dislike human beings forming cities or too large tribes, not money.

Reminder that rocks weren't an invention made by humans and therefore, yes, are not evil.

Xsean asked about the evilist, vilest thing we've invented. It's money. Hands down. It enables and helps spread shit actions. It coerces the ugly side of people out.

Why do you think the oil industry still exists and drags on when people could invest into researching and developing cleaner fuels and technology?

It's because those fucks at the top don't want to let all that money go. And by extension of their money, their power.
What right do you have to force them to invest in cleaner fuels? I get that we all share the same Earth and want to make a brighter future, but do they? Do they have to? Is it really anyone's Earth? The world isn't black and white, war is always on, whether it has been announced or not, so if the "big companies" decided to bomb some countries, they probably could. You're living under the thought of everyone being rational and down-to-Earth, but that isn't necessarily true. Safety doesn't exist, even if you're the most secure country on the planet. Safety and a thought for the future of humanity doesn't exist outside of the heads of those who think about that stuff.

They could care less or more about humanity, but where they are they're probably content. If they want to keep on gathering resources and money, whilst destroying the Earth, then who are you to stop them? Do you have the ability? Potential doesn't matter, actions do, and the big companies are very capable. If nobody is gonna stop them, and I mean stop them, not protest or make angry blog posts, then there's no reason for them to stop what they're doing if that's what they want. In the end the one who does an action has done that action. The intention behind it doesn't matter, and if you want to stop them from continuing that action you have to stop them from doing that action. Maybe you can convince them in several ways, or maybe you can do it by force, but in the end if they stop doing the action they've stopped.

I'm not going to delve into a long conversation train here. Because this is what makes for a long conversation. I don't have the energy or time for it anymore. But I'll speak my part and leave it be.

The irony of your statement of them being content.

You're factually wrong. There's a mental process that comes with making money in the amounts that those people do. It's the mental process of any successful big businessmen. In the business sense, climbing the ladder is good. Making more money is good. Continually stepping ahead and growing larger is the goal. And taking any steps backwards? That's a downgrade back towards where you came from.

So all they have is to keep moving forwards. Make more money. Grow larger. Expand. They're never content with what they have because they can always go higher. It's like a mental sickness. It poisons their head and warps their view of reality. They live in an utterly fake world because their entire life exists around arguably fake numbers that they can't stop raking in.

It's an addiction.

So what does that equate for the planet? Bad things. Because these are the people in charge of the world. And you can't say that they aren't. A big corporate investment in one direction can completely wipe out a country. Or fund a revolution. Or make a country with a new regime and another source of profit.

We live in a world with sick people in power.

And yes, you're absolutely right. They don't have to invest in clean technologies. They shouldn't be forced to. BUT. They shouldn't be in control. And again, you're right. If people want it to change, then they should make the effort to change it.

But that's the problem. The latest generations are passive. And do you know why? Because the society that's been built from having so much money, and therefore, power, are comfortable to live in.

Everywhere you look, at poor third world countries that don't have enough money, there's a desolate picture. And that's scary. What would happen if everybody rose up and abolished the bullshit in their home country? Why, they'd have to start over from scratch.

It's an understatment to say that it'd be a big fucking transition out of everybody's comfort zone.

So even society itself has been bought out and bribed, in a manner. And the truth is, most people aren't intelligent enough to understand that. Or maybe some are, but they can't handle it. It's too uncomfortable to confront. And so they don't care. They take it and they go along with it. Another day, another paycheck. More luxuries you can get with that paycheck. More goods and services provided for you in relative comfort.

And they'll all be given to you in exchange for your service to keeping the current system running as it is.

With such a compelling offer as if it really were from Satan himself, how could the average every day person refuse?

And more importantly, one person can't do it alone. People could passivel topple the entire system in a single day if they all worked together with a plan. But the system is so widespread and gloally interconnected now that the task of toppling it or changing it falls to human beings on global scale.

And yet most countries don't even have citizens that can get along with each other or very many people that can think intelligently and independantly. But the point is, the wrong people are in power. It needs to stop.

That's why as a genuine american citizen, I, Sandtrap, will vote for our new Messiah Donald Trump in November 2016.

The Flood / Re: Invention of the devil
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:02:52 PM »
You want some more examples here Desty? Let's take something simple.

You're handed a painting. It's not exactly the best painting, but none the less, it's a painting. Somebody put their time and effort into making it.

You are given a lighter and told that for 1 million dollars, if you torch the painting, you get the million.

How many people do you think would torch the painting in front of a briefcase full of bills? A lot.

Now. Let's say that the same scenario comes up, except that your reward for torching the painting is nothing.

Granted, a small portion of people would burn the painting just for the fuck of it. But a significantly higher portion wouldn't burn it. Add the money to it and what happens?

Suddenly there's very few people who wouldn't burn the painting. And even then, the number of people who wouldn't burn the painting for a million would decrease as the money value increased.

The Flood / Re: Invention of the devil
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:55:28 PM »
Reminder that rocks aren't evil just because humans can use them to kill other sentient beings with them. Also a reminder that most humans don't kill other sentient beings with rocks. It's not the tool that's evil, it's the user of the tool doing an evil action that's evil. In other words, it's not the money that's evil, it's the nature of human beings that's evil when put in a scenario where money exists.

If anything, you should dislike human beings forming cities or too large tribes, not money.

Reminder that rocks weren't an invention made by humans and therefore, yes, are not evil.

Xsean asked about the evilist, vilest thing we've invented. It's money. Hands down. It enables and helps spread shit actions. It coerces the ugly side of people out.

Why do you think the oil industry still exists and drags on when people could invest into researching and developing cleaner fuels and technology?

It's because those fucks at the top don't want to let all that money go. And by extension of their money, their power.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:46:51 PM »
Sandtrap makes this big, depressing, emotional post that makes me feel like shit for not being able to help, and then...

I dont want to host this appartment meeting tomorow

I was bound to fuck up the next post that came along no matter what it was.

The power to make any socks slide down into any shoes.

The Flood / Re: Invention of the devil
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:32:33 PM »
Aha yes. It's time to break out my fedora and trench coat, complete with my authentic replica ceremonial samurai sword.

Hands down, the worst invention people ever made was currency.

Money plays to all the very worst things about people. Greed, selfishness, excess, you name it. If you care enough about money, you can do the most inhuman things to get more of it. Through our entire history since currency became a thing, in all of the bad choices, shit actions, and terrible things done, I would be willing to bet 100% that well over 90% of them were done in the name of money, by somebody.

And today, our world is so shit because of it. There's no decision made in the modern world if it doesn't net money over to somebody. You could invent a 100% clean emission engine, and build it so that it lasts a lifetime.

And no company would take it. Because there wouldn't be enough money in giving everybody an emission free engine that never breaks down.

Aha. But wait.

A company would take the engine. By asking you to hand the rights of that engine over to them for a very large sum of money in return. And then people sell out. Said company takes the design and puts it in their closet, and that's the end of that.

Money's been the underlying root and feeder of just about every shitty thing that's been done for a long time now. And it knows no limits or borders. Race, sex, religion, affiliation, motivation, it doesn't matter. They can all be bought out if the price is right.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you drink green tea?
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:10:38 PM »
Because if it has caffiene in it I puke it up now. Or milk or any kind of cream.

That and it never tasted the most appealing to me.
I swear to god if you put milk or cream in green tea...

Na. There's nothing you could add to green tea that would enchance it in any way. Maybe in some other kind of teas, maybe. Makes them nice and smooth.
jasmine and green tea go pretty nicely together

I never got to the "mix teas together" experimental stage. A shame.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:07:59 PM »
I banged my hand against a desk and it really hurt.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you drink green tea?
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:07:17 PM »
Because if it has caffiene in it I puke it up now. Or milk or any kind of cream.

That and it never tasted the most appealing to me.
I swear to god if you put milk or cream in green tea...

Na. There's nothing you could add to green tea that would enchance it in any way. Maybe in some other kind of teas, maybe. Makes them nice and smooth.

The Flood / Re: Why don't you drink green tea?
« on: April 09, 2016, 01:03:03 PM »
Because if it has caffiene in it I puke it up now. Or milk or any kind of cream.

That and it never tasted the most appealing to me.

The Flood / Re: Question for you Atheist
« on: April 09, 2016, 12:49:16 PM »
I never liked the notion of a central "god" overwatching everything. I prefer the notion that the universe is such a complex design both on the scale of the massive and the small, that when looked at from smallest to largest through it's mirrored systems, that the entire thing in itself is a collective consciousness.

It doesn't pick or choose. No more than we can talk to our cells on a one to one conversation. It just is. Like me or you. Except that we're part of the immense clockwork that makes it. We're infinitely tiny in the grand scheme of it all. But so are the cells that make individual people.

And, arguably, those infinitely small cells are the most important part of what allows people to even exist and function on a larger scale. However, that's my happy ending. My happy idea, if you will. When I die, I merely just join the larger collective on another scale.

But the simple truth I should understand is something I should remember.

I don't know what's on the other side. And I think it's both stupid and incredibly, humanly arrogant to think that our minds even have a chance of having existence or non-existence figured out when our perspective is so limited to the both complex, yet simple systems of our bodies.

Our expectations and the facts of reality are two different things. I have my happy theory, but what it truly comes down to for me is this. If there's another side, or if there's not, I'll find out for myself when or if I get there.

The Flood / Re: Good morning starshine
« on: April 09, 2016, 11:01:02 AM »
God I can't wait for that little yellow star to expand in a wall of glorious red fire.

The Flood / Re: Official crybaby thread
« on: April 09, 2016, 02:48:42 AM »
You know how you lie to yourself and pretend everything's going to be ok, but you know in the back of your mind, it isn't? Then there's that moment. That one moment where you have to face the facts.

That's the worst part.

In hindsight it's not solely terrible. Think about it. Let's say you were dying. But you had a close person to you. How do you think you'd deal with hurting them unintentionally through the process of having them watch you fall apart, not by choice? Personally, I don't think I could do that to somebody I was so close to. I'd drive them away before I let them see it beat me.

On a flipside, being a dead man walking has perks. I'm suddenly free of a lot of responsabilites and expectations. Having to plan or worry about my future, my life? That's gone. I could do any number of things before I go. Little to no strings attached.

I could snort cocaine for breakfast and it wouldn't matter at this point.

Unless you mean I'm just a scummy person who's in denial. If that's the case, well meme'd friend.
No I wasn't saying that at all.

What I say is go have some fun. Go wild. There's nothing that can happen to you that isn't already happening.

Key words. Little to no strings.

I care more about the people still around me and what's going to happen to them after I'm gone than any mess I could throw myself into. I could probably be having fun right now. But it wouldn't suit me. Not at the expense of others. So instead I'm going to cover them and set them up for the time after I'm gone.

Good enough for me. That's the best I can do.

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