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Topics - Cheat

Pages: 1234 56 ... 9
The Flood / MOVED: What's Your Favorite Class?
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:55:22 PM »

The Flood / Regarding Kiyo
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:24:33 PM »
I had originally intended to keep this quiet, but things went down in a way that sort of made it impossible...

Kiyo was to be removed from the staff tonight or tomorrow, and I PMed her to let her know. Unfortunately, before I could remove her powers, she nuked her own account.

The Flood / MOVED: Is there any cool religions?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:26:45 PM »

The Flood / New Rank Brainstorm
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:13:24 PM »
As I'm sure all or most of you are aware, for the past...however long Sep7agon has been a thing, we've had post-based ranks that are tributes to the Halo multiplayer medals (Posting Spree, Posting Frenzy, etc.). They've served their purpose very well in giving users a way to distinguish themselves from others, but in my opinion, they're a bit outdated now.

Which is why I'm proposing this idea for new ranks to take their place!

All ideas are welcome. You can suggest a specific replacement (Pokemon Trainer instead of Posting Riot, for example) or just list some general suggestions. I'd like to keep them video game and movie/tv based, because that's sort of our niche, but you can throw in some weird shit if you really have to...

Current Ranks
* Basic title for all members; Vast majority of holds this title; <25 posts

* Step above Newbie; 25 posts

Posting Spree
* Step above Member; 100 posts

Posting Frenzy
* Step above Posting Spree; 250 posts

Posting Riot
* Step above Posting Frenzy; 500 posts

Posting Rampage
* Step above Posting Riot; 1000 posts

* Step above Posting Rampage; 1777 posts

* Step above Unstoppable!; 3000 posts

* Step above Invincible!; 7777 posts


The Flood / MOVED: Why do you lock threads?
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:35:05 PM »

Septagon / Cheat's Big Suggestion Thread
« on: January 04, 2015, 05:43:42 PM »
A mere post cannot contain what I have to say, so I am making a thread instead to talk about improving the site (mostly on mobile).

Important Suggestions
  • Conserve space on mobile by replacing the logo with the Sep7agon symbol, like we had before.
    Isara: Done by 2.2.0a update.
  • Move search bar and options to dropdown on mobile, and make it take up the whole screen for easy use and visibility.
    Isara: Search button will be moved in menu drop down, and the PM message will stay there. Possible release will be with version 2.2.0b.
  • Elevate the nav bar's z-index so that the "who liked this post" shade doesn't cover it, preventing escaping from the window on mobile.
    Isara: Cheat did this himself, but the truth is that z-index will not work on some cases and browsers, but it's better than nothing.
  • Redesign the notification button and placement (see details below)

Regarding Notifications
The current setup doesn't work on mobile very well. Small screen sizes and the tiny button makes it odd to use, so here's what I suggest:

Move notifications to its own icon, like it was on the old site design, and place it before the PM icon. This prevents accidental presses of the avatar dropdown and makes it simpler to keep track of new quotes and alerts.

Personal Preference Suggestions
  • Move the "new topic" button row back to the right. It's weird being where it is; I can't believe I didn't catch this until now.
  • Add a [close window] button under the like window so that people on mobile don't rage.
  • On desktop, position the search bar more to the left and double its width.

I'm sure more will follow when I think of them...

News / Community Nameplate
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:16:19 PM »
Since the new site design reveal is coming up fast, I thought it'd be cool to let those of you who have stuck around have a special nameplate.

The "Community" nameplate that some of you might have had already is now named "Vintage Community" and, until the new theme drops, is only available by request to those of you who don't have it yet. Once we get the new hotness of Sep7agon 2.0, the nameplate will be taken off the shelf forever for new members.

Down the road, it's likely I may assign special properties to this plate (though I am not sure what), so make sure you grab it while you can.

In its place, the new "Community" nameplate now features the v2 logo, and will remain as free to the general population.


Gaming / Wonder Trading lvl 100 shiny Magikarps
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:26:56 PM »
The last few days I've been cloning an army of shiny level 100 Magikarp on my Pokemon Emerald version. All of them are named SEP7AGON and were leveled up using nothing but Rare Candies, which means they are effectively useless.

What have I been doing with these Magikarp? Dumping them into Wonder Trade.

So if you happen to come across one of these beauties, you're welcome. Enjoy my gift to you. :P

Gaming / Left 4 Dead 2 is $5
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:02:11 PM »
For the next 30 minutes or so it's really fucking cheap. Since there's a game night being put together for it, get that shit right now!

News / Anarchy Weekend Jan 1-4
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:40:24 PM »
Anarchy Weekend will be starting a little early this time around, at about 8:00 PM CST on December 31. The event will last through the weekend and end at 12:00 AM CST on January 5, 2015 (which means you get an extra day of chaos).

All previous rules apply (nothing illegal and nothing that falls into a legal grey area like loli porn).

A few minutes after this posting, I'll be opening up the Beyond the Sea nameplate to everyone. Be sure to grab it today or tomorrow, because it goes back to request-only once Anarchy starts. You need the nameplate in order to access the Anarchy board.

The fucking faggot who made this goddamn site

Gaming / SSB or Alpha Sapphire?
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:06:55 PM »
So, I have some extra Amazon money and I need a new game to play on my 3DS. I've played and enjoyed the original Sapphire and I'm also a fan of SSB Melee. I just can't decide on which game to buy.


The Flood / MOVED: I now have an XB1
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:10:42 PM »

Gaming / TF2 Server?
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:35:55 PM »
So, we're kinda doing pretty well with these ads and as long as they don't stiff me for my first payment I'll have some extra money leftover after server, domain, and premium update package costs. So I'd like to see if anyone here would be interested in using a Sep7agon server for Team Fortress 2.

It'd probably be open only to members or require a password or something, so that would give us a lot of control over the maps and games and such. Anyway, let me know what you think.

The Flood / Desticle sent me a friend request on Facebook
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:43:46 AM »


The Flood / Lite-Bans have no effect, Isara
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:29:10 PM »
You have no power here.

News / Get a warning, lose your custom stuff.
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:11:16 PM »
I've just enabled a new feature that should help persuade everyone to not be an asshole. Those of you who have a high enough Trust rating to give you custom nameplates/titlebars/etc. will have those temporarily removed when you are given a warning above 0%.

That means if you see "Watched" or "Lite-Banned" under your avatar, your customization options will also be disabled for you (and everyone else will also be unable to see your customization).

EDIT: fixed because confusion. I've also added Nuka's idea. You'll now lose your prefix/bar color (temporarily) when warned.

News / Server Maintenance
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:08:05 AM »
Just got the email so I thought I'd give everyone a heads up:
Dear Cheat,

This email is notification of server maintenance which will occur sometime between, 16 December, 2014 through 20 December, 2014, between 9:00 pm and 3:00 am MST (UTC/GMT-7), for the server which hosts

We expect the estimated downtime to be 30 to 45 minutes while the server is rebooted. We expect no adverse affects to your data's integrity, and any temporary performance issues you experience may be due to the maintenance process. This maintenance adds extra security to your server and resolves issues relating to server performance.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Flood / Regarding Camnator [Update]
« on: December 11, 2014, 09:00:33 PM »
In light of new information and a review of yesterday's events, Camnator is no longer listed under the Banadu. In other words, he is no longer server banned/permanently removed from the forums.
He is currently banned for one month - Heavy ban. This is subject to change should more information come to light in one direction or another.
-Mr Psychologist

Original post
So we have had a lot of fun this evening dealing with an incident brought up by a thread posted by Camnator a couple of hours ago.

In this thread he revealed some personal information regarding a user, Nuka. His subsequent temporary ban and locks were directly related to this and were the immediate actions of the moderation team.

It has taken the past two hours to get to a point where this issue has been resolved because of the nature of this information and the numerous issues surrounding it. We have now reached that point and that is why this post is being posted.

Some of you are concerned about unjust moderation, which is understandable considering how almost all of this incident has occurred through private messaging and direct discussions rather than on the boards. This isn't an act of the moderators ganging up on a user because of the demands of another, quite far from it. This was Camnator revealing sensitive personal information and the subsequent fallout from it.

As a result of his actions, I've added Camnator to my server's blacklist and he is no longer welcome on Sep7agon.

Due to the nature of the information in question and in order to respect the wishes of the individual who was affected, those interested in receiving additional information may send a PM to Mr Psychologist, LC, or myself.

News / Staff Update (it's like musical chairs, sort of)
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:26:28 PM »
I just spent a good half hour or more going over the staff discussion thread with all the monitors and mods, weeding out the good from the bad, and you know what? It's really fucking hard to pick people to be on staff, especially when there are so many good candidates.

That said, I'd like to introduce you to the new staff:

IcyWind and Flee have been promoted to Ninja status.

DemonicChronic and RocketMan have been elected as our new Monitors.

Their colors will soon be changing to the appropriate hue. You may say your congratulations here if you really have to...

News / Staff Update Discussion
« on: December 08, 2014, 12:30:16 AM »
As was pointed out to me by the monitors that were online, and experienced for myself: we are in need of some new Ninjas to help moderate the forum while the majority of the staff are away during the day.

Everyone has lives outside this place; I know that. I understand that the staff can't be online all the time to deal with the bad eggs and shitposts. So what I'm asking for is the forum's opinion on which users to add to the mod squad and which ones to subtract.

I'm willing to consider new, regular users to enter the rotation, but I'd prefer to keep the swapping in and out among the Monitors and Ninjas. All opinions on the staff are welcome, regardless. :)

This isn't a poll since it's not an official vote; I just want everyone's input on this.

Our staff for your reference
Master Ninjas
Mr Psychologist


Sandtrap (away for obvious reasons)

EDIT: if you're not comfortable posting your opinion publicly, PM me your reply and I will add it in for you anonymously.

Serious / MOVED: What is your sexuality?
« on: December 06, 2014, 01:27:00 AM »

News / Trying out a new ad service
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:03:40 AM »
Just a heads up: half the time you'll load a new ad service that I'm trying out. If you get any bad ads, report them in Septagon and let me know if it's the new ad service doing it.

Here's how you tell if it's the new ads: If you can scroll the page up and down with your mouse wheel while your cursor is hovering over the ad, it's the old ads. If you can scroll normally, it's the new ads.

Thanks, that's all for now.

News / Anarchy Weekend (Nov 28 – 30)
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:29:40 PM »

It's that time again, and this time we're not having a Penguin Party...

Yep. We're trying this Anarchy thing again with a few guidelines. Below are said guidelines:
1. Nothing illegal is to be posted. Keep in mind that if you're a minor, you may not post a picture that could get you or another user into trouble. Our servers operate in the United States, so laws may be different where you are located.

2. No loli porn. It's a grey area and we're not going to allow it.

3. Content will stay contained within the Anarchy board. Any spillage into the mains will be subject to moderation. If you bitch or bring shit up in the mains, you'll get a multi-day ban.

4. Revealing the identities of anonymous individuals will earn you a perma-ban. This applies to staff and those of you who may be able to see a user's ID through an alert system oversight. Guesswork will not earn you a ban; this only applies to those who unquestionably know who an individual is.

5. If you break the forum layout by creating a topic title with a long word, the title may be changed or the thread may be locked.

Topics from the last Penguin Party will be conserved when the board opens. Apart from the above rules, you are free to post absolutely anything.

To enter Anarchy when it opens, you must have the Beyond the Sea nameplate in your inventory. Starting from now until Midnight this nameplate will be freely available. After that time, you can request the nameplate in your profile.

The Flood / MOVED: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:48:56 PM »

The Flood / Input on Anarchy Weekend
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:45:09 PM »
It's the end of the month and that means Anarchy weekend/Penguin Party/whatever I decide to call it is coming up soon. And so I would like the forum's input on what to do regarding the monthly board of mayhem. Read below for a few options I'd like you to consider:

Sandboxed Penguin Party
Option one means we'd basically keep the monthly Penguin Party the same. This means no insulting members and starting fights. I'm emphasizing "sandboxed" as a way to convey how we'd treat rule-breakers in that board.

If you were to break the rules and insult someone or start a fight in Penguin Party, you would be ejected for that round but no warnings/bans would be applied in the main forums. All threads, posts, and moderating decisions stay contained within that board.

Sandboxed Anarchy
The second option is more or less bringing back the classic, anything-goes-as-long-as-it's-legal Anarchy. The "sandboxed" element here would apply to discussions staying inside that board.

Basically, complaining about Anarchy or starting shit about Anarchy outside of that board would warrant a 1-to-3 day ban on the mains and permanent ejection (maybe) from future Anarchy weekends.

Remove it completely
We could also completely dismantle the whole thing and never have another Penguin Party or Anarchy Weekend again.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on these ideas and any other ideas you have. Voting is good too, but your feedback is more important on this issue than just the numbers.

« on: November 19, 2014, 05:51:32 PM »

Septagon / Those of you getting redirects
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:00:38 PM »
I need the following information from you:

Code: [Select]
1. Your operating system
2. The browser you're using when they appear (if multiple, say so)
3. The URL of the redirected page and a screenshot if you can manage
4. If you see an ad before you're redirected, include any info on that as well.

I'll be sending these guys the URL to this thread, so keep it clean and only post once with your info. Questions can be PM'd to me or posted in another thread about these redirects.

The message they sent me
Hi Cheat -

Thanks for reaching out again. We’ve been researching the issue, but have not been able to replicate it in the wild. Once we are able to replicate, we can use debugging code to identify and eliminate these malicious ads.

Can you provide any additional operating system and browser information or ad call debugging code?

We take these issues very seriously and are working diligently to resolve the issue.

Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.


News / Server Maintenance
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:03:27 PM »
Just got this email and thought I'd pass it along to you guys so you don't freak out when the site is down.
This email is notification of server maintenance which will occur during the week of, 17 to 21 November, 2014, between 10:00 pm and 3:00 am MST (UTC/GMT-7), for the server which hosts

We expect the estimated downtime to be 30 to 45 minutes while the server is rebooted. We expect no adverse affects to your data's integrity, and any temporary performance issues you experience may be due to the maintenance process. This maintenance adds extra security to your server and resolves issues relating to server performance.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

News / Apply to be a Monitor
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:04:12 PM »
Ironman's been MIA for a while now and we need someone to fill the spot as thread-mover and first-post-approver. So instead of me picking, I thought I would let it be more of an open and transparent process. ;)

Basically, if you think you're up for being staff and having the responsibility of working with the mods to approve first posts and move threads, then post a few paragraphs here explaining why you're the person for the job.

I'll choose from among those who apply. The due date is Friday (Nov. 21) at 8:00PM CST.

The Flood / Turning the ads back on
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:18:17 AM »
For those of you not using popup blocker, let me know if you experience any more redirects. I've upped the bid floor for the space, so that should cut out most of the shitty ads.

If you get anything annoying like an audio ad or something malicious, report it here or in Septagon (and please try to get a screenshot if you do).

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