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Topics - Cheat

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Gaming / Halo Game Night (Sun, 23 Nov.)
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:44:34 PM »
Since nobody has really gotten a game night together for a while, I figured I would just go ahead and schedule a date for one. As long as a sizable party can be made, I'd like to schedule the game night a week from today on:

Saturday, November 22nd (5:00pm – midnight CST) for Halo: Reach

Sunday, November 23rd (5:00pm – midnight CST) for Master Chief Collection.

Since I know a lot of people don't yet have an Xbox One, I would be fine playing Halo 4 or Reach on the 360, but I wanted to get everyone's vote on that one. If you plan on showing up, then vote for the option you'd like best.

EDIT: removing Halo 4 as an option, since it has no votes and you guys seem to want either Reach or MCC.

EDIT: Changed start time to 5:00pm CST, two hours before the original time.

The Flood / MOVED: Sep7agon Podcast Test Pilot
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:49:42 PM »
This topic has been moved to News.

Gaming / Halo 2 needs an Objective playlist
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:14:31 PM »
Out of like the 15 or so games I've played on Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer, only one was objective (gun goose CTF). Everyone votes for Slayer BRs...

The Flood / MOVED: Aight
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:21:13 PM »

The Flood / MOVED: The gravemind looks like a sperm cell
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:27:25 PM »

The Flood / MOVED: All right, Cheat, what the fuck is this?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:24:08 PM »

The Flood / MOVED: Halo 2 anniversary scarab gun <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:51:44 PM »

The Flood / MOVED: Vore thread [NSFW]
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:35:18 PM »

Septagon / New ad service, report shitty ads here
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:50:20 PM »
Popups? Redirects? Broken elements? Report the bad ads here with a screenshot and I will see what I can do.

This ad service seems kind of legit, though, so hopefully we can use them.

EDIT: It may take a couple days to get the ads optimized for our audience, so...keep that in mind.

News / Trust System Update
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:35:50 PM »
I'll be pushing an update to the Trust system late tonight, before Penguin Party starts, that may affect your Prefix and customization privileges. Read on to see what's up:

  • Time Online variable (in whole hours) added to Prefix cap requirements
  • Reduced weight on negative Trust values (downvotes)
  • Swapped customization privileges with some Prefixes
    • Custom nameplate and titlebar color moved to Legendary
    • Custom titlebar border added to Mythic
    • Custom title moved to last Trust Prefix

This means that at Legendary you will unlock both a custom nameplate and a custom titlebar color, at Mythic you will get a custom border color, and at the Prefix above Mythic you will earn a custom title. Yes, if you are Heroic after the update, you will lose your custom nameplate until you reach Legendary, which will be weighted more heavily on activity rather than on upvotes/downvotes.

We're on our way to making upvotes/downvotes obsolete as we move closer and closer to a system that begins to resemble the Bungie.old Prefix rankings. A future update may very well remove that feature entirely and affect banned/warned users negatively, but for now the upvote/downvote will carry a much smaller influence over Trust ratings across the board, and activity will allow you to slowly make your way up the ladder.

As always, you will have unrestricted customization privileges in Penguin Party.

News / Banning Intensifies
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:53:16 PM »
After so much of this finger pointing, name calling, and blame-gaming that's been going around causing people to drop out of the forum as well as taking up a lot of my god damn time, I've decided to be a bit more harsh to repeat offenders.

If you have been Lite-Banned before and you do some stupid shit again, be prepared for a 7 day ban, minimum.

Do you have a rather long history of slaps on the wrist and one or two day Lite-Bans? Prepare yourselves for a fun-filled vacation away from this forum for a minimum of 7 days. Mega jerks might even win double vacation time.

Let's be real: nobody really wants to put up with all this drama. We just want to post videos, have light discussions with people we vaguely know, and make online friends and stuff. The censors are gone and we don't have to worry about Adsense breathing down our assholes, so lighten up, stop taking things so seriously, and especially refrain from being a dick bag.

That fucking faggot who made this goddamn site

News / Penguin Party (Oct 31)
« on: October 25, 2014, 10:52:23 PM »

Anarchy is gone; Penguin Party has taken its place.

Come Halloween, we will be opening up a forum you might be mildly familiar with (though with a few variations). Since some of you jerks couldn't play nicely, we've watered down the Anarchy forum a bit and instituted a few rules that will need to be obeyed.

Said Rules
    - Respect your fellow members, or at least tolerate them publicly. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, even if they probably deserve it. Personal attacks come down to whichever Ninja is handling the situation and the context in which it was said

    - Calling out users in a demeaning and harmful manner will not be tolerated - period. Threads doing so will be locked, and the creator will be subject to moderation.

    - Personal attacks, including in public forums and private messages, will not be taken lightly and are subject to punishment. Joking with sayings like "fgt" are acceptable, as long as it does not become excessive

    - Abusing the report feature will result in a ban. Only report things that break the rules, and not just to be a nuisance.

3. Prohibited content

    - No illegal or legally grey content, this includes (but not limited to) loli porn, animal abuse (beastiality) and child abuse.

Rule breakers (most likely those of you who try the "no personal attacks" rule on for size) will be ejected from the Penguin Party, but no action will be taken to limit their posting privileges on the rest of the site. You may not get a warning, so don't fuck up and miss out on the weekend party.

We will be starting kind of fresh for this new round. Hot topics will be transferred over by default (I think that seems fair), but if you had a particular thread that you either do or don't want moved, let me know here and I'll take care of it when the time comes.

Questions? Comments?

The Flood / Mobile Device Poll
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:35:16 AM »
I'd like to gather some data (both for the site and something else I am considering). If you don't have one of the above but have something similar, let me know in the comments. ;)

News / Google Adsense Account Disabled
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:01:57 AM »
As you are probably aware, our pals at Google dumped us. I'm sort of still in shock and I don't know a lot, so I'll just give you the facts.

At 1:02PM (17 Oct) I was sent this single email:

With our advertising programs we strive to create an online ecosystem that benefits publishers, advertisers, and users. For this reason we sometimes have to take action against accounts that show behavior towards users or advertisers that may negatively impact how the ecosystem is perceived. In your case, we have detected invalid activity on your AdSense account and as a result it has been disabled.

We are limited in the amount of information we can provide about your specific violation. We understand that you may want more information about your account activity. However, in order to protect our proprietary detection systems, we are unable to provide further details.

In some cases publishers can make significant changes to correct the violation and are willing to comply with the AdSense program policies. For this reason, we offer an appeal process as an opportunity to work with you to resolve the issue. Please be sure to provide a complete analysis of your traffic or other reasons that may have generated invalid activity in your appeal. Submit your appeal using this form and we will follow up accordingly. Before submission, please review the list of the top reasons for account closure.

Thanks for your understanding.


The Google AdSense Team

To summarize, we were not kicked for our content. That's not the issue here currently (although it was probably what made them look into us again, but that's just conjecture). We were disabled for invalid activity which is basically code for "clicking the ads just to click the ads".

Personally, I don't buy it. I can't prove that Google is making this stuff up (especially since I can't even see the site's previous stats through the Adsense backend), but if you do a search for "adsense disabled invalid activity" and add the word bullshit afterward, you can see some very strange and interesting stories.

I have appealed to Google about this but to be honest I would be downright shocked if they overturned their ruling. If I go without a week of hearing from them, I'll appeal again. In the meantime, we are serving Adversal ads, which are a bit more obnoxious.

Some of you have been complaining about the audio ads. One in particular I know only plays a sound if you hover or brush your mouse over it. I haven't experienced the other one, but I would assume it is likely the same; if it isn't, let me know and send me a screenshot so I can deliver it to Adversal.

Sorry about this, folks, but I think you probably knew Adsense wasn't going to last forever. I'll update the OP when and if I know more.

The Flood / MOVED: cummunity gaymen
« on: October 14, 2014, 06:23:39 PM »
This topic has been moved to Gaming.

The Flood / Anarchy and Adsense
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:15:41 PM »

I figured I'd go ahead and make this discussion public and more accessible to everyone, so here we go.

The first thing I want to do is apologize for the censoring that's been going on, as well as all the butthurt and ragequits we've seen lately. I'm not trying to make everyone here politically correct and I would rather we all have the freedom to say whatever the fuck we wanted (save for the personal attacks and the harassment, because those aren't fun for anybody).

The problem is finding a money-making solution that can keep the site afloat and pay for the premium upgrades we may need (like the alerts mod). I don't want to pay for this shit myself and I don't want to make you pay for it either, so there needs to be a compromise.

Adsense is...amazing for their payout. If we just used that one banner, it could pay for the site and probably a paid update once every two months or so. The downside is that since Adsense is so efficient and popular, they can be choosy if they want to (and they are). Blogs and websites get dumped by them all the time for minor infractions and we've already received a warning from them. I've been looking for a while now for an alternative, but so far they all really suck in comparison.

The various ads we had near the bottom made maybe $0.02 to $0.04 a day, which is less money than I could make on my phone doing surveys and shit. Amazon Affiliates doesn't work in Missouri (where I am from) so they are out as well.

So right now we are stuck with Adsense, and I cannot afford to lose the income it creates for the forum. Your thread titles need to be safe for work and the content of your first post (if you are making a thread) needs to be relatively clean. Use a spoiler if you aren't sure and PM me (or post in here), but please try to control yourself when you're making a post.


Something I've been considering is swapping out the adsense code in The Flood for something that makes less money, but still brings in some money. The problem with this is that The Flood has the overwhelming majority of our activity, and we would lose a lot of funding this way.

Another option is to bring back a watered down version of Anarchy for this purpose, which would become a permanent board on Sep7agon. You wouldn't be allowed to attack other members, but everything else about the board would remain. I'm less convinced of this idea because of the drama and inevitable rule-breaking that would occur, but I'd like to keep the idea on the table until something more concrete comes into play.

The last option would be either prohibiting guests from browsing the forum completely, or removing the ads from topics for guests and members without a first post. Both of these come with their own set of issues regarding activity, visibility, interest in the site for potential members, and ad revenue. I will be removing ad visibility in locked threads in the near future, though, regardless of the decision we need to make.

So I suppose I'll open the floor to any of you with ideas, questions, or suggestions.

News / Meet the new Admin
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:24:55 PM »
You guys probably saw this coming for a long time since Focnr's inactivity, but Isara's been promoted to Architect.

She'll be helping out with the design and implementation of the new theme and a few other upgrades (or really, whatever you guys like to complain about). So now if the site breaks you can blame her as well. :P

You may say congratulations if you really have to.

The Flood / MOVED: Best questline in Skyrim.
« on: October 11, 2014, 02:03:35 PM »
This topic has been moved to Gaming.

Septagon / Coup and Ads
« on: October 11, 2014, 01:59:47 PM »
I have a few questions for you guys and I want them answered immediately.


Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

I am considering actually putting in the Coup some of you have been asking for. I need a little feedback on this idea of mine.

Basically, at about 300-500 posts or so, you'd be able to check a box in your profile called "Turn Coup On" or something. It would basically be the on/off switch for the crazy customized shit you guys wear in Anarchy. If it's turned on for you, you can see everyone's custom colors, nameplates, etc. If it's not turned on for you, everyone appears normal.

Would everyone be cool with this idea?

The second thing I wanted to ask about is a potential alternative to the bottom links we've got to supplement adsense. Infolinks has a nifty ad service that displays image ads on the sides of the page (in the dead area that is covered in the blue gradient). I'm not completely sold on the practice yet, but I'd like to see what you think about adding them. I'm worried they'd look too...unappealing on this forum.

News / Rules are Under Construction
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:26:46 AM »
The staff and I will be working on updating the rules list, as we have grown substantially since we started and some of the items need to be looked at.

Until they are refreshed, consider this the main rule: You have no rights; play nice.

Serious / MOVED: Rumors has it that Spider-Man might go to Marvel.
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:59:31 PM »

News / Staff Change
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:18:16 PM »
I'll be fast about this.

Mr Psychologist and Kiyo have swapped moderator positions. Kiyo will now serve as a Forum Ninja while Mr Psychologist will be a Master Forum Ninja. This should be the only current change with staff (that I can think of).

Septagon / The Future of
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:20:24 AM »
If we ever get some content creation that takes off (YouTube vids, more recent game reviews, etc.) we could stay strong for a good long while.

Also, as long as sucks we should be reasonably fine.

Serious / MOVED: An.....interesting personality test
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:10:36 PM »

News / Staff Poll
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:12:42 PM »
Ok, we're starting the poll up now so we can get this done, come Monday night.

You're not voting for any specific position. Assume the person with the highest votes would get the highest position (Master Ninja).

We will not be re-attributing mod powers to the winners of this poll. I will take a look at the results and, if I decide to do so, change a few of the staff positions up.

The Flood / Staff Nominations
« on: October 05, 2014, 01:10:57 AM »
I'm planning on setting up a poll to get the forum's pulse in a couple days or so, so I'd like some nominations for members who would make good staff members. I'd like to keep this as simple as possible, so just assume the person or people you're nominating would be Master Ninjas.

All current staff will be added to the poll I make; no need to nominate them.

Give one to three members in your post, please.

EDIT: I probably need to elaborate a bit, since there's no guarantee all of you were following the stuff in Anarchy.

We're not voting for new staff. This is only to see how everyone feels about the mod positions and the members they feel would best fill them. Changes may be made to the roster, but they will likely be minimal.

The Flood / MOVED: So I wrote a mission for bungie, since theirs suck.
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:36:36 PM »
This topic has been moved to Gaming.

The Flood / MOVED: Anime: Jormungand Review
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:31:33 PM »
This topic has been moved to News.

The Flood / Keep it Clean
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:53:19 PM »
I am about to re-apply to adsense to try to get us out of the warning, but I need you guys to keep it cool and not post anything you wouldn't on Bungie...or rather, the old Bungie. We're going to have to be pretty conservative about our content, especially in the original posts.

There can't be any sexual/suggestive images or posts (this, more so than your language, I think, was the issue). Vien's artwork wouldn't be appropriate and the thread I just moved to Anarchy about panties probably wouldn't fly, either.

This is temporary, most likely. I have several other ad providers lined up, but I'd like to keep Adsense as an option in the future, and that can't happen if we get permabanned. If you have any questions, ask them here please, and if you see any posts that could jeopardize our advertisements, report them and the mods will move them to Anarchy.

News / New Monitors
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:26:32 PM »
Yutaka and IcyWind have been promoted to Monitor. They'll be keeping the forum clean and approving posts from new and moderated members.

You may congratulate them here if you'd like. 8)

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