Having my cunt kciked in almost every day. Fuck secondary school.
>that feels when you see a Qt and you are too nervous to talk to her
You sound like some retarded instagram user.
How can you know I sound a certain way when you have never heard me talk?
Kinda personal, but got my first crush back in sophomore year and got him in junior year. Then it was all downhill from there...yeah I hate high school.
> Aerospace Academy> About 5 to 6 students strove to become a pilot> I am one, whilst a decent friend is the other> During a fly in event, we watch my friend take off on a tri motor plane.> After liftoff, gasoline jets through instrument panel and sets fire.> After emergency landing, friend received second and third degree burns around the body. > 8 months without his presence11th grade was shit.
Kill him