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Messages - jobanVpistol

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: The Future of Gaming
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:56:21 AM »
I want a Neuro Linker.

Ah that'd be cool, although you run the risk of everyone sitting there dribbling staring at wall lol

Gaming / The Future of Gaming
« on: September 27, 2014, 08:40:56 AM »
The Generation game... Console
The first time I ever played on a game console; I was visiting my uncle and managed to get my hands on an Atari 2600! I was mesmerised, glued to the screen for hours on end. It was the ultimate child silencer. From that day forward the gaming industry had me by the thumbs (or 'hand' as it was a joystick).

"Uncle said the internet made fizzing noises!"
I now have 3 nephews and 2 nieces ranging from 6 months to 13 years old and like so many things they take 'the digital age' for granted but understandably since they were born into it not knowing what the gaming industry consisted of back then.

They're growing up touching screens, connected to people all over the world and playing on machines that provide them with beautiful graphics, smooth gameplay and not having to perform 'the magic blow' on a cartridge to get it to work.

It's a story of 'back when I was a kid' that will be told and retold, generation after generation. It's for that exact reason I had to explain how the then new VCR worked to my nan and just like the time I showed her the 'new' iPad before she passed, she had that 'I have no idea what this is or what magic makes it work' glazed look on her face.

So that got me thinking.

Will we reach a stage in our lives where our grandson/daughter is showing us the latest gaming... thing and we'll be astonished at what it can do? I'd like to think I'd be 'in the loop'.

If so, I wonder what it will be.

With virtual reality headsets making a comeback and technology moving as quickly as it does...

What do you think gamers will be using in 50 years time?

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:22:13 PM »
It's definitely the environment for me. Lol

Like I said the lifelessness 'bothers me' but can be substituted by players at least.
As much as this phrase makes me cringe, we'll just have to agree to disagree lol.

I appreciate your views though. That was the point of the post, just wanted to hear other people's thoughts.

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:00:40 PM »
I hear what your saying but surely, surely, a few planes with a simple diffuse texture applied to it wouldn't be taxing or take up hardly any memory in a game that was a 7GB download.

The lifelessness does bother me but not as much as the drab environment does. I do understand your point though some of the details I would have liked to be implemented would involve scripting, model animation etc etc.

On a slightly different topic, I have a similar interest in the making of games. I'm addicted to watching all the tutorials I can on Unreal Engine 4 on YouTube you should check them out if you haven't done already. Also Substance Designer really interesting to watch.

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:23:43 PM »
However, I believe it is a mistake to consider the tower as a social hub in the sense of a big MMO city. Supposedly, if Destiny were to aim into such a large open world area then our headquarters would have been in The City itself. Therefore, it is an inherit objective that the tower fulfills in an excellent manner; as a station to manage your character, meet friends and move on in short timespans.

1 Some conversations do take place, but they do not happen often, and do not really feel like a bustle of life, since the two characters conversing sometimes are too far, or not even looking to one another.

Oh definitely, it shouldn't be considered an MMO social hub I completely agree but however long your character is or isn't meant to stay their... does that mean it can't be beautiful?

It just feels to me that The Tower is somewhat... confused. If the only purpose it serves is for character management then why build it at all? Why not just hang in orbit and converse with your friends through some kind of menu screen.

It does it's job well like you say but it's unmistakingly trying to instil that unquantifiable sense of belonging to a larger community that you get within an MMO and it does so (partly) by it's design. The area's where character management is mostly confined to, is huge for it's base purpose and in the same breathe they over estimated how many vault interfaces are truly required for such a sparse environment.

EDIT: For just wanting people not to hang around for very long, if you get my meaning. :s

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:01:29 PM »
Exactly, 'no life'. It feels like walking through town on Christmas Day. An eerie 'is there a sale on somewhere I don't know about' sensation.

The odd thing is, it wasn't apparent to me until recently.

Actually... you know what could make it look more interesting with the least amount of effort. If they (not completely) covered the hard metal floor with some kind of royal red carpet, falling down and up the stairs etc. Make it less... sterile. The story implies Guardians are almost royalty why not have a carpet to go with it ha!

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:34:38 PM »
Ah right my mistake.

I don't want to get caught up in all that other stuff (although I'm aware of the risk posting something like this).


Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:28:35 PM »
I have an interest in design. Not game mechanics.

Gaming / Re: Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:17:53 PM »
It would have been great to do that. I must admit I've stood looking at it feeling somewhat... imprisoned.

but we can't dwell on that too much because it is what it is. It's literally game changing however they can decorate what we can walk around a lot better. Some more interesting lighting maybe I don't know but...

Gaming / Destiny; The Tower Facelift!?
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:10:53 PM »
A Brief Disclaimer
I wanted to start by saying this isn't about jumping on the Destiny 'complain train'. I'm really enjoying what it has to offer despite some tweaks they've recognised for themselves. I joined Sep7agon today and it's good to find somewhere to discuss topics with mature people as opposed to the other forum that shall not be named.

Aaaanyway Back On Topic!
The Tower! I studied Graphic Design at uni' (10 years ago :s) so I'm always on the look out for anything that's pleasing to the eye and for the most part Destiny is a good-looking game BUT... The Tower itself seems somewhat lacking visually, simply stroking the Iris not punching me in the pupils like I think it should.

There are a few locations in The Tower that are exempt and DO look great.

The view - A huge expanse showcasing The Traveler in all it's dormant glory and the stunning mountainous vista from the Vanguard room.

The Speaker's... office?? - If I were a millionaire I probably would have a giant gyroscope type... thing (reminds me of the film Contact) surrounded by a bunch of galaxy snow globes. It's probably my favourite place in the The Tower.

The Queen's Representative - The ship with it's long material-like streamers is a gorgeous touch and looks great.     

The Problem
I can't fault the architecture, it's grandiose and imposing as it should be, it's the headquarters for all Guardians everywhere but let's face it it's rather an uninspired grey wasteland.

Amongst the wasteland The Cryptarch stands to the right in front of a small red stall with nothing on it (explains why he's so unwilling to give anything good away, he has no stock!). The Gunsmith has some beige weapons on the grey wall behind him, standing behind his grey empty table. Xander 99-40 whom we spend a lot of time collecting bounties from is just standing next to a billboard and some boxes.

It would be a fair question to ask me, "What sort of thing would you like to see?" and I have to admit I'd struggle with an answer. I think I was hoping/expecting each 'important' NPC to have an equally important (and great looking) area where they conduct their business. At the very least a bit more colour. It seems as though the small banners that are hung around the main area of The Tower are there to do just that, add a bit of colour, however, nailing a red sock to the Great Wall of China doesn't make it any less grey.

We spawn into The Tower from orbit and what do we see? a hustling, bustling, colourful, awe-inspiring, social courtyard that makes you want to stand there and slowly pan your camera up and get involved??

It's just a shame that (whether you agreed with the treasure cave exploit or not) one of the most beautiful sights I've seen in Destiny so far is a small cave full of glowing ammo/engram drops. Rather than the home of The Guardians...

What do you think?

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