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Messages - Dopameme

Pages: 1 ... 245246247 248249 ... 261
The Flood / Re: When I grow up, I want to be just like door.
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:50:13 PM »
One does not simply be like Door and not be a faggot

The Flood / Re: get in here you fgts
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:49:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: i didn't realize things were this bad
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:42:45 PM »
Destiny isn't a game?
Yeah it's a game, but #­gaming exists for the sole purpose of discussing games that aren't Destiny. There are two sub-forums, #Clans and #Destiny, that are specifically designed for Destiny discussion, for fuck's sake.

The Flood / Re: What are/were your favorite subjects in school?
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:35:15 PM »

that is still the only class that I've failed.

The Flood / Songs that describe your current mood
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:33:18 PM »

yeah yeah, I'm posting an Alkaline Trio song, boo hoo. But yeah, this pretty much sums my mood up better than anything else right now.

The Flood / Re: The Eternal Jew
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:00:08 PM »
its the illerminaty i tell ya

The Flood / Re: Let us amuse each other.
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:58:55 PM »
someone answer my question

The Flood / Re: What are/were your favorite subjects in school?
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:56:21 PM »
Art. STEM is a load of fucking bullshit.
Science, technology, English, and math. It's what these fascist schools are forcing children to regurgitate these days so they can be robots that "contribute" to society.
Ah, well we're all just cogs in the machine. I've always like the humanities better.

The Flood / Re: What are/were your favorite subjects in school?
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:51:20 PM »
Art. STEM is a load of fucking bullshit.

The Flood / Re: I had to take one for the team
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:50:43 PM »
No!!!!!!! Why did you listen?! Fuck those people!
The sausage man is life!
sausage man is love,
sausage man is life.

However, all good things must come to an end.

The Flood / What are/were your favorite subjects in school?
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:49:40 PM »
I'd have to say that I always enjoyed history classes throughout my schooling the most out of all the other core subjects. It's cool to study humanity's past and see how history continues to repeat itself.

The Flood / I had to take one for the team
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:24:35 PM »
I received some complaints a few days ago that my previous avatar, Ramsay Bolton shaking a sausage, was causing the site to run slow for some people. So I decided to take one for the team and change it  :(

The Flood / Re: Who do you hate most here?
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:59:53 PM »
In all seriousness, I don't see how some of you people can have a genuine hatred for someone on the internet.

The Flood / Re: Who do you hate most here?
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:58:54 PM »
ryle, das, ember, door, rc, sprungli, secondclass, mr psychologist, kiyo, verbatim, ember, you, that guy over there, cheat, slash, simseo, noelle, vien, focnr, true velox, deci, kinder, challenger, dustin, foman, lord revan, true underdog, old papa rich, anonymous user (deleted), shishka, watermelon king, tom t, bobcast, evilcam, captain k mart
why am i not on that list u fukin jew bagel

The Flood / Re: how do you handle sexual fustration?
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:57:33 PM »
Well, considering I have so much sexual frustration on a daily basis, I do a lot of things to alleviate that unnecessary stress. Going to the gym, running, drowning myself in my favorite music. All of these pretty much do the trick for me, until my mind goes back to beating itself up.

The Flood / Re: get in here you fgts
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:47:13 PM »

« on: September 19, 2014, 08:35:32 PM »
You wanna see something real nasty.
did somebody say Nasty?

The Flood / Re: Ah, the offsite. A Place to see the end of the true flood.
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:24:32 PM »
who the hell are you

The Flood / Re: So I passed out fo an entire hour
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:24:01 PM »
contemplating what I'm doing with myself tonight

The Flood / get in here you fgts
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:46:49 PM »

I'm bored as fuck and everyone is cancelling their plans with me, so I'm stuck here jerking off in my room alone.

The Flood / Re: Workout Thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:31:07 PM »

I made this guide a few months ago. Put a lot of thought and effort into that and did not receive the same amount of appreciation, but I still think it's a good thread.

The Flood / Re: Workout Thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:26:52 PM »
>this forum
>people that workout
You gotta pick one.
I work out 5 days a week m8

The Flood / Re: Would you hang out with Verbatim IRL?
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:37:14 PM »
Maybe he's surprisingly cool and totally not a throbbing dick in person.

The Flood / Re: Get in
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:12:21 PM »
yes fgts, get in here. I'm quite bored

The Flood / Re: The real origin of Elegiac (as explained by Alfred).
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:26:20 AM »
I'm too baked to read that entire thing

Can I get a summary

The Flood / Re: Cleansing—A test.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:59:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: Cleansing—A test.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:54:27 PM »

If you don't find the image posted above humorous, even in the slightest, then you don't deserve to be alive.
ayy lmao

The Flood / Re: Reasons why the South is better than the North
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:48:42 PM »

Texas is the shit.
1. Tex Mex is better than any other kind of Hispanic food, and it's only made here.
2. We invented most of the shit Nasty talked about
3. Winter that's actually, y'know, Winter.
4. Some off the largest cities in the US, and also some of the most secluded countryside, so you don't have to choose.
On the subject of Sweet Tea
I'm personally not a fan of Black Tea, and I won't take my tea cold, so Iced Tea and Southern Style Sweet Tea are not something I enjoy, but they are HUGE FUCKING STAPLE in life for everyone around me so...

I was amazed when I learned that some places don't brew it sweet, and instead make you stir sugar in.
Greetings, fellow southerner

The Flood / Re: Booze?
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:37:30 PM »
Favorite beers are Shock Top Orange, Guinness, and Beck's 40 oz.

Favorite liquors are Captain Morgan rum, Jack Daniels, Svedka vodka, and Crown Royal

The Flood / Re: Reasons why the South is better than the North
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:03:45 PM »

Nothing gets under my skin more than southern horse shit. However I swore I'd stay out of politics on the offsite.

If this were I'd be shitting all over these myths you like to spout. And no that doesn't make me some south hating northfag any more than that math teacher of yours who's been correcting your error ridden homework.

This has nothing to do with politics. Like, at all. And maybe I'm bad at spotting analogies but what does this have to do with math homework?

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