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Messages - Dopameme

Pages: 1 ... 227228229 230231 ... 261
The Flood / Re: Confession thread
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:09:59 AM »
I actually hate all of you


This is literally flawless advice.
thats what im sayin brah!

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:10:05 PM »
The only hate I got was from Korra from my little fanfic and that pic of korra covered in semen, and even that hate was mild at best.
lol wut

It was a very well photoshopped still from a LoK episode. I'll leave it at that.
Was that...from the first Anarchy?
I think I vaguely remember that.

Not even. It was way before that. It may have even been on one of the removed offsites. Just pretend she tripped with some eggnog and it's SFW

fucking lol

The Flood / Re: Should I have a shower now or tomorrow?
« on: October 14, 2014, 07:09:25 PM »
wait, so are you saying that if you wait until tomorrow night, you'll have gone 2 days without showering?

that's pretty raunchy m8

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(more updates)
« on: October 14, 2014, 06:49:08 PM »

*circle jerk intensifies*

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 06:38:11 PM »
Hey Nexus, just because someone makes a thread telling people to grow up and stop fighting and gets a lot likes as a result of it doesn't mean he's fishing for likes or being an attention whore.

I don't know who you were on or if you're even from there, but Nasty is the farthest thing from an attention whore. He just cares about the community and doesn't want to see it go down due to people being childish.

It's funny you say he's unimportant and his post does nothing but contribute to the drama, while at the same asking us to listen to you instead while trying to engage OP in an argument. I tip my hat to you sir.

Ignoring this won't make it go away. There are a select few people who take things way too seriously and personally, and there is another group which believes free speech means you can say what you like without backlash. These people keep bumping heads and ignoring them or laughing at them doesn't solve anything. If anything, we need to engage them in discussion and try to get these people to get along.
Officer Nasty is immature and stupid.

All he cares about is fitting in and getting precious likes.

Inb4 personal attacks from obvious trolls
wow, you pretty much know everything about me! :^)

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:56:10 PM »
Guys....guys listen...i have a confession to make too...
you're not actually a filthy weeb?

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:52:28 PM »
This site discriminates against CIS males that don't like anime.
Is that supposed to be a reference about me?
no because ur an fgt

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:51:47 PM »
What happened now?
I honestly don't even know, I just saw the aftermath.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:39:57 PM »
As much as you'd like to think that simply not talking about the issue would fix it, that's not the case. You haven't been here long enough to realize that this has been a reoccurring theme for a while now. Considering the fact that this is an open forum, everyone has the ability to speak their mind on anything they'd like. This was on my mind and I thought I'd share it, unless my idea on this whole forum thing is completely off.

Usually the way problems are solved is through a combined effort of discussion and compromise with the parties involved. I'm only encouraging those things, so if that's your idea of someone being "full of themselves" then you need to have a reality check.
No, actually the only way for this problem to be solved is for people to get overtly offended by people who don't matter, and for other people to stop being cocks with the intention to cocks for no reason. Nothing is solved by making a thread, unless you were an admin addressing the issue and handing out punishments, but you're not. And yeah usually they are solved by that, in the real world, but maybe you need a reality check if you would think it'd work here. And you might not be full of yourself, but these kinds of threads sure do not contribute to the contrary.
the only way for this problem to be solved is for people to get overtly offended by people who don't matter, and for other people to stop being cocks with the intention to cocks for no reason
Except this right here is exactly what the problem is.

Wait, so you're saying that the only people who should be allowed to talk about an issue that directly affects everyone in this community, especially if it comes to this place getting shut down, are staff members? That logic is asinine at best.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:20:36 PM »
Okay, let's do this.

I made this thread because I'm never actually here for any of the shit that happens since I'm busy during the day.
So what does it really have to do with you then? You're not involved in it, you weren't there for it. How can you really talk about it then?

Just because you claim I'm trying to whore for attention doesn't redact the point that I made in the OP. My popularity or reputation here is irrelevant to my basis of making the thread,
It has nothing to do with trying to redact anything you said in the OP, but more of why you said it. You're motivation behind the stuff you say matters too. Your OP made be valid but it does not stop anything. Hence your motivation behind why you made is for selfish reasons along with your thread being pointless. Even if you aren't full of yourself on an internet forum. You made the thread because you thought what you said mattered enough. It doesn't.

because I would've done the same fracking thing if I just joined the site today.
Really? "I guess the "confession" I'm trying to make is that I miss the beginning stages of this site," This sounds like something from a user who joined yesterday, clearly.

You act like you know everything about me, so please, continue to make baseless assumptions  :D
  Can do.
As much as you'd like to think that simply not talking about the issue would fix it, that's not the case. You haven't been here long enough to realize that this has been a reoccurring theme for a while now. Considering the fact that this is an open forum, everyone has the ability to speak their mind on anything they'd like. This was on my mind and I thought I'd share it, unless my idea on this whole forum thing is completely off.

Usually the way problems are solved is through a combined effort of discussion and compromise with the parties involved. I'm only encouraging those things, so if that's your idea of someone being "full of themselves" then you need to have a reality check.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:02:26 PM »
You're only adding to all the drama with this thread. You're an attention whore. You have to make your opinion known. You have to make your own thread. You want people to know that this is your take on it, and that you are important enough that people should care. The sad truth is no one should care. The only way to stop something to make it irrelevant, and this is the opposite of that. GG on you're thread though. You sure are making the problem stop.
I made this thread because I'm never actually here for any of the shit that happens since I'm busy during the day. Just because you claim I'm trying to whore for attention doesn't redact the point that I made in the OP. My popularity or reputation here is irrelevant to my basis of making the thread, because I would've done the same fucking thing if I just joined the site today. You act like you know everything about me, so please, continue to make baseless assumptions  :D

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:53:34 PM »
how is forum drama even a thing?
Because some figs like to be even bigger figs to certain figs, creating an atmosphere of figgotry

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:50:49 PM »
No surprise you're using the drama to fish for likes.
And I thought you ragequit :^)

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:50:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: sep7agon's official "how to become swole" thread
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:46:10 PM »
bump for awareness

The Flood / I have a confession to make
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:43:25 PM »
All of this bullshit fighting and drama that's been going on recently is not only hilarious, but it's genuinely ridiculous as well. Sometimes I wonder if you're all 13 by the way you treat each other and how offended some people get because of words on a screen. We generally know nothing about each other, with the only shit we do know is what we project.

I guess the "confession" I'm trying to make is that I miss the beginning stages of this site, where everything was basically care-free and we all relatively got along with each other. I would hate to see this community go down in flames because of a few bad apples in the bunch, so please, get your fucking acts together.

That is all. :)

The Flood / Re: I'm watching The Walking Dead premier
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:50:33 AM »
Carol is on a whole other level of bad ass


<———- future pro bodybuilder
and dats cause u follow my plan brah

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(WINNERS UPDATED)
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:55:19 PM »

what the fracking frack is going on in here

and why am i not the most MLG?!?!
You have to pound the tuna first.
w-what tuna? i don't like fish ;~;
Oh its not a fish.

guys srsly
srsly guys

im too bamboozled for this shit

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(WINNERS UPDATED)
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:52:08 PM »
what the fracking frack is going on in here

and why am i not the most MLG?!?!
You have to pound the tuna first.
w-what tuna? i don't like fish ;~;

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Awards(WINNERS UPDATED)
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:50:28 PM »
what the fucking fuck is going on in here

and why am i not the most MLG?!?!


I knew this was bullshit when you said leg day doesn't matter.
bro how is this bullshit my biceps are bigger than my head because of how much time I have not training legs bro


You forgot triceps fgt.  They're like 70% of your arm muscle.
bro triceps are literally for fgts

Yeah totally because working out the most crucial part of your arm muscle is for fgts

do u even lift tho bro


You forgot triceps fgt.  They're like 70% of your arm muscle.
bro triceps are literally for fgts

Bump because you fgts need this

The Flood / sep7agon's official "how to become swole" thread
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:34:16 PM »
alright you non-lifting fgts, it's time y'all learn how to get big so you can finally have sex with a girl. below is a step by step process of what you need to do. each of these steps have been tested comprehensively by scientists and fellow swolebros, so there's no need to question my legitimacy.

step 1: get a gym membership. no way you fgts can get swole if you don't go to a gym. quit being a jew and shell out some cash for a membership.

step 2: acquire steroids. sure, you can spend countless hours in the gym lifting the natural way, but that's for total bitches. get some steroids and inject that shit into your body and your biceps will be making them bitches' panties wet in no time.

step 3: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON LEGS. seriously bros, give me one good reason why you should train your legs. that's right, there aren't any. doing squats and lunges in the gym just makes you look like a bitch, and that's not what you want. you want to be pullin' bitches, not looking like one. instead of wasting your precious get-swole time with legs, why not focus on your biceps and chest? those are the only muscles that bitches care about, yo.

step 4: buy a large supply of Extenze boner pills. you heard right. pop one of these bad boys before you go to bed every night and your dick will grow in no time. not only does your biceps need to be huge, but your dick as well. and after Anarchy Weekend, I know some of y'all need this shit.

step 5: get a heavy spray tan. since none of you like going outside, there's no way you can get a natural tan. plus, why do something the natural, more difficult way when you can just spray a tan on yourself?

that's it, y'all. i hope you take this lengthy guide seriously, you'll be having sex with as many bitches as i do in no time. remember not to neglect any of the steps i have pointed out, it's go big or go home.

The Flood / Re: I might have a grillfriend tommorw.
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:20:19 PM »
Is her booty at least this big?

that's a cute dog

The Flood / Re: I might have a grillfriend tommorw.
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:19:16 PM »
okay, let me put on my srs face for this one

what you need to do is remain calm and understand that you two are still just friends, and that you should ask her to hang out like you would with one of your friends. ask if she wants to go out for coffee or a bite to eat, get to know her more. usually nothing happens on the first date so don't expect anything.

The Flood / Re: why am i not heroic yet
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:11:21 PM »

Not until you delete that "Ayy lmao" nonsense. It's against my religion.
doesn't your religion consist of weed, booty, and Halo Wars?

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