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Messages - Ingy

Pages: 1 ... 175176177 178179 ... 485
The Flood / Re: Should I get a drink with Damian Lillard?
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:19:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: How often do you change your avatar image?
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:59:57 PM »
Every couple of months

Or whenever I find an image I like

The Flood / Re: MBTI
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:56:23 PM »

I think these mbti test are kinda bullshit but whatever

The Flood / Re: >when this happens
« on: May 15, 2016, 06:52:30 PM »
Form some contractions
Use some short synonyms
Cut out some adjectives

It's an easy fix

The Flood / Re: Post score
« on: May 15, 2016, 04:47:06 PM »

Got fucking screwed in mental and social
Also couldn't get for any of the rent or car points

The Flood / Re: >when this happens
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:50:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: hahaha omg kyle,
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:37:56 AM »
You post a lot

Don't you hate it when you skip forward but you skip forward too much and they already fucking so you have to go back to see the crucial moment right before they start fucking

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 11:21:52 PM »
public bathrooms were no more or less secure before this law was even in place

get over yourself
Uh yes they were
Because if you went into the wrong bathroom, the men with guns come and take you away

Except now you can just say that you're a transgender and everything is all good
You're really showing your age here with this ignorance.

Get to bed, you'll miss tomorrow's episode of Doc McStuffins.

Look who decided to show up
Did you get held up curing world hunger

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 11:02:01 PM »
Who cares about north carolina anyway?

Maybe the people who are in its education system

Like me

I have one year left of high school
I think I'll be fine

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 10:43:58 PM »
Who cares about north carolina anyway?

Maybe the people who are in its education system

Like me

The Flood / Re: Mr. Christopher Columbus,
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:59:33 PM »
Did you know America was named after Christopher Columbus

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:32:05 PM »
Well if you were educated, you would know that you need a doctor's approval to have it changed
Did you think you could go to the DMV and just have it changed or something?
So I've been reading up on this and it seems a lot of states do have pretty fair ways to which you get your DL (similar level IDs) changed. I'm thinking that might actually be a viable solution. There are a few problems though in how all of this bullshit being on state or local levels can lead to inconsistent results. Some legislation are defined as written on birth certificate, some state "as biologically defined", which means DL or similar aren't legally valid. But I guess I'm coming to the realization that a lot of the people on the other side of the issue don't necessarily agree with NC implementation or any current iterations, but rather disagree with specific policies like Target.

I would be more inclined to agree with people if they didn't allow you to change your gender on your birth certificate but the fact that they do makes it a complete non issue
Or should be a non issue
Well at least in NC, getting your BC changed requires SRS. Because SRS is not something most trans people get (and many don't even want), it should not be the criteria. Professional diagnosis and recommendation should be the criteria.

I think the reasoning behind that is genitals
The body is still physically the same with HRT 

Cramping is a sign that you didn't warm up properly

Stretch before you run

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:22:48 PM »
Well if you were educated, you would know that you need a doctor's approval to have it changed
Did you think you could go to the DMV and just have it changed or something?
So I've been reading up on this and it seems a lot of states do have pretty fair ways to which you get your DL (similar level IDs) changed. I'm thinking that might actually be a viable solution. There are a few problems though in how all of this bullshit being on state or local levels can lead to inconsistent results. Some legislation are defined as written on birth certificate, some state "as biologically defined", which means DL or similar aren't legally valid. But I guess I'm coming to the realization that a lot of the people on the other side of the issue don't necessarily agree with NC implementation or any current iterations, but rather disagree with specific policies like Target.

I would be more inclined to agree with people if they didn't allow you to change your gender on your birth certificate but the fact that they do makes it a complete non issue
Or should be a non issue

The Flood / Re: The Shutter Island ending
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:17:25 PM »
Doubt it
Seems like a weird thing for someone to do after being snapped out of their fictionalized reality
He created the reality because of the guilt of being responsible for his wife's death. He would rather die than live with that for the rest of his life.

Which is why it's more probable that he relapsed rather than lobotomizing himself 


« on: May 14, 2016, 05:21:13 PM »
You're a squid now

The Flood / Re: The Shutter Island ending
« on: May 14, 2016, 05:20:27 PM »
Doubt it
Seems like a weird thing for someone to do after being snapped out of their fictionalized reality

The Flood / Re: best thread you've ever made
« on: May 14, 2016, 03:45:33 PM »
Every thread

The Flood / Re: tfw human too hard so am goat now
« on: May 14, 2016, 03:35:07 PM »

Goats are still allowed to own niggers

Landfill to last for a thousand years

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:29:35 PM »
It's hilarious how hard you try to have the last word

Well I don't think it's hilarious that people compromise the privacy of everyone else for your mental disease

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:21:18 PM »
im done. youre not worth the effort.

"I want to compromise your privacy but I'm not going to explain myself to you"

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:19:03 PM »
exactly, there are going to be zero negative repercussions of trans-friendly bathroom policies. you are quite literally worried about nothing. there are no giant legal loopholes being created. nothing is being exploited.

You don't leave your front door wide open and say "oh this is a nice neighborhood don't worry about it xD"
this is a horrible analogy.

You're worried solely about outcome because it's convenient to you

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:17:11 PM »
exactly, there are going to be zero negative repercussions of trans-friendly bathroom policies. you are quite literally worried about nothing. there are no giant legal loopholes being created. nothing is being exploited.

You don't leave your front door wide open and say "oh this is a nice neighborhood don't worry about it xD"

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:11:15 PM »
1) this isnt a problem, youre retarded and overreacting.

Of course not
It's not a problem because it's convenient for you
2) stop using hyberbole for once and formulate a logical argument

I have
If you cared to actually listen instead of being a bigot

Funny how you guys call us bigots when you guys are the ones who refuse to listen to anything we say
You push the issue and then claim it's not an issue because "guys it's just a bathroom lel"
i never called you a bigot. i called you a retard.

youre the one who isnt listening. i patiently tried to explain why you were wrong for several pages and instead of directly addressing any of my points you continued to prattle on about the very same nonsense i had been attempting to argue against. its like talking to a brick wall.

Your entire argument accumulated to "but nothing would happen"

Nothing would happen so we should just leave a giant legal loophole for people to exploit xD

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:02:58 PM »
1) this isnt a problem, youre retarded and overreacting.

Of course not
It's not a problem because it's convenient for you
2) stop using hyberbole for once and formulate a logical argument

I have
If you cared to actually listen instead of being a bigot

Funny how you guys call us bigots when you guys are the ones who refuse to listen to anything we say
You push the issue and then claim it's not an issue because "guys it's just a bathroom lel"

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:54:04 PM »
Meanwhile people in Flint are still suffering from shit water because that entire state government fucked them over
but no lets complain because people are getting protections for their bathrooms of choice =^}

le ebil gubmit always stepping on conservative toes cuz we're the only real americans

Why do you guys love to lighten problems because there are bigger problems

We shouldn't worry about the Flint because of terrorism
We shouldn't worry about terrorism because of world hunger
We shouldn't worry about world hunger because of global warming
We shouldn't worry about global warming because the sun is going to explode in a few billion years

The Flood / Re: Obama Is Going To Pull Funding for NC Schools
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:38:45 PM »
It's actually illegal in 33 states last I checked. I know a few years back an old WW2 vet was arrested for feeding the homeless. Though since it raised up controversy, the charges were dropped. Naturally, it was in Florida. What a horrible state.

But then again, a lot of our laws are really shit.

It's not the states
It's individual cities

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