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Messages - Ingy

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The Flood / Re: The puppy filter on snapchat is legit!! (Picture thread)
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:20:38 PM »
serious pic

non serious pic

roast me famalam

I feel like I should be looking at a pretty cute/attractive person, but something ruins it.

You're a 6/10.
I don't emote very well in pics

also my nose is way too big

so that might be it idk

You won't ever become a real white girl if you can't learn how to manipulate selfies

The Flood / Re: Depressing interactions you have had with people?
« on: September 19, 2016, 08:45:15 PM »
I ate a girl's special packaged M&Ms that her friend got her and I left one piece that I put in my mouth first

The Flood / Re: The puppy filter on snapchat is legit!! (Picture thread)
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:56:01 PM »


The Flood / Re: The puppy filter on snapchat is legit!!
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:12:36 PM »
Damn you have a douchy face no homo


The Flood / Re: Which button would you press?
« on: September 18, 2016, 10:16:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 06:57:28 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
lmao no it doesn't

this is what we call "grasping for straws"

Literally what outside of a contained environment can be permanently wet?

Wetness is a property given to something when water is on it
When water leaves, it becomes dry
That's why things with water as a component of its structure aren't wet
Kool-Aid is Kool-Aid regardless of the presence of water, but by this logic you wouldn't call a pitcher of Kool-Aid "wet Kool-Aid" even though it clearly is.

Well there's solid Kool Aid and there's liquid Kool Aid
Keep in mind when I say water, I'm talking about pretty much all liquids

Liquids give the property of wetness but are not wet themselves

The little Kool Aid particles are wet but as a whole, the liquid Kool Aid is not wet
That's a failure to understand science if there ever was one.

There is no liquid Kool-Aid, just little tiny bits floating around in water.

What's the difference if you replace those bits with single water molecules?

They still never become a single polymeric molecule, therefore, if the Kool-Aid particles can be wet, so are the water particles.

Difference between Kool Aid and water is that there aren't any little bits of anything floating around in water

Little bits of water just make up the whole water
There's no such thing as "whole water"

Water is like a billion tiny grains of sand.

Yeah but it's uniform
It has no particles in it to wetten

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 06:08:32 PM »
Water gives other things the property of being wet
It is not wet itself

Like how fire can't be on fire
Fire IS on fire.

Things that give other things properties can not have those properties itself you faggot
Explain HPV


HPV wouldn't need to be explained if you just closed your legs
But it's hard to walk if your legs are clenched together.
I can push you in a wheelchair
I'll try to do a sick ollie into a jew so you can put it up on World Star
No I'll put it on YouTube in 240p "a jewish hit by wheels servant of household nasheed 2016 ameeeen"

Hold the camera portrait mode too

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 06:01:24 PM »
Water gives other things the property of being wet
It is not wet itself

Like how fire can't be on fire
Fire IS on fire.

Things that give other things properties can not have those properties itself you faggot
Explain HPV


HPV wouldn't need to be explained if you just closed your legs

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:55:30 PM »
Everyone who has posted above this comment  is a fucking retard
I can start world war 3 with just five words.
  I can ride a bike with no handle bars

So like when did you move in with Ryle

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:52:03 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
lmao no it doesn't

this is what we call "grasping for straws"

Literally what outside of a contained environment can be permanently wet?

Wetness is a property given to something when water is on it
When water leaves, it becomes dry
That's why things with water as a component of its structure aren't wet
Kool-Aid is Kool-Aid regardless of the presence of water, but by this logic you wouldn't call a pitcher of Kool-Aid "wet Kool-Aid" even though it clearly is.

Well there's solid Kool Aid and there's liquid Kool Aid
Keep in mind when I say water, I'm talking about pretty much all liquids

Liquids give the property of wetness but are not wet themselves

The little Kool Aid particles are wet but as a whole, the liquid Kool Aid is not wet
That's a failure to understand science if there ever was one.

There is no liquid Kool-Aid, just little tiny bits floating around in water.

What's the difference if you replace those bits with single water molecules?

They still never become a single polymeric molecule, therefore, if the Kool-Aid particles can be wet, so are the water particles.

Difference between Kool Aid and water is that there aren't any little bits of anything floating around in water

Little bits of water just make up the whole water

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:45:31 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
lmao no it doesn't

this is what we call "grasping for straws"

Literally what outside of a contained environment can be permanently wet?

Wetness is a property given to something when water is on it
When water leaves, it becomes dry
That's why things with water as a component of its structure aren't wet
Kool-Aid is Kool-Aid regardless of the presence of water, but by this logic you wouldn't call a pitcher of Kool-Aid "wet Kool-Aid" even though it clearly is.

Well there's solid Kool Aid and there's liquid Kool Aid
Keep in mind when I say water, I'm talking about pretty much all liquids

Liquids give the property of wetness but are not wet themselves

The little Kool Aid particles are wet but as a whole, the liquid Kool Aid is not wet 

The Flood / Re: It's not fall yet FAGGOT RETARD
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:42:37 PM »
maybe officially, not in my mind

This is why we need to kill all liberals 

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:34:03 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
lmao no it doesn't

this is what we call "grasping for straws"

Literally what outside of a contained environment can be permanently wet?

Wetness is a property given to something when water is on it
When water leaves, it becomes dry
That's why things with water as a component of its structure aren't wet

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:27:43 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
Like water on your skin can dry off because they're two separate entities but water on water just becomes one body of water
Don't you have a history project or something you should be working on?

Yes :'( :'( :'(

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:24:14 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
Like water on your skin can dry off because they're two separate entities but water on water just becomes one body of water

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:11:15 PM »
Water gives other things the property of being wet
It is not wet itself

Like how fire can't be on fire
Fire IS on fire.

Things that give other things properties can not have those properties itself you faggot
I guess ice isn't cold, then

That example works but water still doesn't make itself wet

Being wet means it's "covered" in water
Water can't be "covered" in water
It's just merges into one thing 

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 05:02:38 PM »
Water gives other things the property of being wet
It is not wet itself

Like how fire can't be on fire
Fire IS on fire.

Things that give other things properties can not have those properties itself you faggot

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:59:28 PM »
Water gives other things the property of being wet
It is not wet itself

Like how fire can't be on fire

The Flood / Re: Just found this
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:52:14 PM »
It was me
I remember you said you were considering it and when I heard it was over pens, I assumed that's why you did it

The Flood / Re: i've been thinking a bit about friendship lately.
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:49:05 PM »
So if you met someone who was respectable but then 1O years later turned into a junkie rapist, you would still be loyal to them for some arbitrary honor code?

really would depend on the level of friendship that was established before the 10 year absence.

but if i considered them a good friend, probably. my good friends are my family and you don't disown family, no matter what.

Why not

Actions from way back don't define you now
People change
You would be dragging yourself down just for memories

because the things you went through together transcend any values you have.

if for nothing else, it's blackmail -- you don't turn against your friends because they have dirty info on you that you don't want released. i don't like to think of that, but it's definitely a part of it.

you don't necessarily even need to continue being active friends with this person if what they do turns you off from them so much.

But those values are what brought you together and hold you together
If a person strays from everything you loved them for, then what's left keeping you together other than memories

if i chose my friends based on how closely the share my beliefs and values, i'd have no friends. friendship isn't about duplicating yourself.

Even then
If everything you love them for is gone, holding on for memories is just stupid

The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:45:37 PM »
In other news; Water: wet.

Water is not wet

The Flood / Re: i've been thinking a bit about friendship lately.
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:36:10 PM »
So if you met someone who was respectable but then 1O years later turned into a junkie rapist, you would still be loyal to them for some arbitrary honor code?

really would depend on the level of friendship that was established before the 10 year absence.

but if i considered them a good friend, probably. my good friends are my family and you don't disown family, no matter what.

Why not

Actions from way back don't define you now
People change
You would be dragging yourself down just for memories

because the things you went through together transcend any values you have.

if for nothing else, it's blackmail -- you don't turn against your friends because they have dirty info on you that you don't want released. i don't like to think of that, but it's definitely a part of it.

you don't necessarily even need to continue being active friends with this person if what they do turns you off from them so much.

But those values are what brought you together and hold you together
If a person strays from everything you loved them for, then what's left keeping you together other than memories

The Flood / Re: i've been thinking a bit about friendship lately.
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:29:58 PM »
So if you met someone who was respectable but then 1O years later turned into a junkie rapist, you would still be loyal to them for some arbitrary honor code?

really would depend on the level of friendship that was established before the 10 year absence.

but if i considered them a good friend, probably. my good friends are my family and you don't disown family, no matter what.

Why not

Actions from way back don't define you now
People change
You would be dragging yourself down just for memories

The Flood / Re: i've been thinking a bit about friendship lately.
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:25:25 PM »
Loyalty doesn't mean just accepting anything they do

yeah, it kinda does.

if you don't want to define friendship using the word loyalty, than don't -- but i do, and i think have someone who's loyal to you is better than having a friend.

So if you met someone who was respectable but then 1O years later turned into a junkie rapist, you would still be loyal to them for some arbitrary honor code?

The Flood / Re: i've been thinking a bit about friendship lately.
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:19:05 PM »
Being friends doesn't lock you in to some inescapable relationship

If a friend of mine starts cheating on his wife, I would disapprove and if he continued on that line of behavior, we would probably not be friends anymore
Loyalty doesn't mean just accepting anything they do

The Flood / Re: Mental disorders you'd rather kill yourself than have
« on: September 18, 2016, 01:53:30 PM »
So no
They are not separate
Your mental illnesses are you
Literally none of what you said proves this. I suggest you stop trying to talk about subjects you know fuck all about, little boy.

You're just saying I know nothing because you don't want me to know anything since you probably don't know anything yourself

The Flood / Re: What Are/Did you doing/do This Weekend?
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:33:29 AM »

The Flood / Re: What is Nolan's best movie?
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:20:51 AM »
Probably Memento, though I haven't seen it.

Appearance of intelligence > Intelligence

The Flood / Re: First picture of J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Jim Gordon.
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:17:29 AM »
I am ok with this

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