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Messages - Ingy

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 485
The Flood / Re: ive never understood the term “nsfw”
« on: July 21, 2021, 05:34:06 PM »
What's the difference?

Twitter doesn't make you verify your profile to upload content 😒

The Flood / Re: ive never understood the term “nsfw”
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:15:00 AM »
If you're caught on Twitter you get a slap on the wrist but pornhub would land you in some pretty hot water

The Flood / Re: I made some food
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:13:36 AM »
Never understood sauce drizzled on the plate tho

Just pour on the food
Or leave it to the side and dip

The Flood / Re: I made some food
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:12:46 AM »
Very nice

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: July 14, 2021, 07:35:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: July 14, 2021, 07:35:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: happy Bungie day
« on: July 07, 2021, 04:26:33 PM »
Fuck Bungie.

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: July 07, 2021, 11:30:37 AM »
Nguyen lost the chance to be cute trans girl with cute feet ha

Thank god

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: July 06, 2021, 04:24:14 PM »
Back to topic of the thread though, I reached into the bed to grab something and my timbs failed me and I slipped and fell face first in the water

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: July 06, 2021, 04:22:40 PM »
hmm ingloriouswho98 for some reason when i see your user name i associate you with pedophilia no offense. maybe lolis or something like that idk i dont remember. i definitely associate das boot with lolis. my memory of circa 2014 is not so great tho however. how are you doing my friend? 1998 is a cool year that is also my birth year. i infer that is also your birth year judging by your gamer tag. good job

Heart a little heavier
Eyes a little hollower
Principles a little more degraded

Graduated college and got a job
I'm still living at home until at least September however
I'm hoping to move out and go somewhere where no one knows me so I can just relax for a while and then we'll see where we can go from there
sick dude im boutta be a 6th year super duper senior this fall. get the fuck outta your home town. shit blows. when i graduate ive no clue where im gonna go. i like michigan but its all automotive jobs and i want no part in that. automotive jobs suck ass no way in hell you'll catch me waking up at 5 am to go work for the holier than thou automotive beauracracy. fuggum.

 what degree did you get

I got an engineering degree and waking up at 5 does suck
Source: Im doing it right now
Waking up at 5 to go work in a greenhouse in 97 degree heat
Not what I expected but it's temporary

How about you
What are you studying
computer engineering

seriously starting to consider streaming or something like that instead of what people might call a "real job" because i fucking hate working the vast majority of jobs out there. i am at my most depressed/stressed when i have a job. i dont give a shit about money really, but if i dont have money then my life has no value in the eyes of society, and i will subsequently die or at the very least suffer. so unfortunately i must work a job i will likely hate. doesnt matter what it is; i hate being subject to someone else's rules and schedules. i only enjoy life when i am doing things that i want to do and when i decide to do them.

i admire streamers because they have a lot more freedom in that regard. theyve made a career out of doing what they like to do. they set their own schedules, they have no boss, and they have no employees. if they get bored with one thing, they can stream something else.

the most productive i've ever been - believe or not - was when i was on government COVID benefits last summer. i had complete freedom to do whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted. i didnt have class and i wasnt working. i was fucking free. i juggled several different hobbies, many of which given time could have turned into real careers. i started learning how to make jewelry, mainly rings. i got super into photography which i spent a ton of time studying and practicing, and still do try to practice as much as i can. i also got into off-roading since there's a ton of wilderness where im at and a lotta cool shit to explore - landscapes, waterfalls, ruins from the copper mine days,  beaches, trails; i'd go driving every fucking day exploring and photographing the keewenaw (name of the region i live in). i also became obsessed with rock-hunting, and would often spend several hours scouring old mine piles for copper. super addicting hobby - its quite a rush when you find a big ol chunk of copper ore.

i was doing something every day. i kept busy with my passions, and for the first time since probably ever, i was actually happy with my life. i wasnt working or taking classes, and yet i was the most productive id ever been.

i dread the prospect of working a "real job" after college. i am always at my most depressed when i have a job. i always thought i was just lazy, but ive sinced realized that simply isnt true. i love to keep busy doing things i like to do. unfortunately, the things i like to do arent the easiest to make a living doing. plus, i like doing what i want when i want, which is the opposite of how "real jobs" work. even if i got a "real job" doing something i love, if its not on my own terms then i will likely begin to hate it. simply put, i dislike doing anything i am told i have to do by someone else. i hate being subject to someone else's schedule, nor do i want to hold subordinates accountable to a schedule of my own creation. boss or employee, either way im shackled and held back from freely living my life however i want.

in this world: money > human life, or any life for that matter

my value is judged by the size of my pockets, rather than the simple fact that i'm a human being.

but yeah uhhh im studying computer engineering lol

I absolutely understand what you're talking about. Working definitely make you feel less "free" but I found that you just have to narrow your focus. When I was in school, I would plan personal projects or things I wanted to do over weeks or just wait until a break or something. Work definitely limits your time but now I squeeze in what I can on my days off or even in the time I have after work. I don't think it's necessarily worse, just have to manage your time a bit better and squeeze more into less

As for the whole society only valuing money thing, that's a bit edgy. It's true only if you look at it in broad global terms. I just focus on me and the people around me. I find that with that mindset, you can find a lot more joy in the opportunities that are available to you instead of despairing at what opportunities are not available to you

So yeah, I'm still new to the workforce and I felt how you do but I think, at least for me, it was just some growing pains. Do you have anything set up for after you graduate? Think you can actually make streaming work? Hell Flee did

The Flood / Re: Happy 4th of July!
« on: July 05, 2021, 11:26:50 AM »
I worked :(
But went to a party and shot fireworks
I brought the biggest ones 😎

Poor dog was scared shitless
Didn't even want to go outside for her walk

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: July 02, 2021, 08:47:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 30, 2021, 04:48:34 PM »
Alright episodes 5-11

Some notes on the series as a whole since it's had time to establish itself

So far, I'm not engrossed. My biggest complaint is that nothing happens. There was only two events of note in the whole series so far, the first meeting of servants and the attack on the manor. Even the consequences from those events are minimal at best. We have a big cast of interesting masters and servants but after spending almost an entire season with them, I still feel like I know very little about them. Our main guy still hasn't done anything except shoot the vampire dude. He says he wants to save the world but we still don't know what he wants to do with the grail, been shown nothing about his background, and he's formed exactly zero development with any other masters or servants. He hasn't even interacted with Kerei which the show has been teasing for 11 episodes. I thought he would be interacting a lot with Saber but they barely talk. Iris and Saber are an unlikely pairing but I like it. Iris has grown on me a lot but she seems suckered by her husband. My favorite master and servant, worm boi and black genji showed up once and then dipped for the rest of the season. Saber is still fucking useless. Caster shows up with the obligatory tentacle monsters and she needs to be saved yet again by Lancer. Speaking of Lancer, he is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. He's strong, has principles, and has a tragic backstory too. Even after he is no longer bound to his master, he chooses to serve him due to his code of honor. I respect that. The vampire dude's wife is a cold bitch and I like her. It seems kinda weird for her character to be a simp for Lancer though given how ruthless she is. Still Lancer is an absolute chad. Cursed to have women fall for him only for him to lose them and end up forever alone. I have the same fate, only women don't fall in love with me first. Interested to learn more on him and the vampire's wife. But I doubt we'll get more given how slow this series is. I mean we get a Rin episode no one asked for and then in the next episode, they're sitting around talking. Brilliant. Rider is losing his cool with me. He was fun at first but now he's kinda obnoxious. Also he thinks he's better than Saber for some reason. I didn't really understand the exchange. Rider says a king must be a tyrant and give their people a cause by being selfish and haviong them fight for him. Saber fights so that her people can be free to do whatever they want. But then Rider says that is selfish which seems hypocritical. I don't man I'm kinda with Saber on this one. But it's probably a bad sign when Gilgamesh gets turned on by your moral struggles. Also someone tell her that Britain is still a super power in the modern world. Some final notes, why does anyone listen to the church. They seemingly facilitate the grail war but they have their own master and the grail seems like a free agent so I'm wondering what authority they really have. Speaking of the grail, it doesn't seem like it's necessarily a good thing. It deemed a serial killer worthy of claiming it so I'm kinda sus on its motive. No one is actually going to claim it dude. It's going to be some cop out or they'll end up destroying it or something. What would be an interesting end is if worm boi claims it, gives it to the old man, the family gets a happy ending, and the rest of the world has to deal with the consequences of the old man's desires. Hell, even have the serial killer win and see what that does to the world. Good setup for a new series if I say so myself. But anyway, heading into the season finale. Let's hope this shit picks up

The Flood / Re: How have you changed since Sep7 began?
« on: June 29, 2021, 09:47:51 AM »
Has this place really been around for 7 years holy fuck

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 28, 2021, 11:06:56 PM »
hmm ingloriouswho98 for some reason when i see your user name i associate you with pedophilia no offense. maybe lolis or something like that idk i dont remember. i definitely associate das boot with lolis. my memory of circa 2014 is not so great tho however. how are you doing my friend? 1998 is a cool year that is also my birth year. i infer that is also your birth year judging by your gamer tag. good job

Heart a little heavier
Eyes a little hollower
Principles a little more degraded

Graduated college and got a job
I'm still living at home until at least September however
I'm hoping to move out and go somewhere where no one knows me so I can just relax for a while and then we'll see where we can go from there
sick dude im boutta be a 6th year super duper senior this fall. get the fuck outta your home town. shit blows. when i graduate ive no clue where im gonna go. i like michigan but its all automotive jobs and i want no part in that. automotive jobs suck ass no way in hell you'll catch me waking up at 5 am to go work for the holier than thou automotive beauracracy. fuggum.

 what degree did you get

I got an engineering degree and waking up at 5 does suck
Source: Im doing it right now
Waking up at 5 to go work in a greenhouse in 97 degree heat
Not what I expected but it's temporary

How about you
What are you studying

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 28, 2021, 10:34:23 PM »
hmm ingloriouswho98 for some reason when i see your user name i associate you with pedophilia no offense. maybe lolis or something like that idk i dont remember. i definitely associate das boot with lolis. my memory of circa 2014 is not so great tho however. how are you doing my friend? 1998 is a cool year that is also my birth year. i infer that is also your birth year judging by your gamer tag. good job

Heart a little heavier
Eyes a little hollower
Principles a little more degraded

Graduated college and got a job
I'm still living at home until at least September however
I'm hoping to move out and go somewhere where no one knows me so I can just relax for a while and then we'll see where we can go from there

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 28, 2021, 09:24:30 PM »
get some good socks too bro

Socks are socks are they not?

Give me that Hanes 6 pack and I'm good

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 28, 2021, 09:19:43 PM »
where them feet pics at tho


This is why I had to get boots

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 26, 2021, 07:01:15 PM »

Your boi got the timbs

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 25, 2021, 05:00:34 PM »

It's not trashier than any other anime

Or do you mean everything I've watched so far
"Ugh I hate anime, there's fan service and lolis and stuff"

>People recommend some stuff that doesn't have that shit

You then proceed to watch loads of shit that contains precisely the stuff you were complaining about.

I've watched Code Geass, Yuki Yuna, and am watching Fate

I don't think I've ventured into far into the trash

But I will be watching Darling in The Fran next

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 25, 2021, 03:30:17 PM »

It's not trashier than any other anime

Or do you mean everything I've watched so far

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 25, 2021, 01:05:41 PM »
Also is this anime based on a game? I know there are games of it but did they come first? Because the abilities and rules makes the battles seem like turn based RPGs

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 25, 2021, 01:03:02 PM »
Episodes 2-5

I feel like nothing has happened so far. Still so much exposition. The only thing of note is the first meeting of the servants. Pretty cool that the servants are their own heroes with their own motivations and not necessarily tied to their master's will. Which begs the wuestion why are they "servants" in the first place. What ties them to their master? I think they were participants in the holy grail wars before that made a pact with some magical power to come back to life in order to continue searching for the grail. I really like Saber's design. She has a very refined look and her armor is pretty cool. But she gets her ass handed to her like three times during the first battle lmao. Every other servant has cool powers and ultimates but she just has an invisible sword. Also what's up with her being King Aurthur that's kinda weird. Rider is a man's man and his dynamic with the trap is pretty funny. The trap doesn't really have any stake in the holy grail war so I don't know what his role in it will be going forward. Our main protagonist still hasn't done anything except cheat on his wife. The gold guy has a cool power but he exudes gay vibes. My favorite servant is black genji. Mainly because he doesn't say anything (everyone talks so damn much). He has a badass design and his sole purpose seems to be to wreck shit up which I like. Caster's intro and master was awesomely disturbing. That serial killer isn't going to win the grail but the pair is def the wild card in the mix. I feel like they will turn the tide in this war. Also Caster is def going to betray the serial killer. Final note, Ilya is really cute but that just makes you look really creepy CMD

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: June 24, 2021, 07:12:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 23, 2021, 05:48:20 PM »
Alright so episode one

Lots of exposition I think I get most of it but why did the mage master send away his daughter to another family to be trained as a potential rival? The one that got tossed in the worm pit. I like the white hair dude the best. He seems like a nice guy and it's a shame he got roped into the whole thing to save his niece. I hope he gets to take her out for ice cream. I secretly like the old man tho. Fucking disgusting as hell he tossed a kid into a worm rape pit but I like devious characters like that. He's a time bomb in the plot I can feel it. Our main character says he wants to do good in the world but he's mad sus. His wife is cute but she doesn't do anything except simp for the guy. The trap is also pretty good. I love a good hard work beats royal blood story. I kinda like the church guy right now but I saw of a video of him on Youtube so uh yeah I'll see if he can get me on his side.

So seven ancient heroes once dead get summoned, their only purpose to battle again and again until their master is broken or they lay claim to the holy grail. What a terrible

The Flood / Re: Give Me Anime
« on: June 23, 2021, 05:22:31 PM »
Hol up is that a giant worm rape pit

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 22, 2021, 07:59:19 PM »
you needs steel toe or shock resist or steel shank specifically?

If no, literally fucking anything will work for you

I do a lot of walking through fields with rock and mud and get a lot of water on my boots so I need waterproof but no need for steel toe or shock resist
Don't really know if a steel shank would be good in this case?

Are timberlands good?

The Flood / Re: Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 22, 2021, 06:42:52 PM »
Get some Merrells my n

Arent you a NEET

What do you use boots for

The Flood / Any Boot Recommendations?
« on: June 22, 2021, 10:13:51 AM »
I need a pair of boots that won't fall apart when walking through a field and most of all need to be waterproof

Any recommendations for brands or boots? Thx

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