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Messages - Ingy

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The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 02:51:16 PM »
I'm just saying a lot of employers are looking for more than a bachelors if you want something more than a transitional job

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 02:46:36 PM »
Ugh I’m barely making it to my bachelor’s degree
Bachelors are fucking worthless but the addition time and money going for a masters and beyond makes my head hurt
if a bachelor's is worthless, what's a high school diploma
which makes a degree not obligatory

Have fun with that bachelors in English then

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 02:33:15 PM »
Ugh I’m barely making it to my bachelor’s degree
Bachelors are fucking worthless but the addition time and money going for a masters and beyond makes my head hurt
if a bachelor's is worthless, what's a high school diploma


The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 24, 2018, 02:25:04 AM »
Haha pp

Whats on your mind faggots? Im just chilling and thinking about how i'm gonna find a job after graduating and shit. It's stressful as fuck ya know? Tell me how you feel

You want to be an astronomer right?
ye, to be one id need a phd to be considered as an astronomer. but grad school ill do on my own in the future.

Is a job hard to come by with a PhD in astronomy?
To an extent yes. It's a highly competitive field which takes time to gain expertise. The time in school to get a PhD would have you learn to make proposals to gain the grants and time on very worthwhile telescopes which is what scientists want. You need to be able to help with the papers and reduce data that many people can't really comprehend.

I'd imagine getting a PhD is hard. But the skills that come with it and how you can use them is what makes it worth the time

Do you have any internships or plan to get any experience in the field?
Sounds like you'll need connections
Well first i need my bachelor's. Luckily i can operate telescopes with one and work for a few years before starting my masters which is what i'm planning right now

Ugh I’m barely making it to my bachelor’s degree
Bachelors are fucking worthless but the addition time and money going for a masters and beyond makes my head hurt

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 23, 2018, 02:11:45 AM »
I'm talking to 2 girls right now, soon to be 3.
you player 😎
The 3rd girl and I are now talking. All too easy.
if you click you like dick


The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 23, 2018, 02:10:55 AM »
Haha pp

Whats on your mind faggots? Im just chilling and thinking about how i'm gonna find a job after graduating and shit. It's stressful as fuck ya know? Tell me how you feel

You want to be an astronomer right?
ye, to be one id need a phd to be considered as an astronomer. but grad school ill do on my own in the future.

Is a job hard to come by with a PhD in astronomy?
To an extent yes. It's a highly competitive field which takes time to gain expertise. The time in school to get a PhD would have you learn to make proposals to gain the grants and time on very worthwhile telescopes which is what scientists want. You need to be able to help with the papers and reduce data that many people can't really comprehend.

I'd imagine getting a PhD is hard. But the skills that come with it and how you can use them is what makes it worth the time

Do you have any internships or plan to get any experience in the field?
Sounds like you'll need connections

The Flood / Roman Reigns Leaves WWE To Battle Leukemia
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:57:18 AM »

Never liked Roman in the ring but damn this is tragic
Hope he gets better soon

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:54:36 AM »
Haha pp

Whats on your mind faggots? Im just chilling and thinking about how i'm gonna find a job after graduating and shit. It's stressful as fuck ya know? Tell me how you feel

You want to be an astronomer right?
ye, to be one id need a phd to be considered as an astronomer. but grad school ill do on my own in the future.

Is a job hard to come by with a PhD in astronomy?

The Flood / Re: big poop
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:41:53 PM »
Haha pp

Whats on your mind faggots? Im just chilling and thinking about how i'm gonna find a job after graduating and shit. It's stressful as fuck ya know? Tell me how you feel

You want to be an astronomer right?

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 03:30:44 PM »
Except people aren't going to pledge to patreons that churn out one chapter a year
People are still paying for a product and you're still going to have deadlines even if they're softer
You might just be suffering from massive dissonance

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 02:19:02 PM »
Aren't you willing to work for someone else to get a footing in the field?

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 02:00:59 PM »
What are you interested in
writing, nothing else

journalism is out of the question, i don't want to work for anyone and i don't want deadlines

ideally i'd be a novelist writing for the sake of the art itself, not to get money—but i'd have a patreon or something, so if i were to actually manage to build some sort of following, people could support me that way if they're interested

that's the dream, but i'm not in a position right now where that's the easiest thing in the world to just do

Aren't you willing to work for someone else to get a footing in the field?
I know some friends that worked at a newspaper before a publisher noticed them and picked them up
Although I don't think that's the case for a majority of writers

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:50:50 PM »
The stem meme strikes again
This doesn't help
STEM is not a guarantee of employment. Teach English verb.
absolutely no interest

What are you interested in

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:34:05 AM »
"who cares about STEM, you should study whatever you want if it's your passion, what good is a degree if it's just going to make you miserable"

"wtf why would you choose to study something so worthless? you should switch to STEM so you'll actually make some money in your life one day idiot"

everyone on this planet can just eat shit and die honestly

Those are two different people

The follow your dreams crowd can eat shit

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 18, 2018, 08:27:20 PM »
Honestly I hate this too

The market is saturated with bachelor degrees so you’re fucked unless you have at least a masters and the fucking cost of getting there is barely manageable yet colleges are telling people to come because it’s making them money

The Flood / Re: how do i undo going to college
« on: October 18, 2018, 08:24:40 PM »
Go to events and take all their free food

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 17, 2018, 03:24:52 AM »
I say "the people" because people on the left think the the norm has become pretty much anyone in California.
What does this even mean lmao holy shit you’re such an alt right caricature.

No you specifically said “The people are tired of a bias media shoving leftist propaganda down their throats. They’re tired of constantly being told they’re responsible for the ailments of black people, then women, then gay people, then trans people, then immigrants, then everybody else and their mother. They’re tired of the identity politics.“

So from what you said, “the people” are not leftists, blacks, women, homosexuals, immigrants, and so on. YOU said that, shit for brains.

They forget a large portion of the country is just people trying to live their lives without all this social justice shit. And I never said they were the only ones that matters. You're the one acting like they don't matter.
What SJW bullshit is there that can’t be dealt with without voting for a traitor? I’m confused, have you seen a decrease in divisive identity politics since trump took office?

Calling someone a racist and xenophobic is a pretty heavy claim. Please tell me what race I hate, what I hate about them, and what I specifically wrote that proves it.

Also, tell me why I'm not a part of "the people". Unless you think the people refers to rich white men
Apparently you have a problem with blacks, immigrants, women, and homosexuals, Nguyen. You’re not part of “the people” because “the people” you’re talking about aren’t apolitical people just trying to live their lives, they’re actually highly opinionated right wing people with very nasty views. These are the majority of the people that voted for trump.

The people that didn’t vote are the ones just trying to live their lives, too stupid to realize how dangerous it was to not get involved and make sure trump didn’t get in the White House.

You’re projecting a lot onto me. I don’t want to get into personal attacks. I just want to know one thing. Do you have any empirical evidence that the country is filled with these vile far right extremists you keep describing? Or do all Trump supporters fall into that camp anyway?
”I have no rebuttal so I’m going to claim you’re projecting”

Good luck with your yelling
I hope you're successful in your attempts to improve America
Who’s yelling? Are you mad that I proved you wrong on every point you brought up? Would you care to bring up any more nonsense for me to disprove?

You just been making a lot of claims without anything to back it up except your own preconceptions. You’re so entrenched in your own beliefs that it’s not worth it to even have a conversation with you when your main point is that I’m an idiot for not agreeing with you

The Flood / Re: 4chan's new mascot
« on: October 17, 2018, 03:08:25 AM »
Is that a loli version of the rule34 mascot

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 16, 2018, 03:13:59 PM »
I say "the people" because people on the left think the the norm has become pretty much anyone in California.
What does this even mean lmao holy shit you’re such an alt right caricature.

No you specifically said “The people are tired of a bias media shoving leftist propaganda down their throats. They’re tired of constantly being told they’re responsible for the ailments of black people, then women, then gay people, then trans people, then immigrants, then everybody else and their mother. They’re tired of the identity politics.“

So from what you said, “the people” are not leftists, blacks, women, homosexuals, immigrants, and so on. YOU said that, shit for brains.

They forget a large portion of the country is just people trying to live their lives without all this social justice shit. And I never said they were the only ones that matters. You're the one acting like they don't matter.
What SJW bullshit is there that can’t be dealt with without voting for a traitor? I’m confused, have you seen a decrease in divisive identity politics since trump took office?

Calling someone a racist and xenophobic is a pretty heavy claim. Please tell me what race I hate, what I hate about them, and what I specifically wrote that proves it.

Also, tell me why I'm not a part of "the people". Unless you think the people refers to rich white men
Apparently you have a problem with blacks, immigrants, women, and homosexuals, Nguyen. You’re not part of “the people” because “the people” you’re talking about aren’t apolitical people just trying to live their lives, they’re actually highly opinionated right wing people with very nasty views. These are the majority of the people that voted for trump.

The people that didn’t vote are the ones just trying to live their lives, too stupid to realize how dangerous it was to not get involved and make sure trump didn’t get in the White House.

You’re projecting a lot onto me. I don’t want to get into personal attacks. I just want to know one thing. Do you have any empirical evidence that the country is filled with these vile far right extremists you keep describing? Or do all Trump supporters fall into that camp anyway?
”I have no rebuttal so I’m going to claim you’re projecting”

Good luck with your yelling
I hope you're successful in your attempts to improve America

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 16, 2018, 02:53:51 AM »
I say "the people" because people on the left think the the norm has become pretty much anyone in California.
What does this even mean lmao holy shit you’re such an alt right caricature.

No you specifically said “The people are tired of a bias media shoving leftist propaganda down their throats. They’re tired of constantly being told they’re responsible for the ailments of black people, then women, then gay people, then trans people, then immigrants, then everybody else and their mother. They’re tired of the identity politics.“

So from what you said, “the people” are not leftists, blacks, women, homosexuals, immigrants, and so on. YOU said that, shit for brains.

They forget a large portion of the country is just people trying to live their lives without all this social justice shit. And I never said they were the only ones that matters. You're the one acting like they don't matter.
What SJW bullshit is there that can’t be dealt with without voting for a traitor? I’m confused, have you seen a decrease in divisive identity politics since trump took office?

Calling someone a racist and xenophobic is a pretty heavy claim. Please tell me what race I hate, what I hate about them, and what I specifically wrote that proves it.

Also, tell me why I'm not a part of "the people". Unless you think the people refers to rich white men
Apparently you have a problem with blacks, immigrants, women, and homosexuals, Nguyen. You’re not part of “the people” because “the people” you’re talking about aren’t apolitical people just trying to live their lives, they’re actually highly opinionated right wing people with very nasty views. These are the majority of the people that voted for trump.

The people that didn’t vote are the ones just trying to live their lives, too stupid to realize how dangerous it was to not get involved and make sure trump didn’t get in the White House.

You’re projecting a lot onto me. I don’t want to get into personal attacks. I just want to know one thing. Do you have any empirical evidence that the country is filled with these vile far right extremists you keep describing? Or do all Trump supporters fall into that camp anyway?

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 16, 2018, 01:26:52 AM »
Why is it when you say “the people” I get the feeling you’re saying “white people”, like those are the only real Americans and the only ones that matter. You give away how much a racist as xenophobic scumbag you are in every post, and you don’t even realize it. This is how ingrained racism is in your psyche. In case you didn’t realize, Nguyen, you’re not “the people” you’re referring to. “Trump speaks for them”. You’re right. He absolutely does. He’s taking white trash racism straight to the whitehouse.

I say "the people" because people on the left think the the norm has become pretty much anyone in California. They forget a large portion of the country is just people trying to live their lives without all this social justice shit. And I never said they were the only ones that matters. You're the one acting like they don't matter.

Calling someone a racist and xenophobic is a pretty heavy claim. Please tell me what race I hate, what I hate about them, and what I specifically wrote that proves it.

Also, tell me why I'm not a part of "the people". Unless you think the people refers to rich white men

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 16, 2018, 12:59:54 AM »
We're not "thinking" it's happening. This is what's happening. The United States' President is a puppet for Russia, and elects people to important positions of power, not based on competency, but on loyalty. That's "Mad King" shit, dude. Have some respect for your own country and history.

Name a few things that proves Putin has his dick in Trump's mouth

Let me tell you what will happen. People don't like Trump. They vote out Trump and Republicans. The new president and Congress will reverse Trump's policies and implement their own. Nothing Trump has done undermines this process. Even if he does try something, remember he's only the president. We have two entire separate branches of government that are meant to check him. Our democracy is still very much in working order

I don't know what else to tell these people when they're being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic and any other nonsense I'm leaving out. We have to call out these things, no matter how minute they may seem, to really get rid of them.

You're saying that to people whose first and last question will be "what did I do to you". You're putting what you think are the sins of an entire group onto individual people who have no idea what they personally did to hurt anyone. And on top of that, the solutions presented to them are to shout mea culpa, whip themselves, and give the things they've earned to people they don't even know.

It just doesn't matter the good he's done because it is so drastically outweighed by the horrible and fucking retarded things he does on a day-to-day basis. Do you watch the news (genuine question)? I don't like MSM either (they just published these bullshit 2020 DNC numbers that made me roll my eyes.) but if you watch anything other than Fox News it's really hard to take anything this guy says seriously. Like has been already stated, if you can't distance yourself from an administration that's done all these horrible things despite the few good things he does for you, there's not much I can say in your favour. You're obsessed with your own problems and need to look outward. Republicans have been broken since Obama got elected a second time and are trying to win back the culture wars. But you can't do it with this guy in office.

I prefer reading the news over watching it. BBC is my go to news source but I have CNN and Fox News to try and round out my perspectives. How about you? I never said I support Trump but I am astounded by the claims that a single man could destroy America by being the president. Tell me how your life has changed since Trump has taken office. Tell me which part of our government has been permanently altered for the worse by Trump. If you just say that Trump is a bad president and not good for the country, then that's something I can agree with you on but you're acting like he's destroying the very foundations of this country. You should know by now that Trump says a lot of egregious shit that don't manifest in policy

The Flood / Re: das is still in my club
« on: October 15, 2018, 09:47:28 PM »
What does Discord have that Sep7 doesn't?

The ability to post pictures directly from phone

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 15, 2018, 01:13:38 AM »
I've never met a single Trump supporter who was also a good person.

“I’m not a radical I swear”

I didn't say I wasn't a radical.

People who support Trump are often preemptively covering their own asses for predatory behaviour, racism, and/or greed. The rest are either stupid or just under a great misapprehension.

Characterizing half the country as racists without a good bone in their body just because of how they voted on a single election is a bit far don’t you think

I love how you focus on race. I didn't say all Trump supporters were racist; most of them are sure, but the rest are either genuinely unintelligent or misinformed and guillible. I know good people who [would have] voted for Trump, but I do not know good people who support Trump. It's not about who you voted for, it's about who you support on a day-to-day basis. You're not a good person if you support an administration that separates young children from their families and locks them in cages. You're not a good person if you support an administration that enables sexual misconduct. There are lots of people who deeply regret their vote for Donald Trump, either thinking he was some democratic sleeper agent or that none of his policies would get through or he would drop out of his own accord. I think these people were wishfully thinking and ignorant; that doesn't make them bad people. But we didn't have a taste of Trump's governing style before 2016's election. Now that we do, I think decent people everywhere have an obligation to vote against him. There's no excuse this time.

No Trump supporter I know actually taking children away from their parents. No Trump supporters I know actually support grabbing women by the pussy. No Trump supporter I know would actually support the destruction of America that you and Challenger think is happening.

When they look at Trump, they see a man who is flawed but who also has the economy growing, a strong stance on foreign affairs, and a willingness to criticize allies for not pulling their weight. But I think the thing that draws people to Trump the most is that he’s willing to lash out at the establishments that people have been tired of for so long, the media and radical leftists.

The people are tired of a bias media shoving leftist propaganda down their throats. They’re tired of constantly being told they’re responsible for the ailments of black people, then women, then gay people, then trans people, then immigrants, then everybody else and their mother. They’re tired of the identity politics. So when a guy steps up and says everything they think and feel, it resonates a lot with the average person. They’re not thinking “this inspires me to hate Mexicans and women”. They’re thinking that Trump speaks for them.

The point of this long winded explanation is not that Trump is a good president or that excuses can be made for some of the genuine horrible things that he’s done. But you should remember that people are people and relegating them to the one dimensional view you have of them is doing them and yourself a disservice

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 14, 2018, 04:00:55 PM »
I've never met a single Trump supporter who was also a good person.

“I’m not a radical I swear”

I didn't say I wasn't a radical.

People who support Trump are often preemptively covering their own asses for predatory behaviour, racism, and/or greed. The rest are either stupid or just under a great misapprehension.

Characterizing half the country as racists without a good bone in their body just because of how they voted on a single election is a bit far don’t you think

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 14, 2018, 01:28:50 AM »
I've never met a single Trump supporter who was also a good person.

“I’m not a radical I swear”

The Flood / Re: what is the worst thing you've done in the past 168 hours
« on: October 14, 2018, 01:23:31 AM »
Accidentally stepped on my dog's paw

The Flood / Re: I survived Hurricane Michael
« on: October 12, 2018, 10:05:17 PM »

I'm in NC but Michael still dunked on us

The Flood / Re: I survived Hurricane Michael
« on: October 12, 2018, 10:03:52 PM »
Cheers mate

Serious / Re: Where the hell was this version of Hillary Clinton before?
« on: October 12, 2018, 02:17:47 AM »
Trump is def in bed with the Russians

That’s why we bombed Syria, expelled their diplomats, and put even more sanctions on them

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