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Messages - Luciana

Pages: 1 ... 316317318 319320 ... 442
Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:47:32 PM »
Why are there female Stormtroopers
I don't think all Stormtroopers were clones, could be wrong though
They did this so soccer moms wont shout at them
No, silly. They actually enlisted normal people into the Imperial Army because the clones had accelerated aging.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:23:50 AM »
You guys really do love attacking Verb for stuff that was talked about 6 pages ago ._.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:23:07 AM »
Oh my god, I think I need a cold bath or shower

this is just ridiculous. I took off the giant t-shirt, WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO DO?!

I wish I still had my giant fan. Nope. It broke.
Have tru fan you
He's in bed right now. Can't exactly wake him, he'd bite me.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:14:18 AM »
it's 4:00 AM

why am i still posting


Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:12:32 AM »
I consistently PC game over console game for a reason. I mainly play Counter Strike GO, and when you say that the mouse and keyboard are awkward, you're actually pretty autistic. When I play MMOs, RPGs, or any genre other than racer I'd choose a keyboard and mouse over everything. Oh, and a TPS. TPS' are fucking awkward as hell on a keyboard and mouse for me.

But other than that, Keyboard and mouse over everything. There are so many games that just aren't made for the controller, like shooters. Shooters aren't meant to be played by the controller. You have the shittiest reaction times, especially in twitch shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield. If you want to play a proper shooter, like Counter Strike for example, the worst keyboard and mouse player will 99% of the time destroy console gamers.

Other games like racers, third persons, and ...well.. fighters, which heavily rely on stick movements, I have a fight stick for.

If you don't agree on the fact that controllers have shit reaction times and so on, try and watch this video without shitting your pants.

You can't do that with a controller, not accurately anyway.

But if you're seriously an ass, and still want to use a computer, feel free to use a controller. Attach it by using a USB port. Congrats.
This post was pretty autistic and condescending tbh. Which is ironic cuz you said they're autistic.

Life is ironically autistic  :^)

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:11:15 AM »
Why are you idgits discussing controller vs M&K? It's literally you either like one or the other. That's it. End of story. There is nothing "better" or "worse" about either of them. Shut your slut mouths.

Please do not descend into that autistic discussion.
i'm not trying to say one is better than the other--he's just asking me about my preference

albeit in a very obnoxious way, but w/e
I wasn't referring to you >.>

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:07:47 AM »

These also exist.
Looks like a Power Fist from Fallout

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:07:03 AM »
Why are you idgits discussing controller vs M&K? It's literally you either like one or the other. That's it. End of story. There is nothing "better" or "worse" about either of them. Shut your slut mouths.

Please do not descend into that autistic discussion.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:01:58 AM »
Oh my god, I think I need a cold bath or shower

this is just ridiculous. I took off the giant t-shirt, WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO DO?!

I wish I still had my giant fan. Nope. It broke. 

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:58:50 AM »
are disjointed and awkward.
like you? HAHAHAHAHA

I'm sorry, I'm really fucking bored and burning up in my room

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:58:19 AM »
Why did you need to bring up mods, now even more shit flinging will happen.

Because it's the only major advantage for why you'd play those games on PC over console.
Frames, graphics,

Something a lot of people dony really give one about.

some updates that can be free for it (left for dead, Skyrim)

What did Skyrim get on PC that wasn't on consoles? Also, I'd say this is a moot point as free DLC is a thing now on consoles.

, FASTER updates, etc.

What do ye mean by this?
[/quote]A lot of people dony care about it? A few people on sept =/= a general consensus almost everywhere else.

There is free DLC for consoles, yeah, but that doesn't take away the fact PC has still gotten a good end of the stick from it. As for the update (I guess it's faster), the update for arrow kill cams, better underwater, and various other things came from mods on Skyrim that they just copy pasted over to consoles.

Same with Hearthfire basically.

Edit: Better you just quote my name, this quote box is messed up

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:53:35 AM »
...that's how lasers work

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:53:06 AM »
Why did you need to bring up mods, now even more shit flinging will happen.

Because it's the only major advantage for why you'd play those games on PC over console.
Frames, graphics, some updates that can be free for it (left for dead, Skyrim), FASTER updates, etc.

But we'll be going in a giant circle. Listen to my music.
Lets not forget the fact you don't have to pay for a specific online service, mostly.
Yeahhh... Thankfully on PS4 I don't have to pay for PS+ with Final Fantasy 14 (the only game I play on my PS4 now).

When I get a job and get some dosh, I'm moving over to the PC with that. Still gonna use the controller though. It works masterfully.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:50:38 AM »
Why did you need to bring up mods, now even more shit flinging will happen.

Because it's the only major advantage for why you'd play those games on PC over console.
Frames, graphics, some updates that can be free for it (left for dead, Skyrim), FASTER updates, etc.

But we'll be going in a giant circle. Listen to my music.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:49:59 AM »
A mouse and keyboard isn't comfortable compared to a controller
I'm gonna give you a like simply because of how subjective this is.


I'unno, I'm a bitch.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:49:15 AM »
PC let me replay Final Fantasy 7 with a music mod done by BitSymphony and it's soooooooooooo lovely. Just listen to this remaster. It keeps the original true (without that fucking electric guitar) and it just sounds lovely and remains powerful.

Powerful as in, start at 0:50 and listen to that buildup. That's true quality, Final Fantasy fan or not.


The Flood / Re: Users who've influenced you the most?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:38:30 AM »
Cindo and Luci definitely though, but I knew them from way before here
I do what I can, dear. Your happiness is important to me!

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:21:21 AM »
Compare having to go and research a bunch of different stuff to just walking into a shop and buying something. One is a lot more convenient.
That is certainly true. That is an advantage to console playing and I completely understand it.

Yeah. I do I tend to get a PC someday, when I have the money and space, but I don't see myself abandoning my xbox. All I really want PC for is some of te cool games I've missed and mods for fallout/ elder scrolls.
The mods really do make Fallout and Skyrim totally new games.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:43:38 AM »
Compare the $1,400 I spent on my PC
Why?... Do people just opt to brand name top end things or what?

Nah, it was nowhere near the best specs available. Australian import tax is just objectively bullshit.
That's awful

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:41:54 AM »
Compare having to go and research a bunch of different stuff to just walking into a shop and buying something. One is a lot more convenient.
That is certainly true. That is an advantage to console playing and I completely understand it.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:41:12 AM »
I don't think that $5000 would go JUST to games, either... He must be doing multiple, and I mean multiple things to max his CPU/GPU and... something, idk.

Maybe it's just insurance for the next 20 years. I would think he got sponsor money for it too or something.

Gaming / Re: Would This Type of Setup Suffice For A Gaming PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:40:03 AM »
Basically if u want to remake the movie avatar this is the card for u

They're pretty funny lol

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:38:11 AM »
Compare the $1,400 I spent on my PC
Why?... Do people just opt to brand name top end things or what?

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:37:20 AM »
To get that with a PC, you're spending a lot more money
Taking the only points that actually matter from that post

No... you don't. I don't understand why people think this. Seriously, would a little research hurt you guys? You can build a PC stronger than the current gen consoles for the same price.

or you're swapping our parts all te time. I don't want to have to check recommended specs before I play a Game, just put in the disc
This is a strong point however, and I can completely understand why people wouldn't want to do that.

I should clarify. I meant if you want that PC to last a few years running games. I don't mean TotalBiscuit levels of insane ($5,000 PC!) but still a couple hundred more expensive. And with building your own, there's always the danger that you suck and the parts aren't put together right or are incompatible.
There is that danger, but common sense researching and asking around will easily fix that problem for you. Plus, once you actually get your new rig, you're only gonna be slowly upgrading a part at a time, not completely wiping. In the long run, it saves you more money than a console ever would.

Gaming / Re: Would This Type of Setup Suffice For A Gaming PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:35:56 AM »
Amazon if your first problem. You want Newegg.

But to address the shitpost, good lord how much.

Serious / Re: >Protestantism
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:35:30 AM »
and praying to Medusa

I would pray to this goddess any time.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:32:42 AM »
To get that with a PC, you're spending a lot more money
Taking the only points that actually matter from that post

No... you don't. I don't understand why people think this. Seriously, would a little research hurt you guys? You can build a PC stronger than the current gen consoles for the same price.

or you're swapping our parts all te time. I don't want to have to check recommended specs before I play a Game, just put in the disc
This is a strong point however, and I can completely understand why people wouldn't want to do that.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:22:25 AM »
console gamers are delusional and just dont want to have to face the fact that their gaming platforms are inherently inferior
>no wind waker
>no super metroid
>no games at all

all right
name a good game on PC that i can't play on console

no RTS games
no FPS games
Kerbal Space Program
its coming to console
After how many years? Come on.

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:20:44 AM »
console gamers are delusional and just dont want to have to face the fact that their gaming platforms are inherently inferior
>no wind waker
>no super metroid
>no games at all

all right
name a good game on PC that i can't play on console

no RTS games
no FPS games
Kerbal Space Program
its coming to console
After how many years? Come on.

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:58:23 AM »
Only played for a couple minnutes without a mouse or gamepad, but I swear its broken
Then how did you play?

laptop trackpad
There's your problem, you idiot.

That's why stopped playing after a couple minutes you mong
This guys's right. PC hit markers felt more wonky than Console did for me.

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